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Show Sanpete-Sevier Women's Clubs Elect Officers Convention Chooses Mrs, B. C. Luth of Ric'h-field Ric'h-field as Leader Mrs. B. C. Luth of RlchfleCd was elected president cf the Sanpete -Sevier District Federation of Wo-meiio Wo-meiio Club! at this, twentieth annual convention hevrl at Mt. Pleasant Saturday. The other new officers ar.r Mrs. If. A. Dewey, fip-t vice president; Mrs. J. L. Sevy, second vice president; presi-dent; Mis. Elbert Cox, recording secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Berg, cor-reiponding cor-reiponding secretary; Mrs. W. H. Goodln, treasurer; Miss Ha Dastrup, historian, all of Richfield. The di-iccto.'s di-iccto.'s are: Mrs. Dilworth Woolley, Manti; Mrs. Fi-ed H. Raemueien, Ephraim; Mrs. A. J. Aehman, Richfield; Rich-field; Mi-s. Alta E. Magleby, Mcnroe, and Mrs. Ray Anderson, Moroni; parliamentarian, Miss Lueila Hood, Richfield. 300 Women Attend Nearly three, hundred club women attended the convention, which was presided over by Mm. F. J. Netlson, district president. Mayor Ed. M. Johnston extended a weloerns to the club wormem at tha morning session and greetings from tha TJ. F. W. C. were presented by Mrs. J. L. Gibson, Salt Lake City, state preUeiderit. Oiher state officers in attendance were: Mre.. H. C. Jacob", Mt. Pleasant, Pleas-ant, first vice presendent, and Rosa Y. Stewart, Provo, treasurer. This morning program included a tribute to the late Mrs. G. W. Martin of Manti, founder cf thei district federation!, by Mr3. J. M.. Burns, and 'High Lights of the Past Twenty Year' i," by Mri. C. W. SorenssfJ, and musical selections. Birthday Dinner Miss Margaret Thompson was toalJtaiaotler at the "birthday" dinner din-ner held during the noon hour in Wasatch academy dining hall. A large birthday cake centered the' speaker's table and centerpieces symbolic of each month of the year were ueed on the other table;. At the afternoon : lesson, Leon Lcofbourow of Salt Lake City spoke on "Dictabers and Democracy." Richfi' Id. was chosen as thb meeting meet-ing place for next year's convention. conven-tion. . |