Show THE GREAT rire HUE scarcely has our great nation commenced to recover from one of the most moat di asprou fires et ciar or to hi bi batory tory and the lie chock to bu business biness ahai abill li that occasioned measurably overcome before wo are arc alan acain to 0 o the efferts of c another great hardly second in ia importance to that of chicago P at tile the arc willing vil ting it is ia I 1 fill impolitic ivr eastern people to view the milter matter calmly callily and estimate losses contemplate teru plate I 1 results bed and gc any understanding or of the effects of the fire on oil tha calion at large such Sucha a gigantic lo lots loi i indol involving liing front from two tivo to three liun clun died millions of collais Jul dol lua lais ib a national clib mity which cat can only bs bo thoroughly overcome by national lubatty I 1 lod aud cooperation up cration betko we iva already find the 1 ading abing cadies of new york calling cali inon on the to talo ialo such inea as will nill avert a great monetary celbar rama Ko itou the th hub hb to lo be all ciuro a 15 is equal to any emergency an and d we ue think alle wll will yet prove herself as much a Ilic phania as chicago is ii doica and rise ric boom her ashus in greater splendor than before the SKI inquiry which naturally arises after a huge calamity of this lind is how tua liady dy people a 31 I 1 a tell rendered J cred bouic homeless 1 less and destitute and this boston charac Lally replied to oca while the fire was wa devastating the 1 n hole business portion of the city by sitting that all such 11 would be provi provided leil fur for w within a fow hours li oura kow flow will tile alic insurance corn core vanice anic stand the is ii partially parti part illy hIly an already by the statement that the being sic scattered tittered through many companies compan iea and io in comparatively adnall amounts that ii i li iq probably abla nearly all will meet their lo 10 lua ea ca prom promptly fitly this of course is highly encouraging news and artall well fur for the tha stability of our institutions the loss of such vast luan quantities or of diso cann cannot 3 t fall fail to seriously affect the maricl an and I 1 raise ruse the prica rico of a great wany many colo a bile to many or of who have been thrown out crewl the dister ila be fat with ull the poverty can inflict ir there willing building of tile the burnt district is delayed by the rigor of the climate at this time of year consequently but little can be done for two or three tho the restoration of the city therefore will be tag aag rizw as supplies eup plies must lo be derived from other cities 0 the Hond irful recuperative rot ret t ell per k live power by the tuc neall people aud and ila ha aton aaton ab ched c a the IV mord in tho the C cou 0 of f chicago yet sueh such lucri dacri belara our e national at the tamo tile I 1 time affording indubitable proof that our resources aud and our hiir ener energies gieb oro aro alli abi in tile the older coundrie coun trie i lie file cuorts of mi mih h tire be b viila vii lh fur for a quarter of a ct blury while in chicado Chi lic caio ia tu IHU yearn yearl will tot not have away every vestige orthe of the fire will L bi birett away xul aul 04 that city bo be inure elegant than ever ua lios ton toll too luo fiill ill undoubtedly lie ile ly at and win we doubt not her in ini aution now to be haild ill gie to ihu world ilij in coines slid aud means of of fim all ifal avil of aaton I 1 isa ab the corll aul thit Is is capable of vanquishing clio nee fiend rhe news fur the next few dai a will be of inton if int cret affecting as I 1 it t do a nearly every indu trial join pursuit suit of lii boubli arlic or lie tuat fedj N N ti the alus of 01 inam n 9 u nee companies com the b he bolodian Bo ODian 1 ana taken 1 n alio hoex ho action ex i G or meat in the luat which chup tho public mid ter ler are rc all et my may expect to hm hear cua C 1 I to ia every alon news paper la in t theUn la lo 1 t |