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Show STAKE HONOR NIGHT HELD Kolob stake honor night Tuesday Tues-day at the high school marked the close of the M. I. A. winter activities. activi-ties. During the evening achievement achieve-ment awards were presented to the various ward presidents in recognition of the work accomplished accom-plished in the projects outlined by the M. I. A. during the season. The First ward received a banner ban-ner signifying completion of ten achievements: the Second ward, eleven; the Third ward, nine; the Fourth ward, ten; Mapleton, ten, and Thistle, 3. The presentations were made by Miss Fannie Rowland, Row-land, president of the stake Y. W. M. I. A. Charles Boyer of the stake presidency was in charge of the program, which consisted of outstanding out-standing selections from each of the ward M. I. A.'s, as follows: First ward male chorus, directed bv R. B. Weight, Miss Pauline rivrip nrrnmnanist: nraver. Ralph Snelson; Mapleton mixed quartet, Mrs. Julia Sumsion, accompanist; talk on hobbies, Mrs. Zelma Bear-dnll. Bear-dnll. First ward; Second ward ladies' la-dies' chorus, directed and accompanied accom-panied by Miss Helen Clark; talk on hospitality, Miss Lois Tippetts, Second ward; double trio. Fourth ward, Miss Helen Palfreyman, director di-rector and accompanist; retold story, Miss Bcthe Miller, Fourth ward; original dance by members from the Third ward. Following the program, a dance was given and a demonstration of the M. I. A. dance by a stake group who will appear in the June festival in Salt Lake City, was presented. |