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Show DAIIQ UPHOLDS" n 7 IBrj Jt Brcpt of Magi "Peti-It.- " a Wonderful dlfferne be;' frbiV tweca settlor rid of corn bow and iMd to try to t rid thI way thvroar or mr years it onlr Its tae.aly tkMtory. ewa iedjr iff BILL UTILITIES TV I4, 1 n'ew number ct the Bait papers, have been" publishing articles atU-itie-a against the enactment of public biU for Utah! We presume that they were well paid for their services, v SpeaMtig o batlhey'. vertising.. so that the people might know which Is wtich. One of the biggest arguments they nave' advanced was along the tine that Idaho was going to repeal their public itiU-tie-s bill. But here is the way the Idaho legislature .repeated this "bill recently. In this connection the news from Idaho is not at all disconcerting. For a long time me umuences now at . smokiiiff sens . 7-77- -r-- - Jat Iropt Sf Tomorrow I 'U 4 at rlGomI KW That Con 'fleU-It,- '. UigbtOff andlt'a today that acts en tfie nw - prin- not only of shriveling' up the - ciple, corn, but of loosening' the corn off 0 loose that you can lift it right Put 8 of - (Iith " drops you .Augers. on that corn or xallus IL The corn is That' doomed sure as sunrise. No pain, or trouble, or soreness. You do way once and for all with salves bandages, what-not- a. and Irresponsible Try corn. lose a and ret surprised it "Gets-It" is sold everywhere, 260 a bottle, or sent on receipt of plica Ilk by E. Lawrence & Gets-It- ng ttr every passible" effort to abolish .the bublic utilities commission', In that state.-iTh- ey have declared the law tQ be an absolute failure and have cau tioned Utah against failing into a simi lar trap. ' Hired lobbyists, registered at the hotels as coming from Idaho, hayfi Jaeen at work here for weeks try ing to prevent the" passage of the bill an(L.predicting freely that at this session of the legislature the Idaho law would be repealed. But what of the 4i m ; UliilAV :..:.:--7- their. w- -- perfect balance wiui jm leives d richer, entirely all of as to off-sfuller-flavore- In other words, talimas would not be sensible if they ever bothered your throat or tongue ; or if they didn't leave you feeling all right even after smoking more than usual. Fatima Cigarettes never facta? Dispatches state that at Fri day's session of the Idaho legislature the Cummings bill, which, proposed to repeal the act creating the public. utili ties commission, waLktued by a vote "Sold In Provo "and ..recommended of 29 to 6, after a most determined fight by the special Interests. This as the world's best corn remedy 7 by ought to set at rest all doubt, if any there be, with respect to the value of Hedqulst Drug Co." the public utilities law la that state. Governor Capper of Kansas: Our public utilities law ts . working most toe-eati- disturb. TEey can't. The 7 TTH all their eood V Fattmaa would - not be a sensible smoke if they weren't comfortable. woik,reMT. nf 4 et that uncomfortable woyi heaviness" found in so many other cigarettes. fou'll realize this with of your firstpackage ratimas. . . commission's g ft satiafactorilyOur ing good service and has saved the a deal of in hand E money people great ling questions pertaining to public Utilities. --W e xoniTder- - 4t Jthemost practical way of handling the public utility business, both from therstand -- Joint oHnTiitflft I am confident our people would not think of abandoning the law.' One of the Salt Lake papers states that a man by the name of Manches 7V: I ter has beenjvriting these articles but state that this was only a now they SALT LAKE C4TY pseudOTymr-rhebunchTareplayl- tfieia-4-9ffl-o- theirjBhjit DA 1 NS! (IHCIIK nuiuiiiu r lZRAI 12 nnnnrnTU rHIIrrnl I I IIUIUHI .. in . This story was publiBhhed the latter part of January in The Herald, but is 8:14 a.m. reproduced here from Chloride Her 9:69 a.m. ald: 10:59 a.m. Telegraphic advices received in 12:69 p.m.r 7:06 a.m. t: 41 a.m. :60 a.m. Jl:50 a.m. ; ' EXPRESS On all 4:Co p.m. :60 p.m. f :60 p.xn. :S4 p.m.; 11:10 p.m. 15 UUI UIILUIUVL Southbound Northbound i are willing to suffer thjrjUiuptt tlila:deal. nilV PHI flRMf Lsavlng PROVO a:5(rp:in. Stasias! lhe'ait f Lake papers PAYSON rains SToTpmT ;4r$0T.ra. 6:69 p.m. 1:69 p.m. .7:69 p.m. . .SMjggaiJbeauty ChloTldel&ireerw 1 ous advantage in "The Slave Market," the Famous Players attrac- on lease and bond of the Payroll mine ion at the. CoLurribia Tuesday, in which she plays the proud and by a syndicate of Utah capitalists headed ty"A.M.McDonsld, well known in- - mining circles as one of the big operators in the EurekavtJtahrTlis- trlct. Mr. McDonald was a visitor to Chloride recently in company with J. William Knight of Provo, Utan. Al A Mileage Book . wjll save you most immediately following their, re " turn to Utah, the "Bullion Hill group money,' of mines Tai taKeff over ty a Utah Investigate Ask the Agenir of TheIniernrban can give better syndicate headed by Jesse Knight TTCnlghT Provo7thalhefrj7ivmran service on your freight shipment The price paid for the Bullion Hill whether it be a hundred pounds or a property was said to have been in ox. -- rllHrwmf" haughty Spanish crirl. It is a Paramount Picture, written by Fredenc Arnold Kummer ana directed by Hugh Ford: 9:41 p.m. 1:22 a.m. the Payroll has not been made public T he IPayroll mine was formerly own """Through rates and route to Inter ed by T. D. Scott of New York and itate points la connection with the has known' as one "ot Chloride's, most promising properties. ConUnloV Pacific System, and r allied siderable development work"; has alUses. ready been done and this work, conshaft and levels at sisting of 60,200 and depths. The vein varies in width from 1 to 12 feet and long-be- en . 400-fo- 400-fo- Take No Chances Profit by the costly . 300-fe- et: The values encoujreJJtiavjeahowa as hign..a,s 35per cent, zinc with good goia ana silver values. -- FAULLNE-BREDERl in CK 0lav&:m arke t " THE'' : The visitor's exclamation applies not only; to the tastiness and attractivenes BIG VAUDEVILLE finish. your hard earned savings with the State Bank rof where you are against - loss from ed 1 - in making the proper selection of materials. e -- And we are sure that we can save you money t vn -- hr nrnterlal-besldei- s givlnryotf the besf ,,,, . --: se. STATE , and-sprig- r , htly -- -- " . CHICHESTER S PILLS am BAK1. jiir vnuti, for a VV Rr lll-mwi IIRM 'IU..V1I - J bmn, tetici with viM tiU V 1 Tk M vtkvr. f aaP IMAttOI 2f I'nicut. -- rU 4 Tk"0I!S,Slst.A)wnRrllJl SCLD BY KLCCISTS f vrimvHr CF ; ve-lo- drfcp. The Arthur And I Guy Trio, two men .woman, three clever singers and dancers. . "George Hussy, America's foremost exponent of ventriloquism, offers an entirely new line of . entertainment, featuring his ' Walking Dummies 7 Ideas for Interior FinisK al piause is hardly ever bestowed on toy mciLJheyjieeinrpetrmedithriamaze' - any-cauraent to the finish of the act, when a sigh escapes them and then prolonged applause. BANK Powder and Capman, whose 'song sayings2 stepping havo " Of PROVO put them in the front rank of vaudeville's song and danee teams, are both ALVA NELSON, young men with an eye to the future, Cashier. have built up a comedy offering that always pleases. As sineers. both are .fortunate to have excellent sintrinK voices, and understand, fully how to put over a number, as dancers they BAD HABITS. are exceptionally graceful and neat, Those who breakfast , at eight having jnany4ntricate tepa newto the ordinary dancer. At a team, thev tfclock or. laterlunc,jtwela.,at are eniertainmg in every way and alcertaorft have dinner at six are almost ' ways please. to be troubled with indigestion. They - The Deldas are presenting an exflo not allow time for one meal to ceedingly clever novelty which thev term "Scenic Oil Paintings," digest before taking another,. Not less wmcn consist Electric or pictures painted in than five hours should elapse vetween transparent colors though all'natural meals. ' It you are troubled with indi colort are utilized with the assistance ceslion correct your habits and take of electrici.tyJ..Tbese transparent canvases are brought out in all the glory Chamberlain's Tablets, and you may of an oil masterpiece, - : 1 v V reasonably hope for quick recovery. The Deldas have an infinfWjrariety These tablets strengthen the stomach of aubjects amongst which fuay be and enable it to perform 'its functions mentioned "Winter on the Parm," "Yosemite Falls" "The Eruntion nf naturally. For sale by tied quist Drug (lPoropaIi,and "The aptata'a QnUC Bnowmg me iigni nouse with storm, etc. Their paraphanalia is nickle and they also carry a beautiful Maroon It denotes also her hearty approval of our; method of helping the prospective builder - TfherWeyeOnOep6sit" in-sur- I II .. In "The Slave Market" Miss Frederick is captured bv pirates and seized by their leader as his favorite. In her efforts .to escape ma' attentions, she kills the Trreat ' ruffian and all his crew vnw BILL AT THE COLUMBIA- vengeanee.-- To break- her proud spiritr theydecide to offer her tor-salto the highest bidder as a slave. The aeronies of mirid" arm body which this noble girl endures inner struggle against the overwhelming adds are portray edlrTthe manner which was" won or Pauline Frederick the undisputed title as the foremost emo-ionZeno, Jordan A Zeno, two men and actress on the screen. osian whose sensational, exploits Thomas Meighan, popular Lasky player, makes his first an. on the flying trapeze invariably thrill aA- - audisRe4a 4h pextentthat pearaneender th Famous Players barareriirthls imjihictloirn) A STRIKINGLY ex- perience of those unfortunate people.: whrhave'lost their money by speculation, Provo,- - liagliewlfonowM'tinTIOToorievel tor a distance of more than In view of the abandonment of the merger.T therecenP uying" of Utah Copper shares by Harry Content re garded as a Guggenheim broker has caused considerable- - comment. Dur. IlHlf few. weeka Content Js ing credited with purchasing at least shares otJOtah. If this buying Ja for - the Guggenheims, it may be preliminary to a further addition of Utah Copper to the Kennecott treasury. These holdings now amount to 404,000 snares while-t- hr Guggenheims per sonaiiy are credited with owning 200,iS0Oshw ava, tnUe ralThinflS necott holdings and "their Individual Comto Prevent Negotiations ownership of Utah, the Guggenheims ' bine.. would seem to have further .fortified their position in. Utah Copper affaire. Whatever-planwereafoot several - it will be recalled that when the months ago for the consolidation of Kennecott-Utamerger was first bethe Utah and Kennecott corporations ing considered the Guggenheims have been abandoned, saya.the News Copper" company Bureau.4 When the subject was first should enter the consolidation. J FocJ broached, engineers under D. . Jack-lin- g some reason, nowever, Jhue was very were put to work figuring 'out "a quickly dropped from the discussion? ; possible 'basis of consolidation, with the result that a ratio ot shares . of Kennecott for one share of Utah t . Where ttBump-- "Fell Down. -- Willis " ! think a knowledge was arrived at 77. r 7KuL tb.erft ?w ioro oropUcatlona, H Jififilhlcva, not the least of which-waGlllia 'Tes, jthe fact news man nQwadars?" that New Jersey,: the legal domicile 6f Indoed ; Ijcnorance of it cost Bump, the the Utah company, was also the home uudl order man, a pretty penny last . of the "Seven Sisters'' Jaws which did S fellow copied a lot of not favor jk combination Buch- - as jwas names out-o-ttne" f Chronicles add sold it to ' planned. There was also to be considered the Bump as a mniUngllst and Bunjp sent i fact that some of the large holders of outdrculBrs of his new ftifety razor Utah stock , did: not look with favor to half a hundred patriarchs of theOldi upon the merger and would have vig- TestpTientliefore he got wise."- - ludge.. orously opposed it in the courts. ih&-pas- 75,-00- - Phone 20-5- 98 t, 1 Sr Acadcmy Phone 40 0 I - Jte Subscrfa -- 7 s - . h IlfaBfimlJcrSCoal Co, CASTLE GATE CLEAR CREEK KING BLACK HAWK " -- CAMERO- N- 0 " -- "Do-yo- .jmajiotbiuh r -- spring Canyon! . J5 l, ..- - ,.:.) ' aberdeen lki:-- S 1 1 I I i f "i I II i Also. wt-ek- 7 1 rsmnn iSipEk'AwloiujraMAiAi "A Square to Every Deal T. Patron"-16-0 W. FIFTH NORTH. PHONE 232: M.' HARMON, Prea. J. WDUNN, Secy id Manager." . - |