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Show COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL GRANT FRANCHISE SATURDAY X Golightly, Hycr, Brady ct-al Interests arc Promised Franchise Providing They Designate Route Wnd Furnish Bond. Logan Rapid Transit Not Disturbed at All But Going Right Ahead, Will wc Have Two Roads? Tho county commissioners mot In special Bdssion Tuesday at 2 p. m. to consider tho electric railroad frnnchlso asked for by Messrs. M. Golightly, A. L. Hycr, T. G. Lowe, H. Brady ot nl and for about two hours there was an Interesting debato between tho commissioners, com-missioners, Mr. Golightly, Attorneys Crockett and Sneddon, with an occasional occa-sional volco from some citizen, some of tho conversation being In an undertone, under-tone, but most of it so that It could be heard by all presont. It developed that tho petitioners had. practically a3kcd for a blanket franchise, fran-chise, or In other words a broad connecting con-necting strip so that option could bo exercised In tho designation of tho road. This caused a great many peoplo to smllo as It has been Just a fow weeks slnco Mr. Golightly stood on tho floor of tho commissioners commission-ers room and talked against a blan ket franchise, a-d even circulated a petition asking that no, franchlso of any kind bo granted to certain cltl-. zens of Cacho County. This was not held against tho petitioners, however, howev-er, as a great many good substantial citizens were parties to tho potltlon, and tho commissioners gave them tho consideration they were entitled to. In the first place tho commissioners commission-ers mndo It plain that they would not consider tho granting of a blanket franchise, nnd tho conversation conversa-tion then turned along the lino of what they would grant. The commissioners com-missioners presented a franchise that they would grant, which was not satisfactory to tho petitioners. Petl- tloners then asked that tbo franchise proffered tho Logan Rapid Transit company a short- time ago bo granted. grant-ed. The franchise was produced and action was taken to the effect that It would bo granted upon tho designation desig-nation of tho route, and furnishing a bond In the sum of $5,000 for faithful performance. It was tated t hat tho route could not bo deffnnd until a ourvoy was made. "Make tho survey then," replied tho commissioners. commis-sioners. Tho question arose as to whether or not tho survey in tho old Leo Nielsen franchise would do, but It was remarked that thore were too many errors In it. It was. then decided decid-ed that aB much time as was necessary, neces-sary, not to exceed thirty days, bo . A c granted for tho furnishing of n draft with route- designated, at which tlmo the commissioners agreed to sign tho franchlso, tho bond to bo filed at tho samo tlmo. Mr. Golightly Golight-ly thou mado an effort to hnvo the bars put up so that no other company com-pany or individuals could get In nnd get a franchise In tho meantime, but It was mado known that tho commissioners commis-sioners could not do such n thing, and tho meeting adjourned, The promoters then adjourned to Attorney Crockett's office, where they later received tho hint that tho Logan Rapid Transit company would (Continued on papo Me) County Commissioners Will Grant Franchise Saturday Continued from Pago 1. ask for a franchise next Saturday, something this company has been considering with the commissioners for the past three weeks. A quick h decision was taken to get busy on tho route designated In the NleHcn .franchise, .fran-chise, and have It acted upon nt once. A messenger wns dispatched at once to the- court bouse, and found the commissioners still In session. They were asked to consider the matter bctcre adjourning and agreed to do so. Commissioner Parker was" lust leaving for his home, but the other two agreed to remain, and Mr. Parker acquiesced ac-quiesced in any notion they might take. , t- Tho route was defined andHho franchise fran-chise complete was submitted to the commissioners, but here a' request wob made that t be given to some other person wo did not 'get the name other than Mr. Gollghtly, whereupon Commissioner Cronqulst stated that it was practically tho consideration con-sideration of a now franchlpo and moved that tho entire matter go over till next .Saturday. Tho motion wad agreed to by the chairman and tho meeting adjourned. It la stated that the bond is ready, but it has not been mado public, consequently con-sequently we cannot give the names attached to It. It is reported that U will bo signed by A. L. Hyer nnd M. Pond of Lewtston, A. O. Jackson of Paradise, H. Brady and T. Q. Lowe of Logan. The Logan Rnpld Tanslt people Just smiled when approached on tho question, ques-tion, and said It was all right, and that nobody ought to object to anyone any-one spending money In Cache county coun-ty that wanted to. They say they are going ahead with their road Just as fast as they can. If Cacho county happens to fall heir to two Inter-urban ronds in this good year 1912 won't she be n hummer? |