OCR Text |
Show VOL. ho. I CITY, Y OAUT'LAHlfe ATtfORlC&YS - AT-EA- .UTiCrfcjaortWIlO, ject was not to makloents dollar, but to make 412 gra)u: of silver equi valent to 100 cent8 hjflh was the dol larof onr fathers. I shall vote for all the .Senate amendment, leal ;w hasard a great and' important rinrirde estab-lie- d in tha bill. I sow fax for tha ' previous qorfiioa. Hswitt Ni Y.) moved toTath Wfl ametadmsnta on ; the , taUe. The Yeeii 72 nays, motion teas rejected.": 204. IS V' vi l, v, A I v, : 1 COkSSISSIOBlAi REWSs niseaiMltous niMfc W, I. : : MaLIWI8 - Arremerr Tbo HAuneCommltteeStlll v;'. Hqinintlng Clali warj. - iiT.LAW. okocu JUf H UteOWy. ro Bm opposite Ml iito aw P.U. ". TILFORD JMC ATTORN Main Mhri. to Lud -- take CUr itah. Ulv speulsl UiAm. Mttair JM S X!h.i laufllou. - ' ' Its Dauuage. t.d jullecftloBBgsuta. &u i ; v. L taKJk IOHN, A V York. - mnwi U. CjMu ikiVtHRisi Mkttofo ; Conamltloo aa Utah XZnttara. Fehnuurjr Slo A. JItrmitTt Waahingtoti njMMial aoja Tho Hotun ConunittM on Territories, kiATiog agreed to report uhnnblj upon ; tbo bill fur tbo ndmuaisp of. U ubrocedo. to tbo further eonaiderntioa of the bJll-regulate the elactlwi lraoohiao-L- a CUh. The MAntiuieut cf the oomuittee ia ' nvuwedlj ia favor of n aeCm, ballot feature, but it in npprt bended that nothing will bo doue W exclude women from the exertjtao of' tu&ige, and the Met, tion of hi right bf 'I'HmtifSroitteu wilb the Ocntilea fear, weaken the effett of tho other ports of tho. bill, iBcItorLackXrsl Tlmo. Wajuukotox, ; FebiUdiy ' 21. The Houae fLkuumittee on itciikus 6 ngniiwt 5, agrooil that Benjumiu Deau, Democrat, was elected frum the Third MasKMchuaetta Cougreeaioudl District, and that WalbnJge A. Field, Depublican, was not entitled to his seat. .The vote was as followa: In favor of Dean::.'llar-rirt- . Springer, Turn ey, Cobb, Williams and Ellia. In favor ot field: Chandler, Thombnrgh, Prince and iDem.j, Wait, UepnblicaiM. The case will be called i.p on Wedueaduy next and the minority report be presented by CLan-' CWAAJL; Pua Tretters ia:5e f Fnst .i, i,; The California Flood Md Auin Brtt I ala KYS-- A President. Walk. Utah. Ofleci taTn-- W. the Thp SilrerllUl Sent HAOANf TTORXKT- 8bridge's BalLUsg. Telearapk uikc AT-LA- Uc-- our. t.J.JONAISON, ft fir .yfllBBAl.L, - AT. UT. ATTOKXKT- Oos Uak, Salt - 'Mu Tou. o " BENNITTA HASKNE88, A TTO&NEYS-AT-LA- 'il Lik . over Ilia . JL douse, tfala tlrwU, Offlct W. bouse of "! air. J.MOKNICHT, Attorney oaca third doer JAf -a- t-law. ilawni Uuk. I. D iaUkiAXf ATTORNES-AT-La- Bait Uka City. UtahT . C. Nk BaRNUM, ATT OSS H. load Lake Halt Uttea Bolldlug. Otf lA-- U- A m. HQUJUID, WI.OV.O. Acuta HOMEOPATHIC snowaeraHy trusted. Mo. n, ilda utMia to lajriur Mouaa. PHYSICIAN. Uf-Ac- a, ' ' J. R. tRAWFOKD, ever thePost . wacoad piwngft Mttb BUFF ARKUS FROM bt., dip. fOOTH-ACH-E. ; The eouttittee ioay wnsnimonsiy made by the concurred in the report on float Metcalfe, the lliwittii1 niA that no additional time for hearing . testimony, should be ' ''V granted. , The Monthern Washixotos, February 21- 1- --The Senate Railroad Committee this morning heard Viea President Huntington,1 of the Central ' Pacific, and Vice- - President Brown of the Texas Pacific concerning their propositions for a Southern transcontinental Railroad. Mpaalah Duplicity. ' V... WitBixaio.f, February 21. Lenor Ecbeverra, Diplomatic Cumndsnioner ol Cuba, aaja ol the statement from that peace propositions had been adhered to by aomeof the lux argent chiefs, that it ia bnt a piece of r tipsnish duplicity and that the Oiivvrtunent of the Republic of Cuba only ern accept or eject peace propositions. ; Apprehension Maine, February 21. Th l'onuss, Braislh steauisbip Stamford, from Liverpool lor this port, ia so long overdue that fears are entertained for her safety. She is an iron screw steamer of .1,485 told, and owned in North Shields s ;. snb-eommitt- eo B. H. CLAWSON. Dentist. Emporium Building, will extract teetn with the great-ar, possible cm. Cali and aaa hint. it. meat-Uaacwiid Hour, Emporium liuiiamg. ji.-t- . at I. iH Tmns-Centlnent- m axes. Tha heat In tha city. d. removed to dour north of Connors' Jl-MUItf. Try idoyde buote. Boot -- U FRANK FOOTE, Main afreet, halt Lake ifty, tbraa bait Lada Sumo, kpcriii alMituia psiil to eauipie butties' ai.l all e ludaaif bullion. aeuiples Mart Hum a promptly attended to;aiid relurua ual. folllouriua liaj. OlWW WMilMlMt. Jl--tf doora north of lilt-lanc- duasssa WSM BALT UKB LOOOE lb A Siutr W. NJ.'I. CENT&HNlAft. a. jiali J-.tJ- RESTAUR AN r. IuUm rear of Claalqr TWIKli la a tutinnut aalwuu. maty lua A.VA Ad. anew tow Xuut. Aiqct iKt, roualltwtluiialijr Ukai'tM iJ yua lUqiure a feyinia AI1U Bill. A. ltAL JtiAl Clearing Dowse Naw Yoax, February ESL'aTa. AUUNClKa. 8. L. VAff cl 1 & CO.f 3E2 At al Hu-Yit- na liOXttt. eery Wad. XtEliPU OF CbJrr'aaaai i u'cha-k.nunuyO fcaart cner of iunjiM and Third auxui atreaia Vleitta Templar tunlially invueu to attaoo. JadCaa OOUaM, H, C. 1 i y, io-iLi- Itetnrns. 21.--Th- Clear- e ing House rrtnras frr-- aixtceu leading tdUctt ot the Usitrd States for the . past week as compared with tho corresponding week last year, show a loss of 18 and s per eeut. 'There were handsome gaiua at New Orleans and Mil wanker and r.nh-ngains , at , Lowell and Luuiadli- -. a'iJ ul all other cities a app.nrs a Inch tails below ... tha probable , decline ln; prices at ' dues.' The only "six of the' aggregate at fifteen cities ia a loss by nearly 20 per cent.' than for the corresponding week last year,' and at fourteen citi s ouuide of. .New York it-i10-- 7 10 Law the decreasu'in stock; transaction,' which amounted to a million shares for the week ending 17th of February last year and were only' 450,000 List week, which accounts i for part of the difference at New York. , Losses and gains areas follows ' Losses New York, 23, rix; Boston, 13; two Philadelphia, 26, fonr; Chicago, 0, .aeven; Cincinnati, 7, four; B.dtimorv 4, five; nine-tenth- tnto e de-cte- . ae . . Sava tha pjaaaun to sftr to their piitroua cikdra o ihsitlw of . . Uunincss Properly. . - Elegant liowidcueiWt Flue CoUagust Cheap Ho iseis 8l Louis 0, live; iitutburgh. 13; Provith; dence,- 19, five; . Cleveiuuti, 5. 7, Lowed, six; liiian.Mlis, fiui-ten- The Haerwaleate Hirer Bleed. niid : 'auc-ndimm- t. ; ' '. ay ae scion. t . Chaffee submitted an amendment to the' bill heretofore introduced by him declaratory of the meaning of the T5ih section ot. the Pacific B. U. act of July 1802, ao as to authorize the President of the United States to appoint, ljy and with the advice and consent of the Senskilled in the management ate, a of railroads, to be styled Pacific Railroad Commissioner, whose duty it shall be to eaiabliah roles and regulations subject to the approval of .the Secretary of the Interior, to govern the operation and nse of the several railroads of the Union Pacific IL K. Co. and branch companies pr-rso- u - and to secure to the public and the all the advantages of communication, travel and transportation, as stipulated and d fined la the several acts of Congress relating to .the operation and nae ol railroads as one connected line. ' Chaffee called ' np the House lulls making appropriations to purchase law libraries ' for the Territories of Dakota and Wyoming. Passed-Gord- on reported ' with amendment from Committee on Commerce, ;the House bill to authorize the granting of American registers tojnreignjmilt ships for pnrpoaes of tha Woodruff expedition around the world. Placed Gov-ernine- nt McMillan announced that ho and Spencer dissented from the committee in reporting this tail : ably. ls When the doors reopened Senate uutii Mopday. f : ad-jonru- ed . VV- - e Sax Fhakciscxv February flood in Sutter county, on the Sacra- -. Wariioto2, February 21. Mills offered a resolution calling tor Spain in relation .to the seizure ot the yirginins. Adopted. Sperke male a short personal elplana- tion; in which he said that in his opinion not only Wells, Andermn and the rest of the Returning Board were a set' of unmitigated scoundrels, but , everything connected with the Presidential oon&t was a swindle and trend. The regular order being demanded the Speaker ealled Committees for reports. The Speaker : finally overruled the point of order, and Cos, of New ; York, appealed from the decision of the ehair 221 The appeal was laid on the , table; ' i"-to 25. i' 'all Stephens then moved to' eonenr in the Senate's amendments and advocated the. motion. At the expiration of the morning hoar Bland moved to proceed to business on the Speaker's table, and it was ao and the Si ver bill having been reached. Springer raised the point of order that the bill most go, to the Committee of the aud a debate-upo- n that point took place. ; The bill to relieve the' disabilities ' of women, providing, that when a wuuu n has been a member of the highest court in any State or Territory she ' shall, on application, be admitted to practice before the United States Supremo Court. Passed 180 to 64. 1 .Garfield said:. Every man who is opof the Hsu to silver u(n iii ,li t .( posed the cUrroucy of the couulry. 1 distgreu with.: Everv man wno uiwil to both metids ptactically and iu 1 tw, 1 diswith. who agree Every muu is in lavor of ' sny ' bill which will tin vt one metal out and give ns only the other, wuh him I it ia a mitlrr of d.vi , rtfi--l wiih me luai on lue gr uiv.j jiuuiu-n- l Cun-greu . .. - ' : . or-dere- . . . ; y aa out-builuib- ta U-iu- Ber-nanl- to-d- ay . ' : ' ' . . & . . to-nig- &AV9 4 Ta en-giu- ee Asaaror. - . - - - to-nig- . . ed - . d, . dis-agu- tAst.-Yesterda- - al '.V'iM V V-- .5 5 :r t I .v.- - AUtheSanateamandmantstoUis CUlver land SIuraldJDo ,.u i "k . . ' !i Clee Bpaiu ltftjGiMi at: the ofthe Cnlmn The to be 8tanteeportel ;elrieiiiRy.lil.-- : :vz goes to tha President for his approval. 'I adfie r Kailroad rHonae, X. from the Committee reported 0 till in reference TZia, Congreta to be to the Texas FtritoJL B. Ordered BflUlen Baden printed and recommiCwd. ? . fingt' from the Rotary Committee, ttf tegfilate and limit rmgunk; repped efi oiScera of ths .army. aista-- C3at e. : Wluit 'pinfoffand recommitted. cblmi London, Febrnary till Monday. Adjourned either should fleet British the that ,tqait v r .,"5 the Sea of Marmora, or the: Russians mgtmm a&nuld have' gngrantees against its etn Tkt Vnfierstaadlsfifl BlW V1 ujti tering theUhflfe BBCUnhrsaiiHch guar' Loiroox,' Febrtxary 21.r-Si- r Stafford antees are given ttor Raasiana- - consider Northeote, Chanoellorjof thrExcbeqaer, they ought to oooupy tho ohoras of the in the House of Commons this afternoon Boadiorns. " raid the result of negotiations with RusVolnnteera ere constantly going to sia is the understanding that Russia will Thessaly, and Crefe' The popular feelnot occupy any portion, of the Peninsula ing favors a renews! of war. or the Gallipoli or BralAir lines, or the ay and Aaiatie aide of the Dardanelles, and that London, Febrnary 21. A special from England is not to lnnd truoiM at Gallipoli Berlin! says Emperor William has' as DordaneUi Asiatic the of side or on the sured the Caar of Lis friendship and PanksM sf Horses and an Ironclad, begged him to eousider Austria's claims London; Fvbrnuxy 21. An officer of and interests. It appears that. Austria the Horae Guards arrived at Bristol is anxious to fndnes Russia to moderate n, a veterinary aceompuined-bher programme before the meeting of the to purchana 5,000 hursca fur the conference. war office. ; The officer states that this A SL Petersburg .correspondent has is part of a purchase of 21,000 horses reason to believe that in iqite of tbe The Govcr-me- active inter change of views between which have been ordered has. purchased another ironclad the three Empires no agreement haa yet bnilt for Turkey. It monntv ten twelve-to- n been reached concerning the main quesgana.-;tions to be'srbmitted to lbs conference. Prince Bismarck's utterances in regard to tlw Onarnntee of Strangest Perhupe the Straits have caused some apprehen', rVPraee. sions in St. v'. Petersburg as Russian '.;t London, Febrnary 21. There are still hope to obtain a, fort rumors British here that diplomstistH whispered diplomacy ia laboring to .win the Forte at tho northern end of' the Bosphorna.. , Baden Baden Cite Place. way from the embraces of tho Russian Bear and receive its . hopes ot renewed .... London, Febrnary 21. In the Ilonae self --consequence as an element to ' the of Lords this afternoon Lord Derby had been European balance of power. The ar- stated that Baden-Bad- en gument is the aelfishment' of Russian, chosen for the conference. Austria and that England and Tarkry have proposed that the meeting should take common rather than antigonistio inter- place in the first, week, in March, but ests opposed to her ulterior deoins. one Government objects to the shortness Perhaps ' tha strongest guarantee, of of time 'asked. England will not devipaaee ia tha fact that Baade:; seems to ate from th s 'usual course of sending an distrust the result and is preparing for ambassador. . Z tha worst by concentrating in Roumania Y vl , The Bwltow Very IU.'.-.:'an army of 300,000 men. London; Febrnary 21. A special, to TaJtas theTwrliUti the Fleet, Cologne Giwttt eaya that recent Bulls London, Fehrnanr 21. It ia stated evflhta have ao shattered the Sultan inpositively in tho .lobbies of Farliament tellectually and physically aa to cans ,'- that the Government, has received pri- serions apprehension for his life. A Vienna thevate information that Turkish liwt correspondent telegraphs is to be surrendered to Russia, and that that tho pmij irUrr are proceeding London and St. Petersburg, a part of it baa already been surrendered. . Ceb and ths Cert ss., ,, SERVIA London; Fsbruary 21. A special from Madrid: says it was reported in ;tbe i;?., ; llnssln and Kervla. Cortes yesterday that after pacification " Brunuor, Febrnary 2 1 . Xtgotialioro Cuba will have the same legislative priv-ifeg- between Russia Kervia continue. and representation oa Porto Pico,' The Russians haveand wuived incorporation Martinez Campos will ruiuain in with tbo new provinco of BulCnba soma tiinr, IIS is much praised of Nisch insist ' upon tbe Berviana but' by Madrid newspapers. ' Tbs Cortes garia; FIroft and Alpiil.mkt. This will give him vote of thanks. cunavs uiucb indignation in Servia,' IU lira . Esflssd. SPAIN. 21. The War London, Febrnary Office hat invited tenders for a supply Rejoicing is Xddrld. of 150,000 Henri rifles. Madud. Febrnary 21. Flag are flyJaias A ay S wax Bara ft. all over the city; and there: is a gening Wi., February 21. The eral illumination .'over the insane asylum at.Winoskl;. Wii.;:vwaa official announcement of the terminaburned on ;Tnesday night and fonr of tion of the Cuban insurrection. tha inmates perished in the flames Tha pro perty Iocs was small. RUSSIA Denies the Rumor . Wmhixoxm, Febrnary 21. A motion St. Fetkhmjpko, February 21. The by Hewitt to lay the Silver bill and Agf.net Untie denies that Rosoia has amendments on the table was rejected, or intends to demand, the exyeas, 72, nays, 204. of any Mussulman's from BulThe Silver BIU' Goes fto the President, pulsion garia, except Turkish functionaries and and Circa Washington, Febrnary 21 .The troops and Bashi-Bazon' Honae haa concurred in all tho Senate ;Y.. Y. . araendmenta to tbe Silver bill, and it TURKEY. goes. to the President in. the precise shape in which it passed the Senate. ' Object mt Nnmyre Pnelta'a Mlsalen, Pesa, Febrnary 21. Namyk Pashas TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. mission to St. Petersburg is to endeavor to obtain from the Czar a modification of the terms of peace, especially those extremely touching the withdrawal of Mussulmans awkward, bnt the Government shows no from Bulgaria, and the limits of tbs new signs of relinquishing its demands for principality which,' it is stated, the Rusthe retrocession of Bessarabia. sian now inaist.on bringing within a : biink of France increased few mile of Constantinople. v, Specie in tbe To be Cearf91actlaled. four million franca tu-- . past week. ' Pena, Febrnary 21. tiulismau Faaha The Australian colonics ore considerhns been placed under arrest and will be ing measures to bo adopted for the defense of the coasts in the event of Great Britain engaging in war. A considerable of Ruwian ITALY. troops are concentrating beyond Adria-nupl- e. Kuril, But Old Net Adore. A Loudon dispatch says' the For igu Rome, February .21. It is stated on Office, has given notice to Lloyd's that good authority that Pope Leo XIII was the prohibition of the export of grain not by. odoratiou, ' bnt by; the aud other products from the Black Mca requisite majority of votes of the coda Cardinal Bilio having deports hasbr-e- raiaed, but the toipedocs clave. That be a Candidate," hia, partisans, to clined havo not yet bu'eu removed. uiue f'ardiital. gave tbei A dispatch from Loudon says the sus- numbering ' Pec ri and that whi-rCurhi.al to votes wide-sprethat tin Govern- Urn votes were counted picion is ult the Cardinaln ment intends dissolving Parliament the feet tha knelt at ol Pope, and .that ; about Easter time, to eleo-iiu- n misconstrued been act has this The conviction prevails in Berlin that by admiration. the military and court parties of Vienna 'V Tlie New ':iA will Induce the Emperor, to settlor amiPpp.; Roaiv, February 21. Pope Leo XIII cably with Russia. held a congregation of Cardinals y. He announced that an encyclical to the be dipatched Catholic , would COK8UMPTIOI1 to- tha Pontiaccesrion bis announcing decided been lias that the fical chair. It leave the the for not shall present Pope CURED. Vatican. It i said the Pope will continue the policy of his predecessor The coronation of Leo XIII," which be private, will take place in - the will All sulfofersf rom thlsdlsesra tint srs suxImm VU. to bo cored should try UaaNEtt'H CKLK. oixtiue Chapel on Sunday nezL r There BJUTED CONSUMPTIVE PUBDEUH, Tbese will bo no ceremony at St. John Si teron. wiwilm sre tbe ralyprepsnitlan kawwa tUst will churches Te Dooms will be sung in the nd ill diseases of tbe cure uONHUjJPTION LUMOfl-ftiMl$ ' - Ve o.rf' isr t w ' ' ' " . . - y - ia,; !o ls - ... J,' C 'w t j ' ' ' V .1 t "- A . eefl y . . at OTSTfitt FABLODh V - Of-derf- iff - . .c .s- Y wi . nr AiroYcnhL to the. Halt Labs pablle this keqin S-- d Us pises ef hawsu IMillRtaM em - nmpi IseBsstsafspI -- V ; '.C.-'V-'-'- v ; - TO . Tfll S10DU ROCK. f1 i1 Twsdssrs eenthef Wslls, YargskOe.s.sHse. V'-'-Vv An; Where Thev Are LIQUORS, ETC. : . y: yes-tt-rda- ITUITE UOIIE anr-geo- - nt CHEAPEST! C THE 2 ! .. A.,. - LARGE 4 STOCK. FULL AND ' .. f Chsvwy bsstbrsofl FftllliX ! AVD DOMBSTlfl WINB8 AND LIQUORS - - bo-twe- Finest Cigars TIi 0 eu ; . . , Always , 4 si an head. TEA POT . ea Gt-uero- SBTty. sad Judge for yenrsSlvss. .. Ji--tf l .. - - fr - . . : . to-nig- dc-niaud-ed, .. - ...AND OXIOINAI...; ti est Dt6mi&r ENGLISH ALE VACLTfl ht . All kladsef ' ' Pure Wines and r - . - ' Ia say gusatlty nadsr 4 LlqUOr Avs gsltoare ka Y-.-- " . HARGETTS coort-niaitaile- d.. AND WAGNERS CNROCRRT BKHR fl GTom OTOJSR ! AU kladsef tA HOT & FANCY DRINKS Aithe bar. ... . UX tHr friidlfas. . nu-nbe- r 'IP : BECAUSE a tptcuur. : ' n . e . ad - 09 Ira cents per glass or Cltj r EN0U8XX AU5 vents quart. pr PAUZjOR BECAUSE TiL& BECAUSE "SfiSBfeS.rm,rf 1 to-da- y, POSITIVELY v- THKOAT ND eed, ao elrmif le our fsltb In them, awl also to convince jrou that are bo bumbo, we will furwanlto every inOsier, Pie uald, a FKEE TaLtL B (X. We dimS went yoor money until you sMperw of their curative puners. if feetly jronr lire is worth ssvtafl. dont delay lu fltvtua a trial,' as they wlU surely CM JOQef srat to sny part of Prise, for large bdx. $3-tbese PUWDEilS United Htatte or Casada, by mall, on receipt of pries.. Address, . V AMB dk BOBBINS Che 1 npYallm ?- st. you want: A 1 'r riPfit-cte- ii YV- - ninrtpipet flubsertbe fd? fhS strewft, krseftSywvN. Y. . Hr V" ' 4 SALOON AND UQCOB STORE, M Xlmball Black. .. P. MARGETTS, Proprietor.' JMa to-da- ' . '. 'a: - r. r. L 'i . - : ', ; 7- IADDLR HOCH :i'' bill were eonenrfad in, and it now -. .y. ; - to cortfit tract ineuto River, is ot country flfuu to tw.uiy iniicsf long mni an avcksgii di eight, widf. wt i u At price that defy water four to six till.- which Kta cuic bciure the gale lashed the .lake iuto a lor. niuny yeurs we have come down are at Lot to the acviieof till single Liotira Dweiliuga and fnty. We have a bio a few piece of wreousd aud awept away. No experience luectirig wilhntu dcb;ttt. rejatrft-Lms ot life is moat inf the ' resi-defi- The auiciiduii-nt- a that have couirt from r.pirtd; provided with boats for the belittle aie all wild no far its iltry go, REAL ESTATE FOR SAL. CHEAP, : vote:. lor ihm itll. If. any and 1 ;eucy. eulr Oa the luataUiurut plaa. man cun couiiitcc mu that thu bid im k Male ofFaet Borse. now hlitiui would bring the Milvr ihllur ia New You, February 2 l.jA-L.. to u subsnuiti.il etjuadty with gold 1 auuld borers were sold at action not : outy vote for it wita ud my might, at the . following Springbok, prices Loan : and negotiate h2sa;y $2,500; .Wade Ilatuion,; $8(KI; . Daui-chef- f, bat I would go for striking on. ihe1 $1,700; Teiepboiur, $2SU; Bporliug, clause wmcii forbids free roiii.ig v Oa Beat Estate at lowMt rstea. give the two mutals eiptstlify; nud $400; MoDtezuua, $700; Trump,. $500; wbuid. ' let ;V coinage be free; bnt bclictiiig, us I Explosion, $250.' ' this bill will hut keep the two .thiit do, Bwllaraiwd ColUrtosu-y1; coiusiu equality neither,, bring them 21. N, Y., February ' Searching of Records A Focohukpsiz, nor there ueop them there turn it will atiecial from New. .Hamburg says the nut the distress of the country, nor G o'clock help from New York run express ' Usds s specialty. iuilici u woand on the public serious into a freight train on the Low Point 1 shall vote to lay it on tbo table. ' v ht credit, Bwitch Tlire were, two Oflet U floor Wawteh Balldlas. JWf on the express and both were desStephens close I the debate and said : in some I The prrler iheKeate: ameudireuts troyed. f engineers and firemen bill.to I did the and itiecU ' original jtunpi-d- , werd Ten slightly injured, ; .i v 'J feature'in like free not the coinage cars were thrown from the tirwdt. BAILEY, late cLlrf cloik la' Hanrvyer freight " the ameiiduicut bill.' 'The ui'igiiiid and ofltass of MoaUaa L'lak, Will Nigs Use Silver Blit' in iliut I approve; Other aafl Valtwl stales aarwyor of tho pablle laads Nflv Yoke. Febrnary 21 Ji UmthTt luneuduuulsrespect uumIc by the Senate I don't for dM vasts. Washington special aaja: ilt ia reported like, but not a single one of them is of CIVIL MNOIXEEB AND HUBVETOK XOTA-U- T ht that the President has changed suctt a'cliurucU--r that I would forfeit tbe MaraTE PUBiiO AND KSkl his mine about the (Silver bill, --nil he bid on account of tit. The rwul object I 1UOXKIMUZD - AOENT. , will sign it It is said on the aame high hud in view and which 1 think a m..jr-it- y ATTOftKltr. r that orders have already been of the House hod in view, is accom-ptiiihauthority iltwdl promptly to Fw sapttoa fltoad aUags sr 1 alMrtl appUestieee, pro- sent privately to all the mints to prepare by this bid.1 By it the double of all kiada. at once to he Jn coinage of silver, dollars atandard vulne trscMHS of estabis .Anwaips SMickeo with the ntuxoat force at their command. lished ln;l this tha loonntry;. coatksU land caass, reals of.. our , fathers , Is re tured, loans made and negotiated, an wars all letnin This information comas j from aueh dollur lead iiisllete, wkaa stamp la ws- - aonroes that it ia entitled to credit. Oth-ped- by it eilver la again made money. That which I have Washington report, seam to wus the great-objec- t Ofles-M- ila street, flrsl flepr tostt r. A aimed at from , thei rgianing. Tbv oti thii. to CNf. lwaatMHoa,ep stain, flsl . W;- - - O . 2L---Th- 10 Ia, i:tc. BQla ware . WAaentoroii, February 21. iatfodneed and referred aa followa t . far.A to militory provide By Spenser, post for tha protection of attiaena in the Black HaJF$&a.r ZZ. C? TS v By Mattlitwa, by request to authorise tha pajuksnt of balance dne tha Pacific filai Staamahip Company. ; vThe President sent to..the Senate today reports of the Oen.ral of the army, Qnartcrmaater and Comraiwary General, relative to tha coat of the late war with thw Sioux Indiana, and tha number of soldiers killed in that war. Reports show that the estimated past of the war ia $$,312.381, ' stA tnp whole tiflmber of ponious killed wan airtaen ; (fibers and 267 enlisted men. : There wa two officers and 123 erUted.men wonnded. f Tha Senate striking put the fri e cciidepinflQoB Ud; limiting the monthly coinage of a leer ta between $8,006,000 and- - 3 1 ,600,000 . was concurred in. Yeas, 203, nays, 71. All the Senate amendments have been separately.! concurred in and the bill stands aa paasoO in '.the t condition ;in whicli it came from the Senate. ' The Senate after agreeing from the to ' adjourn dose of the Mansion to-dover till Mouday want into executive toeeft rEORUAhv FITS EPILEPSY, PALLINOSIOKNESa PERMANENTLY CCLED NO BUHB BT ONE MONTHS USAGE OP DH. LABDH CKLEBoATkD INTA1XLB L POWDER. Te amvlaee suflerere these powdere will tlo all we claim for theta, wo wilt them PEEK read TRIAL by mall, POdrPAlD, SOX. As Dr. Uuulaid la tbs only physician A evsr baa made disease tlds thatas our specUl study, and to knowledes thoBsanas baeubma iitaZD bribe POWDER. WE WlU uOktNTXE A PER. MASI.1T cure la sveri ease, pr BEPUND YOU ALL MONET EXPENDED. All sal should give these Puwders sa early trial, be convinced uf tlwlrcurative powers. Vries fur large boa tiAt or four boxes foe SldAlO.saaC by malt to say pert of the Unread States ot Canada. u receipt ef price, or by am press 0.0. P. Addie. AW! dk ROBBINS,' ego PcDaa street, Brsoklya, N. Y- -- tat G. F. CULMEit, . sa mt aatb seta |