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Show i ft- PROVO (TJTAHJ EVENING HEEALD.-FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. 1S35 PAGE FIVE. Y" Catalogue Is Off Press; Changes Seen Kxpansiun of the economics and English departments to offer majors in agricultural economics and journalism is announced in the Hrighum Young university catalogue catalo-gue for the academic year of ll3fi-:it which just came off the press and is now being distributed, according to E. H. Holt, treasurer. Names ol eight new teachers are included on the faculty roster. rl ti(-s additions and the return of two professors who have been on leave of absence make the faculty Jor the coming year strongest in lustoiy. Instruction is offered m :tiu (lasses and 33 departments the catalogue rCveals. lr A Kex Johnson, who established estab-lished a department of marketing la-t year, is head of the new division divis-ion ol agricultural economics '!a ..,(.s ofl( red include: Agricult-ii:al Agricult-ii:al Economics, Agricultural Marketing , Farm Management, A ; , i. tilt tw al Finance, Western J..iini 1'ioblems, and American A i ! ul! tir tl K'fi.rm Students moy take a 30-hour tvi.ijot and additional work in the oivr.iori ot journalism which was established la.st year with H. K Merrill as head. The enriched course nt study offered includes lasses in: Newswriting, Editing, i-istuje Writing, Advc-rtLsing, and Problems of the Weekly Paper. j New professors added to the faculty include Or. Loren C. Bry-ner, Bry-ner, assistant professor of chemistry, chem-istry, and Richard P. Condie, professor pro-fessor of music. Dr. Bryner has been fraduate assistant in chem- istry at Iowa State college, while Mr. Condie has been acting as in- j structor in voice at the .McCune School of Music at Salt Lake City. The college of commerce staff is enlarged by the addition of John H. Smith instructor in economics. econo-mics. He will also assist in coaching coach-ing football. Edwin R. Kimball, ex-Jordan ex-Jordan high school coach, is listed as an instructor in physical education ed-ucation and athetics. Other new instructors are: Rhea Johnson, instructor in home economics; Virginia Booth, instructor in-structor in home economics; Fern Christensen, assistant in office practice, and Harold T. Christensen, Christen-sen, assistant in sociology. Alonzo J. Morley, associate pro-lessor pro-lessor of speech, and Elsie C. Carroll, instructor in English, are returning after a year's absence. They have been pursuing advanc ed work in Eastern universities Faculty members who were granted leaves of absence thi? year include: Dr. Christen Jensen, dean of the graduate school: Dr. Florence Jepperson Madsen and br. Franklin Madsen, professors ol music; Hugh W. Peterson, instructor in-structor in chemistry; CIrace Nixon Stewart, instructor in speech; Margaret Swenson. ins-true tor in home economics, and V. Elmo Coffman, instructor in science. J. Knight Allen, instructor in accounting and business adnun- Relief Really Collapsed Here Where Price, Variety and Quality Prevail OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS HONEY lO tw cr.p 59c BEANS 3 -., 20c 3 IV A Q Lar8e Can m - New Fuck J Cans TOMATOES , 3 COCOA R x kwoc ds . . . 2t Lbs. 17 PRUNES . 5c COFFEE Schillings, S and W , 1 Lb. . . 23c LUX S.R.. 8c BROOMS K1 27c WHITE KING 1SB 29c JELL-O ? ; 5c CRYSTAL WHITER, 29c PEF Package POST BRAN FLAKES 9c CARNATION WHEAT, ,, 25c POTATO CHIPS ; 2 15c SWANSDOWN , le 27c TOILET SOAP 3 h 10c Twin White. Oi-o-Palm Velvet Skin BAKING POWDERS, ,; 10c tuna est, ioc TOMATO JUICE I t 2 , , 15c SALAD DRESSING., 29c BEER .. ?Z 25cT"-r. 45c Heinz Oven Baked Beans 11 3 25c See Our Sale on Heinz Merchandise i NEW POTATOES I'L 10c Fancy (quality CUCUMBERS K,rh 1c WATERMELONS ... 2c SEEDLESS GRAPES .,,, 29c Carrots-Turnips-Beets 3 Bm,-, 5c ORANGES 25c BANANAS ?r:'nnt 5c SHORTENING 2 Lta 23c BREAKFAST BACON fir1 29c POT ROAST ,,. 10c LEG of LAMB Lb 23c WEINERS or CONEYS Lb 18c HAM BOLOGNA ST.... 10c CORNED BEEF tr d 1 9c ip ,; '? ..1 I os --'I llMj M LLU11J w -11T-T--1 taJ..,. , - Here is one relief problem that presents a colossal job of "digging out from under," in the collapse of a seven-story Chicago warehouse wher the government had stored hundreds of tons of food for the needy. The structure was packed to capacity, as the shelves along the wall still standing show. When one wall crumbled, thousands of barrels and sacks of foodstuff and boxes of canned goods were buried in the debris. A fire several years ago 1b believed to have weakened the walls and vibration of switch engine nearby to have caused the ml la ns. istration, had his leave extended lor another year. The calendar included in the catalogue lists Oct. 1 a.s the day instruction begins in the fall quarter. quart-er. Registration will take place Sept. 27. 28 and 30. The winter quarter is scheduled to open Jan. 6 and the spring quarter, March 23. Aspen Stadium To Be Completed By CCC Forest Crew Work on the Theater of the Pines at Aspen grove will be one of the first projects of the CCC camps which will work in the Wasatch forest, according to C. J. Olsen, supervisor. "We intend to put them to work on 'he theater as soon as possible," poss-ible," Mr. Olsen said. It is planned to install split lodge pole pine logs for seats, making comfortable seating for approximately 2000 with possibilities possibili-ties wf squeezing in that many more. The huge rock and concrete stage will be equipped with dressing dress-ing rooms and liuhts throughout. The theater will probably be handled by the Brig ham Young university, inasmuch as they sponsored spon-sored it. Mr. Olsen said It has sometimes been necessary in the past to schedule it for different groups. We believe it will be a popular spot for conventions and gatherings when completed. '' ' ta nrinnmriiiniitiiiiWiMiijritiir "(moniflwttiKI'i'ftff mrai i on: Then- a makes ton at oihc-, all for filling IN OXK SHAI'K new patty form that little patty shapes different and suitable with caviar, jelly or chc-t-st to serve with cocktails or tea Kach little patty is a small inout hf ul. Only two of every KK0 persons reported mussing in England are never heard of again Formerly "'husband.' and wife, Alice Dolores Hayes, 22, left, and Marparet Fowler, 14, are jut irl friends now. Their strariue marriage was annulled in Columbus. Kan., after the latter, a Calena, Kan., girl, learned that "Oeorge" Hayes, L'oocl-lonK inir Pii her, Okla., oil station attendant, who had c cai it- el and weii tVr, was a girl, who had worn boy's clothing lur years. New Morality Brands Soviet Wife Beaters Girl of 15 Finds Romance Dead Marriage Ends; W Was 'She' S0N-0F-A-GUN. ItltT 5 1 AY mM PRETARE for a delicious gurprise when you taste Kellogg Wheat Krispies. Never before, was a wheat cereal so wonderfully cri&p. That's the result of blending. blend-ing. Kellogg has found a way to blend the crispness of rice with the goodness of wheat. The.result is a nourishing nour-ishing food. Full of flavor. Ready to eat with milk or cream. Wheat Krispies stay crisp right down to the last spoonful. Try them. Enjoy them often. Buy a big package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. fdM$tj& WHEAT KRISPIES 0(?K)I1S MOSCOW ci;.H Wife-beating in pubic, heavy drinking and the practice of religious rites are grouped together and branded with odium in a recent Commun ist party statement defining what J might be called the 'new moral-ity." moral-ity." Both the Communist party proper pro-per and its younger counterpart, the League of Communist Youth, arc conducting campaigns these days to improve the "moral" conduct con-duct of their members. Political leliability, it appears is not sufficient suf-ficient these days to keep a Communist Com-munist in good standing; moral rectitude must be added to it. Since the revolution Communists Commun-ists have frowned on dissipation because it hampered the individual's individu-al's usefulness to the state. But the appearance in Communist publications of the word "morality" "moral-ity" except ironically is a recent and significant development. It parallels an endorsement of romantic ro-mantic love in an adomonition to the Soviet public to strengthen the ties of family life. Moral Examples Cited The party statement on "Communist "Com-munist morals," published in the c fficial organ "Pravada." asks what constitutes morality and immorality. Thes examples of the latter were cited: A group of Communists near Tambov recently organized a 'series 'se-ries of drinking bouts. The Dnepropetrovsk Communists Commun-ists held a picnic, became drunk on vodka and some of them beat their wives in public. Recently several Communists have been arrested for failing to pay alimony to deserted wives and children. A Communist invited a priest to perform a burial service for his father-in-law, although as "prav-da" "prav-da" says, a "religious Communist is not a Communist." Many Parents Complain Sfime of the positive moral qual ities recommended to Communists were: Adequate care of the family so as to provide a healthy generation of "builders of socialism." Respect for parents by the young. Strict truthfulness and a sense of obligation toward promises. The Communist press is full these days of letters from parents complaining about the disrespectful disrespect-ful attitude of their sons and from '4&Te having grievances against toeir husbands. Such letters are encouraged. It is interesting to racall, however, how-ever, that the conditions these letters let-ters reflect exist among a generation genera-tion which for years vas taught that family life was a remant of capitalism and that loyalty to the cause of Communism was the sole end of life. v . I. At an ape when most ptrls are just preparing to enter high fcchool. Mrs Jerome Waite, 15, pleaded in Los Angeles court for separate maintenance for herself her-self and r-month-old baby. Shown above on the witness stand, she charged her husband with cruelty cru-elty Waite. not vet 21, shown below in court, has countered with a S'u.OOU alienation suit aiT.Tinsf her parents Birthdays The Herald congratulates the following Provo residents on their birthdays today: David Openshaw, now a resident of Los Angeles. Wendell M. Rlgby, Beaver sem inary principal, student of the Also congratulations t tke fbl lowing whose birthdays occur Saturday Sat-urday : Mrs. . C. N. Redfield who observes ob-serves her 91st bfrthday anniversary. annivers-ary. Carl D. Swenson, Lincoln high school teacher. THE FLOUR USED EXCLUSIVELY at the PROVO EVENING HERALD COOKING SCHOOL and in ALL BAKING CONTESTS lnnr I 6LQBE ro For every bokinfl putpoie. Perfect results. If pojs to buy the best! o t r t l IT H$ MORE rtii o 6 fl 45 & a Ct iVa Til Z CORN FLAKES Pkgs. 19 POPE YE SNAPPER VMHH EACH 2 PKGS. SOUPS PORK & BEANS I. G. A., Tomato, fj Large Cans, 11f Vegetable, Can ... 3v 22 Size JllH, MATCHES GINGER ALE 3 Boxes SOC J Bottles 2$C gnotuig 1XILT $1.19 PEAS TISSUE 3 Cans DAWN.. 3 for ISC Salad Dressing BREAD Quarts 2C Loaves . . 3 for IOC POTATOES tO Pounds 0C ORANGES Large, Dozen 25c CARROTS, Fancy Local, 3 bunches gc ONIONS, Fancy Yellow, 3 lbs. . . HOC r Cants. - Grapes - Peaches - Tomatoes WJAlJTYWElTS VEAL POT ROASTS Shoulder Chops, fl P- ROLLED Pound 113 Pound iiCi ! All Pork Sausage LEAN BOIL &t Pounds . ....35c Pound . . EOC Cooked Corn Beef SHORTENING Pound . 22c Vegetable 2 lbs 25c I rmmmmrwmtmmmmmywmmmmmmwmmmtwmm MEATS GROCERIES Southern Utah Mlkl, Pound . . GaimtcalloiiiiipeG While STEEL CUT Pound . -5 ffji they last mt for IPoffEs 2s Beaims r. . . . . 9t IPotlatt CMps K T . 22c IPneMec ,,SWKE7 sot Salladl S)i?essnimg?aurarl. 2Cc Maiipslhinimsillllows ;iib,b pkgit$ WHOLE WHEAT or WHITE 3 for hoc PRUNES S Pounds 2$C MATCHES Box 71r Carton PEPPERS 10c Size 5c CORN FLAKES Package OLD DUTCH Cleanser. 3 Cans 2GC TOILET PAPER 4 Ron? Full of Sweet Juice 2 Doz. 25c We Have a Complete Stock of Local FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES HUSLER'S WASATCH, 48-lb. Bag . BETTER MEATS DEPENDABLE FISH. POULTRY POT ROAST S-SS S FISH DrrC All Meat, Q Ibs OnrJ GROUND puMjg No Cereal A & ROUND STEM Srty,e'. . . YOUNG STEER BEEF FRYERS MILK-IED Pound ...... VEAL Shoulder Steak, Pound SLICED SALMON 2 Pounds ...... 35 HENS Fat Stewing, llflLi Pound & Z" Salt Mackerel FILLETS Each ASSORTED LUNCHEON MEATS Pound 25 DAfAM WHOLE or PIECEr-r- Wisconsin Nippy Pound w M |