Show W Ts WW EASTERN dispatches DISPATCH N massachusetts fj ilof abc II A vf or I 1 jrr nui jan 1 ills li I 1 lottle 1 I fit aco atall m in ie it atall F AA 1 antanir the be mool asset pina nud luthr b P aidt rt or of a 4 jupille gh adiv 10 I ed 1 oilier 1110 I 1 ajai daple a I 1 10 3 p pm r the firo fire wood WM got wll wil datie u crean trul a hallo 0 arter r midday mid liu hall bot wee P 1 0 O alia general boun darilus of the coo a no tho b 1 whole 1 h of I 1 koth im of I 1 art t a to 1 ml 1 jail d irely dort down to drou I 1 wharf Vl mirl aud ic n in ay iy ft a direct line to 1011 Is aiu I 1 hamilton 1 nan aad ct to hi y 1 I t as far cis amdall and 2 and antl from milk to summer on oil washington IN athin ill ra licarie au U gems a r liu Ulina tt arly con vilf chicago W a ly by kolegraph kle graph gym ph and alii id e glaber 1 ire esig by train in 1 proui mcw C W y york 0 ra ir r riel I 1 elfi t mil r th abo lod mm ui bow U from cigley d T 0 illions to lo ninety ally adas insurance 1 ion to 10 million millio oB A rood 14 mant el persons acro injured and 1 I k alj abc following f odowl in zis r pa lut me of th is j loiaco le X moma a d OW OPA Fair lvir andiron be co zo t in blout A 2 IM 10 IN yma and 01 ol M 0 o MH kili hull I 1 ell gros groon nil ter J caper laid d coi emlou A 13 0 W ana d 1 son I 1110 1 and neicy 1 lipseti stock 0 on 37 0 ocla me madin in j mullen am od i art elms www R ani finla uro 01 ol o l co alom oco anlo nd ani coi aj ablith l addao om M 71 2 auono K L me and od co ia 11 perkina and mard ard iou WO r ll 11 and vo to ali A r SC A C co 2000 co co attia 6 W 0 1 b bihorn 1 1 1 1 larot 11 w 1 co 0 I 1 1 aw W wl 1 1 1 aul linn A dr dam I 1 tad radl ll 11 A co cis lo 10 0 C hins hn A Co C 2 mar bro 1 dildo eclet t C i e I 1 oa 01 aier lee IW in H arn biard win co 6 A B billib im 00 nd tto nee nell ct and young I 1 h 10 0 k it nl n d co 7 ai well field aul and co V hoo look I 1 Alii lOTon and co brown dut lou bk lucil I 10 IO co O broa thud aud co N IV klumill Flu mill clita inbe oi X corrior c and da co cc ronal a ail anderson ilrath aad nj co cn lic nicu moore moor and nl co I A 1 aal co 1 I templo and 1 co 1 1 b 1 is uil I 1 T I 1 30 OUO braer doali nl I 1 0 M allot allon bials nd co 2 M azo tuck C nl all co it V griswold awood hall md Is co 75 adway limion 1 att ctt 11 ad ll co rl W danforth clark rod mid co 2 convene hardine rt anil I 1 az co a JOt 11 lOO S C V 1 1 P binl co adorno dorno N cauaan 1 co cz am 0 U ono no a I I 1 oco ic ai B ainslow I 1 code cold aud co 1 jt air alt B S I 1 alt t bt iza 11 jud awn do a co to I 1 uha llam h insa co cc acland lai S alton J bu beira soo it II iowa jac C co aw W co C W OR j enni A co calleri co pierce hal ing A co I 1 WM Goer imig A A grew stafford aiT oril matto A Barg sargent eros bros A co WW A bolion 1 boom OD george N boller eugene chill n 10 0 wi haw alow Ram A co styles 1 l berner loring wit NY A fuller outlier buther loter rolt r 1 I co jordan clark co sm snit r E A mansfield 10 g jaquit J 8 11 A co thomaa icyle icy A co 2500 dyb M dan A co too liti miuor maine louis 1 alb A hacket EF E F Mot enKer A co 2 A whitney I 1 alwa IA A co SOOM Cj ery A Dow niMi luct ili tucker A co 20 OW C y F waller A co nor rua riel Mckinn de kinnin iii fm t LO co A uburn Colm iii lopoo lO dimmas H N llor barker A rogora figara A co goow VI IV doted A go co loo lOi loioco floyer bros gilbert abert lava joy A ie co joli at ft a quarter before nino nine tho the fire tied had readied reached in 1 I nearly dearly it straight lino me from congress n gre stat cercet through to hilby bilby street and ral liberty ivere both binim being bow on tim lire tho omd roal oi collico leavo ROM thil malls hoac er kro are abid 11 abo he ru poat CP a nill open in isawo ull tomor to i mor row by 11 3 0 clock progress rog rc of tile tire are towards tho the water lit in the direction of kilby hilby and central heined to I 1 M and tro aint of water wt wiro used IQ in a cx abo flames among tile amna at prent live the of utter devastation 1 aiho bo u got under con call ciol bout about I 1 p m having tn in the lips paco cc C or lul fifteen hours bonn destroyed hou direda la of the aud and mot most belou re lou iri in tile caud co and nl temporarily paralyzing three of the k leiding ing worean cilo inte mur the thou dull ic ather anti dd d dry y trade it in albl aid thero is not one wh I 1 lasslo shil anil and leather feather m c left in boston tho 11 awl trado 1 rl ince bu so in den ail equal deprad de prod tad and tho tb alry 4 md end jobbins JO bInt houses left kit am few tt aud at in far or 1 hie lie rc conent with f from rom 0 other regiments ments to men pro ATO on an duty doty lor for tile protection prote clion of in and tho the of onar A mooting meeting of prom ane nu a lidd at tho the city ivull this provided pro ndoc oner ly by bisor acs arnado as aud and cu erLic action is 13 arod la in order to 0 Hosi ato uio alo ii md lad needy moody A numerous relba committee was waa of which 1 I in 01 gray ny is ia tho committee will hold bold delv baioni tA ioni alac A of toilet roller if organized ox mayor uva murel no now noir post me allies wait lor for a long time ex extolled polled to the aiono corco games but wall tan w IT scarred carr cd this TL masciso 13 firo proof 0 truc tc lujo turro seved tho the morning post bu Luil idding dios directly opposite abil helped greatly la in preventing t abo a firo fire from re reaching aclang alil ij booth burth alto alo e cowl though riveral times riven given up dp for foe lost tho chally il transcript build big and currer A trott ment on on fp corier comer of ma street m burned but the eastern Eit express pales KS a savi thou ali reported at one time kiino as being burned the era firo fire engines camo came from portland with leading citI citizens cens 1711 ly air mayor kingsbury to fir every kid m power lo in ins tm tatu halt in an hour tto cornor comor at Us allington tod and summer w d ono followed another iu in rapid A number of bre tilen were prostrated tell acl matoral severely injured A noman named marths Hat clun wa son luerl from a coconi story to tho the pavo move mont and WM wax seriously injured amr r recovery wa very ij 14 lei doubtful the train from rom N ll 11 arr arrivoli iveli I 1 in n the iho city as a clock bron Flit two atcas engines from the vi wonlu arks and nd a hoso ciri aa ao o with men enough to ran ai 1 chree no of 01 a tho t ial MK propeller md worked tty the men wen acro inda and cleot ent to work wit anh great zeal it ituria nu at thin crimual timo that were on hand band fur tile tho water force urco at the hydrants ws wall very try small mall kad hardly enough to lu torce force a to the second story wiD ilow among amon the irn arri waa am u on company ot of 75 j men train from Lidd efurd juarino mao tile of three lory idoly brick building occupied by gordau monti A co A but it bin ft a IOTT now days kakea pos possession of hy fly crusby kod and monio who were to throw tile whole into 9 gread grand store in connection a auth ath iraq wagon strong took tock larf and we acro ro try T ry BOOB iu 1 1 L 1 down buiu nier crept t 1 0 1 1 batly tat Ly and at t two only ono building to bodiel cu the fire and lovoy ovoy co a building the bk of 0 ia near hotel now doomed doo nied not juliy only to to ita U own dett destruction dutruc ruction Uon lub but uneca tons U to in be alie b means ot of communicating uio the fire crt to JI mid cold danli 4 rotc lii wd ILU all ATOO ty ud proper 1 um sh eolith oil aiu K troia abo district bait calyon oil build Tol morning irain Z ills breall ila would ht ha been beca ai kT olda midell all tho properly property along tile line imo ut or godl liaa nuo ln we would lao IANO been iovini ir if ills bul bad najt us oo corred ton abrim dewed JD lant locality where it originated crowd a by the arx m of gas in ball by br it atoni A co ou parl I 1 lio ito front wui waho of uio building mown into abo atud kl K l bre lo 10 abo store bjoro which blok into central LOOM 1 9 gar lit the delimen fur annl wort from loo tire burning building but be daner the point him bud ot maccal laking placing laki ig on tire burnius beddia bui ilio g from lite th rapidly to abo ex benum balding OB it the tl corner of sumner summt and Ir eoln olp occupied oil OD tho the around ilo orly q arup 1 ru PA A low and dealers all As fixtures lii turM still the cpr is wrice occupy ly by A A I 1 lier unido lowell A lim and nd three atom fallen all b to eap iba 0 the I 1 lamp WW 9 6 ca v m w tan bro is s under chuml laing keln in the bummer al and 4 AT ATOU u A fireman tl ha bu jua fallen oil 1 1 of 01 abo tip of a building buil on hummer oa imas wak onila buton drw of 91 city lt it fe hect onar was wa in III abo 1 I here tere tarco of nf rid BM olt bt half nut three tho the people 1 0 tl 9 im to lo be ro last liomel thi from age m the ills I 1 0 o of ck the e spread read of the iho lire fire ji borton ton 11 r hem I 1 no a truth I 1 in the report I 1 clial i i I 1 iho I 1 h liro I 1 Is 1 n I 1 it t hu as nol a I 1 ne 7 to T except id the lis six BIX bud aings car crar v athis alli warning occasion ea b by LQ 0 viol 01 0 of pu I 1 tan 11 I 1 1 c al a h liu acca 1 added to the ho military iao C guiel rl i or r t alio L b burning distinct kiich aich now how until number ocia lw 1500 attempts attempt kt it to n nj d incendiaries am to bo be frommell nui from roar mill 11 ly 3 dt dealt with I 1 the streets am almost im bc b c from lw d I 1 ta m 11 1 oi alil lluc tho into oni auf of abo I 1 uok a I 1 0 out radord id 0 lo 10 o t 1116 couo 0 do the m 1 irein t int nd N I 1 ori A ann me in 10 I 1 ld 1 to 0 ea 1 fmc 1 ia 1 r I 1 1 alls I tho A III b in ga il lit aol aal 1 anil 1111 1 11 I 1 ive i liani na we waived Wl ived but lost abir 1 vi amton nor rince cointin 0 eu nira ill I be 1 able I I 1 pt ev OU acu le cn p 1 r ard 1 it za 8 ca aa 61 I 1 to fillol I 1 aso a ro r aw 1 wi with 1 I rl f fur or tile alio f feind I 1 5 cicro b fi abao d ni r r th 1 of 01 ahe then rains on jhc bell is fo their 1 are 1 in ia 0 ills 1 tl 1 1 IRI AI of ai 2 1 I 1 aks cint alto D I 1 ichio rt vill 1 1 pc iii tody to dy I 1 kintol at t abu L I 1 alobe y now york YoT 1 kittl and amer izi ahr 0 orah h aib am and 1 I 1 l u lou nothing C 1 itrel L yuit york yoo agioni at ioni vier on half he gi miuyin hanover nor lope enal to OOIN ll Br Wi lUli till ono million amer icausi h lOiO each cach ica IF LT sp t F of dt j coarl cle lao 0 wlbur amoo a aud ari clr V abd at t pmj z cabb at I 1 line a 0 vi kwan of new WR I 1 will ice tax M lou MuD ll 11 L ity 7 1 h do tid kow N v york k 41 etuy m 0 j me antor agloni of I 1 WW aorl I 1 now a awk IL kz kaow 10 I 1 rov ml idea 1 will l low 1 b head C j 1 1 I 1 N RIC ala nt fl lie oi OT it 0 lira ps u the 7 4 AU the 1 ali tribano ills WId withe abo ivr at of tho 0 0 of uio as creaso i to daml torn will reb I 1 to tile let him IT it im in lately ind and report rt hia action to amia with I 1 ire z nii sead fan kt act 0 of f in a wilt 11 d abool ta alio 10 my 01 bou well ai may IT hod ocoa opoa u 1 11 to 1 n t government rs aich alu va i y a m upon 0 tie I 1 market IT faiq b 1 another action which can a it b 1 expect expected of him is a to aa 0 L agn kal I 1 elf a ach will drably be exerted the 1111 kief v ury asaiees the al fla eliat ills govers 11 t mu I luc ill 1 ay LI the iho market the nit jion 1 1 anil 1 1 ell coolly U md d anal or Ick a only 1 I 1 1 the world says that judda AD A distant secretary ol of the iho ry announces announce himself on oa duty to care off a foible amin rial met pame resulting from tho boston bolon firo fire I 1 his is the only time for lost md and secretary boutwell bo po to publicly forswear to pun agam incato tile tho currency lot contwell Pon twell hod cant A bitant Socie lary rich 17 lau make lulo hasta to g give iv t tho ho an publio tent they will u not ot add to lit le ay inflation ails calamity is i all ills hie country can aa bear now ac korv ork 10 tho inspect inspectors ois a ill rats cho owners of at tile tho lima villo villa from blamo blame for or her burian bu rutn an md com mand tho ali of capt flaury TI tiie rd ok now york nov IO 10 tho spectator dubur ame edco journal burall op tho the lattice of the boston fi T tho tho 1 man fund co of t tn kan n francisco lole 7 wi W i alps alp N Y loses leoca fairfield co WOo CLI exchange fro CACAO actu acob OW tho the blue luti ranco co will not ita tile iho aruo artio low lose brooklyn W WO M man litt lau now lortt lork resolute 0 O north britain and Ideman tilo a year rear ago ii had hid nearly six x aks in wallaston tal laston of this city will not exhaust their aur plus aljo cand and haab lie lic companies Compan its will combino combine the holud co liw had no basw jog deg tho the bilic uy says th tho 0 doi cuiter to tile ligament CO B s does doc but bot war ran nuit I 1 tile the great apprehension felt as to its con mv mo abo Dio jonty of tho the risks niika era lo bo tz to 0 alx lx o iii local ce companies imd end the dg 9 gregatos is ft fi alry laro number of tile majority r ty afi fcc new york and other companies Compan loi pr of billidon Bil liton will withstand the shock i 1 hem am ro mya tho the I 1 nice by tho the fire their inside wounding woun Ling to 2 she spectator thit that tho the ranco low ion by the ho lie llos a ono dol collani lani tho the lamed burned is ranch much smaller n ban that dest royall at chicago Cb icaco but bat it itoko oan of block tholof m all rail fail hest on bostom companies the greater creator part ol of a inea their BOM am entirety to that section companies may bo be expected to bland with bvm if any exceptions the ille moct in im M e lok now kow york ID 10 tho none of the boston III caused 0 agn atar excitEr nent here I 1 alimi M t eliat bmw occasioned by tho the chicago tire lire by noon hou it t wax was supposed the to was already 7 greater cater than that ol at chicago hicar the city p birite moro more tile of a bamm fill lly ily alian sabbath in commercial camlet marked consternation prowled as it WM was universally flit that tho the business of this city would very inato nilly wall street men were intensely excited and congregated durins during abo day and evening at rifle avenue hotel tile generall oderal impression was that tomorrow will at am a panic in the abo block war market ceic acro biado to dayon I 1 fad at tile poco c 0 of fm Batur a t u rd daT ny on tile union pacula at sn six per acot below saturday batur day dars close j i mcl on union at four per cen I 1 yew N ev aorl 11 E knots bot s 0 of f p people 0 0 p 1 0 a an ro as t bl bled on the a tro 0 ts to y c 0 n v ut s i n g u upon r ou the dis huf lter sater at logdon koll anit of sympathy sim aicard all amm ho B of their lowi anil and dowding indino BU of which the annexed in ua Is a copy awa atoa loss leh ito 1 oft ork a 6 id s omo assets capital unimpaired wil vi il city loss awta atit commercial I 1 lo 10 ah ouo buo dimits columbia Columb ii lou last clients 1 star lo 10 loss assets bweta 0 aitio luis loss 5 i Lail motte loss hornli 1 lou load t to td 52 low im sets mota col iegan lou lots OUO aice colw W liverpool A Unc london lorl Ip boja aib Us thia company patch from odilom london to pay the iselin mil it draw on tile liverpool office ormen noan of liverpool end anil london lots loss about rope hope lots about central st LOUIK lou i 15 xO underwrite 1300 american SW K teso ewh london assurance IOU OJO I lode 1 orient nation ili dl IW uw IW t 15 losa N y cs meet baeta trI XU st nicholls IN Ait ional fw amlow unimpaired I 1 ito he spectator nearly diary 0 cry company bm bas ponc gone aora lork 11 stocks were pinicy all be mornion morn iol prices were live ta 0 un per coot lower of D P S V while ellitt rl litt perry l rrt and co H 11 R P N it il cox abil if S kimball md co old under t alio a rulo role the marlit now tile want sovina to 0 he cl r mcw i wurl lorl ll it it 19 butco tut that the only coto panics |