Show ' -- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 18 the WMateh Oil KaHnlng company to recover $4046025 for accident injuries Parncft Black attorney Leon Wetzel against the Orpheum theater to recover $2830 accident injuries it Verne McCullough attorney State and Local Statistics Marriage licenses Salt Lake City Crespln Saldivar 33 Eureka Lecy Ontiveros 19flidvale r James Rex Kennard 28 Cheyenne Wyo Vard Johnson 21 Orem Mildred Madalifre Farnsworth 18'brem Jay Bernardl Divorce Asked Ptnllls M cruelty Epperson from James A Calvin Behle attorney Lost Ads Bring Back Rings Watches Wallets Keys or Keepsakes! TUESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 15 1935 Provo Provo - f Tuesday at 730 p m In tha Klrkendall- Darllng chauel Mrt btna wa born September 23 2873 At Bickcing EnglAiid daughter of Mr and At the age of 10 Mia JMfatthew Arundale ehe came to America with her parents Neb Later In residence Beatrice up taking the moved to Kansas and to Denver Colo where ahe was married to George Westlake In 1915 after the death of Mr Westlake the was married to Mr Lind In Golden Colo Bhe had lived In Ogden AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 25 for almost 20 24 MEN WANTED to MONEY TO LOAN FUNERALS and was a rqembpr of the Catholic years Women's league there WANTKD— First class body and fender are her husband one daughter STREATOR-SMIT- H F- - L B&ngerter NOTES 6 SECURITY man Service' Department from Mary B Banger- - MrSurviving Inquire gervltM for Mr® Kate Florence A Hill of Denver one son MLKPHV— Funeral 8treator-8mitInc 485 8o Main ter Judge P C Evans Murphy will be held Wednesday morntwo Ogden Ernest Westlake of Evergreen Col TO $2000 leavethe will $59 Tift The funeral cortege YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER 25 ing Lake Salt MAN Evans wife free and Fort apt sisters Mrs Jennie Smith of apt charge Margaret Morgan 372 East Charles Benjamin McPhee 23 Neil O'Donnell mortuary 8 OUR PASSENGER CAR8 ALL CARRY some cash Box Trlb Tele Colo and Mrs Katherine Kckhart of SacNO CHG News of Record First Bouth street at 9 30 a m and MAN INSPECTION City STATE ramento Cal two brothers Matthew Arun-dal- e for Watkms Products’ Logan route wanted 375 lu’oceed to Our Lady of Lourdes Cath1932 CHEV Coach AWARRANTY DEEDS of Aurora Colo and John Arundale Pee J L Rhead of 1500 families olic church where rrass will be cele- Arthur Earry Holtman 47 Salt Gladys Jcssqp 23 Logan 1928 BUICK LIGHT 6 MAKR f Denver eight grattdchUdtea- - aud- Sm11 a m 309 toetore i Horace Feredaym M D wtnghnret Kev Patridr Mjrtrtrer HT 9a d&ttr special luU price Lake City grandchild 4-lot J block 21 Douglas Park an ei noons stuueiti lu worn menclng it 10 a m Friends will meet CULLK(a 1931 Hl'PMOBILE Friends may rail at the mortuary TuesBuilders Finance corporation to at the mortuary Tuesday evening 375 Phone Was 6071 for appointment Logan door iedan very clean Eva May Hoskins 27 Salt Lake and until afternoon 1 day evening h' lot 142 Ktchard H Wootton WILLY8-KN1GHSedan for recitation of the '8 o'clock Burial WHERE MONEY COSTS LESS 10 Buriat will be in the Mountain View ceme will be in the family Park plat A Joseph Samuel Steed 26 Stone City 95 Highland rosary only tery Monthly Payments John Halles to Zion's Benefit Build b25 CHFV Sedan 6000 mile plot at Mt Calvary cemetery Idaho 1935 12 10 WATCH lot 1 block 2 frorlh Willis Hansen 22 Bear River 350 society clean Coach FORD lug — Miss 1932 Funeral for services May THOMAb New help wanted offers taken Waterloo addition Marjorie Smith 20 Holbrooks 550 19 J4 CHEV Master Coach 9 66 ThomtJ will be conducted Tuesday 13 85 11 33 Leatha Simpson 19 Brigham Jacobs until noon daily will appear in the George Gerald L$vagnino to W M Long Coach 325 Idaho 1031 CHEV ' ‘ October 15 at 2 p m- at the Qua! 27 45 22 45 19 lo out at 2 30 afternoon edition Sedan 65 section 0 township 1J range 1 DURANT — 1929 South Funeral City services for trugh-Allcott 544 George 60 41 03 33 55 28 OGpKN mortuary Get help the same day 4300 Warren Sedan east 65 1926 CHRYSLER Jacobs 80 retired Southern Pacific Main street the Rev Klmer L Goshen 44 07 38 07 Clift Baird 21 Ogden 54 62 275 William C Crump Jr to Julia 8 Sedan 22 CHEV who died Saturday will be 1930 Almon Lavar Lambson be wili 47 54 The open casket 78 enginercan 6 65 20 officiating Coach Ardith Ashby 22 Ogden 475 Lux PLYMOUTH 13 De L 19 m in 2 at Crump section 3 township 4 the Miss conducted p Wednesday Tuesday until lime of services 10 D 8 Fourth 135 Sandy south range 1 west 1929 FORD Rdstr Award chapel by Bishop EdThomas was a teacher in the city Sedan 375 Golden D Holt to Fred M Oliver - 1932 FORD SCHOOLS FOR MEN v I Earl D Nebeker 21 Randolph ward T Bauoders Fannie N Anderson 19 Murray schools for 38 years and was a mem495 Coach 12 block 2 amended ChelCHEV lot 1933 at the residence Friends may call ber of Woodbine circle No 41 Women Doris Cox 19 Woodruff 395 10 540 Twenty second street family FINANCE and sea addition ’ 1933 CHEV Sport Rdstr afterfamRADIO LNGiNLEIUNG In servicthe Tuesday Interment Woodcraft of operating Bichard Russell Critchiow 26 145 THRIFT COMPANY 1929 FORD Spt Coupe Fred M Oliver to Gordon D Holt noon and evening and Wednesday until time ing code and general ELECTRICAL ily plot in Mt Olivet cemetery 475 Oakland Cal lot 12 block 2 amended Chel1933 PONTIAC Coach only of services Burial will be In the Mountain Ilyram Roy la nee 21 North Ogtrain ing giving foundation for any po 10 View cemetery uqper direction of Lindquist FORD Coupe need aomt re- addition M30 sea in the field electrical aition 24 ® ON Mae St Bracken den Training A COMPLETE Etfie SERVICE 165 4k Hons BUSINESS OPPORIUNITIES pairs Special price Gaddis Investment company to Howrecognized by leading broadcast and 350 Sedan 1931 CHEV The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers ard R Russell lot 35 “block 2 LOANS UP TO $300 Agnes Holmes 20 Ogden George electrical concerns day and night 325 FORD Town Sedan 10 will give their ritual at the graveside and 1931 clc-sor I Write Broadway addition call for literature YOU ahd WHAT GET LOOK South 565 De Luxe FORD rural in Coupe 1934 store I to community H good its have of will James LeRoy flowers 32 Parry Angel Western Salt Lake full Information charge Was auxiliary 1016 Arthur Kimball Loan Plana 1 6 Choice Cmlv o( 95 business CHEV Sedan fair adgood eastern Idaho Doing Parowan 1928 lot 38 block 2 Broadway Electrical College 133 Regent st 2 Liberal term 1 to 20 mos to repay 525 Trlb Tele Writ Box 1933 CHEV Sedan A-- l coni City dition 24 Para-gona- h 3 Lawful Interest only no fee — Boardman WANTED 150 Men Won to Diesel tram Sedan for BUICK Hyrunii 1928 I to Russell Sheet R metal LeRoy Howard ' GOOD profitable business Elizabeth Deelstra 21 Salt Lake 4 Promptness Courtesy Privacy Hagans 450 Sedan derful opportunity for those who quali 1932 PONTIAC Parry lot J8 block 2 Broadway heating worth $15000 Air roofing OGDEN — Mrs George 8 Glen and Mrs 1931 CHEV Coach low mileage 335 fy Personnel officer in city for few addition pan City demand calls for BENEFICIAL conditioning 95 to NASH full men H Box Sedan Interview price H 1928 will of attend May tha Mitchell 18 Parowan the funeral days with $3500 Litzenberg Eliiabeth Caulfield to Robert Stew ion Need collector-solicito- r 325 Trlb Tele 1931 FORD Victoria recond their brother Stephen J Hagans former Box A4 William Jess 47 Pocatello art lot 1 block 2 amended ChelSOCIETY Becurlty and good salary OLDS Coach 1930 Rexall Marsh 22 Los 1277 Wa Charles S10 Ogden printer which will be conducted in addition DIhSKL 6CHOOLsea 307 ENG UEMPHiLL Clift Bldg Trlb Tele 145 Idaho 1928 PONTIAC Coup Mr Hagans died in GlenGlendale Cal E O Taylor to Ora R Alta et a) America's orlg exclusive Diesel schooia CORNER MAIN AND 3RD SO STS 550 Angeles Cal FULLY equipped lunch room rent or sale 1934 CHEV Master Coupe 4 4500 daleMr Saturday was 312 Felt Bldg S L 0 Was 7129 tot 3 Mock i2fr plat “Under State Supervision" Melby Eynaston 23 Pocatello E 6th Ho Was 9979 64 By owjier a of member Donna Lillian Olorenshal 20 Ifehejv Hagans TRUCKS Neilaon Marlow Ireland to Hugh 161 BARBER U'IaH COLLEGE si Regent f wA'b No A Idaho 6 F and M and was lodge HERVICE station and lunch for sale cheap G sub-lot 7 block 1 Kelsey Los Angeles CaL Best in the west Earn while learninc FOR USED HEADQUARTERS He C Wiherg Riverton Utah 10 shipful master of the lodge in 1924 division TRUCKS ALL MAKES AND was a member of Ogfleti chapter No 2 BARBKK EARN MOLKK COLLEGE A 1 P Whieiry to Ernest M Beryle Ott Springer 25 Park or rent Leah sale fur market GRCEKY fruit MODELS 22 Brown Riverside' Carroll WHITE YOU LEARN 11 REGENT Royal Arch Masons El Monte commandery F Grant lot 46 block 2 Harvard 125 ioc Henry’s Market 1310 8o Oth 1929 FORD Pickup City and Fl Kal&h 10 No 2 Knights Templar Cal Place INTERN When you need It—don't worry Hyd Dump body 215 He BELL hoarding house business 17 rooms templf Knights of the Mystic Shrine Tura Mary Ann Holm 25 Park PERMITS BUILDING 300 is 13 WANTED CHEV SALESMEN Sedan sets your Delivery about 1930 signature security— wili be buried in Glendale Well furnished 11 overstuffed Alaud Hulet 18 Newcastle J W C J M(Nltt owner Mr 450 a loan of $5 or 1034 FORD Pickup always goodfor house practically filled Ideal location City resiLawson builder reshlngle 600 Utah more ANY TIME at the 1934 CHEV 157-l- n V--w b BEN 8 A T10N A L project neW to this disRent rea Was 3599-145 avenue $ Harvard 8 dence 1506 FORD Panel AS2 dis1934 trict If you are unemployed or Oscar Barnard H Greenwood 21 Salt Beck MODERN theater for lease in Copperfleld H P Morris owner) John H Has-laGOOD TRUCKS VALLEY OTHER SEVERAL 1 will make can talk and still satisfied reel-deuAll equipment complete except talkie Births builder reehlrigle brick AT LOW PRICES ASK US Lake City FIELD— Oseav Bercrlaiirl Beck you make money Just come In at 10 705-70- 6 326 15 CENTER bank bldg 862 Renvuia avenue walker ABOUT PRICES Inquire Christ Pappks Copperfleld died at the Halloa hospital at 1 30 a m a m today and listen to a few slm Edward and Berta Parowan — Claud Bernice A Kofoed 18 Weston Frlcndiv Serviced owner Lehl Bo Mai" US ABOUT TRUCKS Victor E Andereoii ASK 560 'a and stock He TIRE equip 712 from to had Instructions 715 Worthan Burton Parowan son Call shop at Monday undergone peritonitis Ence builder repair brlrk resi9908 Was an Idaho cash Rent for $350 $15 fewhouse building operation appendicitis last Tuesday 400 dence 661 'Roosevelt avenue having been HI since the previous Thursday STAND OFFICE MAN OR WOMANTrib-Tca real op EXP salesman Free to travel owner Jensen ft Deaths Nephl E Vincent He was bom In Centerfield August 3 Elbert Wilson Hill 29 Montrose l lnv required K-631 W 3rd No 4 to 6 p m Salary brick portunitv Bone reshlngle builder n son Thunne-oAlex 1920 A of and Hanna CLAY — Merits Atm Clay 65 41 Twelftly YOUR OWN FEET C L Colo a 8 at Fourteenth DRUG store fixtures 819 West residence bargain WANTED — House to house agents Beck Apply Eaat (treat coronary thromboala Octo219 An Investment of $3000 on terms Box North He attended the Lincoln public and junior Instead of asking friends for help — Eose Ann mornings 211 East 4th South apt 11 Montrose ber 9 Par-L owner: H J Tel 34 us— Thomson comm Oreen Good Trlb ' inv floor 3rd $2 high school ani was a sophomore in the only SPERRY— Haiti Edward B parry 43 11 6 get the cash you need from — raahlngle brlU Colo trttgev-hulbteGU4U)4On--USLUc- y tif- high MPhonf at B street carcinoma October 9 quicklv and privately Any amount up BARR-CHEVROIE- Iavenue “OT Coatevllle hla 340 reildence Tor A4 death 123 “To repayment mofftffiy BRIDGE— Rohert Walsb Bridge $3Dtf“RmanIn Unusual opportunity Come ready P0SlTI0NS"WANTEDlv(ENI5 owner M W Van-Btatwas a member of the Future Farmers Boss Everett Dix 22 Carey write or phone to unit t of HeAmerica work Qome 1415 80 7th East Sparta avenue heart dleease October ft R B Graeme builder repair brick resl- 12 And had as his subject dairying 993 MORRISON— Beverly Morrlon FINANCE CO Idaho ENERG-EIlt- l 217 PERSONAL auitfetu 4vaiUi fluid &cUv JHfiaiAoiwa mem TaxjxjiJig anykmdoi North IrecVhrt dUeaae ah WestThlra W hd rm work for time 2753 SALES - Bernice Magdalene part AUCTION ber of the Gunnison Valley high school Room 415 Continental Bank Bldg Feck- "18 October Cleanup-Sal- e 50 hartd avenue Was 2001 Oscar was an ardent worker In the REGISTERED druggis wan Is job from 2 200 So Main Salt Lake PETTY— Heber C Petty 63 17S Eaet repair porch 801 First W AUCTIONEER ADAMS H owner D frank L Carey Idaho M 8 m church being a counselor In the to 6 p YoungUnder Stale Supervision Twenty-flee- t South etreet cerebral hemor Aleitie experienced good refer 1484 to 1486 £0 STATE HY 4 KUO ward deacons’ quorum at the time of his Phone Was fr?76-Qulst builder concrete residence rhage October 8 5300 death I’DONALD-r-DonalThomas Delice Anderlin 32 of Guaranteed JRed O K Tag M DERRICK d AUCTIONEER THALES McDonald 37 1848 981 Dlestel Road Durt-ch- i TO 3122 Ernest besides the parents are seven auction service Hy $5 class Surviving Filth Eat street corouary occlusion W Woolston owner High Idaho Falls Idaho WANTED WOMEN 16 Used Cars Backed by the brothers and sisters Flovd Beck San Diego builder repair frame reslOctober to Cal Mrs Lu"llle B Sheffield KayavUle Jennie Rainey 19 Freedom CLAYTON— Lawrence Karl Clayton 27 AND LOST FOUND Famous Used Car AND THE Mrs TRIBUNE TELEGRAM Lavora B Jensen Miss Geneaf Beck strive 322 H atreet suicidal death awallowed Wyo to protect their readers agalnstfraud Salt Lake Ctfy Avery Marjorie and Grace poison October 11 WITHOUT SECURITY tan a or cau brown are Readers Beck FOX white terrier all Centerfield wearlug of injustice Warranty deception CAMERON— David Cameron 80 212 ElevArthur Maxwell Bodlne 19 Santtoned to make NO payment to get harness male lost 9th 80 and Main Funeral services will be conducted In the f! enth East atreet cerebral hemorrhage J ttoMn Box L D 8 ward chapel Weir? In the wanted advertised Robert Reward I help m position October tt 10 8unday Thursday p ta Monica Cal columns Ads tn other columns which SALT LAKE CREDIT 61 Murray in writing JOHN HON — Wilhelmlna by Bishop C A Peterson Burial will be in Kvendene FredIhe Centerfield cemetery under the direction LOST— Elk’s require investment in stock should samples Margaret Ronald Price 20 Salt ericks Johneon 61 SO South Eighth tooth charm Finder please or bond a be cash of BO the Peterson 2ND 303-E 23 BLDG equipment street West disease BEA80N mortuary 10 heart October call H J Gran W 2660 Reward Lake City SEDAN ANDERHON— John Wllford Anderson 3A thoroughly investigated before paying BUICK Sarah out money PHI DELTA THETA fraternity phi Lost vF Only bona fide offers of QUICK SMALL LOANS ' 449 Stanley avenue’ lobar pneumonia model 67 Motor juat had new rings ' ‘‘8 R F 377 Wed with in So the be! al filed ctnltv Temple Myron Ralph Finkelsteln 24 belong 88 6 good Avis Blum employment pay taken Sweat up October 9 Harah and bearings Mr Parry plus on back Reward Wa& 8231-- J Kindly re“Help Wanted" columns fires finished beautiful shade of blue $5 SHAKESPEARE— Dora Jacobean Shakes- home 75 North Went Temple street MonSalt Lake City — Avis Sweat 1 rule to the to this HEBER to dlsabiiltlea in Incident exception any port — shell m of Octotortoise daughgiasaes liuco 60 GLASSES Carcinoma 3:30 at peare $305 Boy’s p Magna day in a few minutes ter of Lewis and Ora Gall! Sweat of Center classified advertising manager JrBnchell Medoway 22 Salt Lake ber 10 case lost east part Was 7302-age To employed people motor ERICKSON— Joseph Henry Erickson 61 Mr Blume was born In Flintshire' North died at the family home Sunday night of TOOLS' valuable to owner lost at Ho Tem-pi1034 'CHEVROLET Coupe No security or endorsers City 111 two scarlet fever She had been Elisabeth end weeks John of October 9 the thromboala Wales daughter Sandy and mechanical parts O K Tires like New cooperative plan and Main Reward Hy 3319-She was born July 23 1924 at Center 7T John Crawford 438 Roberts Parry Bhe rams to Balt Lake City Wasatch Reduced from $875 to $325 with GIRL new and sales experience telephone 7 - Cecil Joseph Morgan 21 Logan CRAWOFRD— county Utah Bhe was a student Williams avenue pneumonia October 1 1 67 year ago later moving to varloue part t for permanent position Call Was 590 As5n Bhe took up permanent at the Wasatrn Central school LET’S GO PLACES ROBINSON— Beni 1c Grace Robinson 18 of the Pacific coaat 295 m Roberta Roskelley 18 Smith 1931 CHEV Coupe Dorothy Winn between 9 and 10 a m 8he is survived bv her parents three In'Ralt Lake City In 1925 resident 357 atreet endocarditis East 265 311 WALKER BANK BIDG' Eighth for appointment only 1931 FORD Tudor field Louis Sweat Rr of Center Mrs grandparents Bhe Is survived by one daughter jetober 11 325 1932 FORD Tudor (4) and Mr and Mrs Joseph Galli of Midway BECKENDORF — Fredrick Martin Barken- - Mabel David of Los Angeles 335 1932 PLYMOUTH Coupe PLUNGT: amt" the following brothers and slaters WASATCH SPRINGS 7" Francis Prince 24 Price dorf 27 19 North Sixth West street Se- 1934 CHEVROLET 6 w Mr's Gladys Kohler of Butte Mont Mrs carcinoma October 10 must 575 HOT MINERAL WATER INSIDfc CAPABLE girl for general housework dan Laurina Anderedn 18 Rolapp Lois Mrs Anderson Alive 728-Deveraux J Dean be LLOYD— William wages Hy John Lloyd 38 346 experienced FRESH WATElt OUTSIDE POOL Lawrence E Neida Alta Floyd Dclvene and Joann all Went Sixth South atreet aulcidal death 1 SEDANS POOL Nationally known for ita thera- HOUSEWORK and pare of child refer 2Gb IN Of Center MANY OTHERS Arthur Edward Malstrom 21 shot self In heart October 10 were conducted privately N State apt 15 25c includes Funeral services COUPES COACHES peutic value Admission Open air services will be held at the suit towel locker etc ynday afternoon for Lawrence E ClayMurray COMPETENT reliable girl for cooking and mily home Tuesday October 15 at t Up ton 27 322 H etreet who died Friday at ra New in in When Reno p Suits must of housework Filed NEVADA— Btop 19 RENO have references Bennett LindHicks Midvale charge Bishop city No Services' were held at the 8 T Ricketts No comaker No Indorsers Fine Selection ot Used Trucks security m Jlargarette the Hotel Golden Rates $1 to $3 50 Apply 1339 3rd ave Sarah Taylor against Kneland C Tan- mortuary and burial was In the City feme- - say Interment will be lu the Heber cemeRepay weekly or monthly tery single $1 50 to $4 50 double ner to recover $5000 for automobile Alma Mathew Holt 20 Sotth are at Bargain Prices GENERAL houmework good wages as you city paid Was 6623 references required at trfr Clayton Is survived bv his widow Goldberg ft Ooldberg CREDIT CO Jordan CASH Mr torneys PERSONALS Phyllis R Clayton a 2 weeks old PLEASANT permanent position for ladv Room Jesse Halil Busaell against Harvl B Bussell daughter and a sister Mrs Judy Wright of Helen Hansen 19 South Jordan 215 Continental Bk Bldg Was 5724 Call room with pleasing personality South to recover 8450 back alimony White Seattle Wash TOOELE — Funeral services will be conLEARN HOW TO STRIKE GOLDI 532 New Grand Hotel 3 to 5pm ft Amovita Wright attomeya ' 4877 Wasatch 2058 Gerald John Johnson 23 Lovell We teach gou quickly ducted 1 p m in the Tooele thoroURhly EXPERIENCED at Wasatch Wednesday NEED YOU solicitor $5 cir for telephone Metropolitan Life Insurance company L D 8 North ward chapel for Jesse malL Prospect Iiir economically Ap-plOwn phone dilation Wyo campaign against the Nowel Building company at al Hauerbach former Tooele resident and OR MORE? Hv 5481-before noon Baby Eggcrs 4 separata Actions eeeklng recovery of a tool Wanda Durfee 25 Lovell Wyo nephew of Otto Hauerbach famous com Ours is a local company flnancec total of $42000 on notes foreclose mort eon of Caroll Babv Eggers of New York who was accidentally Prospecting Inc 222 Falrvlew ave GIRL over 20 for second work country and managed bv home folks Shlelda at and Lucille Eggert 1401 Hollywood avenue poser B Dan titles ages eng home ref Wash quiet 1075 No Hy killed at Gerlach Nev Seattle Fridav Salaried people who have borrowed John Darrell Hauser 22 Salt Bishop orne y at 10 a m2 at a local boa- died ? Burial SPECIAL ladies’ fur trimmed coats $1 WANTED — Good cook and helper See Mr Bryan will be in from us like our way of doing business Robert Andros by Etel Androas bis pital Monday Lake City will take place in the Tooele charge Johnson at 803 S 5th East between City cemetery men’s o’coats 75c Deseffct Reliable and refer their friends to us No co Richard Kell to recover mother agatnet The body Is at the Smith funeral home here 9 and 12 collateral required Alice Louise Wright 20 Salt Cleaners 11 30 Windsor st Hy 646 signers orIn— automobll aocideut Injuries Par for 8300 let’s get acquainted Come different PHONE HY 56K2-Ann Bomethnig ley P Jensen attorney Lake City Wlewell A at al PRESENTa CHRISTMAS Fancy for Pf Joy agjlnet J I EXPERT The Loan Assn — OGDEN Funeral services for Mr Sarah dolls boudoir SEE quiet title: Benjamin Spence attorney sewing pillows animal Karl Herbert Aliller 27 Provl-den- ce to Deseret Federal Savings ft Loan associa- Ann Ltnd 82 wife of Nels Lind of Fair- New help wanted offers taken Bedrock pillows door stops Mrs A M Htilen 610 Continental Bank Bldg Was 6645 died of disease heart mount who M and H Swain tion against Elma and L dallv until inoon will appear lu the precinct GOOD home for old people or convalescing BEDBUGS EXTERMINATED W C Zlmmerrinn to recover $206352 on jata Saturday will be held at 10 a m RATES out edition 2 at afternoon 30 COMPARE OUR Box Janet bench Nurse east Jennlne Davidson 22 Copper patients note foreclose mortgage and quiet Utle Wednesday in 8t Joseph’s Catholic church LICENUED H-- f Brings help— the same day luiuiKtttui uiitt exlerminalur Trib Tele with the Rev Patrick Kennedy m celebrant ton Alton F Lund attorney All Insect Guar Peumvk W inftft V2 DUCK SHOOTING will be recited mass and tha Rich of rosary Frank Robert O'Keefe Holy against " Monthly rata auto furniture neb two square Crystal Duck Club FLOOR FINISHING John William Evertsen 23 Salt 40 REPOSSESSIONS — 40 flon&i loans Season miles marshes membership 16-24-Hot s SERVICES EXCHANGED Call Joseph Anderson six dollars Lak City Service $300 or Less ELECTRIC sanding machine tur rent at so 1105-J 350 Hy 80 State W 404ft polisher COURTEOUS The very cream of a prominent Mildred Graham CONFIDENTIAL Salt Laka students may earn living 6LD FLOORS sanded made like new aver FINE line of trim HATS at very low Borrow from us and save tha dU expenses New classes starting Write City more’ dealer's stock— ference pay Plenty of large head sizes Why age room $3 Call Hy 7759-prices metropolitan Business for catalog Henager College Parlor Millinery 330 So 5th Easts GENERAL FINANCE CO car reconditioned — and a SALT LAKE address wanted o? C ' E FURNACE AND STOKER SERVICE every ' ' Was 1068 614 Continental Bank Bide Positions Wanted WOMEN T Paryea formerly of Oregon Trail Ihn BARGAIN! (Salt Lake Owned and Operated ) G B TRIPP — Furnaces Granger Wyo Notify No 247 State st and chlmneye John WUford Blanchard Jr 25 EXPERIENCED lunch counter and founcleaned work guar $3 Hy 1743 Tremendous These Savings We wants small tain work A girl salary TRUSSES Sprlngvllle! Trlb Tele Box Can Pass on to You! FURNITURE REPAIRING Edith Graco Alorton 24 Wilklg arch Braces TRUBBEB elastic storking IN FIFTEEN MINUTES 279 Main DRESSMAKING & SCHOOLS 21 etc 8CHRAMM-J0HN80Bask Canada YOUR PERSONAL NOTE ROYAI Furniture Co 347 E 2nd Bo Wee NCT SECURITY We also have cut to the quick 1501 Upholet ref rig anil renairlne t FOOT SPECIALISTS Berthell LOCAL CREDIT CO Harry the wives KEISTER girls make best Day r - provo our own choice stock of High A eve classes W 9613 444 E 8 T 8 H 401 Ut Hav ft Tr Bldg 235 So Main 430 INGROWN NAILS and corns removed with- (ring renalr 1105 HElVOICtOFaTHEiWESrt HEFINI8H1NG s Grade Cars and Trucks “ La Retta Alary Alton 26 Provo out pain or UP 'll radios repairing furn ' SERVICE 8AN1TART TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 23 nsnos Pastern Fom Cn W 5375 EFFICIK OCTOBER 15 TUESDAY : TUEBOAT OCTOBER IS PrT DFLK Was 2128 Felt Bldg David & Aliller 26 Tabonla — M A COME EARLY LOOK US OVER I GUN REPAIRING FOOT sufferers consult Dr W F Compthe KRL — Sign on and Top EeUa Snell 19 Provo reas W 6:30— KDYL—The Rocky Mountain Ram-V- i 6:30— Morning' Prices B ton 6060 300 Scott it MAILING chgs paid on aiY gun repalis to COMPARE CAREFULLY! 8:35 — K8L — Sunrise Serenade biers with Uncle Jake Loaned on personal notes to people Oct 15 Cb&a A Fowler 62 W Bdwy DR L ZAMBIA treats all ailment of the A Kelly 24 American -- Karl 5995-No News 7 No International :00—K8L— W Was So 2nd Clock feet 102 security working signers T:00— KDYL—The Musical LOAN SOCIETY EMPLOYEES 7:15— Tun for the early birds ihi Fork What you do not see ask tor IRON 8:00— KDYL—Tranarndlo New Service N21 BMc 10 W let Hn Corornlc'k 7 :30— Morning moode In music TO REDUCE 51 SWIM Herald-Tribun- e 22 V Stella York New NBO— 7:45— Cunningham The 8:15— Early morning (hopping DIAMOND SHOP 176 60 MAIN A We can satisfy your every want! THE ml- BALCONY “ and porch (fair railing ttons American Fork HIGHLY respectable place where ladles forum on ourrent problem Iron work Crager Wire ft Iron Work WARM and private Guar course $6 Prof 7:65— CBS — Preee Radio News and gentlemen can borrow money on Thornton Wasatch 8prg was 1732 Outstanding speakers Include Mr 8:00— K8L— Breakfast Melodies and watches at legal rates diamonds LADIES' TAILORING Franklin D Rooeevelt Secretary of 8 30— Newe for the shopper MEDICAL Stata Cordell Hull: Norman H 6:00— K8L— "Serve aqd Save” with Ida K&MUDELiJNG ano U AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 25 Brltleh relmmg repairing G Abbott Davie Sir Samuel "Hoar men apec!i Babbel 104 W 3rd 8o Was S727 Jennie Lea etyllet Douglas foreign secretary: Lewie Chff 11314 8a Main st Wa 5514 EXCURSION FARE SPECIAL S:15— Lea States exdu with United Temtha 0X3 The k ladlea' tailor of BABHEL Mary Milky Way former director MAIN 7TH Columbia Taylor and Benule Walker piston Bldg W 8700 Opp Hotel Utah budget Phyijjj Van Thrlllf Los LYMAN-OBERG'- S Zeeland prime 0:45— CBS— Juat plain Bill unlveralty BATH MASSAGE and minister of Belgium Subject: 10:00— CB8— "Voice of Experience" STORAGE MOVING a Changing 10:15— "While the City Sleep” a drama Faces "America Round Trip $ EVA M'NALLY massage and magnetic el "A Safe Place to Buy!' World" 10:30— CBS—The story of Mary Marlin COAbl to coast mo vu trt heart mach 4a B Bwv w 10011 CORRESPONDING Jones’ the draLOW FARES N 10:30— KDYL—Greater Salt Lake City 0:45— CBS — "Five-Sta- r covered by In TO ALL POINTS tide Fireproof storage Molierujp Mow MISS RENEE— Swedish massage and bth matic serial of the Ilf of a to 1926 FORD COUPE W 10361 25 N 1st W Ask About Our $500 Down Plan Apt 313 10:45— JcoTllSilomlng Moods In Music EAST— WEST— NORTH— SOUTH Ing Storage Co 155 a W T W 1562 20 jnewapaper reporter 1925 FORD COUPE DAILY 32 ALL TO 11:00— KDYL—Transradio New Service ll:0O— KS: L—Colonial Mclodlee BATH SERVICE MASSAGE and 4 SCIENTIFIC ROADSTER 50 CHEVROLET HOUSEHOLD 1927 goona packed moved ship With 20 Mos to Pay! th Air ARIZONA POINTS VIA THE ‘SHORT CU Il:lO— KDYL— Muelq hi E 4th So 11:15— Lensona In Contract Bridge Miss Walker Wa 7913 45 1927 ESSEX SEDAN Modern M1ead fireproof wareanywhere Tho mott famoua program PHOENIX $12 Society fee- - 11 30— KSL— "Th Magic Hour" present-- FLAGSTAFF $10 25 50 1927 DODGE SEDAN Franco- - A mer Loin diet mov a specialty EXPERT manBage house agent and Martha Waruer the and Has! Parker Chevrolet Rhj Ing 1933 W "SPECIAL" 65 1926 CHRYSLER SEDAN REDMAN VAN ft 8TOR CO W 1463 Meade Rm 315 2! Of It kind on tha air 1st 8a W 6132 Coach 22000 actual miles 75 SEDAN CHRYSLER -1926 r-r- Muele wtth Word and HADLKY TKAN8FKK 13:00— NBO— ft hTOKAGk CO SWEDISH massage BUS MAIN reducing treatment 11:45— KSi— International News DEPOT S395 cleau COACH 60 real OLD8MOBILE 1927 Edward P M atm bath $1 159 4 8 Main Off 205 Maud Muller contralto MOVING FHiw Bus gripping 75 1927 OLD8MOBILE SEDAN ajslaj ftwatl TEMPLE SQUARE HOTEL BLDG French Davies baritone: Larry Larsen 13:00— CBS— Marlep th Llttl We 49 Hast Broadway 1176 575 rub D Luxe Sedan 50 COACH alcohol 1927 VERY beet hot FORD bath CHRYSLER 1934 massage narraorganist and Harvey Hayft Princes Moving 10-265 park and fireproof storage Atlas bklg- - 226-22- 7 Hour 50 1927 CHFV COAL TRUCK 1931 FORD Tudor A-- l tor CBB— Romance of Helen Trent 13:15— new paint 75 Coech 1929 ESSEX COACH FORD in Trans1930 a L Wg SWEDISH apeolallae rubs moving baths alcohol with P M massage booksttde 245 ia:30— CBS— Between th Ted 75 BUICK Wa new tire SEDAN 1928 Co lt-2338 fer 314-31- 5 B B Hr Reason 25 E 2 Malone Howard Ely and Western 119 13:30— NBC— Th 1929 FORD Roadste Rm J KDYL Home Hour ANNA massage good baths 35c 13:45— CBS— Happy Hollow the story of 110 FORD Roadster 1924 Bus AND FAINTING RAPERING OVER $7500 138 a State Hours 6 to 6 a typical American small town 1:15— NBC— Ma Perklna dramatlq eketrh 1929 FORD Phaeton rune good 45 Bade 1:30— NBC— V to and comedy 1:00— Afternoon concert for th shop FWifuiKIiT idiiod-a- r 1934 - CHEV Master Sedan like 1929 DURANT SEDAN $ 95 paiutiug (HRS Hiring Ticket Offthe 167 So Main sketch WILLYS-KNIGH595 new SEDAN 3143-95 1927 W ent SPECIAL NOTICES ellng given I Th Town topic with Louie Long O'Netll' — dramatic 435 ll5— NBO— 1933 CHEV Master Coach 90 1927 BUICK COACH Was 2303 eketch a program designed to preset)! SHKCIAL— 1 iiaper 3 room 810 1 room1 CHEV Roadster ’34 wheels 135 COACH 1929 100 OIDSMOBILE 1928 m 8 RUMMAGE H 21 Bob dramatic a aaia Saturday Sept 2438 50 Flirnleh good paper $3 3:00— NBO— Betty and music art literature society ana 135 ALL POINTS CHEV real clean LOW PONTIAC EXTRA FARES TO 1928 SEDAN 1928 115 Coupe ' 63 W 3rd South sketch fashion I imiele by Mark Wamow HoOM and up painting brick stain 1934 PLYMOUTH De Luxe Coach 575 1927 BUICK SEDAN 175 8:15— NBC— Gal Page popular eololet OVERLAND STAGES LOB ANGELES 66 and hta orchestral notable ' gueat 1934 PLYMOUTH Ds Luxe Coach 565 145 1929 STUDEBA HER SEDAN cleaning etc very reas Wa 3420-3:30— NBC— Fasolnatius Rhythm featur- 2:09— Mimical matinee DAILY Piocbe Las Callente 526 "8 Vega 1933 PLYMOUTH P D Sedan INSTRUCTION 1929 FORD COUPE 105 MUSICAL aintservice 5:30— CHS — Science Service presente Dr SPKCLAiV price furthtaWwMk Insured Free Bonded ing Ranny Week and 495 Sedan pickup 1933 PLYMOUTH P p 245 1930 FORD COACH R Papering dug Samp W P Bell chief of the division tn Dennt 1 67 State Semloh hntef W 165 395 1932 PLYMOUTH P A Bedan 1910 FORD SEDAN 250 A Free banjo or guitar given with left 5:00— NBC—The American Medical of wild Ilf research biological 1934 TERRAPLANE Comp Bed 595 1929 STUDEBAKER COMMANDLow farce BUSES— Mueic 4th BURLINGTON son School of Progressive program PATENT A-ATTORNEYS Ducka “When th l Fly 695 DODGE De Luxe Sedan survey 1934 ER 225 Wa SEDAN hotel 570 Newhmiae ticket and 4419 Wa barltoh floor Constitution Wilkinson "NBC— Bldg James 3:30— South" 610 1933 DODGE De Luxe Sedan’ 1931 NASH BEDAN 260 U THOMAS ft THOMAS a BKeg Trade-mar2:45— CK8 — Three little' word 1933 DODGE Bedan new motor 575 TICKETS STEAMSHIP 3:45— NBciClara Lu and Sm— comedy 3:06— CBB— Dick Meesixr' orchestra w 7202 10 Beeson 375 WANTED MEN 1931 PONTIAC Sedan rebored OTHER FINE CARS $20 TO $350 Drawing flash Sedan 3:30— Dally lntermountaltt new 1930 PONTIAC WWBftBwiivAewwwsivwv6avww6 (late) INFORMATION all line cruises 4:00— KDYL—Tranerndio New Sendee lour new motor 295 3:45— CBB— Tito Guiar Mexican tenor PRINTERS BINDERS American Exp Co 24 W 2 8 W 260 male quartet 445— NBC— The Mtdweek Hmn Sing 4:00— CBB— Th Cadet E 4:30— KDYL—Th Kangaroo Venuta CBB— 4:15— song Benay CENTURY t PRINTING CQ vocal quart 4 :30— Merchant radio column clast 4:43— NBO— The Charioteer 1929 -24 MONEY TO LOAN Honed to make NO payment to get a cnm worii fl213 Edison el 1801 Bed 195 w w HUPMOBILE melodic home 8:00— 6 1928 I wanted Happy tn the advertised help position S 6:00— NBC—“Easy Aot" comedy eketch hOK private end nuhlic library btmliaii 6 '05— Dance rhythm 1933 NASH Twin Ignition 8 Bed 510 Ads In other columns which eolumn KDYL— Afternoon Melodies P 0 Dust Co 221 Edison at W 1670 :2S— Presenting Miss Celll 1929 NASH Twin Ignition 6 Vie 195 ON AUTOMOBILES S:15— NBC—You if sample require Investment In stock should and Your Government— 530— A- -l OLDS 59 Rdstr Jack 1927 be a Sport or Armstrong SPEC bond cash wk this prices neelatant scwUrf Papering painting equipment " M L Wlleon 110 1930 DURANT ’’4" Coach Little Orphan Aunt Inc Arch (am fur W R Duk Hy H194-thoroughly Investigated before paying of agriculture speaking on The 5:45— 95 1030 DURANT “6" Sedan 8:00— Sunset serenade out any money Only bona fid offers Beet Use of Land" WILLYB-KNIGH66 Sedan 145 New In KSL—International the 6:15— of with belong pay employment few' CLEANING of RUG A traded the cars 6:00— NBC— Joe Ramlre’ Olreheetra choice — CHRYSLER 1928 "70" Spt Cp 105 6:30— CBB Presenting Lawrence Tlbbett “Help wanted" columne Kindly re8:15— KDYL— Th Molody Parade EVERY CAR WITH INSPECTION with Don Vorheee and hla orches- ROMNEY port any exception to this rule to the 1936 Buicks See o'thers at NBO— “Juat Around th Corner on Co It cost no more ’630— Rug 'EdCleaning STICKER Losw’s ballad dramatic tra classified advertising manager CASA L0MA SANS for the beet 1015 So 7th E Hy 8502 featuring Ted Whits with EmU "A Winter’s ward’: Manning’ Our Store! EXPERIENCED telephone solicitor for Polak’a Oreheetrs Afternoon" aria from Verdl'e "THE BIS VELLOW ROOF" 8:45— KDYL— "Pop Eye the Sailor Man" phone Apcampaign Own Will VERMIN EXTERMINATED Stewart "Th Masked Ball": ariety Girle— 5481-me Hv G N before and ttnori NBO— T ply T:0t— 750 33 BUICK ’’67" Sedan noted pianist (deleting artist show with Ml T Granlund IS QUICKLY AND EASILY who can also — Evening Musical 34 PLYMOUTH De Lux Sedan 575 USE LOVINGER'S for YOUNG man with bicycle tNSFCTlCID OBTAINED as In eater of ceremonies ?:00— KSL m 47 drive rar ’30 CADILLAC Town Sedan Shadow “ Apply after 10 475 "Th BEDBUGS ROACHDOM foi Orcb'et killing 7 185— NBC— Eddie Duchlu East Broadway "34 CHEVROLET Master Sedan CHER W 2314 3tS B W Tem 7 iSi)— CBB— Waring’ Pennsylvanians IS AS CHEAP IF NOT CHEAPER and presenting flnslleti In the Radio radio and heater 575 with Colonel t gtoopuagl TWO HIGH-CLASmen to sell Chevrolet Wasatch 2566 than other source of money 33 DF SOTO Bonn 565 Budd care Experience preferred See Mr 1:00— nSc— Th Studio Party featuring WINDOW SHADES — 1932 Plymouth de luxe tuupe BARGAIN ’33 575 March dra Tima 0LD8MOBILE Th of Sedan 1:30— CBS— Main JO-1comSo Neve bet m 465 p M STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Sigmund Romberg famous and rumble seat good rubber first class 28 HUDSON Sedan 110 news ot th SANDERS WINDOW SHADER ‘ Loweat SELL mena' maltiatlon of th with his oreheetrs neckwear $1 25 doxeti ami up end ’28 LA SALLE Sedan condition No reas cash offer refused 175 of Arthur day under’ direction free samples and quotation Bilk Milla 129 E Taylor as 'master of der Eaatern prices: ave Pig profits 25 BUICK Coach 80 1st 125 5 by mualbu apt settings Pryor Jr monies 4 Loa Angeles Cal old THROUGH en BEST BE roller CAN mad OBTAINED 6tn shades allowanccf 'Deph 80 '28 CHRYSLER Bedan Howard Barlow's orchestra 1915 MASTER CHEV 8:30— NBC— "The Galaxy of Star'— reverted 848 So State Waa 7995 WILL employ a high school graduate for US Musical momenta Victor with 1:45— Ar and Morton BARGAIN Jail MILES 1600 Peerc DRIVEN fetaurlng 8 weeks WE HAVE MANY OTHER BARGAINS den and hla orohsatr and Tommy work references required HY 4811-- J 35 MILTON AVE with Frank Blark and th MetroWATCH REPAIRING 206 McComlck bldg : th McLaughlin soloist B WHEN you buy an auto ask your deelei politan Symphony orcheatrn BURNHAM B8:00— CBS— G M A C TERMS Mara and Myrt K'eopolltan man with cat OPPORTUNITY —Young Singers and John about the $5 down payment SURBAUGH’S 9:15— Comedy atari of Holly Store Good watcb Jewelry Kennedy noted commentator learn any branch ot radio desired Ap 555 MAIN ST plari of tha PERSONAL FINANCE CO So- - state am 1030 WAS W 7 veil 165 and La renairlne ’a’ 9:00— NBO— Amo comedy m 11 401 a Plv Andy Regent Bldg 415 Continental Bank Bldg W 2007 9:30 — CHB—The Caravan sketch presenting MAN WANTED for Mawlelgh route of Still ! 1964 OHEV) Maater da iuxa coach radio Glen Gray and hi Ca AUTO1 LOANS7 WEATHER STRIPPING LomaV of Familiar Musts "Program 8o M twwm tim 1 30 Mouwuf ntt 3:15— Writ families Rawlelgh today Walter che of healer will s&crifcatxcaUent condi LO'Keefe Ira muter NBC— Oreheetrs Reiemen'e 30— QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL Denver Colo Dept "TJona rch we a Umr Bee car at 4iiHan Oarage ceremonies- - Dean Janl vneal so40 (M CVttUl TlM j Id 44 SAClfld Tl4 CO Was 6596 with Bally Binges Phil Duev and 670 So Main strip' NO COSIGNERS— LOW RATES loist Keutny Sargent and Pee tee tn per eon the leaks with flexible FORD Iuxa Btop da pat "Johnny" dan delivery truck panel PERSONAL CAR DEALS FINANOEL A Hunt 58 W and ad equip 221 B 4th S W 2416 EXPERIENCED taxi driver 10:00— NBC— Shandor violinist aa new used 1032 FORD sedan model B nearly new late OVIK CO AST -- TO -- CO AST 1934 Apply good BUDGET 10:00— Th adventures ot Charlie Chen SYSTEM m 1008— NBC— Al Lyon Oreheetrs 4th South 10 tires motor l $285 168 Bo 1st W only 2 moa since purchased from Ford Clues" thrilling 10:15— KSL — Popular Concert of Familiar VVASC COLUMBIA NETWORK 10:30— NBC— "Crlm Full price $480 Thin In- branch WELL DRILLING WAS 5311 122 MOTOR AVE MAN with car to give samples take orders FORD COACH new paint Urea lop Musis mystery ' dramas with 2 dietln eludes and insurance m financing 4 2 to charges Excellent p prospect LOANED ON AUTOS ok kUuM 4lR8 $125 Hy H4KO 10:30 — KSL— international New guiehed east of players Hewlett Bros Co 744 So State o WELL DRILLING CONTRACTOR— Wel Statham walker bank bldg RUSSELL M MILLER CO Newe Servlet 10:45— KSL— Don Cave’ orchestra jOO— K D Ford H 1030 8P0KT Bpauldmg’s call Hv 646 min and oil: 25 veara’ exp H M 204 JUDGE BLDG WAS 1788 ll:15-rNBO- — ttjuge $225 Paul Feudarvls’ Oreheetrs 11:15— CDIBS—Jav Eltek’a orchestra Used Cars Main Hv 7185 1940 8 11th E Robinson BY OWNER— Will acrlfice my 1 :30— N BC— Blllmora Hotel Oreheetrs 11 :30— CDLBS— Larry Lee’e orchestra is to with It a texlHU easy get v1LfL sm rittfM my 19 5 Ford partner Tudor eale Ford for sedan V8 quick 00— KDYL— "Tb Night Club of the 11 :45—CDLBS— Sterling Young’s erchee SECURITY NOTES 1100 miles Hv 2064 M WASHING MACHINE REPAIRING Apt 8 47 W Mh So r’" money to invest through the instru Ira Budget CHEV A M dstcnv frord coech 1929 12:00— midnight — K8L — Sign m off and $125 8KLC MUST UP AND Tribune-TelegraV8 to on $5 my 190 jroupe employed people youi mentality of Th 122 Motor ave MATT AGS rebuilt Repa 1:00— Good nhrbt own note 502 Kzra Thompson Bids Wheels and tires radio This ear goodnight tPatd Adv) lolls for all mk 534 Slat W 10336 Wants (Paid Adv) FINANCIAL DISCOUNT CO tCouU&ued on Foilowms Faasj l Terms Sec car at 249 S 7 C rear Mary Brown 27 24 F Divorce Granted LOANS FRIENDS 9pm Warren ' PEOPLES Stephen J ' LOAN MONEY FINANCE CO Bergland 505 SO MAIN ON 1 JklxaJ2 tmWOTiwr ””"2 ”Fafl $50 CASH QUICK Obituaries :'tke'thb P Blume ' CO Protecting You mi to $50 Mutual Credit LOANS Clayton $500 and Ilauerbach 8th and State DO JUST Lind Sarah PURCHASED CALI AN Salary At Depression Prices! r 7 ‘JJ Pmo $50 $5 TV I - $50 UNION PACIFIC MCBRIDE'S BUSES JVP SO AT Angeles Sutpwl 1440 NOT OVER $7500 CRIME CLUES JJ'rc 1030toU r WAS 1366 Vrir Station Consolidated " A WALTER O'KEEFE DEANE JANIS TED H USING GLEN GRAY ahdtm 565 TOURSSEN State Was 5925 Browning 'AN AUTO LOAN 520 SO MAIN Cir tvtxv TUESDAY r THURSDAY J CO Arch Browning Inc ther j (' "11 |