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Show BRITISH SOLDIERS ON LEAVE IN WRECK PARIS. -Ian. 17, 11 p. m. A train with British soli iters a iar.l, return in from leave, was wrecked tonicrht on a belt mil road, owinp to a broken rouplinc The total dead is given us sixteen and I lie injured forty. A coupling in the middle nf the train broke and tlif fwnt part of the train rrui on alone. The engine shut off strain before entnrlnn the station and the rear ca rr la ires, nimiins down h at tremendous spe'-d, dashed into t hp front cars, H!r;usMn ilieni into tnatehwood. '";! ieial bu'ontl. mil it a rv irovrrnor of Paris: hl st:i(V. a ruj Albert fMaveilie, nn-derseerein nn-derseerein vv for tra n sport, proceeded :i t once to the ?t'"t. The injured wen- ro-i7n ro-i7n ivo. 1 to Pa l is hospitals In Jied Cross antumobilos. |