Show THE FALL RACES sigund of tile manti arh in I 1 irk ashiki ilian TROTTING AND RUNNING RACES successful efforts of 0 F cooldige cool dge in n establishing one on of the finest course oi in southern soul hern utah rill 1 11 allm purk park lit tit thy the till arnot track m aki 1 0 1 Ctol Coo ulie lidio LI I 1 mul imd HI oil thu t 1 ho ulli mst ili it on it of th fall uri uro itral r ml from hilt dt lake elf if iii I 1 t tilt flit ml ria tile he o 0 original of hu he ds not brud out tho attend till 1 I WIH IN it tit t 1 ida r at t IS 19 A X I 1 mid thu flit rill nitta es a iad to IN bo agrani A aft tilt uniting 1111 11 ton ll it 11 ii ft tri fit tor wr and st t rat o 0 lit 1 rbt i mt are i artil 1 II mals lg F I 1 rs t lit 4 otie ansh insh I 1 atrit q by 1 I 1 link of floront ilo Alor ont AV afati 1 I 14 lit NV V of i finnk cit ciul gaa ll 11 b I 1 clina 1 1 he antt ant i ft 14 won by r till wt a i st I 1 so ond turn sl 25 S l ilk LOI lot lid LIS S t ond lond L raco race otie wile dash autris duale b by john aleci jr of and gelloa 11 stoin b 1 s IIII at 11 of MU ho halil ra e i oil ly by dudle time 21 1 I s bonds alaird rike rale but ahrie ili five lit hikita ats I 1 narita ben bv bolm IN fie jr wales Com conductor ductor by clire fit ill arld a nil chief ay by iy allred of spring city first heat ben hrat first Oni ductor chief third tun will 41 ile tor firby lien licit at B ond chief third third lunt conductor drat lit bin 1 second chief thin tunc dunc i 3 21 fourth heat ti 11 u n first confine tor for second Keco iid binic t 2 fifth hent conductor allis tile heat raw race tinie 3 23 21 1 4 thru dash entrot A dude liy by chris Alad sell ot Mn Ala held dudle and arid Vell owston i rac e m oil it dude dudl dudle mond Vell third tini jfe second set ond int trot nulu little heats time in ili five fire fentrus 11 L wati 1 ins alike by dr of Sall ilij hob rob by faux of fint lunt mike first howdy mccond hob lint third bitne 2 68 58 hiat rowdy first bob rob second mile Alile third buie 2561 2 5 third thirl heat howdy rowdy first roll rob seo tinie 2 57 fourth heat howdy first rob mccond tuned bitne 2 58 18 RUJA u lirot nile ilala nulo mile trot two wo iu in three Iti tries ui bt it 11 by wilson of S ilina bess b crank little of moroni chief by 1 alfred first I 1 cat eat bit H first bem u sec end lind chief third time 1 12 belond hent heat betais first chief ee As eLond und I 1 11 it 11 third binic 1 tal third heat bt athe sit first chief sec see ond lit is third tune I 1 ja F airet ro t money given o 0 to best and sil simond L 0 rill t to ben bell second ace ilala nulu little babli dentri i 4 iraco by 11 0 madain of thia city adi by peter P tir son of and bald dwinn to an acci accident dont by which binco ginco and ilia wire thrown from front the track this race waa was declined tred ired 07 01 third race rae milt trot iest t two i three rody ond arid alike mil first heat beat romily first mike second tinie time 3 13 second heat mike alike first howdy rowdy second time tinte 3 20 roud rowdy vins tho therah rare 4 in the tile third hiat W 1 I D B istace Jall tame ieli lowry and john gaff acted as juryea during thi ili three thre da si meeting and gave IK alia faction isaac sr 1 till tilt U and sati III lint it fur N it sunlit I 1 II 11 I 1 II 11 taylor bold po I 1 ii ad elicit dext rabi till I 1 allu ilk ant 0 t trill arm k is ono A f I 1 till lot exit tile li tt arrit ar n it 11 it is flit it biln I 1 loll 1011 olle hilla it and r v 11 ulta f III lluc grounds nn art inet tl DI ili ii it high liia li bi trot ft it iu and III mansvil lid jet ivil tal in idsall od tilt the t all alt op tin flit grand 11 bt 1111 hillh lit ba u itilia till aa for it i nim li 1 I lurt largi ar roud froud f t than irvi in ili at nt tin fall n ejiu atte 11 willi mith 11 lion 1110 10 art m atit 1 through the ground I 1 i lillis tin to alie i ution track arm k and kap it fr fro e fruin front dut it I 1 tilt flit ilai nii of alio prop rit tur for 0 1 cIp to uilke tilts ali tank aritt k tin till ih att at alid jated ni A f it in utah about 1 rax 0 lini 1184 ilk 1 t in 11 elen led 11 till bt a is bun boll in putting the track arii k mill arid build o 0 ill ita v 10 chogi the oulida are newill fur for county fairs arld it is HID 1110 to lemki of its n 1 l rt gular 1 annual fair ground for Sati pote aunt ant shade areia will 11 1 IN planted mid arid ii a i ft ill lo 10 ninde before timotht r s aboa lit |