Show salt lake n trying hard to keep with the times it has a nen murder teni alion and now all that 13 needed is lunching lynching lyn ching or two SALT lake la again to the front this time it is a man nho thinks 1 e can run an aerial railroad train at tl e rate miles an 1 our ilia must be a strange ailment las death 0 air james G blame chich occurred last monday may gene many the memory ot her illustrious huband sl e ft ill b re her own strength th ot char after and vigor of caina and for the ame she bore mrs blaine was 70 ears ot age A BECENT baue of the mining and scientific press s that many pros lay great atress upon the ct ar acter of the country rock through v inch eina run asa matter ol 01 fact the kind of rock a of email consequence cone quence it the ore in the vein has little or no v aloe the kind of rock through which tl e vein iun bill make no material differ the cl fracter of the rock rather than the kind sometimes affords an indication of the or absence 0 ore h dies but not of the alue of the ore amu the unusual interest int erett taken in the eel ool election it was gomen bat of a disappointment to the trustees and a great discredit to the tax aaers of park cita that tl ere were fen at the annual meeting held jn the evening A good attendance was looked tor especially on account of the jany rumors tt at have been cincu the past moor three weeks in justice to tl e board of trustee aho wished to defend their record and in justice to the tax payers thi attlio should know the exact state of affairs tl we sl have been a larger attendance II 11 is enose vho aho start such as have been lately circulated and those who are inclined to believe them that never how interest in tie matter to attend the meeting s held especially tor them it is tl e right and duty of every citizen to know exactly nhat has been done or the trustees dar ing the year to know ahre and tor what tie school funds have been ex there is only one liay for them to fand out and that is to attend the meetings held bv the board to hear the reports read aad listen to the ex plantations pla nations and take part in tl e discus bioni that may come up if th y tail to blame but K they are not perfectly contented with tie manner in which patters are handled the showing made una ear by tie board considering the expense hey have been under isa splendid aoe and one of which no fair minded uran or woman can complain abe people have hobeler ho Bever led by their vote their perfect Eatie tac with tl e management of affairs by the trustees dunn the year it closed the new member of tl e board sir smith is viall cnown very popular anil thoroughly competent so there la no reason why tl e present high standard of our public school system should not be maintained maint aired THE mining and scientific I 1 rem pan pran scisco hag the following to fay oil the measurement of undeveloped pre an ore body not blocked out by actual shafts drifts linzee and raises is a most uncertain of the walla forma no index of of ore not actually leasur tible an ore body is seldom symmetry sym metri cal inform and the chape or dimensions of any one portion of it cannot be depended upon to give even an male idea of the extent or value atun geen portions of the same ore body good of ore disappear or come to an end in the most unaccountable man ner anda or faults cut off veins regular and apparently continuous II 11 in sometimes at a jointing plane and values become impoverished or ml in other instances the mineral continues but values cease to A company tle ores or to drop to a point where profit is no loneer possible the engineer nho not long since said the average minine report is only a nice fairy tale was not far from the truth tor their are thoa maund reports on mines in these days of prosperity whore entire anning knowledge an 1 experience has been gained within a year the man who wrote in a prospectus that the ore chute had been developed ctet in length and shape of the hill enli abed tl at it would be at least lent longer n a certainly favored with a gift not possessed ross essed by most crople that of seeing several hundred feet into the aped portion of a mining claim lie was frank enough however not to in elude tins extension exten eion of the vein in his estimate of ore in sight A pros hect may be poor indeed but any pros hect deserves a trial and it an improve ment can ba bolsted it is to follow U aa longis it for before ang it aill have developed ft paying mine bait abu act does not justify as to ore in eight any nu uber of bearg of experience make a man estimate ore in tight in undeveloped liine workings |