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Show GrirttoV:'ftt"i:OirIrig- .fo 'tlio tocciit ilrtmpht 111. tiiil'la, ir U Vill'malcil th'at7ojV Bill"-JiqiiVf Bill"-JiqiiVf pcrV drprl'rod of thu, ,inian. of VuiiUtenCff."'' r & ' - . .s " '-'. - " - - ' ' ctajcoVs Ktorjei.-j.SriaJ gcdii'a new- lalwr- "oaele In Indun willTot.i30,boo-conlrlt)iU-lj. H l.llmli-l,Iy jibmit opu.mlllfon pcr- ffflvi- - - ' - , ' MAriit-vs.- lUtr.J-Ttwi Atiirrtciiu wiRar iria, pie trv? lias liet-n planted "cxjiritafn(atly'; In UiewfKxU ot iJouIogHOi In- ;rder to-tWt the practieahility prarcltmallne the trfi In Kmnee; for 1U jluldnf tij;(r; pirietrtri' nf' thc Trtiej;r Irt.ft ' W'erki,. llfcbmond, Ylrftlnla, bate ret-jlvfil'ofSef from Hi-Orgla "anil AHVa'iua to fast" seventy-live pletv tf atin6n- ?mmiiIlfvti-y,- Ittuoicuii TiirariATiS.--Tbo Kmperor of Aiisltia fias.glreu orders that the o-cnlld "Schwrs-Spnler" cbuKlr,, which for many years has btrn nM ,M rongmynp, nlifttt tie; giyntHio Ylemi.I,ruMtaiitsa. place of worship, ' - --' Hion C'iaai'!t!?rAiN.-M)rder' -vs av .mi-' merou al erer fn Spain. Avcordliip; in an if!lcUI rvtnhi jut pilbilelKt.1, no fower than tlS'tioiilU-ldes were iwiauijltejl. fo ,tht ho; niglitiii tMiHtrydiirl'njtliC.Jeat IsOP, a qf.j fifient CTl'ltHtO that Ihey aru the same haughty revfnjufu) iwpplo tbvy wpra fire hiinda-il ycara ago. . . . L Rood ltstnclsK- Spelling matehf are all j" the rage fn Wjnsleail, Conn,- They ha,l one , In Camp Hall, rtctntl)-, and collected forty dollart in (en-cent oOuiImiouj. Kine selioot ; o( the. lown ept fvelekal fpellwa." lrst ' prize, tuster'aiinabridjcd pleOrl;lI dKtlort ' ajy. They .vwed Up tho .spelling; book,-twit oi? threo geosrajibTfe, and. had, tot tiring ,ift tb. clashes teforfiomo.ql tho. sharpest upollore lyguldsiiccuiult. . , j '. Tr.nnmi.ii SetxB At a p,arty -In a l"ellln home In Hfde l'atk, Ijondon, rhort llrou lnce, a lady whu was- plajln); tm' the piano eutiKht ber Urcsl on fire frum a candle. Olhtr ladiM i iii hid to extjnguUh the Osnifi, when they caught lira top. Hyp; ladles were burn-ins burn-ins at one time, and their (creams wne awful. .The centleruen rircterit were nimble to anench tha (Iniiin fur coine inoiUenU. Two of the ladimwcre 50 mnch Injured Ihftt they died. , ScexB lit Icai. tint. The IViston 7?yfrl Wjra that William Kicker, of Kiut IW mi, aged j , tweuty-threerai)ted to marry, a year a;p, ai. i;irl of tlitecn, hut hl mlnlitrr adrlwd him ludefcr his nuptiitU fur twilve munlba. 'ilie time had nearly pa.ed, when the young man wM stricken down vtllh ronmmptlon. When convinced that bit la. I hour inn mar, he re-HUotttcd, re-HUotttcd, a a hvt fftvur. that tie might e nnlteit to theirii--el of his choice 8h con-.iiitcd, con-.iiitcd, and they wcr to have ln married t & p m., on tlio -lib lt. !e, however, (jrew suddenly wore, nml breatlieil his last Just one limit befora tho time fisvd tlr tho solemntid. (ton of the meUiicholy nuptla'a. When th? bridoeuleted, suited In hrr-wedding cluthts, he w4 a corpe: ' , ytnhcik &p6U,Vamca ofthlrfT-Pai'..! ',' CMijfdaiteSfof Uteaennifl'rVblpof'e'Hnsylvpnlni '; ' , '?Sffl(m made vacant by Sbe'reslfrtlonol Mr. .Came- , ' 'f I rbn, re preieOtnl to the liafafure" Ihftf ' "; . :U W I Swteo'ntholSin"ufl- '- ' ' ''11 Itm tp the. couptry. .taiiscd by; IhV preset! t aid :v , atlenln tb depredation of ;prdperti'tbelhJ , " 5-1 Wt terrBption, of b.ulncsit,"Uie loss of tlrHrAnd! . ' t Wi ; h T',;.lfAWMpr fit flii'WarrtnrkS1cl-S' - ... Jf! rloaadetiKMitfcpafci,ti Wtf , '' means .colored, .'nernlteUdfsh,. aWlthii ' ' ' -f&l naroeglvtri . 4 , ' " '-"'JLi tadftmeaflsIilte'ui'VnoW;, v , i 0,. ;. , !-3fj AVr:Wt'r1ieJir,Sy-ftV Ml iairortbp!cn)turJts . JJi tleawd to-lcaru that by:tb new posfal te in'H4': 1 Tr' , ' fi Uo,iifi; .ftuttngs are vlstaed n"WHtyo;- - . wJjfe toaUr; ttrid.r;odfocbargw wlt '. ' I llie Jiteof one ceht an ounce when icnluuder; - .; ' ' j'li ) Dftn hnndrcl niilea, and two cenli an 6unce " f Jji ; Iierr sent.avcr; that diiUncul-TuU will TcC- -. . Mf epiea,,w'ftU great at(Vatton,, and I worthy . I ' t'. ( j)(on enlightened' Wrnrncnt,'' .- '"'":" iv'- t J , fy ; Can't afford'to mft.rryVfs'"n;-cAfrirooT';eomf ' M 't ptalnt1l.ut-followltigle ' u M i ) lately, eeems to. bo an eseeptlbb!t--i?At, tlief IJj J roarriai? of thoypury Earf of UncolhitH.' ' .- W j ' Aliss.Horie, Of ixfepacn;' the jewelry" worn .by . - . ' ffi j ttiV1nr-c-.cot iipwarUV ot'tbOO;-kndu"., '''--'!' ' ,e : iUteil ofa-linodSonto head'Ofuarnent' bf tlleij r-. ' 2-ijj . iifondfjsand d!awosd-ncckWr,'j5;c.'i Sfriv ' ' '"-fJt? ilafef ald,.lves tbe-iS)nnte'of IJ'ncolrt ,;s. ' , ' Mj . itrjoo'n year pfnimoney, and the uso,prW ' ' ' jf B ' Irlnii I'Statff,' " ' ' r " -Hll TospioACliAXi?;-tAV.ma news- , ''"vff-S?!-pajwrf anca(t,'oitaQs"?iho ' ' re'rUierrt'cfit;wjA; gUi bf'Bood uwHon'oit'...-, -'m ; ttlct moraU, belnB.citrercely ba'ttjomo;nnd , "ffl'l ' pfKptielns.manTjer,,,,vetMntswi ! 4 ' 'sepinc bt hytef otid' tavern accounts - and np ' - . ti i iltuatlo'K'i' barfnatd prwi'dtrtosfo.a-.ra'ijroid?-,, ' " retri;"mii-Wm. eiinvciitM . - ;3 j ) pleftloCbread Bna'but&r.pt all'sfacloryHapi ' ' pearanro.jjiit qfooe rwund ! f ibrcajt. ibd. tiro '" ' Wit ' uiincof bytter J,'.;'; ; t " WU i - TiiffJnWT$the'f ' . MP v bliKTe,e,WOTrdl.nslariu ' '' jjaMJ IWird In Jiomc;" Tliilr iiiimbe'v"ls''otpresht' ; ?;tt i; lietnp C232 greit'cr "ihaa jn!' tha ;y ' ,(J Ml iS-tT.- 'One Ihorimnd nte"ebged 'ijfJtHisi ' -'Mih ' ndwlens,. mil thcto atff 4U irr the 'Ifnfteil St'a'ea. Tbo largest numtHjr i foarid In KnoiCcl , 'mW. and Italy, Tliey have, been Cfpelleit fijitrf - '-Mjl, bedroom", rxrtnliauly, "Jlodena,' thWlfi'tcrici- '- mm Uoibrlitjltomagnalnrid tiio'YwfiieiiteR''- ' Wf' X JtoputATt'RjiiwtfriUncolu'aWd .' . jy stopped one d'ay'ot the DciBvntCifoose.'for- merlya, tl(rld tcmperane hoiet.'ilnAIbahy r-ltl, ImtbeaodhU'wlfe.lnedVuWt trl01'' svVi'i-MjP diliikliigi There were afxte'p n pertonir fri alf .V'tjWl. ! rrnlly entertained, and tbo charge iftif, there- 'JmI foretTO for each. The JUw re cnrtoL'S fof i-mm- a temperance horiiei for instance; tbera ts'tliq" tPbI sum of $357 for rVlnea,aiu Ibjuors, and $t60'. (or bfokeji stoves anit itlialrii ")f sfilecrtperf. Mi 'nona-dranlt S35T worth'W niin'ot',at n 'etwt 'o( J ';' ti twciity-tnodpifnraVwortli each, the only. won-?i - ' 'jl der Is that .they did cot tireak, their nccksas "'lit' wrlfas'lioO.of itovrs and ejialrs. , 1; lit JIBS. .GAlxMaBT:;VlCTp)t.r-ir,r; QalqcS,-" " has gained ber suit Mler nearly thlrty,ycrar ' - lttBatIon In vhieh riiawanMlitedy'he 'Ij i to- huband, ' Mr, Wdtne'y "and" Qenicr'af 1 . 'v' jlC1' Oaliiea, In wlilcU. the encountered'-every cbn'f ;i 1- reivuhlo olwtaele, rpent. fortune of nibney, dl-' . -rV'H-J' tauei-d and iUwourngcil brr friends, and alrooff ' ;.Vj1 eariu.it the reputation of is monomaniac ho S'lB' :J,as at Icngtli gdt the iwanl pf "the tdfihest-., , Wr1 eonrt, and, ts -adjadgmt tnttre o'f 'n vast prq v terty, esUmHtfd at fifteen million.- "The law-' . '$M suit which has just ended Is, in the amount 1b- ' tolled, the dlfllculty and delicacy of the fevf- dence, tlio perseverance of the prosecutrix, tbo '"t- time and money consumed, nnd ii roinsntic f;j cfrenmetances, yjrhaf s tbi loost lemaiknhlo In, -4S 'j tho annuls of Atneriton litigation. Oito other .SK -j thing italj establUbes. equally important to ' ' b(-r, whtehls, that (.howjlic leglttroateichtU -m-l of Gen. CUrkcv and his only heir by his last 8 i will and testament. Ej i Tisnr T?KA!:Bi,ls.--:ljKly Tranllin, WliosaiUKl. Wi Tateiy fiti'ni New Yoik for pan T'rauclsco, has ;M arrived at tlmt port In letlera to Jtr- llenry (Jrlnnell, written the day after her arrival,- ; . sp- i the expresses the greatest gratification wlito JfA .her voyage, Iwr kind reception by ihaauthprl- if lli til:? nt the ports where they touched, and. tho ,'-1 passage through" IheStraliB of llnjelUii. fibo' ; ' ;j : wftstoproeeetltmiuedialely to the Interior' "of 'm California, on a visit to thelSIhop; and, after a B? jonroey through the Intcrettlps portions of tha' - .; "gi4JeutUry,,wIUs4t1ufor!'evrYork,oo.; hjfrjelnni to.TJniand. Tills Is a great Under-" St" t-jlnfara iidypfiictage. "Bbct Is a bravo 'Shi worrmn.'tttilir, wulwaswoithy'totitf "th- wlfir - . pp of "Sliffotin rnnhllnv Ir i wesrj oxlv a. Max.- -A. I'ilfer'froiiia fcos- Wfi ton man In AtchUon, ?r.tcd tebreary 2Slh, 1 ': says the streets ate filled with peoplo without k .-J money, and- icarcoly any .covering 'to lhelr "tR :lack-i. and are truly fa a s&irvlng i-ondltion. Ono iUf hut week there who oiic bundrctl and ! fifty teams tit fur supplies. An incident oc- ff 'M currcd in General pomcroy's office which was eliamctcrUtie and emutlng. A teamster railed rp In obtain tonic sapplles of r.KKl and Clothing. j , Ills garruvnts wcrit shabby, and his boots Kj peutly dilapidated; ludfed his feet liad' been jjU v iyt by the Ice In tho road, so that tijy bint A'-i freely, and left bloody foot pilots A youns J" taily who hail visited the office, frdm mntivra is 'of curiosity, shuddered at the sight of this - jiy desUtnte Individual, aud 111 & tUlucd voico : Mf snld, "It 1 were only a man."' A ioui'S man ', near by biard the rem-trk Shd itcd, "Wlmt yp would you do?" "tfft Wete man," sbo re- lAivi. loiikina; liim IUH hi tb lut, '1 would , pult otTuiy toots aiid give them to that . poor Vnf ftllow." At thUsnKEes'.lon, tbo yonnj wan Qm pnllcd oifhU lioots aud prekerrtod thetu to tha t ijBMi ueeity tfuraster; wbem they fitted, Tlil jsuf; proinptwoeiient ftvj much wti.f.vctiou to SMt tho- who wllDcweii it. fj |