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Show WOMAN'S 68 EXPONENT GENERAL CONFERENCE Woman s Exponent RELIEF SOCIETY. The General Conference of the Relief Society will be held in the Salt Lake As- sembly Hall in this city, on Wednesday, April 5, 1905, meetings commencing at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., as usual. Published monthly, in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is hoped there will be a representation Terms: one copy one year, $1.00; one copy six months from d every stake organization, and a large 50 cts. No reduction made (or clubs. City papers cts. one for 25 extra attendance of the members. year, postage by mail, Advertising rates: Each square, ten lines of nonpanel The" First Presidency of the Church, A liberal disspace one time $2.50; per month, $3.00. Apostles, Patriarchs, Seventies, Bishops count to regular advertisers. 509 Templeton, South Temple and other brethren, as also all the sisters of Exponent office Room Street: Business hours from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., every the various Church organizations are cordiday, except Sunday. Address all business communications to ally invited to attend the conference. Mrs. E. B. WELLS. On Saturday afternoon, April 8, at 2 p. Salt Lake City, Utah m., an officers' meeting will be held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall. All officers in Entered at the Post Office in Salt Lake City, I tah, as the several stakes of Zion and missions are . s matter. urged to be present at this meetiug.as busj iness of great importance to the Relief Society will be presented. Salt Lake City. Utah, March, 1905 Bathsheba W. Smith, General President. EMMEL1NE B. WELLS, Editor and Publisher. deliv-sre- econd-clas- - . - MARCH Annie Taylor Hyde, Ida Smoot Dusenberry, SEVENTEEN. Counselors. The seventeenth of March is regarded now Saints as Relief Soamong the Latter-daciety day, being universally celebrated by that organization. As the people of course know this day, March seventeenth, is the anniversary of the organization of the Relief Society by the Prophet Joseph Smith. There were on that day, sixty-thre- e years ago, but eighteen members and the oldest woman present Elizabeth Ann Whitney was just forty-on- e years old, while Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, our present president was only nineteen. This fact will probably be a new idea to some of our women, who think they have to be old ladies before it is time to join the Relief Society. The first organization, although young women and many of them unmarried, did a great work among the people in Nauvoo, both charity and temple work, and the Relief Society increased in numbers very rapidly; in good works of course the progress was marked, as th name and the object of the Society are one and the same. The women of Zion are greatly blessed in having this organization, for it has beenand is of untold benefit to them ,in many, many ways, intellectually, spiritually and socially as well as helping those who need. The seventeenth of March is the social occasion for the Relief Society. How interesting it would be, if one had the power, on that day to look at all the different branches and see how widely and delightfully the day was Not only in Zion but in being spentthe different cities in Europe, the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, - Australia, Mexico, Canada, the Eastern, Southern and Western States, and everywhere in the world where the Latter-da- y Saints have a branch of the Church there the Relief Society is keeping this day. Perhaps it is an old time party, or a dramatic entertainment, or a banquet, or a concert it matters not, so the day is remembered and a good time prevails. The Relief Society on the seventeenth, of March, 1842, numbered eighteen, on the seventeenth of March, 1905, it numbers thirty-threthousand. Success to the Relief Society and may it continue to increase in numbers and good works, and may each seventeenth of March be a glorious day for the women of Zion. - e . A.W.C. IMPORTANT PERIOD OF TIME. The important times in which the people of this age are living call for moral courage and great strength ot character, in order to withstand the pressure brought to bear by the momentous events transpiring; in fact, one cannot help feeling that the powers of evil are increasing in force, as truth mighty and strong makes its march onward more powerful. Surely perilous times have come, according to the prediction of ancient Apostles, who said, "In the last days perilous times shall come," and men's hearts shall fail them because of the dreadful calamities that will overtake the world. Not only in the prophecies uttered by the disciples of old, but by Joseph Smith, the modern Prophet, who when given the vision of the judgments that were to come, in the last days, were shown to him, asked the Lord to close the vision, for it was more than human nature could bear. Every day seemingly increases the sum of accidents by sea and by land, and without the wars that are raging in foreign lands, and the loss of life and property through all these agencies, and added to this the terrible diseases that come in many instances because of the devastation by war and bloodshed grow more and more horrifying, and sometimes heartrending even to read. What must it be to be in the midst of scenes so revolting to the human soul. Yet knowledge increases and science ploughs its way along all the old ruts giving newer methods of dealing with everything that pertains to life and health, and yet people are not happier though every atom is explained with the minutest either by one 'ology or another, but wisdom said to be the twin sister of knowledge has not kept pace with science and philosophy or the world would not be left in such darkness as it is with its great learning. The Bible says, seek wisdom and understanding, but wisdom comes from above and is not learned from books and to obtain it one needs to be clothed with humility and meekness, and then the Holy Spirit may enlighten one's mind to a degree surpassing the doctrines and precepts of even college-bre- d men. When the Prophet Joseph was only a boy" and did not know even how to apin the Bible, "Ask proach the Lord he read ' and he accepted it receive' shall and ye read his hishave who and those literally and humof his faith result tory know the ility. This is the implicit faith needed in the present day, to be able to endure that which is transpiring round about, and that which is within the borders of Zion, by living near to the Lord and keeping in his confidence, and in snch accord with the whisperings of His Spirit that one may get wisdom from the fount of all intelligence. Job says in chapter 28, beginning with verse 12; "But where shall wisdom be And where is the place of underfound? standing?" The verses following this text explain the value of wisdom placing it far above jewels and fine gold and continues; And "Whence then cometh wisdom? where is the place of understanding?" The last verse gives the subject in plain terms. "Behold the fear of the Lcrd that is wisdom and to depart from evil understanding." Therefore if one lives a life of purity and keeps aloof from all that would contaminate, the Lord will give wisdom and understanding according to his need, and even if he be poor and lowly and without great knowledge he may be filled with the light of truth that will keep him from the dangers and besetments that surround men and women of the present time for as knowledge and learning increases, more and more the evil one takes advantage to lead away the unwise and unwary frm the path of Paul says, 1 . rectitude and uprightness. Cor. 17., "But to preach the Gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect." In verse 24 after comparing the Jews and the Greeks he says; "But unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." Judging from the words of the Bible and of the Prophet Joseph in this dispensation, one can plainly see that if men trust in their own great knowledge and ability and have not the fear of God and the love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ continually before them, there is danger, but ever and always prayer and humility are greater safeguards than wealth or worldly knowledge. The warning given in scripture applies to us now "Let him that thinketh hestandeth, take heed lest he fall. And above all in times when there is great opposition to truth and evil influences abound, it certainly needs something more than knowledge such as the world affords to be able to cope with the powers of darkness that at this time assail the Saints of God. Paul said on one occasion; "Watch stand fast in the faith quit you like men ye be strong." TESTIMONIAL TO SISTER C. S. WILLIAMS The Seventeenth Ward Relief Society, on November 15, 1904, paid a fitting tribute to the retiring president, Clarissa S. Williams, after her appointment to preside over the Relief Society of the Salt Lake Stake. The hall was profusely decorated with chrysanthemums and the Stars and Stripes conspicuously draped made a very pleasing After singing, prayer was appearance. offered by Sister Julia C. Howe, and the new president, Fidelia Jacobs; gave an |