Show tre shall ie be glad to RIC let any ny af r vay finds at 1 our office ff rn rd fre afton them an any af di details of jae their propel and adl tabera Rb n 1 11 eab caf aser aar any mineral aliner leorta informs oa 00 f M to rv sice 0 in as a tall fall inter AHA C eb e alb it ajo 1 l lot evue your iua hating tl m tobio a tile rounds and td to uio the of his or i now w I 1 amdy dy to a report r c pon from f 0 thi till section abo T b raining ini i A of at h 1 L my baj theme and aji to lo apa with mill will rotor to tits the huf th thil I 1 i mine is a teA a OD the crest of ill abi dller ild for or ridge which sep ff araks little cottonwood cuon con arout big and lob bout about ono ODO mite milo northeast 0 or t abu city V T tho I 1 a proper of I 1 20 A a lund fu and was wan rated in 1 j blead mih alth A it ahw A ID 3 ats ahr ft a all mock 01 I 1 S jw WO aj u u pirley owna by gloh CAlub siB and p harily by y 1 I old U libl ans l broto batio blut chiri la ft 1 I 1 1 antler it scalf tho to d depth pah of fi 23 A from the ibo uj and thence f irom fin in tho bottom ol of his hais hart r run rull ui ea indiala staff following tho the vein a of 1 luct tho or of tile tho incline la is unit flunk another c halt 45 fit fiat mal mating lal tho arbolo 1010 ran 1 tm foci feet li ibo he av allago thick thickness neds ol of lein aln ap peart pears to to bo ajaj i too lout folt and tho lie character of oro are i ba me raw rous carbon I 1 t and oxide ode of load kud I 1 aarn from atio tendon a air ali D south that the ac ilmando ri in pulp ipuy on 0 gA bahou abom hou 14 JQ adver to the tun too and 27 la 17 gr per met had I 1 am klio also info ruled ahat there hoz boan about 1 1 l moto tons of oro fro from u ill tho L mine tio aco nono aliis ont dc dognog arlingtin bo T put 9 Bu ul limer thu tunnel chic t was started irum the ibo ji ulolo italo Cog onwood sale of abe mountain auly ly jut spring 1 J noir new la in ft a ane ol of lii 1 and tile superintendent ainuu to be bloon oun ill 1 ill but 11 abo longo will mil lie bo albek in au 0 o 11 ar farther r 11 south of alio p ci ano a which I 1 alm ilm will corae came tinder alo control of that company is i tho the mine i I 1 was nas aboin through 2 this a atno by 17 it i smith who 1 la al dd bal sad knets lint t u 1011 celiar shelf eack I 1 tu tho of af ety aye joel fuel at tho the OI bo 01 torn of f tiia then them Us two lod godf run nia fu tho ia acin I 1 n or dioniti ODO of them a dl ot or fg forty a alvo feet t kout berly odd and the abo oro lody ap re to to in una a ralle IS m fall c brewe from aa fn to 9 t a fact thiu the clarc ter ot or which is ia about the safes u that taken ahon frona tho the franc the cuing walls walla appear to bawal bo bijj formed and addil fm lenfred len tred I 1 rm am inclined to the be il that ui ore connection wu will bo traced to the davenport daveni I 1 at no DO distant day I 1 will i L b be 0 a tunnel run ran from this ahr mine I 1 to 0 coo con dart noat with ha 20 tho Joji D port through W h 1 c h t abo ore fr from botn es will pus pisa and thence over their train tramway wity to enzly tim fiat at p at there art are twenty men tit at nork mark in hi ouda boot this mine and ilia daily yield of ore am to Is bone a to tom abich li if being chipped to the companas compan comp anys yB fur viner tit sit the mouth of tho the benjon j he cinc i inc I 1 ia am the mr IN hams 6 turning out train irom ngu to 10 tons per ir chipping ore 1 I WM was shown t thronia the gyu by 31 sir r 1111 V ill lains ams a at 9 jeet as f far 0 it t AS ag anyone can go 0 at a dve in alt J from proper fag and ikel 1 aba tact 7 tho lal a ng arding b tho the fel aced of ua g in Int leD is ia erro geow 1 2 ho he minal 90 0 o lu fur as MY by observations went Is ii well lamb lamberos erod and I 1 dont think that aba a aay jl cauaan fur compaine com paint against TL the 1216 dim that mj low lay flays ago J in n 1 thu ins 1 ajda bich I 1 instead 0 of D cylc 1 kc so reported N 1 I 1 I 1 bixl 11 aluni C py this colwy piny owns and mii to ta now flow G as tu y airm I 1 the hay bay city try beuno bluno ali J moala 01 h is 13 aw 36 cortti of M ahr city y abo abo arte rte jl I 1 fietto ill of f mall 1 ia V of alto and doar be brud to the mio mine b a ant daml of iowa to 1 IB now ill id a di stan of fil 64 test and ilia lut tile tho I 1 alicc ilia is in 11 14 fol both of faces lii kro are under the of mr air ld id i d A praet liol l miner as tho the to ID tho ilia runnels will fully abo bufty city M for or near tits inina mine latno on lillian imma i mma mount aLii and will if ran couo fiet feet strike tk IW alf below alie if tbs abs ia Is tor for a po ut a little liello wat wast of the i and if f rua a to re I 1 abo haNor jtb add bal abo lucidon loc idon will 2 from tun tell I 1 to ml IS hundred tile from air carruthers that intention of 0 the iho m M D to push work u rapidly at possible artl tb S abc 0 S win winter ter n 1 4 ier tile hj tire blum or hotel loo wa in foci fact newly PH dl lofb of WM sta bome luji frao at t the iho present limo lane I 1 dv 0 informed by MS ambey of tile JIM of C willibey libey fil A beed their sales hyvo axin b UD usually heavy for few aill aad D i I 1 thi think blithe alio llio ammo me ran can ua SAM of tho the ferrit of mi A abo by nl mck c k dramor ono of at the bent houses AD 10 tho place 1 1 IR doing doin ft a flour ilung business kii sinca and se BO ilethea 4 alio a lilt belag belonging mg to bon A 1 kide tho the livery I 1 am an loail 3 by K E h La splendid and c e tho plate luu has moro more lifo lie file tj amet I 1 M alu report om alii elty as it la Is at ole of bc littly ciocon it dul ineil to lo be bean an I 1 point this 14 the point at aich tt ba amt of 01 the rock kas has wn for the bno of now new tempi a 1 petco llis at i ish rean baoy poor hunt bu fulcd anay Y liis buo n ya air has ILI built him a L bufo ta abil commodo com modi cu olallo and from this time on I 1 rr grosanic the step alta stock will bo changed at tha aliu TI point in ill man borr keep lh trout ut how ism ones aa t which place its tto artery can got sar doare mal inear if lio ito wants one Mile ellair covin boon ill 10 iad sea about jha city tj ll conj eigild or tto ton incho lp deep T i a axt w b 0 o T I 1 d 1 h wo we take lalta ill into to C r rat tho t I 1 lofty ow alti tude ludo ot 01 ah w which hl i goow feet a alato boy aca 1 1 th r ll 11 of cf alt ain send bend their of the lection of ij I 1 b grunt grant for chief Magi duato of thil duj AS it gives us the sain trance that ch alva mari ia and IT y muda ID go down in tho the territory of uth fa I 1 oil out rut ew tin tinella tle would woold cle cherelle relle at much brno a to he level p of mines AS they do in ellit IDS noni a d pauw and chrz iott joau bo 2 to b bant arst uio the ban adlai we ki k wido wide open ape n and vi co comiono comi 0 ro oMo 9 cot parts to tho the of the abw world ald tc cital roo foe |