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Show RSTSSmEaeSBSB PAGE SIX BOX ELDLR JOURNAL Brigham City. Utah , Friday, July Couldn't Take It b ! Couldn't Do Better Va. (UP) Sammy Smith, son of Mr. and r Mrs. John W. Smith, has a perfect attendance record at Sunday school. Sammy is just one year old. PORTSMOUTH, STARTS UE one-yea- Larson Bros. And Central Chevrolet Still In First Place The Brigham City league held their first games of the second half last week at Made-You- r Rees Pioneer sults found ners, Larson and Central park, and the the first half , rewin- Brothers Plumbing Chevrolet, still in the drivers seat. League standings: National League W. j Larson Bros. Wess Market Chase Firestone C. B. Williams from (Rupture) in now enjoy our NO CHAROB 8ERV1C! offered to ell trine we arm by our a perletiee4 fitter. Let them help yo In your (election end application (roe the ffnert line of eurfical appliance anenulacturcd. To buuro our cnetomere of tnne eon teat and eecurity, we recommend SPOT PAD TRUSSES NON-SKI- D light-weight Th pplUflCM hoi four rupture cartly, requiring out one-ho-li the pressure of ordinary trusses. Our experienced fitter also serve you needs lor Abdominal Supporter! Klaeti Hosiery. Shoulder Brace, etc.! and on teiiMg prices VHU turely please yo HAMILTON DRUG 0 0 0 1 W. L. - 1 American League TRUSSES Hernia k 0 L. 0 0 . 1 0 Central Chevrolet 0 1 Zundels 1 Arbons Lunch . 1 Brigham Tire Shop .......... 0 National league results are as follows; In the only game scheduled In the Senior league, Larson Bros. Plumbers retained the top spot in their circuit when they trounced C. B. Williams real estate 4 to 1. Tough luck again was the fate of Tippy Pearse. Tippy had another no hitter cooking going Into the last Inning wlen Reed Hansen exploded a terrific line drive deep over the center field. ers head for a The home-run- CM8GM5S MW Easy doot ft with StoCtL anti C rabgrau compound Just shake it from box or better still, broadcast with spreader. SCUTL Is Heber City were guests of her of Redondo Beach. Calif.' - were Mr.and brother. Mr.' and, Mrs.- Dewey guests 'of Arnold Mrs. recently. Hansen, week. last , Ramsdall Mrs. Clyde Jennings and chil-de(Alvin Jensen and Mark Udy left for their home in San several of ti eiding spent days week after up in the Salmon River district Diego, Calif., last spending some time visiting her fishing. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hansen Hansen. Miss Mary Hansen acMr. and Mrs. Bla-lnof Ogden visited her sister, Mr. companied her sister to the and Mrs. Lamar Iversen Tues- coast city, and will spend some day. time there. Miss Pamela Richards of BrigStephen Kemp of Salt Lake ham City is a guest of her sisis a guest of his grandparCity ter, Mrs. Grant Checketts. Mrs. Arnold HanMrs. Carl Hendersen and baby ents, Mr. and Is a guest of her parents, Mr. sen. Redd and small and Mrs. Austin Johnsen for a Mrs. Maurine visited her parof son Ogden few weeks, then she expects to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jensen join her husband in Texas ents, week. where he is stationed with the last Mr. and Mrs. Leland Oxonblr-rair force. of Cima, Calif., were guests Mrs. Ruth Nebeker of Califorrenia Is a guest of her parents, of Miss Dona Christensen cently. Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen. It was work day at Relief soMr. and Mrs. Roy Lewis and Tuesday and a beautiful daughter Shauna are on a trip, ciety was quilted. Hostesses sta ten quilt about morning Monday Mrs. were Pearl Jensen, Blanche Sandra oclock Jensen, daughDena Christensen, Alva Barker, Jenter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley sen, was crossing the road to her Hardy and. Andrea ofHuggins. the Utah The Daughters home when she was struck by a a Pioneers interesting very gave was child car. The south bound badly bruised and skinned but no bones were broken. It seems that the side of the car must have hit her in the face, the Dr. said, however that if her nose let this Idaho Mutual Benefit is broken it hasnt gone out of Association Life Insurance man shape, but her teeth were loosened. This is the third child to be struck by cars in less than two years and they have all happened within a block of each other. I wonder if we have to have a fatal accident before the State Road commission will take action and either Install a stop light or a caution light at the corner so that our children can walk across the road in safety. fca- J - Mr. and Mrs. Seward Hansen his-siste- - B SECOND HALF CAMPAIGN 27, 1951 Mich.. (UP) DEARBORN, Clvlljan defense workers scheduled a mock atom-bomattack on this Industrial city and prepared to fight the pretended havoc. They cancelled the test because It rained. , MADE-YOUR-lEAG- ARE FACTS From ear River City n round tripper was the fourth one hit this year! Bob Knudson fol'BEAR RIVER CITY Bear Rivlowed the home run with a ers 24th celebration was a debloob single into left field. cided success.. The Baby show Next in line to Reed Hansen which is always a good drawin the hitting department was ing card attracted many lovely Scott Grover, Tippy Pearse and children. The miniature parade Bob Knudson with one for two. was very pretty and the races went over in tip top success. The Score by Innings: program attracted a large crowd 001 E00 1 4 and the following numbers were 'Larson Bros C. B. Williams 000 000 presented: Community singing of Claire AnThe American (Junior) league under the direction dersen accompanied by Wanda results are as follows:' ' Johnson; prayer, Vernon John-sen- ; Zundel's vs. Arbon Lunch vocal duet, Dianne Grant Zun-dels Captain Dennis Hansens Doris Simonsen of Brigham and team had to come from Connie Giles of behind to nip the up and com- City; reading, and dance by Tremonton; song 2 4 team to ing Arbon Lunch of Ogden; Susan Hansen little In the initial battle of the secnovelty number, Malinda Marond half drive. ble of Tremonton; John Owens, Arbons tallied single runs In Mr. and Mrs. Perc Petersen and the first two innings to go out Mrs. Connie M. Peters of BrigIn front. In the second frame, ham City entertained with a Zundels scored once and in the group of sorxgs and dialogue. fourth they tallied two runs to The program was enjoyed very take the lead. In the last inn- much. Willard and the local ing, they pushed over one more ball team played ball. The roto Insure their lead. deo In the evening was all a loBest' hitler in the contest was cal rodeo should be. The large G. Sycamore, R. Nielsen and crowd was well taken care of Jensen with one for one. Dennis in the way of refreshments by Hansen had one for three. the auxiliary organization. Scord by innings: Mrs. Harold Reese entertained 010 21 4 Zundels 110 002 at a lovely shower at her home Arbons Lunch ...... Central Chev. vs. Brigham Tire Sunday afternoon in honor of Captain Brent Horsley pitched Mrs. Lowell Andersen, a recent ball game, but bride. The rooms were decora another no-hi- t he gave up four runs and al- ted with beautiful garden flow most the ball game as Central ers. Dainty refreshments were Chevrolet defeated the Brigham served. The guest of honor re ceived many useful and lovely Tire Shop 5 to 4. ' Brent walked ten men in gifts. Mrs. Andersen was three innings along with one Betty Almbaugh of Red error to give the tire shop their Lodge, Montana. They are mak four counters. The winners tal- Ing their home in Garland. lied their counters on five hits, Willard Andersen left for Ver four walks and two errors. nal Thusday morning where he Slugger John Valberg kept up his torrid hitting pace by get- will join his wife, who has been there. ting two for three. Catcher Dan visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Andersen Jensen and Eastley had one for to Prestwo while first sacker Brent and Audreinne motored where ton, Idaho, Wednesday Sanford slumped to one for they visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne three. Merrill. Score by Innings: , 2111 004 Richard Johnson of San Jose, Brigham Tire Shop .... 102 2 5 California is Central Chevrolet visiting his cousin, Carlos Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnsen are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl born July 20, at a Brigham City hospital. Mrs. Ruby Ottinger and Mrs. Connie Drlggs and daughter 'Ann of Salt Lake City were The league leading Bear River guests of their sisters, Mrs. Olive Junior softball club of the North Reese and Mrs. Elrite Andersen Box Elder stake went down to Sunday. defeat for the first time Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnsen of Corinne July B0, at the hands returned Tuesday from an en with the score of 10-7- . fishing trip to West YelBear River, still took first place joyable lowstone. They were accompahonors In the first half. nied her sister and husband, by Three teams didnt show up Mr. and Mrs. Ashbrldge of Salt for Friday nights games and Lake City. inconof a deal caused great Leland Andersen is spending venience, reported hoop offi- a two weeks furlough with his cials, "If teams are unable to parents, Mr .and Mrs. Christian come please contact Roy L. Andersen. Braegger, phone 3341, Bear RivThe Dewey Ramsdells were er City.v surprised when delightfully Friday, July 27, a round rob- their two sons came home Satin will begin giving each team urday for a furlough. an equal chance to go to the Ted is stationed at Camp Robdistrict meet at Ogden. and Dee is home erts, If any teams do not desire to from Calif., Fort Lewis, Washington. are tournament enter this they Peter Wieler of Salt Lake City advised to contact Mr. Braegger. is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fridays schedule is: 6 p. m. Honeyville vs. Har- Holmgren. Mrs. Lynne Holmgren was per. to her hostess gracious pinochle Riv7 p. m. Corinne vs. Bear club Thursday evening. er. Mrs. Emma Jensen of Salt Lake , 8 p. m. Fourth vs. Third. Is visiting relatives here. City vs. 9 p. m. Seventh' Eighth. (Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mairs of 11 o educational and program In Sunday sacrament meeting on night. Mrs. Mary Kidman, Bri Mrs. Betty Much of Salt Lake Chrisreturned home last ,,7 Dena of City, a was guest City tensen last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Huggins and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andersen left early last Friday mornto ing for Yellowstone park spend a few days. They expect to return Tuesday evening. Mrs. Elizabeth Iversen was hostess to her pinochle club on Saturday afternoon. The game was played with prizes going to Lavela Matteson and Mae Andersen. A delicious two course lunch was served. Miss Loraine Holmgren of Salt Lake City was a week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Holmgren. Mr. and Mrs. Seward Hansen of Redondo Beach, Calif., were guests of her sLter, Mr. and pi 5 P. M. To Midnight and all day Sunday protection for jour family al LESS cost. FASTWAY Bus Service Mrs. Chester Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murray , Susan of Ogden were gUe her sister, Mr. and Mrs. fill' Nessler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen tored to Salt Lake City J day. Mrs. Esther I. Jensen ol r ham City is spending days with her son Stanley;! sen find family. ... CAR SERVICE MORE day front the Dee hospital Ogden where she undent I successfcl operation for f stones. , Mrs. Kidman is feeling following the surgery. - DRIVE IN FOR a - Mary Kidman Home After Operation Try our Southern Fried Chicken Dinners Deep Fried Shrimp French Dipped Fish and Chips AH Kinds of Sandwiches the letters start Tt many readers o( THE CHRr TIAN SCIENCE MONITOI tell the Editor how mndi tU enjoy .this daily i newspaper, with inch g. menu sa: The Monitor it the nag edited news carefully paper in the V. S. , , Valuable aid in leech ing . . "News that is complete end fair , . . ' "The Monitor turely . reader's necessity , , Yon, too, will find the Mosh with coopi informative, world news and at sew as sary your HOME TOTJ paper. Uie this coupon for a Spedd subscription -- I Introductory MONTHS FOR ONLY S3. world-wif- ... RINGSIDE The Cfcriatlao HERB ADAMSON PACKER MOTOR CO. Phone 383-- J 54 South 2nd East AGENT 380 N. Main Open 11 A.M. Me-ll- er u CAFE LEAVES BRIGHAM 2 P. M. DAILY FOR SALT LAKE CITY Bclemem Om, Mervejr Si, Beetea IS, Mm, tl.J PImh trnd m tmlr.dnct.rr ntrij Ito. t. Th. Chrietlea Seine TS tuiMi. I cactno SI. Bad efrig Clea ;ure C Phone 438 to 1 A.M. (Closed Thursdays) Bear River Squad friendly to good grasses but lethal to Crabgrass. The result of four years' Seotts research, SCUTL is the n answer to demon Crabgrass Easy repeat treatments do it at little cost. One dose SCUTL to 400 sq ft-- 79 c 1250 tq ft -$- 1.95 . .5500 sq. ft , $5.85 If Crabgrass is matted and wiry, apply DOUBLE doses. Falls To Corinne lawn-prove- - YCM(QN HARDWARE AINT ork. HDcdIMit JfdDir UDdDllMir ;rth S ens GIFT you canvtt ibeat a mg f s. ers REI lize i uth 1 15-da- y flufotiiflflg IVaoIiG? with exclusive 'live-wate- r action'! B. live-Wat- i BEEHIVE COAL and APPLIANCE 68 North Main J. Stokes J. Anderson L. Holdaway E. Anderson R. Anderson N. - Christensen S. Stokes P. Stokes 9. L. Stokes ... 11 10 4 11 5 2 0 5 10 10 0 3 0 0 4 2 0 36 10 4 k Totals r AB H R 5 4 5 2 1 , EASY TERMS ! ii. ss 8-- 4 high-spee- ! C. Burt, Bureau Winner Action-surg- Phone ONE Anderson, c Holmgren, 3b Braegger, lb Huggins, cf enRiver Bear and Bothwell rf Jensen, of the W. tered the second half Anderson, p Farm Bureau baseball race with Johnson, If in a Bear River winning Arbon, 2b good game. Totals conC. Burt of Bear River nected for a homer in the third. The box score: Bothwell fit See the rapid up and down strokes of the Frigidaire Pulsator create ing currents that gat clothes really tleanl And 2 rinses, followed d by spin, finish them clean and nearly dry. ( Bear River Bear River Farm AB H R 4 5 2 3 4 2 2 5 3 1 10 4 120 3 0 4 2 3 0 4 0 36 11 YOU WREEN STAMPS m mini rrrrm Paramount Supreme -J j i By The Gallon SAVES MONEY Skim Homogenized Cream Topped HALF & HALF CREAM Qm fllMOli 'fu special 25c pt. HOWARDS PROOF FOUR YEARS OLD t Straight fl OURB Oil Jffeshjr I x urn Btsmiiss rap. I ma Couldnt Make a Smarter Buylf kind of deal on a new car Before you make any imp0"m ,hins ' "V 'tern you buying Just think for a minute what the Pontiac name means; It means a car so thoroughly good it will give you years of pleasure H means performance so satisfying you will look forward even) to minute behind the wheel. rar M s,and Pan from everjthlnj else on - The name Pontiac on your car means you are a . srho takes pride In the car he sells, the pforiS es ad hu place in the community. When you can buy all those things for the very low what smarter buy could you make? Come on in price of a ni ? youll be surprised how easy it is to become a Pontile olnw. MARKET 112 Ki i F arflAnU! Hinds ?ng L Ha America's Lowest -Priced Straight Lowest. Priced Car with (iM Hydra-Mali- c Drive j I 1 (Optional at txtra cotO Your Choice of Silver Streak Engine-- 1 Straight Eight or Six , 86 rl Equipment, nreeemriu amt trim illut,aUS are eubjeet to ekanee Spend a Dime Ask for MILK 0 LB 0 0 8 Every time Soft Ice Cream 'ere s no Loiter Bourbon 0 FaiUitifkil, PA North Main Street IFfisHnen 17 East 2nd South Mtp The Most Beautiful Thing on Wheel I L'nlsteel Body by Fisher Coinmpamy Brigham Citf |