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Show U "m Volume Sixty-Si- Tooele, Utah Friday, February x 3, 1961 Number Thirty Four r Drr-yf 't t .Bov Scout r N. Churches sel Feh. 5 as Seoul Sunday Slake lo Hear Elder Lee Sunday Eider Harold 13. Lee, of The Twelve, of the all wan! including uimmimrs, be adv.M.rs, for senior members of stake1 A,.rcmx the presiding officer and princi-jth- e e Priesthood pal speaker at all sessions of ihe.Mei. h.zu. k conference to be held in the mi"e of the aUwe is asked to, North Tooele Stake, Saturday andj r lure of thtse sessions of Sunday, February 4 and 5, 1961. Irvin B, Nydegger. a be music given by wi ber of the General Welfare staff a Pro s', hood of male of the Church will also be umhr the direction of sent and speak at the sessions of,Wendil Dimiluy These men will conference. All sessions will be, furnish ot luith sessions held in the North Tooele Stake(Krl McUt.de wiii be accompanist. Tabernacle located on the corner LW RY MI MBI R of the North of Pinehurst and Utah avenues. Ttvocle Slake is expelled to attend, the confirm SATURDAY SESSIONS: and a sessions, cordial invitation is extended to memall for Welfare A tin- p( hlic lo come out and enmeeting bers of the Stake and Ward We- joy these meetings. lfare committees, will be held in Paid Royal, noted public speakthe Boy Scout room at 6:30 pm er. will Ik dt the guest to receive special instruction from MjA Sundav CV1. speaker & Slhl.. It brother Nydegger. is important du,cd for w that all members of Bishoprics ,Jb 0 (jf (he 0c(oIx.r together with every member of;ssuo (f ,he lmprm,mcnt I;ra Attend their ward committees, dl,,CUSMOn ,ht.y CJI1 Mmv this session. (dealing with information prin'ed fnrMelihizodt k Priest-Pa Priesthood leadership meeting n will be held at 8.00 pm. Satur- hood - pages 751 and 755. Council will I corn-stak- I lnh ,fi i chorus pre-jvo'i- f. $laiiurv District Officers Left to Right: Duane Turner, Camping Chairman; Max MiBeth, Activities; Jack Cox, Leadership Training; Paul Griffith, Advancement; Oran Mueller, District Commissioner; Lowell Griffith, Vice Chairman; Ray Hansen, Organization and Extension; Aim S ichors To Hoad County Ilcarl Drive a f c Harold Ytaddley, Health and Safety; Mac Gardner, District Scout Lxeculivc. Not pictured are: John Brown, District Chairman; Cliff Williams, Vice Chairman; Dale James, I inance Chairman. ! I;; - v , IVy Scout Sunday, February 5, will lie observed in churches of activities are planned throughout all faiths in the Great Salt Lake the area in celebration of Boy Council area. Thousand of Cub. Scout Week, February 713. it was Scouts, Boy Scout, and Explorers 'announced today by Franklin Latter - Day Saint, Vcr. President of the Great Salt Protestant and Catholic churches Lake Council, Boy Scouts of will hear their pastors and church-- America District, Stansbury m.-deliver sermons,, especially (Towle Countv) will do Its part, for young men, according to Johnt INDFR THE national them Brown, Chairman of the Stansbury for the fifty first anniversary of District, Great Salt Lake Council, (he founding of the Boy Scouts of Bov Scout of America. Amenta. Strengthen America THE SLRICLS will make the Character Counts." the Stansbury fifty first anniversary of the Boy District s Cub Scouts. Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scout Scouts, Explorers, and volunteer keek, February 7 to 13, will be leaders will be involved in observed under the theme of activities with public officials and Strengthen America - Character with the community institutions Counts. that sponsor Scouting units. Scouts who have qualified will February 8. actual anniversary receive the religious awards pre- date of the founding of the Boy sented by respective Scouts of America, in 1910, will Saw-attendi- ton-Elde- mcm-Tejem- eek Scoulers Ede Will I lear churches. their jbe highlighted by a rededication The Boy Scouts of America be- - next Sunday, February 5th, on the Iteves that no boy can grow to Ed Sullivan television show, KSL t" A successful manhood without a TV, Channel 5, at 6:00 p.m. firm belief in God. As the Scout Mrs. Ann has been Traditional Boy Scout sabbath J V himself physically strong by and Boy Scout Sunday services named Tooele County chairman 0j MacGregor. . ,' I for the Heart Association, accordmanding Officer, Tooele Ordnance 'training, so he builds himself will be held February 5th and 12th State ing to Thomas Daniels, Depot, will he the guest speakerUpirituaily by practicing his rdi- at many churches and synagogues day evening, m the chapel of the SUNDAY SLSSIONS: !at the Stansbury District Scouters 'Stake Tabernacle. Executive Secretary of the Utah with Scouts taking part, and with THE RELIGIOUS award THE F OLLOWING are to attend one of the two general Banquet, scheduled for Thursday, sermons built around Boy Scout organization. 'this meeting: Stake Presidency, MRS. SIEBERS will head ail held on Sunday, a new February 9. in the 'gram helps him grow spiritually, ideals and purposes. activities in an effort to raise will (This is not a Boy Scout award, MANY ORGANIZATIONS (High Council, Members of bishop- member of the High Council will, Ward, beginning at 7:30 pm. funds to fight the ever increasing rics. be sustained as well as somcj All scouters and those interested hut an given by the be devoting their meetings and and synagogues after the! luncheons to special Boy Scout (killer, heart disease. The month Melchizedek PrievUjgwJ quorum Other stake officers. Elder Frank or associated with scouting are of February has been named 'presidencies and clerks, all group Poulson, recently returned from vited to attend and to bring along (boy has worked very closely with programs. These include the Tooele his minister, priest, rabbi, or his Lions Club dinner on February 23 Heart Month, with the usual leaders, their assistants and sec- the Danish mission will be a speak-- their wives, Heart Sunday set for February at the Kirk Hotel. bishop. Tickets for the banquet are retaries, all stake and ward clerks, er at one of the two sessions. Scouters of the Stansbury Dissessions will be held at able from any of the scout Last year, eleven Boy Scouts twenty sixth. stake committee for senior memClifton R. Shields will be head am. and at 2.00 pm. Ajmissioncrs from throughout Tooele and Flxplorers of the Stansbury trict will also take part in the bers of the Aaronic Priesthood, of special events for this years District earned religious awards principal activity of the Great Salt County, drive and Mrs. Carl Johannesen The complete program will be of their faiths. Each had to learn Lake Council which will be the has been appointed secretary and announced in the next issue of the the history of his church, become Scouters' Convention, February 6 treasurer. TOOELE BULLETIN. familiar with the scriptures, be at 7:45 p m., at the Salt Lake Rounding out the committee is active in his church or synagogue, Tabernacle. Sixteen outstanding and give personal service in pro- Scouters will receive the Silver Jay Bateman, chairman in charge of the business district and Mr. jects assigned by his minister, award and Elder Marion D. HanksMarion Bevan, publicity. win be" the featured speaker. Senator Wallace F. Bennett will, Gillette Chairman of tickets; Mrs. priest, rabbi or bishop. Mrs. Orme MRS. SIEBERS, who is a The first religious award was An estimated 130 local boy membe the guest speaker at the Tooele Rose Nisonger, table decoration licensed practical nurse, comes to y established in the United States bers have already been recognized County Republican annual Lincoln chairman: Kenneth Shields, her position as chairman of the in 1941. This was the Ad Altare for having earned the Fiftieth Anto an'gram chairman. James Paulos Mrs. Siebers according banquet, Heart Association, well qualified announcement made today by E.jwill act as Master of Ceremony. 2nd. has been postponed and will Dei Award of the Roman Catholic niversary Achievement Award, a with a background of social and LaVar Tate, general chairman, State, County and City officials be held Mdrch 2nd, instead. This Church. This has been earned by special permanent patch created civic work. This outstanding event given to are expected to attend this affair, meeting has been postponed in three Boy Scouts and Explorers of especially for Scoutings Golden She is presently Director of the The Jubilee Year in 1960. To earn this commemorate the anniversary of along with all Republicans in the order that we may support the the Stansbury Central District Business and Pro1 Lutheran Church then developed award, each boy earned personal Band. Abraham Lincoln is not only fitt- County. fessional Womans Club and a delethe Pro Deo et Patria Award that achievement in rank, recruited a ing and proper, but significant been earned by four Boy new member, kept himself fit, gate to the Womans Legislative has and meaningfull as a reminder, Council. Scouts and Explorers in this area. rendered service to others, and virwe should forget, lest the A winter water show entitled A member of the Woman's Club The God and Country Award is took part in last falls His wistues Adventures in Paradise will be and BPW, she has served a term Mrs. Millie McLaws Orme, the dom exemplified by him, and his for all Protestant denominations. campaign. and innate faith, presented Saturday, February 4, as president of the latter and has oldest member of one of Tooeles readiness to always serve and perAnother of the same name is for JOHN BROWN, Stansbury Disat 8 p.m at the Tooele pool by been active on Red Cross and most remarkable families, is celeScouts of Episcopal faith. The trict Chairman, also announced petuate the American Way of the synchronized swimmers, the Cancer drive committees. brating her eightieth birthday, on Life. Alpha Omega Award is for Boy that 8 units in the area are eligible AN ACTIVE member of the Friday and being honored at an Aquatic Bells. of to receive the President EisenScouts and LDS Church, she is at present a open house at the home of Presi is scheduled for hower streamer or unit award for The the Eastern Catholic Orthodox banquet The public is cordially invited teacher in the Tenth Ward Relief dent and Mrs. Howard J. Clegg, Monday, February 13th at 7:30 Church. The Ncr Tamid Award having over 50 per cent of their to attend. Price of admission is t Her hobby is working on 8 South First East, Sunday from p.m. at the Coral Room of the for Jewish boys in Scouting re- boys earn the personal Fiftieth 50 cents for adults and 25 cents Society. 3.00 to 8:00 pm. Mrs. Clegg is a Kirk Hotel. Tickets are $2 per pergenealogy. presents the Eternal Light found Anniversary Achievement Award. for children. Proceeds will be used Mrs. Siebers is married to L H daughter of Mrs. Orme. son. Everyone is invited. above the Holy Ark in every There will also be meetings with to defray the cost of the produc- Siebers. and Other committee members asthey are the parents The family requests no gifts. synagogue. The Sangha Award is parents as guests, unit reunions, tion, according to Miss Gloria of two sons, Lawrence Jr., living for Scouts and Explorers who are functions honoring new Eagle MRS. ORME and her two broth- sisting Mr. Tate are Sheriff Fay in Chicago, and Robert, attending ers and seven sisters Scouts, Scout handicraft exhibits, Buddhists. Gordon, club president. represent a school at Utah State University; combined age of more than 700 YOUNG MEN members of the window displays, observances in The show, which will feature 25 and a daughter, Mrs. Joan Rice, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Da- y schools, and courts of honor in years, and this family, born to girls, is being coached by Miss Alaska. They also have two grand the late William and Mary McSaints may earn the Duty which Scouts will be honored for children. Loriiea Tucker. to God Laws has been unbroken by death Award. This award re- their accomplishments. except for one son, who died as quires four individual Aaronic Priesthood awards, four years of a child. -, registered Scout service and some If you would place the' ages of In the closing hours Tuesday, additional work by Mormon boys. the members of this family end to came through with two Among denominations that deend the combined total of years January hundredths of an inch of moisture veloped their own requirements would take you back 230 years to take the month out of the zero for religious awards are the before Columbus discovered column for rainfall. Protestant Episcopal Church, the America. For the ten children, the Annual snow measurements in American Baptist Convention; the average age is now past the three Middle Canyon, Monday by the Southern Baptist Convention; the score years and ten, although the Soil Conservation Service disclosChurch of Christ, Scientist; the A Dugway soldier is still in age span of individual members ed that moisture stands at 71 per condition at the LDS Society of Friends (Quakers); and critical is spread over twenty years. in Salt Lake, following an of normal in that area. cent Hospital the Salvation The newest Army. Mrs. Orme who was born in this This of course is not too good Commissioner, state legislator, civic worker, train one is the In The Name of God automobile accident on Stockton city, February 3, 1881, has never but at the same is not too Pass, Tuesday evening at 8:10 time Award for Moslems. honors more than being a man. sought than better and p.m. bad, 50.1 of cent considerably all Nationally, per good homemaker, a good wife, a most Is Pfc. LISTED AS critical in northern Utah, the Scout units are sponsored by regood mother, a good grandmother, SCS places Michael A. Leigh, 20, HeadquarOfficials report. ligious bodies. Locally 45 units a good neighbor and a devoted are sponsored by churches. This ters Detachment, Dugway, who member of the LDS Church, but The Middle Canyon a head injury in the acMonday was 20 35 represents 90 percent of units in suffered no person in this community has 5 9 cident and was rushed to the LDS the Stansbury District, a wider circle of devoted friends inches of snow, containing Hospital from the Tooele Valley and kinsmen who admire and love inches of moisture, as compared to 21 inches of snow, containing Hospital, when his blood pressure her than has Mrs. Orme. five inches of wrater for last year. began to rise, a serious sign where SHE WAS married to Edwin M. head showIn measurement the injuries are involved. He is 1959, Orme in the Salt Lake LDS Temple 5.8 inches of water. The fifteen reported to have undergone suron April 24, 1901. He passed in ed disgery, Wednesday. death March 1, 1948, but to this year average on February 1st (Special to the Tooele Transcript) Driver of the car in which Leigh 8.3 inches of moisture. closes John W. Row berry is one native Tooelean SALT LAKE CITY union was born eight children, six was a passenger was Pfc. William of whom are living, namely, Ellis, who, when he embarked on those buying projects for various Tooele The Sixth Ward MIA will hold Carroll, 21, Army Hospital Deservice clubs, in years past, was just practicing up for bigger things. and Mrs. Clegg, both of Tooele; who, late when the in back 1940s, their Gold and Green Ball, Satur- tachment, ONE OF HIS FIRST big buys was Kirby, of Erda; Mrs. Lilliam Linis listed in satisfactory First-Sixtof Thursday the a in 4, property Commerce of bought the piece Chamber day, February Tooele of Junior ford, Sandy; Mrs. Evelyn PalBride-Groo- m Ward recreation hall, and condition at the U.S. Army Hospito present to the City for a new airport. That was a $1,500 project mer and Mrs. Marjorie Cowan, of invites all over 14 years of age tal at Dugway with head injuries, Salt Lake City. and Mr. Rowberry was president of the Jaycecs at the time. bruises and abrasions. Then, in about 1952, the Tooele Lions Club bought the first to attend. She also has twenty three grand Both victims were taken to the Tois Tooele of the and ball for The theme presented outdoor Christmas decorations children and ten great grand chil4, permanent or- Tooele Valley hospital by Gillette and Februaiy Saturday a was getherness Spcndloves evening, $6,000 them This to the City. dren. at 7:30 p.m. in the Tooele Fourth-- , chestra will provide the music. ambulance following the accident project, and, again, the Tooele The two brothers and seven Eleventh ward chapel, the Ddncing will begin at 8:30 pm., and Leigh was later moved to the civic woikcr was president of the of Mrs. Orme are Willard Jand and there will be refreshments Salt Lake hospital while Carrol Glcaners of the tw0 local the purorganization conducting and Leo McLaws, Mrs. Rubyistdkcs Wll and a floor show at intermission. transferred to the Dugway hospihod thcir alinual chasing drive. Whcar, Mrs. 01, vc Gordon, Mrs. Bride and Groom Nlght. comAdmission will be by budget or tal. These are all peanuts Fdna Dobson and Mrs. Ida Staples Guest will be Foul speaker ddnee Commiscard plus 50 cents per THE INVESTIGATING officers. pared to Stdte Finance al! of Tooele; Mrs Eizie Elking-jRoywclj known throughout the sioner Deputy Sheriffs James Park and person. buying job now, da 10 Falls, Mrs. Mary n, o William E. Pitt, stated that the as a radl0 announcer and however.Rowberrys arca Stephens, of Nampa, Idaho; and' ublic SDCaker accident occured when the car CommisFOR THE past year, If you tell the truth, nobody will went out of control two tenths of Mrs. Hazel Pocock, of Salt LakejP pastes up wins 99 Jay Riding, THS swim team SpeC1al jnvitat0n is cxlcnded to sioner has been a memif you tell lies .no- a mile north of Stockton, left the and WO, to show that Tooeles Water Buffaloes have gone Annual Tooele High School Win- like you; ad and Laurels in the ber of Rowberry iviije ORME has been board that the three-mawill trust a devoted two Ensigns body you. over the top by posting no less than 100 straight wins. The will Band start Concert tonight stakes as we as MIA off,cers does all the roadway and traveled 375 feet on - ter and active member of the LDS buying for the multinovel thermometer was constructed at the beginning of the the right shoulder then crossed the and teachers. (Thursday) at 7:30 p.m., instead , season by Transct as advertised in People may be hypocrites in acts road to the left shoulder and rollof 8.00 p.m. sports scribe Andy Roberts and Continued to page 3 Light refreshments will be ser-- Continued t0 page 3 the Buffs pushed the lid olf the top in their Wednesday meet. or words, but seldom in their vices. ed over. Ivcd. Tuesdays Bulletin. Siebers (e ? Com-(kee- i jfi'on-Durin- Fourth-Elevent- award t 1 avail-Sunda- y com-10.0- 9 Senalor Beimel I lo Speak Al Lincoln Day Banquet pro-Da- Aquatic Bells Plan Fob. Water Show Open House For 80llt District. Birthday Explorers Winter Dash Then Nothing ft" T G.I. Still Critical J oil ii W. Rem berry Commissioner Has Service Filled Life Sixth LDS Ward Sponsors Ball For Saturday Paul Roval To Dugway, h Speak al Nijrlil Baiul Concert Slurls al 7:30 Tonight Over The Top n I I i ) |