Show SOCIETY NOTES parties are an all atherage the rage just now another of those pleas ant events occurred at the residence of mr and mrs mra J r F taylor S main street on last monday eye ere the occa occasion siou of mrs baylos birthday A number of her friends and beig neighbors ebors came with choice refresh refreshments menta and fairly took the house home by storm after congratulations had been extended joy and gaiety gayety reigned supreme until a late hour among the pr presents eserts ars mrs taylor received on th this 3 ac occasion a was a handsome apron trimmed in i handmade lace the gift of mrs adam B brown own Carlyl carlyles elg french revolution handsomely bound in two volumes from mr tay taylor or those present were mr and mrs adam brown mr and mrs G penrose mr and mrs W smith and daughter mrs anna by an mrs J bridges miss ion bridges miss irene bridges master tom bridges |