Show I 1 N TZ I 1 of nera un 1 to Mes leo after III I e are I 1 de ram aljo KUAM Z C caly preceding eding Shel bys errit antal in mon MOD here came clonel francoia me ran coia is A achille cyb ilo dapin a 1 frenchman who haq w As the tiger ortho T tropic A less what NN DO bo did would nu fill ii a volume lh here no reader would bevc atno christian would warfare possible lie ile wu was poet sixty tall as M tecumseh stra lit is as a rapier with a seat cat in 10 tho the FA dlo lilio like an english and a waist like a woman bior or deeds of daring ho he had received more than could be displayed on the r lit breast ot 01 his bis no aoi form ilia Ilig bairAn hair and baard inoway ii liitt witti with a stem SOL face A that Is a I 1 had bad been bronzed by the sun anil and the or of fitly fifty campaign in the chinese expedita 0 01 t this is WIG haj bad led upon t the 0 palace wherein no cf enderes escaped 1 t tho a bayonet and no woman the R ofilio oft it brutal soldiery sack sac an and p ril logo lote a and d murder and crimes without name nil 11 were ere there anil and when tho the fierce carnago was waa do doTO 1 dubilo atit gering under tho the weight 01 1 ruble andelar and asis was a disara dl krai te cu man inao the in hw ot ol a french court coart martial closed down upon him and he wai ased from cron service such a man however had need of the army anny nod and tho the arroy army had need deed of him the emp emperor aror give gave him bade back tin rank liia decoration anil and gave liim him as well ura exile into mexico maximilian refused liim him lonna and work for lim hill sword bailin WM was to recruit a or of contra gu guerrillas guerillas erillas that ill il to say a of arco companions alio bo were to be infirmly arinea and mounted who irao were to follow ilic ile mexican through copse nna and BO mail u upon i 0 M lianca III s w c r 0 1 liia a anar luil rd 0 cr r trill tila all duin was a fino fine wi or nian ho lial bad none that thai coll cold brown face cacti clausia casio a little in its outlines and retaining i a little ot its get co so beauty never grew soft save whorl when t debattle he battle was wild end anil the carnage ghastly and thick when he I 1 nighel or sany sang his men dien made ike sign of tho the crost they rhey knew berh was ready at arms length anil and that in no as hour lie donld put the alio in ana reap savagely a trea freh harvest of mexicans lie ile had a theory often put ioto into pra practice W which aich was diabolical lien IV when e you kill EL 86 mexican lie ile would says say that is the end of olli him ini when IvI selly yoa ou C cut at off an arm aria or leg CR that thai throws him upon the charity charily ol of his friends friC Hda and nil two or three must support him those who mako make corn cannot mako soldiers it is economy to amputate hundreds thus passed under the lands bands of hia surgeons llis maimed and I 1 mutilated were ia every town from 1 micr miar to monterey I 1 la ja occasions when the march lad had been pleasant anil and the I 1 wine generous lie ho would permit chloroform lar for the operation otherwise not it di distressed presed hini him for a victim to die beneath abo knife you bunglers endanger my theory he would cry out to his surg cont wity why rant cant you cut without killing tho of ave tropics alto also had bisi playful mood ile ho would stretch baigelt in ia the sun overpower ono with ess and attention say coil I 1 th 1099 Fent cI 1 in whispers alper quota poetry on occasion occasions malo male ot ol himself an elegant host best serve scree the fitje lauga gh low and lightsome wako wake up all 1 la of ra a sudden a demon wi ind wa doc ge io instance tanco of this is AS yet a ter lible memory in ia 4 Montc Alon rcy an extreme extremely IV wealthy nod and nali catal mexican don vincinte tite ibarra was at homo home upon apon his hia bacz bibi ono div about noon sis as dupin marched by perhaps the man was waa a liberal certainly ho he pa pim m zed with juarez and hall had dono done much for the cause in in the shape chape of recruiting and re istance to tho the preda tty tery bands of imm imperialists eria lists As yet however ho he had bad taken ca up no arnis arm ana and had paid his proportion of tho the taxes levied upon him dapin was at dinner when his iii scouts ur ought ibarra into camp jn in front of the tents was a large tree in fu full an I 1 leaf caf whose spreading branches made an ex er and most agreeable shii ilc under the Fren frenchman climan had bad it a campstool placed for the comfort of the mex lean lio ila said to 0 o liim hisa in a boico no harsher than the wind in the leaves overhead and waiter lay another plate for my friend the I 1 he meal local was a delightful one da i talked tailed as a ra acet who had a prince af pf for ni his guest anil as a lover w hail had a woman for a in t the ile inter intervals vali ot the conversation con venation lie served wine abarra WM was delighted ilia suspicions Euspicio ua spanish sli heart relaxed related the tension of in grim defense and lie he even stroked tho the tigers velvet skin who closed his bleeps eyes cyca and purred under the carem when the wine was at its full cagara were handed behind the white CT C cloud of smoke dupins face darkened sud 1 danly he spoke to ibarra pointing up to t the he tree what a fine coe shade it males senor zo such trees treca ever lipar brar fruit never colonel what a nevett all t affre are arc with god why not wi with a man because a frenchman believes so little in god lic perhaps tho face grew dart and andi larLer are your affairs allaire prosperous senor Sic nor As much so as these times idill permit 1 I very cry good you ou have just five minutes in which to malo male them better at the be end of that timo talie I 1 will bank ban you on that tree free so sure as you are arc a mexican what hot hoi captain jacan jacab turn out the jirard guard ibarra s a deep olive face crew ghastly white and be tell lull upon his knobs no i 0 o prayers no entreaty no de sparing s P aniag supplication wrung from it a strong stress in lis agony availed him ought arsht at tho the appointed time his rigid frame ivun heaven and earth another victim to the mood of ono who never knew an hour of penitence or mercy the tree hid had anil and so this ihn manner of a man tilis thui haired unpin dupin decorated to two continents as the tiger of the tropics who kept four picked chaa nuis to stand st guard over LIM him night and day this ihn oll old young soldier with a voice like a schoolgirl school girl and a heart lilo like a glacier came to monterey nod and recruited a regiment or of contro contra Gu guerrillas guerillas erillas a regiment that feared neither goj god mail the I 1 ici icons nor the devil |