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Show Bryn Mawr s Unbeaten Basketball'Teara PIGSKIN HEROES OFTEN FLOP AS 0 ns ' " DIAMOND STARS Dark Teeth AL SMITH IS Jl VOTE SURPRISE pi ARTONS IG ARGAINS Bleached In Three Minutes Intraatlnal W Newt Scnrie. Yoti have alwajg kinged for AsillNUTtiN. ApriL S The flashing white teeth. And now, at vicuulooofced for and surprising tory of Governor Al Hiuith of New last yon can have them easily, For sclen- York In the WiwoiiKin primaries, in- quickly and safely! prophets of ( lists have discovered a remarkable spired the political Washington today to predict that new treat meut which often in only in the three minutes bleaches dull dingy the Tamuinay entry diNcolorutioiis from the teeth, leavDcimxratic presidential sweep-stak- e will go to the Madi- ing them clcsr, sparkling white and son Square Garden next June lustrous. This new treatment, of approximately 2KI votes. called Combination, Governor Smith will of course, consists of mild safe llnuid and a have the New York delegation of new kind of paste. The liquid ninety votes and it Is likely he will curdles and stiffens the stains, while get the twenty six from Wisconsin the paste removes them, and If used allhough the Wisconsin result is daily prevents the formation of funot mandatory ou tne Badger dele- ture si a I lis. You simply brush teeth gation. His frieuds here say he with a few drops of the liquid will pick Ui enough stray and scat- then use the paste. Almost before tered delegates from New England you realize it, unsightly surface states and from the middle-wes- t to stains dlsapiieiir and the teeth take on a dazzling new swell his total to the two whiteness and lustre. First application usually mark. If the Xew York gnrerrwif d'.ses leaves teeth whiter than with ten develop this much strength on the times the scouring by CombinaBleacbodent first ballot, as many Democrats methods. here believe, he will probably enter tion Is harmless dies not affect the balloting at the garden as one enamel as Its mild ingredients are of the leading contenders, the other intended to act only on surface two being McAdoo and Underwood. stains not on enamel Itself. Especially beneficial for children's teeth which stain easily. Get Bleaeho-den- t MADRID, April 2. (INS.) Combination today for a few inree mmnish lieutenants, a corporal and three privates were cents. Be sure you ask for Bleacho-den- t wounded when rebel sharpshooters Combination. At all good attacked the Spanish position at dealers, such as: Hedqulst Drug Norte on the Moroccan battle front Co., Provo Drug Co., Sutton-Chas- e said an official dispatch from Drug Co., Wm, Thornton. Adver Melillia today. tisement - Yankees Display Surprising Optimism That Grig Men Will Develop Class. By IUYIS J. WU.SH International N"w Swvire Sports tiditor XKW YUUK. April 3. Dis.iui-t-ltiprwdVnt ti thp contrary, thf Ni-; York Yankees have fnfii plt'Mwd In ilully tivfil.ii, with tlinn' former fimllmll men of caliliri' lliiKklry llniiN's. nf lVim HtHle; I.uke rrl'iin, Itcispin Colli-go? and Mike G.iu-lhof tafayt'ttt OH tilt off rtlMH tllHt till')- - will (lt'Vflon nuijcir lefitriie ways. The elds are all against it. offlunid e U I ill Ilk of only a few hiiT ten. who imlulKt'd in pile lutllplayers foot hall to any txteut while In ' college. Matty is said to have 1m'?i quite a full hack in his km bid day at Bunchmdl. Eddie Collins was a quarterlarlt of average ability at Columbia and Frank Frlwh a back-fiel- d star itf purely local moment at Kurdliam. They wer probably . I I .,11 uubvouu piujrri irom nrei ; 6r J:x i . win team of Ei ya Jfawr has eon trough the season without a defeat bein? chalked against The The players me (back row, left t" right) Frances Jay, New York; Caroline i;emoK, unestnut Hill, Pa.; Ball Suzanne Lccwitz, caotain; Mary J'ollache, CamUrld(;e, Mass. 1 M too last. We do not claim these men to be the sole exceptions. Perhaps there are qule a few more, and thai !a The point is that to be a little in common there between major league buseball and ability oh the gridiron. Haines, for example, (rained moat of his fame at football before leavSo did Gandhi. If ing college. either was as proficient in baseball would have Urn they major league stars long ago. As It is, Haines is n fine outfielder, but, good pitching has him stopiied. Gazclla is Just an average infield I'rlmn in a fine end but prospect. an ordinary catcher. Their cases are typical of other football stars who nave tried the siiuie trick. IVrhupa the most flagrant examples are those of Jim Tlirop and Glenn Killinger. The Indian, rated by many ns the greatest Itackficld man of all times, was a failure with the Giants, Hods and Braves because he couldn't hit curve ball pitching. Killinger reigning Btar of the 1921 football came to Yankees the up rampnign, behind a loud ballyhoo find barely lasted through the training season. About the same time the Cardinals were giving a trial to Vick, ull'Anierican center from Michigan; . the Giants had Howard Heery. of Pennsylvania, and "Goaf' Hale of Tennessee, in tow and Johnny haekfield star of Notre Dauie, was trying to make the riffle in the Detroit outfield. Beery and Mohnrdt were haek- Ll r4 I CALIFORNIA VARSITY MEN l- PANGUITCH wh-ui- s BEATS FARGO (f 5 I -- Cnst-ner'- TONE UP, PURIFY IN THE SPRING J 27x54 Raer Rue , 18x36 Sanolin Rugs 18x36 Crex Rugs 27x54 15c .20c Tapestry Rugs $1.60 27x54 Oriental Rugs .$4.75 -S- 9x12 EE THIS . Tapestry Rug $17.00 .$35.00 BROS PIMMHALL " TIRE MERCHANTS School Wins Second Game in Chicago Tour- fi nament. t CHICAGO, April 3. Pmiguitch. Utah, weathered its second round, match play in the national .2. e .basketball championships W. CENTER and put Fnrgo, N, !., out of the run- 1233 31 ning in a nil) and tuck bailie, 1 PROVO to 31. today. Panguilch jumiK-- off to an early lead, but at half time the Dnkotans had narrowed u seven-poin- t margin to a single ixiiiit. 21 to 20. The lead r nt the post was J2S to 24. IIS. II xt STrl ss The T)R for 1111 llworth three-quarte- i sW y 'VJ fn'v 4A " "y 4 il BERKELEY. Calif., April .'!. Willi mifts arranged against various Pacific cons' colleges, a dual elasli here April lit with the University of Illinois and posMhiliiies of an eastern invasion, Universily of California (rack athletes are lacing one of the heaviest schedules ill the history of the institution. Coach Waller Christie, for more than 2(1 years oval couch at the Blue mid Gold universily, is anxious to scud his men east again this year, as a victory would mark the fourth consecutive triumph of the 'nliforuians over leading eastern He says, however, he colleges. will make no plans for the eastern t F "It looks bigger and CHICAGO, April 3. Midwest met east, south met west, and other points of the compass mingled in disregard of the rules of geography as concluding second round matches today cut down the number of aspirants for the national basketball tille. Ab DOIIENY PAID DEMOCRVTS AND REPUBLICANS, TOO WASHINGTON, April 2. Edoil ward L. Dohen, magnate and owner of naval oil leases, in Cnlifornii. contributed fJl.DOO to the Democratic presidential campaign fund in 1!i2i and 1921, George White, former chairman of the Democratic national committee today told the senate oil investigating committee. Doheny had previously testified that he gave $7.1,000 to the Democrats and $25,000 to the Republicans for the campaign. Everything Cheaper bet- ter, takes but little air pressure and must ride very easily. The tread is pliable, the traction greater. Give me BALLOON TIRES," says Mr. Thoughtful. Emporia, Kan., which cost Illi nois its final hoiie when it sent Elgin into the consolation tourney by a 30 to 15 score, today tangled with Two Harbors, Minn., which edged Jackson, Mich., out in the first round, 25 to 24, Florence, Miss., upset some prodigious by eliminating Wichita, Kan., in the first game of the second round, 27 to 21. East High, of Columbus, was easy winner over Mattlaud, Mo., 20 to 19. Panguiteh, Utah, beat Tampa, Flu., 17 to 19. D., eliminated New Madison, York state's entry, beating Painted Post 29 to 13. Magnetic merchandise values that can not help but draw the economical buyer to our store. Many people where our stores are located have already found that their dollar goes farther at There's a reason. Our buying power even astonishes our competitors and delights our customers. Well-worth'- Men's Work Shirts, $1.00 value Men's Work Shirts, $1.25 value Any Portrait from here is a "speaking likeness" but it won't talk tiresomely! Studying you, as GENUINE all artists should, we achieve MORE than Ha la s. 89? 98 Men's Work Pants, khaki, $2.50 value Men's Work Pants, $2.50 value Men's Work Pants, $4.50 value $1.98 $1.98 $3.45 $24.95 $19.95 Men's Suits, 2 pair trousers, $35.00 value Men's Suits, blue serge, $30.00 value a mere photograph. THERE'S e SOME OF OUR SPECIALS nothing stilted or stagey here, really. You're comfortable as at home. Larson Studio until the Bears demonstrate Every women knows that her jaunt LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS. their superiority in the far west. bouse has to be cleaned thoroughly Peterson, Enns, Hurst, Neiifeld, every Spring. During winter, dust, Boren, Watkins, Dunn and Ryan AT NEW YORK Sid Terris, dirt and germs accumulate in the are among lie leading tracksters New York won decision over Phil corners, under the rugs, in the cur- here this spring. Iiogan, Buffalo, 10 rounds. Tommy tains "an" every place. Just so O'Brien, Milwaukee got decision with your system it should be over iH'po's Brin, Scrauton, Pa., 10 given a thorough cleansing, pnrifv-inrounds. this Spring. HOLLIsk'fchVS AT WILKES BARRE, Pa. Lou ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA "ill do Conn., outRogash of Bridgeport the job slick and quick. It will pointed Georgie West of New York, clean your system, freshen and 10 rounds. purify you all over you'll enjoy eat living, better, sleep better feel The auto market, the insurance better. Hedquist Drug Co., four and the bootleg market market, Utah stores. Advertisement. County never seem to reach the saturation g DE- Here are a few of their many bargins: 9x12 Axminster Rug International News Service. t, field stars of national repute and Hale is said to have ioen a terror in Southern football, but they passed away peacefully before the opening of the baseball season. It is our understanding that Vick is still on the reserve list of the Cardinals, but that fact lias produced no great hilarity in St Iuis. ('apron of Minnesota, was one of the first of the big time football men to muff his chance in the big He could kick field goals leagues. with marked regularity in the Western Conference, but that proved of no value to the Pirates and s Phils. Neither could Paul great kicking with Notre Dame get him by as an American league pitcher. We think he was with the White Sox until Kid Glea-so- n found out about it. BARTON'S BIG RUG SALE IS MANDING ATTENTION. Utah Jl L f April 3 to 10th Makers of Fine Portraits, Columbia Theater Building. CENTRALIZE Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Hats and Caps. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hose, High Top Shoes. And many others too numerous to mention. w llworth Store s Co. 368 West Center St. Provo, Utah. MARKETING Marketing Organizations DELINQUENT Form Association. NOTICE. Articles of incorporation will be Springdell Resort Company. Principal Place of Business, Provo, filed early next week for the newly Utah. organized Central Utah Marketing sociiilion. NOTICE There are delinquent The new association is to the coupon the following described stock, on account of assessment No. 14. of operative marketing associations of Thirty seven Dollars and Fifty the couiuy as the county farm buCents per share, levied on the 11th reau federation is to the local farm day of February, 19:M, the several bureau organizations of the county. Five amounts Set opposite the names of marketing orthe respective shareholders as fol- ganizations are interested in the central organization, namely. Pleaslows : Cert. No. Name Shares. Am't. ant Grove. Timpaiiogos. Spanish 3'.t Polly T. 1 $;7.50 Fork, Elberta and Ncphi. 43 C. II. Howe According lo the articles of incor1 37.r,0 is organ44 Juseph J. Cannon 1 G7.r0 poration the association And in Accordance with law and ized as a central exchange, the puran order of the board of directors, pose of which is to coordinate and made on the 11th d;iy of February, federate all of the local fruit mid 1!)24. so many shares of each parcel vegetable a soeiaiioiis in the vicinof stock as may be necessary will ity of Utah coin. :y, Ii is intend. that nil the be sold at public auction at the and all related and inci- office of the company. Room 11, utal trai;-;- o tioi,. of all of the Knight Block, Provo, Utah, April 7, shall be carried 1024, at the hour of 2 p. m., local to pay the delinquent assessment to- oii and eoiiductced by and through gether with the cost of advertising the central organization. The officer- - of the organization and expense of sale. are us follows: President, J. V. R. E. ALLEN, Secretary. Oillmaa. Pleasant Grove: vice presOffice: Room 11, Knight Block, ident, Sherman McGaiT.v, Spanish Fork: secretary and treasure.-- . SamProvo, Utah. (First publication March 18; last uel Cordiicr, Timpaiiogos: additional directors. F. W. Studebaker, publication April C, 1924.) Elberta, and C. M. Andrews, Nephi. i v i Jijf point. A BAG I SPECIFY n rl "3 71 mm n s -L- Let the car or some other valuable piece of machinery stand out in the weather and depreciate from unnecessary exposure, when you can build a neat garage or convenient shed at a slight expense? 8 ASTS LONGER 17. Standard Coal Co., Salt LakeCity 1 The Home of Good Lumber Also Mutual Coal 5th South and 2nd West. Phone Two more days left, Friday and Saturday, in which to get your wants at a big saving. AAAWWMWWWVMWMMMMMMVMMM'WMWS All 25c Dres3 Gingham, jDISH DEPT. jyar( C Water Glasses, " each uU ' All 23c Percale, 171 1 ' 2 C $1.25 Ladies' Fine Grade Silk Hose, CI fin Lium $10 OT & SPA FfOP! BIG SAVING SALE? yard MutualCoal. ; niir-ketin- g Phone HAVE YOU BEEN TO THE Lumber is reasonable in price this year, and we are jejg ready to render you any service in their respective ft lines to make it easy for you to build. St Call in ard get estimates. in your next order. IT BURNS BETTER GIVES MORE HEAT Why- - Pair ...gliUU Water Pitcher, OCp Gold Band 1Rp Plates, each.,.. Mb VWWii----- - It will pay you to come and see, whether you buy or not. WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A DOLLAR. 357. THE PEOPLE'S STORE rT--r'i-u-iruArinjvvx- vvmvvvvmvvvmvmvvvvs |