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Show i m mMn (( m i'i a 'w ! vv wmF im ' cw r" -rv i- 2A The Summit County Bee Coalville, UT 84017 Friday, June 5, 1987 As EDITORIAL PAGE THE I See It Letters to the Editor Top of the News The Summit County Bee (UPSP 6M20) is pubMwd weekly for SlO.Otf per year in Summit County and S1SJ0 per year e by Wave PubSsJung tat, 675 Weft 100 South, Neber City, UT 04032. PO5TMA5TE0: Send address change to; The Summit County Bee, CoalviBe, Utah B4017. Readers Views Dedicated to Serving Summit County Top of Hie Afews RICHARD M. AND SUSAN F. BUYS Publishers Phelps, EditorCoalville Office Manager Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Sharia Banz, North Summit Area Reporter, 336-201-3 Bessie Russell, Kamas Office Manager Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9--4 Natalie Noble, South Summit Reporter, 783-228-4 B. Shirley 336-550- 1, 783-438- 9-- 4 I've heard the complaint before and hearing it again 7, POSTAL IDENTIFICATION NO. 525640 recently, brought back memories of my own early years as a home maker. The sad story is of a young, inexperienced receiving a phone call of a fabulous opportunity of receiving in the mail several of the very best magazines for a very small cost, practically free. The offer sounds so good, almost unbelieveable and almost too good to be true; and it is. Later, this home is deluged with bills for these wonderful magazines that brings a gasp if not a heart attack when the actual newly-marrie- d, Letter to the Editor, if a column tor the pubfic to voice their opinion. Letter to the Edilor mutt be fubmitted prior lo Tuesday noon, and mul bear the fignature, ful name and address. Name mutt be printed on letter but may be withheld for tecurity reasons. Writer are Imbed one letter in two week. Pteacc no endoraement letters. Preference wl be given to short, typewritten (double spaced) letters, permitting use of writer's name. Al letters subject to condensation. Mai UkEMTOR, Bo 7, CoaMRe. UTAH 84017. Editor: On behalf of the Summit County Prevention Center I would like to express my appreciation to the North Summit PTA for and Summit County Center Prevention the allowing to be a part of the Drug Education Program for the high school, middle school, elementary school, and parent session. We at the Prevention Center applaud the diligent and worthwhile work of all those involved with this effort. We were pleased to donate S300.00 to the speaker fund. Events such as this 4-- H education program help to ensure a better, healthier Coalnow and in the future. ville THANKS AGAIN! Carrie E. Cox PreventionEducation Specialist Summit Co. Prevention Center Letter to the Editor Although there has of lately been a great deal of criticism of school board members, principals and even the committee of community members, we are citizens who would like to thank the above for their dedication, time and efforts in the following areas: Organizing of public meetings and committees. Desire for a safe building in which to educate our children. Striving for the best possible education for each student with minimum cost to the taxpayer. Support for teachers and staff. Our hats off to you for the fine job you are doing. Thanks! Les and Gaylene Adams Jon and Kathy Stephens Dear Summit County Bee: The students and faculty at South Summit High School would like to thank you for permitting us to write newspaper articles in your newspaper. The Journalism class has learned a lot from being able to write articles that are printed in a newspaper. This hands on experience has made us better writers. We have really enjoyed seeing our articles printed. Thank you again. We hopd we can write articles in the newspaper and get that hands on - experience again next .year. Sincerely, South Summit High School amount figures over several hundred dollars for these so called gifts and free extras. We teach our children to be polite when getting phone calls, and so I suppose they listen to this misrepresented, high pressured sale and cannot possibly resist. Given a few years experience and we all learn to hang up after the sales pitch has mentioned magazines, or whatever, the first time. A few more years and it doesnt even get that far before the phone is back on the receiver. It shouldn't take long to realize, the phone is in our homes and we do not have to receive or listen to the caller any more than we must let a perfect stranger walk into our homes. Next comes the big winners from all kinds of contests through the mail. We have won a vacuum worth at least $500.00, but we need only pay $200.00 because we WON it. Upon looking further, we find this prize can't be found anywhere, but a compariable brand name is available for $100.00. What a prize. Many of these items are out of stock, no parts available and no where to have it serviced except to ship it. at our cost, to some far away place. Two times out and back and we have d doubled the original cost already. I've also tried the coupon saving way to save money. I either live a completely different life style than the ones selecting what coupons are to run or else I can't afford the savings. My coupons encourage me to buy what I don't need or want or to Over buy in quantities that are not practical. I don't realize much in savings when I consider the costs of mailing in seals and then waiting for my rebate. Those rebates just never seem to go into the fund they were taken from in the first place. If a fast talking salesman gets his foot and bag in the door, his sales pitch practically makes it impossible to refuse. The guilt trip he puts us on when we say "no can last for some time. The secret is to say "no at the door as you shut and lock it. We know our needs, our wants and what is affordable. There are some legitimate sales people. They dont pressure or make a pest of themselves. But be ready and beware of things that sound too good to be true; 99 of them are just that. over-price- proof-'of-purcha- se JUST THOUGHTS From Bessie's Collection The wishbone will never replace the backbone. Self Approval Hazel T. Marriott off-na- Trees seem to have a proud conceit, make regular inspection; Crowd in upon the river bank to catch their own reflection. Not Quite the News by Willem Utrecht No light dimmed as the music began to fill the gymnasium. Perhaps it as a prelude. No long steps accompanied the melody heard innumerable times in similar ceremonies al through the decades, maybe even centuries. But one thing remained constant, change was in the making and could not be avoided. The changes would be affecting friends, family and the This was the first time I had sat through a graduation as a father. Jacob could never be so old as this. Thoughts of all the great new experiences awaiting the first Utrecht born under the freedoms of America made me wish I were in Jacob's shoes. But this thought was sent scampering into the recesses of my mind by the realization that this person who I loved so much would soon be taking the next logical step in his maturation. He would be leaving me. Luckily it wouldn't be as abrupt as here today, gone tomorrow. He would only be 100 miles away at the state university. Before we know it, he will be hundreds or thousands of miles away fulfilling his life's goals. (My thoughts raced to and fro, wandering the fertile fields of worry where no reality yet exists.) Then the two seconds ended, and I was back in the gym watching the ceremony. It dragged on and on so much that I was relieved .when the pomp and ceremony ground to a final halt. Afterwords, I discovered that Jacob's girlfriend. Sharia, only a junior, had become somewhat preoccupied during the evening. (All right, so I evesdropped a little tiny bit. If I hadnt, I couldn't share this with you!) She gave Jacob a gentle hug and a tender smile, looked askingly into his eyes and inquired, "Things wont ever be the same, will they? AH the fun we had will soon be only fading memories. I don't want it to change; but it will. Who will I talk to after you're goine? Who is going to be there when I need someone? Jacob, I don't want this, but I can't change it." "Don't worry. Ill scribble a few words every few days," Jacob quipped without realizing what was really happening. Continuing without thinking (as usual) he added, "Nothing is going to change. I'm only going to be 100 miles away. Any time you need me. give me a buzz or come and see me. If it is really important. I'll zip down for the weekend." A pang of regret waltzed across my memory as I almost identical words given in comfort by a rather Willem as he went off to school. Too bad Jacob couldn't see the probable destiny of the ever so comforting words that he shared with Sharia. If, like mine, there may be one or perhaps even a handful of letters that ever find their way into the mailbox. If money isn't too tight, there might even be a phone call or two, at least until a cute little number on campus grabs him. Soon, distance will make the heart grow fonder, OF SOMEBODY ELSE! Then the short commute home turns into an ordeal that is almost unbearable, and treks home once or twice a month taper off to once every three or four months, if at all. Before you know it, the majority of strings are cut between home and the new world explorer is on his own. It is hard to imagine the sadness that grips you at times as you contemplate your son or daughter as they are about to leave home. You want them to stay, but at the same time know that they must go. I guess that is a characteristic that makes mankind so unpredictable, especially after all the fun times we survived while the little darlings were teenagers. I mean it. We are now doing an about face! We were counting the days left until they would fly the coup back in the practical joke and drag Main era. How often did we pray that something would happen so the fighting and bickering would stop? Do you remember all the times that you had to be a peacemaker, even if it took a razorstrap to do it? Now are you really sure that you cant adjust to the changes about to enter your life? Even sweet, sweet Sharia will probably fall head over heels for the new kid that moves in this summer. To be perfectly honest, I really love Jacob, but I can live with the change! rem--ember- ed ' t . Board Meeting Change for North Summit The regular North Summit School Board Reeling will be held Wednesday, June 10, in the board roqm. This is a of the first Wednesday of the change from the usual date month. Coalville DUP Building Open to Visitors The Coalville DUP building will be open to visitors article on Town News page. Saturday, June 13. See related Coalville Clinic in immunization, or if is child lacking Parents, if your booster shots are needed, you may receive these needed immunizations at the Health Department in Coalville on June 10 from 4 p.m. No appointments are. necessary. Walk-in- s are welcome and cost is minimal! No one will be denied imunization because of the inability to pay. Immunization 3-- Well Child Clinic The Well Child Clinic will be held Monday, June 29, at the Health Department in Coalville. Your child will receive: examination by Nurse Practitioner; height and weight analysis; developmental; immunizations if needed; blood pressure reading, children 3 years and older; lazy eye screening, children 3 years and older; hematocrit, blood, test to check 9 month old babies for anemia.' Appointments are necessary, cost is minimal. Call today ext. 350. for an appointment, 336-445- 1, Coalville Senior Citizens Blood Pressure Day Blood pressures will be taken June 10 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Senior Citizens building in Coalville. Plan on attending this important clinic because high blood pressure is a major factor in the development of strokes, heart disease, and kidney disease. It is usually a silent disease, with no symptoms and a person has to stay on lifetime treatment to keep it under control. Democratic Convention Organizing The Summit County Democratic Organizing Convention will be held June 11 at the Summit County Courthouse in the District Courtroom at 7:30 p.m. Summit County Planning Commission Notice is hereby given that the Summit County Planning Commission will hold their regular meeting on Tues., June 9, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the .new Summit County Courtroom, County Courthouse, Coalville. The proposed revised agenda is as follows: DeVar Vernon Request for a conditional use permit to expand an existing mink ranch within the RR-- 2 zone. C.L.L. Partnership, Gordon Owen, Jr. Request for a conditional use permit to construct an accessory project sales office and dwelling for manager of a resort complex proposed in the Weber Canyon. Alan Siddoway Request for a conditional use permit for a temporary mobile home located east of Rockport Reservoir while building a dwelling. Robert C. Johnston, Beaver Creek Inn Public hearing, proposed amendment to the Summit County Master Plan; and recommendation for zone change. Kamas City Council Meeting City will hold their regular council meeting June 9 at 7 p.m. at City Hall. On the agenda is the final 1987-8- 8 budget to be adopted, along with other pertinent matters. Kamas Park City Clinic The Park City Community Clinic is a it family planning and reproductive health program. Services include physical exams, PAP tests, venereal disease tests, pregnancy testing, counseling and education and contraceptive supplies. Examinations are performed by a Nurse Practitioner. Costs are reasonable. Not one will be denied use of the clinic; all services are confidential. For more information or an appointment call New hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 5. non-prof- 649-598- 9. I by Jack A. Olson It's said that the strength of a democratic government is in unity and the danger is in discord. Discord is now running rampant in Utah. People feel government is no longer accountable, that the politicians have abandoned them, that political promises arc seldom kept and it is a waste of time to demonstrate, or even to vote. People afe now pulling in one direction and government in another. Discord' and strife abound as we see an "us against them attitude surfacing: government against the taxpayer, private sector working against the public sector worker, parents against school teachers. The current tax revolt is a manifestation of this division. Taxpayers are using this mechanism to strike back because of their frustrations. They say, "Maybe this is the only way we have left to show we have had it with high taxes and big government Utah's business slump and resulting large tax increase are responsible for much of the (ikDmsr I Utah's population has gon in the past 10 years. In same period property taxes 35 I increased 192; ?2 334. 217; sales ti individual income an unempIoyment t t Certainly the mass tsxp demonstrations during the sion shouting, "no more tai and the cold shoulder treat! by lawmakers didn't produi feeling of unity. Belief that governmen accountable to the people not strengthened when hi taxes were imposed witl appropriate government sp ing reforms. Harmony between tax and government workers pa wai enhanced when taxpayers i insulted and shoulted dowt police and firemen at a re public budget hearing. The "us against them i ude is a serious problem threatens the states econc its traditional values and n essential government prom Daniel Webster had solution when he wrote, 11 peoples government is made the people, made by the pec and answerable to toe peop |