Show Editor Chronicle ALLOW me space in your paper to reply reo reply re re- o ply to an editorial in your issue of Feb You say you believe the education education education tion of the deaf has been neglected not only in our Territory but throughout the entire country Against your belief I will state a few facts America is the only country in the world where the schools for the deaf are supported by bythe bythe bythe the government In all other countries the the schools schools for the deaf are chari charities ties pu pure e and simple They are supported by voluntary gifts and their support depends on the generosity of the public The first permanent school for the deaf was established in this countr country y in 1817 at Hartford Conn Today there are sixty-six sixty public schools for the deaf including including in including in- in the National College and sixteen sixteen sixteen six six- teen denominational and private schools making a total of two eighty-two schools for mutes deaf-mutes in the United States In Inthe Inthe Inthe the two eighty-two schools there were last year in attendance mute deaf-mute children These children were taught by teachers and upward of was expended for their support For further information see American Annals Annals Annals An An- nals for the Deaf Vol No 1 As to Utah Utah Utah-in in 1884 the legislature appropriated appropriated ap ap- pr 2000 for the ed education of mute deaf-mute children in connection with the University of Deseret Every legislature legislature legislature legis legis- lature since then has made as liberal provision for the maintenance of the school as the financial condition of the Territory would permit was appropriated for the building now occupied occupied occupied oc oc- by the school In the light of these facts wherein have the deaf of Utah been neglected As to the teaching of articulation and lip The first school in the United States in which articulation and reading lip-reading were taught was established in Virginia See History of the American Schools for the Deaf in three volumes J There are five distinct methods of in instruction instruction instruction in- in used in the schools of the United States I. I The Manual Method II the Oral Method III HI the Manual Alphabet Method IV the Auricular Method V. V the Combined System In 1894 there were upward of deaf children distributed as follows according according according ac ac- cording to method of instruction I. I II 1124 III IV V. V The Combined System is the theone theone theone one in most general use because it is the only one that will produce practical results with all deaf children It is the system in use in our own University because because because be be- cause of that fact Oral schools and the teaching of articulation articulation articulation ar ar- and reading lip-reading are of practical value to only about twenty per cent of the deaf For that reason three sixty-three of our schools for the deaf in America use the Combined System of instruction Articulation and reading lip-reading are taught in all Combined System schools but not at the expense of mental development develop develop- ment and only to those children who can profit by such instruction Three thousand six hundred and two thirty-two children received instruction in speech in the Combined System schools in 1894 That was more than three times as many as were taught speech in the good schools you mention Frank W. W Metcalf Su Supt t. t School for the Deaf University of oj Utah to |