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Show . C DIXIE-B.A.- -- CEDAR TONITE Dixies' basketball non will see plenty of action tonite and tomorrow nite when both teams clash in' 'important' games. 'The college vail bo out to bring the the ax back to Dixieland by-'downin- the arch rivals fight it out here on Friday, the higha school return team will travel to Cedar for Branch-Aggies- game, On . As Saturday basketball will; loombright os both Dixie teams fight ally os-pcci- for victory on-til- ble header. local floor in a douhigh hoys will face 'tho e The t mated Valley high from Ordorville. This promises to be one of the hardest., fast- -' est games of the season, In the second game the cellogo will' again meet B, A, G. Shis is- .'the gatio they must vin iri erdor to get the, ax. After- the games each hi te" them will be a big athletic dance in the Recreation hall. ' ' ' ' ' . - ; With such- - dances, Dixie's week-end-w- for all. .and rallies, pep games, lively " be-'- ' ill ' Fioko tt defeated W. iyno. it - ' prefer? 'And what donTt you the D. J. C, as it is now? a You can lot' us' know soonho quest ionnairo to bo distributed PAYOTP. striving' to make PER 'as well , and we 'will carry out whatever policies the majority of tno stu- you a-r- i Elder ' Despair; ' Bob C 1 V ' J 'A. tournament by the- nh , Tho : court is tb'-- .bo. j B.Alu WELCOME - After the Danes d: Dance Feet your friends at joining the P- ; ' Schuyler Gardner 0! : , . . Q Por-cha- : it thinking about progressing ro-un- CiFAM iCE this completed ' OUR--PAPE- - Be Larkin defeated Sckuvler (Gardner j'" Robert' beat ..Grant Nansen; Junior. Walker won Wo r Clayton Bishop ; ard D.C. Wats oh 1 ':' c over 3211 Fry j Tno second round is to bo run off beTennis .fans may still fore Lon.day. cnoor liko-a-bout- dents desire. .D. TEFTIS TOURNAMENT PROGRESSING The tennis tournament is In the "first pc schedule. What do' you think, about .the D,. 1. C.? Would you l'i ko to: see altered in any way? Would,-- you prof or. more scandal''? News?-Dr just what do Art? Pootry? v h; PAKLGk 4 n LIBRARY DISTURBERS aft on " (.Read 1 carefully.) Bastian-- ' Clayton Bishop, '.alter Churcn, Lillis Face, Aft oil Ence, Rood .Gray, Anna Gublcr, E.ldon. Gublor, Exrl Hafon. Elvin I Inf on,. Grant' mrlo-Hafen- Hansen . ! l . ell'Rebcr, E.lwoo.d Rober, Pijoston .Jhitii-- and Ed. Voudbury. Dan-Jorthe- D. .. , I ' will . w Vie . II 1 - will 'he nappy to help : j plan - y ou i r rcr A QY V n r") r D - Junior' ''com...iitte.e wishes :'to thank a ebrtain "gang of: boys for leav-- ing enough doughnuts .te food mosti ,af tho ' you hack .for another - 1 h 0x10 : The guests . . . Jim Schultz, Jay Seogmlllor, Evelyn Smith,,., Ray Sorenson,-.-phiSquire, Wil'r uen Tvmodio , Clccdou' :Groff , Gilbert Tob'--le- r, Wendell Tobler, Lorin Porter, Mar- - ' hh and )T)q uGGCCS c one Lennn Lang, .Aim NqYisqn,; Shir,-le-y Olson, Jack'- Rebar,'; Lester Riding, head, - ' V of our Eat- one 1212; io i a, iropr-ieto- r 0! |