Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Tuesday May 25 1948 'EMPIRE' BRIEFS BUILDING RESUMED vitiates in the near future They OGDHN Msy 24 — In paction of are memoers of the Ciatercian Orlh construction of the new quon- - der of the Strict Observance and were formerly from the monastery monastery of the Trap- of Our Lady of Gethsemani near pist monk above Huctsville by Louisville Ky Mifr"" P F Kennedy pastor of Msgr Kennedy recently ha reSt Joseph 'a Catholic church" in turned to Ogden from being hosfor several Oyden auod other church officials pitalized in California and contractors haa been set for month He still 1 unable to return to active duty so will spend a Wednesday vacation with hi mother in in tempo Ireland period the Presently quartered ummer during rary wooden barracks on the mon the astery ground Trappist m orks are waiting completion by v George A hitmeyer and Son contractor of the concrete and structure which steel quoniet-typ- e will become the temporary monu-ter- y within the next three quarter month The visitor to the monastery will be greeted by Rev M Maurice of the community Lint superior and will be shown around the area fcy him The Trappist consisting of 34 Choir Religious and Lay Brothers came to the Utah colony last June 10 and it is expected they will be Joined by new members and no- - ( Fi I) r""-i"""- L Narramore Sheriff Frank i Evanaton said the mishap occurred d Sunday at 9:10 pm when the Tooele 1947 club coupe collided with the rear ©f a li-to- n atock truck with rack driven by Carl Spriggs Wasatch west-boun- I I I - f 4 i ) t I f is good ! ADVERTISEMENT f Stomach Distress Is Gone After Ten Years of Suffering " f f Mr Lilliaji II M Thompson Banker's widow dies at Logan Unita Mishap LonanBanker's county sheriff Widow 76 traffic Sunday night wa Evanston "fairly night Dies at Home at here Condition of Charles A Hymas Tooele Injured in a accident Just rewest of Wyo ported good" Monday L D S hospital Sheriff Hymai describing the accident said as he was driving weit from Evanaton he encountered a truck rtopped in the right traffic lane He said when he came near enough to realize the truck had stopped fie saw the driver standing at the right of hi vehicle and another car waa approaching from the oppoaite direction in the other lane The sheriff chose to crash into ' the rear of the truck One man recently stated that for ten years he felt like he had a lump in his stomach This feeling wa due to the lump of food h alway had Inside of him He wa weak worn out headachy swollen with ga and terriblv constipated Recently he and started taking INNER-AIaays the feeling like a brick in hia atomach disappeared the second day Bowel are regular now ga and headaches are gone and he feels like a new man 1 INNER-AIthe new formula of 12 Juice from Nature' Plant It ha relieved many people who had never been really helped before meal it mbce with your food thus eliminating the poisons that foster tomach trouble It will clearse enliven liver and remove old bile from the ystm So don't go on suffering! Get INNER-AISold by all drug stores undigested D D D Over a hundred miles of seacoast is yours near TrIbaM Lo4 H'lr May 24— Mrs Lillian Hyde Miner Thompson 76 widow of A H Thompson Logan banker died Monday night at her home 193 N 4th East following a long Ill ness She was born In Salt Lake City March 23 1872 a daughter of Aure lius and Laura Marinda Hyde Miner She married Alvlr Hemingway Thompson in Logan Feb 14 1901 He died June 7 1934 Prominent tn Church Mrs Thompson was prominent In church work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints having been active in most of the auxiliaries She was educated In Salt Lake City schools and attended University of Utah and Brlgoam Young university She taught kindergarten at Preston Ida and at Mammoth Juab county She also song In the tabernacle choir in Salt Lake City for many years and was secretary and organist of the Sunday school here She was a member of the Brlgham Younf? camp of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and was captain for two years and also served as president of the Cache county chapter She was active In many civic endeavors Son Daughter Survive Surviving are one son and one daughter Fred H Thompson Logan: Mrs William O Peterson Salt Lake City five grandchildren four sisters and one brother Mrs A C Smith Logan Mrs Winifred M Stone Mrs Mable M Olsen Mrs Rhea M Kennard and James A Miner Salt Lake City Funeral services will b conducted Thursday at 1 pm in Logan Fifth ward chapel by Joseph Symons bishop Friends may call at the home of Fred Thompson 155 E Center st Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm and Thursday from 10 am until time for services The family requests no flowers Burial will be In Logan city cemetery under direction of W Loyal Hall mortuary LOGAN Autos Collide tlJLrA You've room to roam when you vacation on San Diego County's famed seacoast! Your beach playground extends from Oceanside to Old Mexico and the bay at Ensenada It's Southern California's "zone of comjort" cool and enjoyable night and day Come and that San Diego has to offer! enjoy "family" vacation city Everybody has m good time Mother and the little folks too A uor Id- - famous zoo operas under the stars big stores and intriguing little shops beaches parks playgrounds all so con- San Diego is octws-oe4- ' i CAiif7j 111 B TrlkaM ynro OGDEN May 24— Four persona were Injured when two car collided Monday night west of River-dal- e viaduct the vehicles landing upsid down Trootr W E Wood statu hto-wav catrol said the drtvr in volved were Robert Carter 18 Lincoln ave driver of a 1938 light edan which collided with a late model light edan driven by ueorge Clarence jcaei 23 2744 Washington blvd Taken to St Benedict's hnanltnl were Mr Edel Injuries unde termined pending and x-ra- ys In 1 the Carter macnine: Lena Busic 16 144 Patterson ave possible dislocated hip and arm lacerations Donna Huss 16 3318 Washington blvd head and back injuries and Le Roy D h Hudson 18 t left hand You'll all have days and mights - Hurt Four Near Ogden three passenger venient Restaurants in variety to tempt the true gourmet oj never' ending fun in cool comfortable San Diego Be seeing you' LAYTON May 24 — Swanee Singers male chorus made up of business and professional men of Salt Lake City will present a con cert at Layton chapel Church of Jesus Chriat of Latter-da- y Saints Friday for benefit of the Fourth L D S ward building fund Organized in 1913 by J Spencer Cornwall the chorua features Dorothy Kimball Keddington soprano soloist Virginia Taylor Bradford accompanist and Helen Taylor Johanessen organist Director of the chorus is Earl Donel-o- n Urge Elko Hospital BATTLE MOUNTAIN Nev May 24— A resolution declaring that crowded condition at the Salt Lake City medical facility of the Veteran administration make it impossible for former service men in eastern Nevada "to get adequate medical treatment" was adopted ai a tnira district meeting of the American Legion here The organization went on record as favoring construction or a veteran hospital at Elko Weber Flood Ebbs ooo Hunt Accident Hurts Youth At Roosevelt ROYAL Tribune Spwlal ROOSEVELT Ducheane county May 24 — Accidentally shot through the stomach and kidney at the close of a magpie hunt Sunday Darwin Thomas 14 was in "fair" conditionMonday night In a Roose- nure I - -- ':t47 Tijuana MEXKTO j'fJ 'jjSl CCONA0O- hii ul ii- -u ii FOR COMPLITI ii' ENSENADA Fer Information SAN CIGO-ailFCRNI- wrlf A lrrfwrDt tm Dif CaNfri ? W T ClUt 71 PHONi OK jy 0nr WRm TODAY ton run homi dimonsthation Q ELGC TTQOC CO Stat Phone 923 4-21- 152 88 E 4th South Uilm IBS O I Request Legal Opinion BOUNTIFUL May 24 — Mem bers of the South Davis Civic Improvement Assn have met at the home of Charles A Larsen and decided to request the school board to get an opinion from the attorney general on the law which led to Bountifuls petition for a high school it was announced Monday JO puS Davis Sets Meet FARMINGTON U1JS May 24— Rep resentatives from every municipality in Davis county will meet at the courthouse here Tuesday night to name a seven-ma- n zoning commission for the county and act as an advisory board In work ing out a zoning program for the county j I "mm 0 6t grtt rslisf from externally csused pimples rsthes blem- ihnei wun scienuncsuy meai csted Cuttcura Sosp and Oint ment Guaranteed satisfaction or money back Buy today waiting for the big be long now needles I L no fUa os ft clom Shin to no stat Crystal clor Cleo-n-t mirrors and chrom too - And Yovr Old S3&'' "p CENTERVILLE 24 — May Cleanup drive sponsored by city officials and Lions club started Monday and will continue through Saturday The city truck is scheduled to pick up trash Tuesday Friday and Saturday UUZW0 t?£t7 FOGaOUt f 1J4-4-4- S£095 mr— II AmIV I U 1 t XCS A I k — C"XJ don't blam th Ford --" IV t- - cisco Ha's baen acting like kid with a nsw toy end I JL r VAC TTT" Rgion "Sneak himl H in th Dalrs a w and oil Wstm going to gst a Prviw" of the '49 ar news! But it won't In the meantime we're open for business as usual— and you never saw us so friendlyl Our d Mechanics are all set to go to work fast with Ford-traine- Factory-approve- W'r pretty excited too and we know everyone in town will be when he gets back to tell us all about ft! From all we've heard the 49 Ford is tne cor of th year Well it looks like all of us will have to iust sit here on pins and d Methods Special Ford Equipment and Genuine Ford Parts for real Ford Service PSsTtoOari YW for4 Oeofor tnrltot yo H Hit— H r fr4 AMo Skow $m4oy sVealest — NBC eeJweri Tkooft Sunday Aftornoom—NBC notwork Soo row aewisaaar for timo mod rtatlas f il Lor-- IV 701 CLEAUS 17IHD017S C Fer Ow 4-- 1 Start Cleanup Drive UtHm to too Tor4 mi Q Oft RELAXATION Polished duralamlnum Will not chip peel or ruit Strons a teel at one-thithe Furniture Store niann VALUI COLORFUL II A student of Mr F LeRoy Davis ana joanne JJavls Clinton were presented in a Sunday recital at the home of Mr Davis Takfnc part were Kent Johnston Lynn ttiaxe stanrora Reid Grace Niamya Shirley Cook Colleen Bennett Marlon Page Jeanne Curtis and Clark Child $S0C0 REG DO NOT HZSITATI CHAISI LOUNGE ONLY 508-27t- Luumiiumu ri DemaDd for duralumlnum by sovernment makea futura delivery uncertain III ii to Eny 0 rd I inwuniMipiw STJtSEM ASPIRIN 5lve rlftit SO Ublcu S5c Sport CMIAA o i FOR CHILDREN weight l crrr FALSE TEETH AGAIN DOES th ! -- ECTlISC Clinton riano Itacltal I Iftw ? Duachane Darwin Thomas boy suffer bullet wound in hunt KAYSVnTE Mav 24 — Rov Scout from various troona in Davis stake will receive awarrie at a court of honor in Kaysville oecona war a cnapei at 8 pm Tuesday The meetinsr Is onen to aii scouts ana meir parents lacerations flihing boats f roam kelp beds off Point to ma and La Jolla or cruis to the Coronado lilandi in Mexican wateri You can rent your tackle for th trip For-ig- n licenie and live bait inIt's cluded in boat feet California deep tea fishing at its best) Wlra hosted by east Carbon Rotary club Mrs Bracken Lee will be mistress of ceremonies ! Award Davis Scouts Mav 24 — Ntn Wlr DRAGERTON Carbon County May 24 — Final plans have been completed for one "of the largest and finest" ladles' night banquets in the four year history of Carbon county chamber of commerce scheduled for Tuesday in auditorium of east Carbon junior high school here Gov Herbert B Maw will be the principal speaker and Mrs Maw also is scheduled to participate Approximately 200 persons will PROVO May 24— Mr Frances Carter Groneman 74 wife of Peter Groneman Provo building contracADVKKTIHKMKNTtor died Monday afternoon at Santa Monica Cal Now Many Wear Mr Groneman long a well known figure in Provo for civic and church duties was born July 7 1873 in Nephi a daughter of Heze-kia- h With More Comfort and Elizabeth Morris Carter FASTEETH a pleaaaot alkaline loon remore It was in Nephi schools she acid) powder hold f aim teeth firmly To eat and talk tn more wm-fo-Hrt ceived education She married Pea AST r mtle tin juat apiiDkle ter Groneman May 11 1893 in the No trunrraf ooey on pty Salt Lake temple Church of Jesus nounced by the Berg mortuary taateyouror plates feeling Checfca "plate odor'' FASTEETH at Get breath) (denture Christ of Latter-da- y Saints pending word from California nr druK store She served as a Relief society teacher in the LDS church for 40 years She was active in the She was a prominent Primary member of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers serving at one time as vice captain of company three At time of death she wa a member IT of company eight Survivors include her husband While The Last four sons Oran M Lavar P Lynn L and Alton F Groneman of NOW TWO Provo 12 grandchildren six greatgrandchildren four brothers and five sisters: Hezekiah Carter Lynn Carter Nephi James Carter Salt VACUUM CLlANift Lake City and Lorin Carter Blackfoot Ida Mrs John Bur COMZINATION ton Mrs Florence Enscore Salt Lake City Mrs Roy Elliott Mrs LATEST MODEL Ralph Elliott and Mrs Lee C Morgan Provo Funeral services will be an- - day ANCHO ALASANTA Ft SAN DIEGO cc v X WARREN Weber County May velt hospital 24 — Flood water A companion Conrad Hollen-bec- k of the Weber 16 had operated the ejecting river which had spread over an estimated 1000 acre of farm land mechanism of his 22 caliber rifle and pasture were reported on the The youths were searching for the decrease here Monday by Com- cartridge which they thought had fallen in the grass when the gun missioner L M Hess The bullet passed discharged Fliens Breakfast through the Thomas boy's stomach MACK AT Ida May 24— Be- nicked a kidney and lodged above tween 200 and 250 plane are ex- the kidney pected to land at the Mackav air field for the annual Idaho pilots' breakfast June 12 and 13 Robert K Dlers chairman of the aviation committee of the Markav Oim ber of Commerce reported Mon CLINTON taet Trlbun 60-vol- ce Tooele Couple Tair' After Tribune Lcai Trtbaaa Special pe when completed Much of the con true Uon work wa halted during the winter month but now ha been resumed the member of the It i hoped colony can move into their new Former Provo Carbon Chamber Sets Agenda Woman 74 For Dragerton Ladies' Night Dies on Coast the attend the banquet J Choral Group Sets Layton Fund Coneert Pastor Slates Inspection Of Trappist Monastery rt-t-- 11 Employees of mm ivi DOWNTOWN mm SUGARHOUSE lit |