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Show THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN, Thursday, July 23,1553 CU . Alpine Troilbuildcrs Take First Prize At Stake Fun-Da-Lay Alpine Ward Trailbullderaj won first place at the stake fun-Da-Lay Monday night by baring Just under 100 percent of members and parents In attendance. at-tendance. . The affair was held In the baseball park with 380 persons In attendance. American Fork Second Ward came In for second place honors with almost 80 percent of their members there. Refreshments were ' served when .the guests arriTed and then t$e boys played games arranged, ar-ranged, by the ward leaders. Mrs. E. Vernon Holldrake Jr. and Mrs. Harold Healey lead in story telling tell-ing and Mrs. Loyal R, Merkley, Primary 8take Chorister, lead In group singing. . Wendell Nelson, recently returned re-turned from"the Southwest Indian In-dian Mission, showed colored slides taken on his mission and Orace Charleston,, a Lamanlte convert to the church, told a- bout the places shown in the pictures. ' Recognition' was given Clare B. Chrlstensen, Primary repre sentative, from the High Council, Coun-cil, Roxle A. Richards, Eva A. 8kinner, Fannie S. Shelley, and Lucy W. ' Bush, stake Primary presidency. Ethel Burgess, Nina Hansen and Vivian Hansen, stake Trail-builder Trail-builder leaders, formed the general gen-eral committee. Jayeee Wives Mrs. Harold W. Anderson, president pres-ident of Jaycee Wives, was hostess hos-tess to the group at the Warren F. Anderson cabin in Tibbie Fork Thursday evening. The 18 ladles rode up Jthe canyon in a big truck. They enjoyed lunch and games and then discussed their Steel Day float and other activities connected with the celebration. LEfJUDK Ihtt Axt Ciof Ibki 0w Sf 0wvS smM to MM M Krtai WW arU M. CaS TOOAY. Strict Phone 607 Install Now No Down Payment Easy Monthly Payments beguming October 1 Gas Equipment Specialists 6 MSI Telephone 607, ArrarkatTFork tker, s Lehl 18W 'THi ' AT J . - i ;? --it fa's fa-'s .. ' . iiui 4 XJfC -J yi 1 ,- ft. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barbarkos Back-Log From. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barbakos Honeymooning in Yellowstone Now honeymooning In Yellow stone National Park are Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barbakos, who were married July 17, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Connelly. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Ferril M. Sorenson in the presence of the immediate families and a few close friends. FoHowlngthe "ceremony," Mr. 'and Mrs. Connelly were hosts at a reception in the First Ward church. The bride, Che former Colleen Connelly, greeted guests In lace and net, ballerina length. over satin, with long pointed sleeves and ' rounding neckline. Her lace edged fingertip veil was caught to a band of orange blos- --tVhy take less than a kTWlWTF Paclzard-builtcarl J ; r'j The new Packard CLIPPER Sr soms and she carried a bouquet of orchids. Mrs. Vera Corrlgan, San Diego, attended her sister as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mar-Ian Mar-Ian Day, also from San Dleeo: Olorla Warner, Salt Lake TClty, and Colleen Jacobs, Dugway Little Kathleen Connelly was flower-girt for her aunt. They carried bouquets of gladlolas and daisies. Mark Olles. Provo. oerformed duties of best man. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Connelly chose to wear Dink crepe and Mrs. Barbakos was at- tirea in blue. Their, matching corsages were made of carna tlons and glads. Bishop Sorenson was master oi ceremonies lor a brief musical musi-cal program on which aDoeared Walton E. Foubrer. Mrs. Josenh E. Mecham, and James Anderson of NeDhl. Mrs. Maurice Kldd had chare of the guest book, and arranging me girt display were Mrs. How ard Points and . Mrs. Wallace Connelly. Vonda Bolev. Oleah Qarllck and Carol Shelton ser ved. For going away new Mrs. Bar bakos wore a Dink eabardlrie suit with white accessories. On their return they will make a nome in Provo. itizeny News Columns THIRTY YEARS AOO .. P. M. Nielsen, principal of the American Fork High 8chool. has been elected superintendent of the Tooele County school. Mr. Nielsen is in Berkley, Cal., attending at-tending summer school and has not yet tendered his resignation to the school board. He has been principal of the high school for the past seven years. A replacement replace-ment has not. been considered, it was stated by Ell J. Clayson, local board member. Visitors at Tlmpanogos Cave on July 4th numbered 691, according ac-cording to V. N. West, forest ran ger. This t is a new attendance record for this year. The largest attendance for one day last year was 500. TWENTY YEARS AOO The popularity contest spon sored by county merchants and the Oeneva resort ended Wednesday Wed-nesday night. Orand prizes, trips to the Chicago World Fair, were won by Alice Hucklns and Clay ton Jenkins, Provo; Alice Hall- sey and Gilbert Shumway, both of American Fork, placed third j In the lady's and gentleman's contests. -. i Hopes are brightening for a bigger and more prosperous fix ture in Utah and Salt Lake counties coun-ties as visions of the Great Basin! reclamation project. Including Deer Creek reservoir and the diking of Utah Lake, become more of a reality. '"""" TEN YEARS AOO ' According to a report from Tom Walker, superintendent of the Cave Camp, June was the wettest month in the canyon since 1910. At the Cave a surprising surpris-ing total of 8.84 Inches of rainfall occumulated. The average is .72 for June. . Water storage facilities at the Oeneva Steel works are complet- attractively priced in the medium field, built in the greatest fine-car S2936 tov tradition the world has ever known. :::ruJr.-'.lV.,,Tir.tM7 v Advanced contour styling is one of the principal reasons why the Packard CLIPPER is "the buy of the year" today ... will be the "trade-in-value of the year" later on. HANSEN STOKER HOTOn GO. 307 South State Provo,Utoh Phone 742 : - - - r i ml i j I ni31ifwriTi - 0TiriTB00F 01B tUHHY HOOK IRAR0 MUTUCKY lltROtO WHltm cBrrtui mfium muiiALiriiiTi .mi old sunhy irook.company. lovisviitijjtfivpn Clubs and Socials Bobby Mecham Is Five Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mecham entertained Monday evening at a lawn party in honor of the fifth birthday of their son Bob by. Oames were followed by story telling. and refreshments Few children are prlveleged, as Bobby was, to have two great- grandmothers present They were Mrs. Jeanette Mecham, Callaway, Nebr, and Mrs. Jean ette Warnlck, Pleasant Grove. Others present were Mrs. Bte ven Warnlck. Scott, Paul and Donna; Douglas and Blllle Warnlck, all of Pleasant Orove; Mrs. Rex Larson, Lynn, Neiia and Lloyd. Lehl: Mrs. Fred Miller Mil-ler and Linda, Michael Mecham, Errin Dyke. Danny. Hammer strom, - Steve - OreenwoooV- Earl Mott, Leslie Ivtns, Chris Bean, Beth Corey. Marsha Bennett, Wayne Pulley, Terry Jensen, and Sherl Cummlngs. With Our Boys After taking his basic training train-ing at Fort Lewis, Wash, Fred V. Houston has been transferred to Dugway Proving Grounds where he to doing boratory work. He and Mrs. Houston, the former Bonnie Jensen, will reside re-side In American Fork for the summer.. The call for the trans fer came from army headquar ters in Washington, D. C. Master Sergeant Coy J. Es-keteon Es-keteon arrived home Saturday night after three months in Oermany. He had spent most or the time in a hospital suffer Ing from over fatigue caused while in Korea. He Is now on SO days hospital leave. He will re port to Fort Lewis. Wash.. Aug, 10, to get further assignment He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Eskelson and his wife la the former for-mer Oeraldlne Chambers, Boze- man, Mont , a i ed according to officials ot the company who contracted to build the $150,000,000 plant. A dike within a dike has been constructed construc-ted so that the hot water from the plant can be circulated around ar-ound the' reservoir for cooling before going back Into the plant for reuse. . With Our Boys Blair Reese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reese, left Wednesday for an army camp. Previous to his leaving Mr. and Mrs. Reese were hosts to a canyon steak fry In his honor. Those present were Mr. an dMrs. B. H. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Reese, Mrs. Boyd Ackerman, Miss Lois Humphries, and the guest of honor. S. A. Harris Wins -Second Place In Story Contest 8. A. Harris, American Fork, placed second In the national pioneer story writing contest conducted recently by the Sons of Utah Pioneers, according to a letter received last week from -Walter A. Kerr, Salt Lake City, contest chairman. Mr. Harris and his family are invited to the award banquet which will be held In Ogden the evening of Aug. 1. The story, a-long a-long with other winners, will be nrlnfH In hnnklftt form. Mr. 'Kerr stated. We Welcome You To Spanish Fiesta Days 1 . RODEO 3 Days - July 23, 24, 25 Thursday - Friday - Saturday Spanish Fork, Utah VAtUEjy 1 This gorgeous sewing basket with every purchase of a Necchi sewing machine WHILE THEY LAST! FIRST COME... FIRST SERVED! LIMITED TIME ONLY! Light-weight pinking theirs, handy pocket tcnum, standard size ciora, pattern tracer, embroidery hoof Seam ripper and button hole cutter, razor knife Sewing machine needles, hand needle, needle threader, thimble ' Assorted thread, pearl cotton, bobbins, tape measure, chalk , . - f nam start sewing V as soon as your KlLKBOLXia "console"ishoine! Sewt the most intricate stitches Males buiton holes! Sew on buttons! Blind stitches hems! Sews forward and reverse straight and tig-zagl AND MANY OTHER OPERATIONS! ALL WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN OWN A NECCHI (or utu. $7.50 o mo.! LIBERAL TRADE-IN ON YOUR OLD MACHINE 7 CO months to pay NO MONEY DOWN IT4 HmXIr 1 in III! 1 Jill Nielsen Furniture & Appliance Co. 16 Eos! Main Americonf orkUtoh |