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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH OTPROPOSED PROJECT .UWES PARK! JAYCEES TO taUJajrcees to teeiHtM late" FOR FUNDS loNSOR COMEDY ntct Fin J-SH- ' " r J r - i j 3 " j EE i I I i S ! 1 y i rrr Trr I In with the conjunction musical comedy, "It's A Date," a Tiny Tot Popularity Contest is in progress and the proceeds of this project are to be used to defray expenses of the annual Easter Egg Hunt held in Lehi for the local children and sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Photographs of the contestants are on display in the window of the old pot office building and winners will be introduced on stage at the Tabernacle during the Lollipop Party in the Christmas Scene. Each contestant has a voting jar in the store of a leading merchant and votes are a penny each. Three win rung boys and three winning f with a j)oyou want a beautiful city park lew fireplace, new electric ovens, cooking picnic tables, new playground mounds, for ommun- quipment, horseshoe tor picnics cuiu uuiuuui USC Announced xhedule Lehi High School Pion- -j Stanley M. Taylor Jr. New Fraternity Sec'y taken advantage of asional warm days in recent hove alts to get in several prac-- il sessions on the diamond, cfing forward to the season's hug baseball game with Irican Fork, Thursday, Ap- - to Coach Earl according .3, id. resumed base- after an exten-la- y off, getting a creditable sunt of themselves with a jained second half drive, iing without a home field, Pioneers worked against a idicap. Ploughed fields often :ie served as practice fields. aquad members by position year Lehi competition 1 U Dean Asay, Ralph Reed Sunderland, Bill base era, jvtna. j CatchersPaul Bennett, Yuji ataura. tcher-- Jay f Manning. -- Keith base Colledge, Manning. fd base Ken Whimpey, 1 Wilkin. Iiortstops-- Ed uper. Earl Peck, Dick Peterson, Mont Cros-EeldoBames. &en f, McStay, Dick - 6utfield schedule is Li If feasant 7r'ngements r.m rnrW Jerningthe playing of Kames will begin at home' m. 3 p. 6IYE tO diagnotii CONQUf R rtmpt v.-- s AMimcAN v" in I M , I, md ParSn Came by said' T mt0 a Ullvc dum like feak to that animals." man 1 want ioC"re.J,ust iwarmer. "c leu did Noah ;1hW 7 . 1 .k. Ark? Pftrtr I " Jock 4-- . ere surveying the k offered Pat a hU bottl Pat drank retnmoj i ..1 6 W 1 Pocket jfr 1j ... .. flPat L, i U 1 n " Soing yourself. ' id Pat, but to have a bit of Jock. 'W no aave been here." JL) IOCIITY Cancer. Town r: arly and trot-mn- for far mor pvblic and arofaiilon al ducalion and far gral xtcniion af fa- ciUll far dlagnatti and trcatmanl. Kiarch may tavi lh rmoin!ng 14 million from vnlwal doarh from cantor, five yoar ogo not much more Ihon a million dellan wot being ipn me annually on cancer retcorch. Now American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Imtitute, and other ogenti ipend each year about $13,000,000 for cancer retoarch. ThU ll impreni but tomewhat tot than the $45.eS 000 Ihe U. $. Deportment of Agriculture had to ipend In 194? on eradicating hoof and mouth diieaia, Baut of medical and reMorch for more progrtti we ore today taring generation fivei from cancer Ihon been ago. A great program hoi lt continued topped moy launched relalave the life af a neighbor, a tive, lomeone In your own homo. Hlp cienco help yeu. OWe to Conquer CANCER tan. t e ol oy Thai call CANCER Make-Believ- Jay-She- Viol foil Ihrewgh musica- ultra-mode- rn StalhtMwM MliNMta IM M mOOM o mm, wom f con hlUrM-w- tN fttuolly 4t Mf If prMnl rat 1 contlnu. OM thlrd f HtM couM and ritovld b cured el our print Wr- I of knowUdg TROimT.v farmer wnc pre-scho- Hying American Grove at Lehi are ed whole-hearted- ly l-minstrel Jaycees Entertain Kiddies at Annual Easter Party Today Cater Kcowh& (a Save ted by the City Council, will Crooner John Desmond, to be make possible the facilities to played by Marlow Gardner, be enjoyed by all for outdoor charming vocalist Patsy Lee, functions and entertainment of Kathryn Dorton, and the irre the community. Mayor George pressible, talkative commedienne, Aunt Fanny, portrayed by Vera enLeany has dorsed the undertaking and Trane. In this scene an orchid pledges cooperation of the City will be awarded to the lady in in working with the Junior the audience who has been mar Chamber of Commerce to make ried the longest, and she will the park the pride of the com- become a guest on stage of the munity. Mayor Leany states Breakfast Clubbers, and will be he hopes the citizens of Lehi interviewed. will cooperate by making the Particularly outstanding from community show for the park the standpoint of impressive muimprovement project the finest sic is Eastertide, directly con entertainment ever held here. trasted with the Kitchen Queens. Mrs. Kay Madsen, who arrived a chorus of prominent men dress in Lehi last week to direct the ed as women, who with pots, show, is a professional director pans, and brooms and wash with Empire Producing Com boards, give a screamingly fun pany of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. ny masculine rendition of the Madsen is a native Texan, at average housewife's woes in a tended the University of Texas. number called "Happy, Happy and has had extensive experi- Labor Daze." ence in Little Theater work. Three contestants will be cho She states "It's A Date" has the sen from the audience and will unqualified recommendation of receive cash prizes and a grand many other towns in Canada jackpot prize on Eddie Cantor's and Mexico, as well as the Unit famous 'Take It Or Leave ed States, and is most enthusias radio program. tic about the possibilities for an Perhaps the most appealing of outstanding production here dur all is the smashing climax and ing Lehi's Centennial Year. finale scene, "The Show Boat As the musical opens, a young Minstrel," with the curtain gocouple, Ginger and Joe, to be ing up on a male ensemble comportrayed by Don Roberts and prising the minstrel circle, in a Joan Evans, are trying to select riot of color, humor, choreo a date for their wedding and re graphy and musical renditions view the special occasions of the by guest artists of the commun year, depicting highlights of fun ity. End men for the minstrel and fancy. There are eleven will be Arlin Fowler, Dick Robscenes with a variety of musica erts, J. B. Cooper and Dick numbers and comedy skits, with Cooper. i , N. colorful, professionally-designe- d chairman S. Peck, Jaycee costumes. The opening music of the Talent committee, reports al telephone operators' chorus the committee has rounded ; up is followed by a Homecoming a large local cast of adults, high Scene, with Dean Prior as Mr, school students', youngsters from I. Gott Rocks, President of the the grade schools, with members "IT'S A DATE" . . Planning arrangements for the comedy production to be presented April Alumni Association of dear old of the Lehi band and entertain14 and 15 are, left, Mary Forrestier, Joseph Forrestier, Kaye Madsen, director, President Harold Boola Bool a college, leading a ers from other civic organizaEllison, and N. S. Peck. pep rally, with High Schoo! tions and the community. Mrs. Band members, cheerleaders and Eva Carson is pianist for the others of the cast. As Joe and show and others of the cast include Mayor Leany, Rex ZimGinger consider Christmas-tim- e for their wedding, children from merman, Ralph Wing, Glen the grade school are participat Smith, Willa Wing, Ada Peterson, ing in a Lollipop Party in the Doris Peterson, Gary Cooper and e, mythical Land of many other Lehi performers. as Dancing Dolls and toys come Chorus girls for the show are: to life and Santa Claus, por Elaine Webb, Sandra Taylor, hike over will sixth of the is the the big grade day Today trayed by Boyd Smuin, Mrs Carlyn Wilson, Bon Nita Russon, Santa Claus, Pauline Smuin, and Faye Hardman, Barbara Elton, FEDERATED WOMEN Jaycees' annual kiddies- - Easter to the rodeo grounds. A free show, "Kentucky Blue Santa, Jr., little Denny Peck, Shirley Carson, LoyDece Strong, party. All the kids in Lehi from SET DATE FOR age through the sixth Grass" in technicolor, will be introduce to the audience the Caroline Comer, JoAnn Roberta, and around a shown at the Utah theater to little contestants in the Tiny Nada invited are grade Powell Joy SPRING CONVENTION thousand children are expected the older groups, while a selec- Tot Popularity Contest. In this Smith,Smith, Shirley dene Smith,' Floy tion of animal and outdoor films scene, also, on the second night, Marjorie Spencer, LaRaine The Timpanogas First Dis- to attend. the winners of the contest will Shepherd, Anna Jane Butt, Sonja trict of the Federated Womens The Jaycees and their wives will be shown to the younger be announced and auditorium in for each children he a prizes award- Wilkin, Ja Lalne Webb, Lela Stetreat by have planned club will hold its 3rd Spring honors bestowed and ed upon wart, Ann Worlton, Donna Mor Convention Saturday, April 22, child with speceial prizes for the Principal Cecil L Ash. The be2 p. m. the King and Queen, Duke and risey, Jo Ann Loveridge. at commence will will shows Activities ones. Grand lucky at the new Prince and PrincTicket Chairman Joe Forresgin at 11:30 at the Elementary and will be over in time for the Duchess, and View School in Provo. in a special coro- tier, says "It's A Date" is a of ess school catch Toyland their to children different the with age The morning session will com- School, nation ceremony. busses home. must on your calendar and urmence at 10 a. m. and will be groups splitting up for a picnic will child furnish discuss and then Each lunch. Joe Wan'.ass Mr. Mrs. Glen and Ginger ges everyone to purchase tickdevoted to club activities of the will eat at lunch of ets own his and the chairmen as their for are early from members of the acting wedding, The department February past year. the First affair this year with Mr. and Chamber of Commerce, the Junior places: following a audience the will chairman give suggestions through guiding s, and Fourth will go to the Mar- Mrs. J. B. Ccoper and Mr. and their the auxiliary, Lunch for program planning. Sweetheart Serenade special the of members chorcast Wines Milo Second, the and Johnson Mrs. Park, assisting. will be served in the school garet with the Valentine Chorus, in uses, or at the ticket booth on be third This will the rewill Fifth party Third and grades cafeteria at 12:15. of this kind heM in Lehi, vastly which special lighting effects are Main Street which will be open At 1:30 the afternoon session main on the football field, and enjoyed by the children, and featured. A trip to the famous all day Saturday in front of the will convene, and the guest, Sel-vby the Jaycee group. Breakfast Club program, finds old Post Office building. Tickoriginated Eds. President be Skip Why speaker will Wanlass ets may be exchanged free for Mr. expre&sed the satJ. Boyer of Springville who "For her costume, she was aw- isfaction of the club in the suc Dean Webb impersonating the reserved seats after has spent the past four years as arded a radio and a loving up." Master of Ceremonies, at the Lehi Cleaners Saturday genial that of the stating activity, by calling cess President of the British Mission. N. Y. with Cruising or coming in. Advance ticket Don McNeil, to it continue annually. plan they paper. His topic will be International sales indicate a packed house Relations and a comparison of for both performances and Mr. living conditions. Forrestier urges everyone to exDistrict President Mrs. A. F. change their tickets for reserved Gaisford will be in charge of eats at the earliest possible of all meetings. The Presidents moment. Adult tickets are 75c all the Provo Federated Clubs and tickets for children under as Tarran with Mrs. Herbert twelve are 35c. Children's tickchairman will act as hostesses for ets will not be sold, but child the convention. ren are requested to pay adis Timpanogas First District mission at the door. composed of Provo, Orem, Mrs. Mary Forrestier reports Fork Pleasant Grove. American grand cooperation in the Tiny and Lehi. District officers are Tot Popularity contest, being President Mrs. A. F. Gaisford, sponsored by simultaneously American Fork; First s, the and children in Christen-seMrs. Shcrrmn the contest thus far are: Provo; Second Linda Rae Peck Mrs. William Cox, Orem; Sandra Evans Secretary, Mrs Stanley Taylor. Bobbie Evans An Lehi; Treasurer. Mrs. Kent Paul Gumey derson, Provo; Corresponding Suzanne Smith Codding-itosecretary, Mrs. Mark Gary Sanders American Fork; Auditor Ronnie Sanders Mrs. Alex Karren. American Dennis Peterson Mrs. D. R Fork; Historian. Billy Fowler "hi: pprlhmcntarian Mitchell, I Linda Susan Christiansen Mrs Orville Wadlev Ple.ant Thomas Douglas Peterson Mrs. Clyde Grove; Publicity. Glenn Johnson Birch, American r or. Steven K. Fowler THANKS TO JAYCEES . . Easier Bunny wiU (ekgtit Lehi. youngsters today. Sacking the conSpecial guests for and June are Easter Forrestier, left, annual Bonnie Jane Roberts Smith, Jaycees J'Shes, Mary the party for and candy vention will be state officers Richard Roberts, Harold Ellison, Joseph Forrestier, Leioi Smith, N. S. Ann Fowler Vera Johnson, Udine Cooper, Federated of the past presidents Susan Ellison Milo Johnson, and part of J. B. Cooper. Peck, Womens Clubs. Rehearsals are in progress in Lehi for the forthcoming presentation of a home talent show, "It's A Date," to be given here under the auspices of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Harold Ellison, Chairman of the Shew Committee, announces the will be given at the Stake Tabernacle, on Friday and Saturday, April 14 and 15, with the curtain going up promptly at 8:13 p. m. Mr. Ellison also states a matinee will be presented for school children. The musical comedy is being sponsored by the Jaycees for the benefit of improving and beautifying Lehi's Wines Park. Proceeds of the sponsoring or ganization, with funds appropria- - . Stanley Maurice Taylor Jr., 25, son of Mx. and Mrs. S. M. Baylor, 260 W, 1st JTorth, ,Lehi, is new treasurer of Zeta JVappa chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha, international social fraternity, at the University of Utah. The chapter will be formally installed on campus during a three-da- y ceremony from April 14 to 16 when national officers will be present at festivities. Instituted at Utah with only two members of a colony last year, the campus chapter now numbers 60 members who have mirchased a fraternity- house r near the campus. Mr. Taylor is a graduate of Lehi High School where he was a member of the football and dramatic and music circles. On campus he is a member of Sigma Pi Sigma and Kappa Tau engi neering societies. He holds a bachelor of science degree in from electrical engineering Southern Methodist University and is doing graduate work in physics at the University. as follows: April 3tkhi at A. F. Hmcoln at 5Jfkhi at Pleasant 3ehi at A F. at Lincoln 3 . . . School Baseball ligh fe tiiitii-ui- Then Support 'It's A Date' ? . . . nent? girls will be awarded prizes which have been donated by local merchants and will be crowned the King and Queen, and Duke and Duchess, and Prince and Princess of Toland in a special ceremony on stage at the show. Mrs. Mary Forrestier is in charge of the contest and states there is no enhance fee, or costumes to buy and says, those wishing to enter ihildren may do so by furnishing a photograph of th?ir child and a deco-retvou 14 j?r Pictures will r.ot be sen', out of town, but winners will be oetermineJ by those chilre.r m living the largest number of vo'es. If facilities, ty Proceeds From Comedy Production To go Toward Wines Park Improvement Project; All Local Talent TO SPONSOR TlfJY ES TOT POPULARITY POLL f m t FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1950 j 3 vice-preside- nt, $ J Jay-She- n, vice-preside- nt, j n, -' . J |