Show u AT boga 4 C A denson T kon from jail by a mob and ud libut charles Clit lc A W tit the victim of judge lynch at t login logan city it wall mil bo be remembered was tho the asmo man who some three scars since on account of being ejected from a ban ball room deliberately fired into inlo uio ufa ball among tanon ufa the dancers and fillod i a win on oat that occasion ho he mido made good food ills fiig escape apo by from ufa territory on abo altu of abo present le shot and lainof dav id W st at login logain city for which crime lio lie was iau arrested on Tac by bj the officers ficerA of of the law lair find binl lodged in jon on which occasion the abo excitement among the ibo populace became lecarno intense mid find resulted in ia their forcing the jail door noil and drag gins ging forth tile object of their lialo late th they ey hung ichao to a sign irn real oat nl by the following is 1 tho the Ye ardick of the coronet coroner 5 jury jory territory tory of utah login logan 1 product cache cou bounly lily I 1 at an inquest holden at the county connly court homo in logan in said ald county oil the th lath lay clay of february A 1 U 1873 lafore bifora cla arles 0 card coroner of said aid county upon tho the body of charles charlca A benson thre th re by the juror jurors it been names name fare are hereunto boro unto nub ascribed scribed bed the said jurors upon their oaths do a ay a y that tho the uld said A denson camo to td b bu 1 death front from strangulation caused hy by a ropo roin around his nock neck lid and thit that we ve further find ac according cordin to tho the evi evidencia dancia hero presented that tho the said bild A benson unarmed wax was taken from tho the officers by bv a mob a nith fill violence and that tho the mid an mobbing 0 b hung tho the bald abid doe noted to tho the sign in fro front sit of 0 ilia county court coort house until dead in witness of the iho said juron lessen to talt at their bonds thin italia lay day of rebr attry A D 1873 EU ell BELL 0 OG G duan sworn toil and subscribed to before BIO trill day of 0 february WS 1673 canlis 0 CARD coroner of mid ad COU county lity this we e bolioli I iio 0 is u the abo arai wiles wherein olin the mormon ever resorted to lynch law anil dj it li Is i 1 cry doubtful if this would have hare occurred had there been any ny legal means within the limits of 0 this TenHo territory rj of fog the criminal but for a twice outraged community to subject a double murderer of clUzen sto to tho the favorable chanced or of baing agida again wt oat at liberty libart you oo 00 a writ habeas of corpus 1 dot to b aljo of law lit li to bo be dop deplored lored neither Is ij it only chere impotency in legal jurisdiction exists such finch has been lccy tit alio 0 es capo POI hicom of ml an now new countries lot but there ought alili t this alii lato isto daa |