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Show An Independent Newspaper Devoted To The Interests Ot The People Ot Rich County and Lower Bear River Valley Volume 9 Number 46 $1.50 Per Year In Advance Randolph, Utah. Friday, December IT, 1936 Jkl i Laketown News New Ward Recreation Hall to Open ! Wednesday December 30th ' "OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING" HEALTH Mrs. Geo. N. Weston is spending a week in Logan visiting relatives and friends. Miss Aretha , Obscene Matter Being Sent Through United States Mail Federal Encouraged by the penitentiary sentences meted out to Gayle R. Cleveland, of Pensacola, Florida, alias Miss Georgia Clayton and Miss Gayle Cleveland, on charges of sending obscene matter through the mails the Postal Inspection Service has drive on oblaunched a nation-wid- e scene correspondence clubs conducted through the mails, it was announced at the Post Office Department recent- B. Y. U. NEWS Kearl was the principal speaker at the meeting Sunday 15-ye- after- Provo More states than ever before Follow the crowd and attend the PENUMONIA noon, giving a very good talk on misOpening Dance at, the NEW, WARD history of Brigham sionary experiences. At the conjoint in the RECREATION HALL on Wednesday, Pneumonia is an inflammation of meeting Sunday night, Miss Helen Young University are represented in December 30th! ! ! Youll enjoy the the lungs which usually starts with a Kennedy and Dallas Johnson of Ran- the 1936-3student body, informs Regmusic of two renouned orchestras, De I chill, followed by a high fever, a sense dolph gave some very good talks. All istrar John E. Hayes, who has just entertained as you have never been of heaviness or pain in the chest or of these are good speakers and their completed a list of the 2000 students by j states. Thirty states outside Utah, beentertained, before, and refreshed as side, and a hacking cough. visit was enjoyed by &1L sides Canada and Mexico, have sent only the best refreshments can refresh Neglected colds, especially those lo! ! Rut In the meantime, cated !n the bronchial tubes, may be Miss Ella May Willis was taken to students. There are 4 students from Rich Ooun ly. muyh remains to be done. We must followed by pneumonia. This is be- Soda Springs Saturday for an appendiCleveland was the operator of The have the help of YOU, and YOU, and cause the cold weakens the tissues so citis operation. She 'Was accompanied ty now at B. Y. U. The students from Letter Club Different, one of numerYOU along with the construction crews that they more easily become the prey by her mother, Mrs. J. L. WilUs. Rich County are : Otto Kennedy, Mathew Pickett, Bar- ous obscene corresponding clubs, which that are working night and day, and to pneumonia germs. Pneumonia may out every-busfinance committee who also be brot on by irritations from gasMiss Phebe Weston accompanied by bara Rex, Willa Thornock, Randolph. have for their purpose the mutual exis working to raise the $2,300.00 neces- es, dust, and chemical fumes; severe a girl friend, from Paris, Idaho, spent change of obscene literature, photo-gapT and drawings, and which have week-enJohn Mrs. and at with sary to complete the building. the injuries, operations performed Bishopf DESIRABLE ASSIGNMENTS BEING been uncovered by postal inspectors in The program for securing the, money ether or chloroform, overwork, lack H. Westons home. OFFERED BY U. S. ARMY vsiious sections of the country. The is as follows: Each family in the of sleep and exercise, exposure to cold Pensacola Letter Club Different of Ward will be visited; a final appeal and wet,, Ellworth Crossley, of Smoot, Wyo., of the month the December, During Cleveland, was conducted in the same for help will be made. Will you please A special serum is now being used is visiting with his kinsfolk, Raynor United States Army Recruiting Ser- manner as are the other obscene cordonate willingly, and liberally, keeping with some success for the treatment of Young and Mrs. B. Y, Irwin. vice is offering the youth of the in mind that it is YOUR Building and this disease. Recovery from pneumonia respondence clubs which are now the deand varied Area of a many roundup by the subject that you and your children and your depends more upon careful nusing than L. D. Lamborn returned Tuesday children's children will live to be bene- does recovery from almost any other from the Dee hospital at Ogden, after sirable assignments, according to Col- Postal Inspection Service. As operator of the cluto Cleveland fited by the completion of this edifice": disease. .The patient should be put to a major operation, greatly improved in onel William C. Webb, Army Recruitin the would insert advertisements ing Officer. If you havent money, give produce, bed immediately and should stay there health. To those men who wish to enlist In cheaper magazines offering for a small 1 anything you have, hay, grain, live- until fully recovered. . He must not the Army for station near their homes, fee. usually ten cents, to put interested stock, potatoes, etc., will, be received get up and go to the bathroom for any 20 POINT DEER KILLED the Army has vacancies in the 38th In- persons in touch with others of either we gratefully, but plead with you to other purpose. at Fort Douglas, Utah. Men sex who were interested in the exgive until you feel that you have done Pneumonia places a great strain on The largest buck deer of the season, fantry your share and are satisfied to let the heart and lungs. Even slight ex- was bagged the last fifty of the- - season who desire to travel will be given their change of literature and photographs choice of the following branches in of an obscene nature. Upon remitting what you have done go on record as ertion may cause ckath. For this by Bob Brown of Jackson Hole. Islands : the Hawaiian Infantry, the original fee of ten cents the peryour part of this splendid program. The deer was a twenty pointer. Al- Coast reason, doctors often do not favor the of Corps, son answering the advertisement Quartermaster Artillery, An Auction Sale will be conducted removal of pneumonia ever not was the largest patients to the though it were Different and Medical Club Letter Field The DepartArtillery, December 18th. All produce hospital. But when home conditions brought into Jackson Hole, the uniforFriday, then forwarded an identification and will be sold to the highest bidder. In are unfavorable and the patient can mity of the head, pips the size, made ment To enable young men to make ap- descriptive blank, which, when properconnection with this Auction, a Cook- be moved without danger, the hospital it a first rank specimen. plication at or near their home cities, ly filled out and returned to The Leted Foods Sale will be carried on by the may be the best place, for particularly four recruiting parties are now travel- ter Club Different gave a minute deladies of the various organizations. the special treatments which may be NOTICE! EVERY COAL USER ing through Idaho and southwestern scription as to the senders age, weight Men, donate to the Auction ; Ladies, necessary. Utah. Information about the date that height, features and physical measureprepare willingly the food you are If the patient is cared for at home cent 25 save can the party will he in this vicinity can he ments in addition to stating the type You per positively asked to donate, and along with the the doctors instructions should be other families of the Ward, help us carefully followed as to both nursing of your coal bill this winter. Just secured from the recruiting office, 223 and sex of the person with whom they make Friday, December 18th, a stu- and the disposal of the nose and throat send us your name. We will tell you Ness Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, wished to correspond on obscene, lewd or from the local postmaster. Branch and lascivious subjects. pendous success. No drugs or cough medi- how. wanted. in Agents Following receipt of this informarecruiting offices are maintained Dont miss the last attraction of discharges. doccines should be given without the v and The Letter Club Different then and tion Utah COMBUSTION Boise, Address Ogden. MASTER Pocatello, this day Swing Time, that tors orders. The doctor is the only a file number to the individuTwin Falls. for convenience the Idaho, assigned show, featuring Fred As- one who knows when it is safe for a CO., Sheridan, Wyo., Box 893 of men living in or near those cities. al. who then was required to forward taire and Ginger Rogers, will be shown pneumonia patient to get out of bed in Transportation of accepted appli- two dollars for a years membership anto all of Randolph as the climax of a and when he may go back to work. the of club. Law be will cants the the payment Wage Upon by government English Early History-Makinpaid Day. The proceeds HELEN M ABET, ' England had a minimum wage from their homes to Salt Lake City, nual dues, the member was then supfrom all of the days activities will be Nurse. , County t law . tinder Queen Elizabeth, in where final examinations will be given. plied with lengthy lists of both men turned over to the Building Fund. t. ; and women, with brief descriptions ot Men, who pelect one of the assignments thank you h adrance- for your which justices ofihe ? First in 'Hawaii will tfatfel b'y trainr'from each, who were idenftfled'dC'itmmbers Teaspoon "Known reit cooperation, and in advance of Dumand laborers' . pay, Salt Lake City to San Francisco, rather than names. 'When the club ber 30th, we offer you a real thrill. The first teaspoon known, dated, mained in force for 150 years. a thence by Army transport to Honolnlu. member found a person, either mile or one. is 1689, toy Why not visit the Hoiqe of Randolphs T 1 f female, answering the description of Future' Activities as you pass by? Here v FOR SALE his desires, ho then started correspondyou will experience a real delight, a ence by addressing The Letter Club true thrill, and a great anticipation From Different enclosing his sealed envelA few gobblers. good turkey for the days to come. Prices reasonable. stock.with its obscene contents, markope purebred Annual Budget meeting for taxpayPersons whose real estate was adThe enclosure for No. mckinnon. the annie ing PARTY HELD ers of Rich County will be held Monvertised for sale for taxes last May, on page throe Dec. 2 1936 at P. at 21, the M., day, A very nice party was held at the and who were given an extension of courthouse in Randolph, Utah. PICTURE SHOW PROGRAM home of Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Findlay, time, must make settlement with the LEWIS LONGHURST, NORTH RICH GRADUATE County Treasurer on or before Dec. ATTENDING A. C. COLLEGE Clerk. Saturday night. County aucwill or sold at be 21st., property DECEMBER 18th The following were present: Mr. no Also compromise settlements and Mrs. Young Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. tion. toe NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION De-SWING TIME will allowed on taxes afLogan Arlo Weston, son of Mr. and of the Interior, U. S. Land Mrs. 'Carrington, Mrs. Mary C&rtngton, Miss ter Dec. 21, 1936. deiiquent partment John H. Weston of Laketown, is Persons wishing Lucile Carrington, and boy friend, Starring Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Novem-the Utah State Agricultural attending compromise settlements should meet Mrs. Ford and R. A. Findlay, of ber 6, 1936. NOTICE is hereby given college at Logan. Mr. Weston won a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers with on the Commissioners the County Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marthat James M. Clawson, of Randolph, Union Pacific scholarship. He is enBiggest Hit of the Season of Dec. 21st. shall, Mrs. A. D. Fackrell, Jonah and forenoon Utah, who, on Nov. 17, 1930, made rolled in the school of agriculture and , Board of County Oommisloners, -- Two Shows. 7:30 P. M.- - 6tockraising hometsead Hazel Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. S.' A. Starting entry. No. is majoring in animal husbandry and Rich County, Utah. Sec. 28, NV2 & minoring in agronomy. Findlay, Blair and Nedra Findlay. 049207, for WNW Card games were, played after which NSW Sec. 29, NE Sec. 30, Town-- j Mr. Weston is a former student of refreshments were served. . ship 11 North, Range 6 East, Salt North Rich High School. In high Lake Meridian, has filed notice of in- school he Everybody, reported a very nice participated in basketball, time. tention to make final 'Proof, to estab track, drama, club work. and lish claim to the land above described, Mr. Weston is working to obtain a before the Clerk of the district court, position on the college track team next The Green Frog at Randolph, Utah, on the 22nd day spring. Much like the bullfrog in appear.f December 1936. Claimant names as 1 ance and .habits is the. green, frog, witnesses : Norman L. Gray, Earl Early Style of Hunting though the head and shoulders of & Matthew Wilson, Lew Hayward, One favorite custom of hunting this species are a brighter green, all of Randolph, Utah. Clawson, the webs of its feet are smaller and THOMAS F. THOMAS, Register, U. S. during the pioneer days, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, was for it is possessed pf lateral folds of Land Office. some 600 or 700 men, armed with Adv. Nov. Dec. skin on the body which the bullfrog 1 . clubs, to encircle a large section does not have. It is found about most of our small streams, ponds say 'about two townships and at a , First State .Roads and cold springs, but. not so .abundThe congressional enabling act of signal start moving slowly toward he center. As the men were close 1816 accepting Indiana as a state antly as is the bullfrog. Its croak, a in ogether, hardly any ground animal writer the Deroit News, says paved the way for establishment of :'ould has been aptly described by a escape through the linej to the first state roads. One provision reedom. Those that attempted to authority on frogs as pn exof the act said that 5 per cent of et outside of the circle were killed plosive, ' prolonged, , the net proceeds of the sale ot lands n the 'spot. Those driven into the sound, which may, .be repeated sevwithin the state by congress should enter were killed there. Frequent eral time in succession. be reserved for the building of pubin this manner practically all the t -- tlic roads and canals, although the ound game in the entire section ' three-fiftstate was to receive only Gnncotton Easily fyUdo , wi is to of be rest with the the amount, Guncotton is prepared from ordiused in building toads from the which is boiled in nary cotton-woeastern seaboard to the new state Use of Beagle Hounds a solution of sodium. carbonate. AftThis 3 per cent fund netted the In this country beagle hounds er the boiling,- the cotton is washed ' state $573,547.75 from 1821 to 1867 have been adopted as the ideal and dried, following which it is hound for hunting small game. The as sum a mixcompared truly in a negligible ten minutes for dipped of with scent of this diminutive hound is unlater highway expenditures ture of nitric .and sulphuric, acids ' i i times. canny and his spirits run highest and and water. It is again jwpshed we sail along into another Christmas when cast into open meadows to dried and is ready for employment MERRILY With cacotton-tailcrowded full to trail departments' gift in the various compound explosive Maturity of Fur Seals doors the to These we hounds throw our now use. finds bring open thrifty which in it early pacity among them Fur seals are remarkable in that rabbit in the chase and around manin this shoppers who wish to get their shopping completed unthe bulls! do not reach maturity and from selections hot limited by depleted stocks. So til they are six or seven years old, ner the gunner has an opportunity Jungle Superstition on Trees animal. whereas the cows give birth to their to shoot at the Members .of a jungle tribe of plan now to visit our store,' stroll through the aisles .of . t ; of first low pup when only three years prices that prevail Y oull gifts and note the specially Bengal .are . most unwilling . to tell Adriatic Old City of a of after trees and when they have to one of solve age be able to gestation period many a vexing gift problem and at the Murano has been the center of the over eleven months. The bulls at . the party is always ready with a J prices you plan to pay Venetian 500 glass ' industry for 700 of in the maturity average upward green sprig which he places was the art school that Here pounds each in weight, while the years. center of the stump when the tree us Tintoretto, GiorBellini, mature about gave females average only falls as a propitiation to (or rather 75 pounds. ' Experimental ' marking gione and Titian, hut there is little as a new home for) the spirit which see now besides the glass collecto maxi-j has shown that bulls attain a L. W. JONES, Owner j has been dislodged so roughly, at the Palazzo Communale and tion mum and of fifteen about age yeafs pleading at the same time the necesI cows about cathedral. the decaying so. for twenty Vi; years. doing sity 60-ye- i 7 I , ! , y hs d far-flun- g loug-anticlpat- - g r - - . J -- peace-determin- ed - NOTICE NOTICE - ed Kem-mere- r, . . r 4--H , 7, well-know- low-pitch- n ed hs ol - Ghristmasland, ho! , fast-traveli- ng s. fast-movi- ng ; . METRO STORE ' |