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Show IN THE FAR NORTH. Hones Find Sustenance Under Many Feet of Snow. A recent book on the Klondike coca-fr- y aaya: "la November. 1898, bonee were left to die on the trails in Dawson. There was neither work nor 14 embers of the Creek church of Rusfeed for them. Horses were offered sia, where Images are borbldden, have to me for iheir keep, but I refused. resorted to what an unfriendly critic These same horses wandered up In has described as an Ingeuious evasion the hills, where the snow waa five of an ecclesiastical prohibition. They feet deep. They brushed the snow do not carve a figure out of marble or shape It in bronxe, but they paint away with feet and nose, finding the whortleberries, blackberries and of a face, hand and perhaps tue ffeet saint on wood and form the robes in The raspberries great quantities. means of metal work in relief. The by lowest authentic record at the barracks waa 57 degrees below sera. Yet nimbus of the saint is not infrequently In the spring the horses were re- enameled and In some cases the drapclaimed by their owners and looked ery la studded with precious stones, than when turned out but bejeweled icons of any real value Infinitely to die at the beginning of the winter. are not, as a rule, to be found In churches, though sometimes Images This was a lesson as well as a ravel are covered with glass to protect them tiow. During the summer of 1899 from the kisses of those who come to horses were imported Into the Klondike in numbers and 1,200 of them pray before them. In passed the next winter In transport- waa the seventeenth century there a great demand in Russia for portmen and from Dawson to ing supplies able icons, especially from members the mines. The dogs were almost enof a sect known as the old believers, tirely superseded and their value as they were under the ban of n formerly 150 became merely nomi- who, nal ; for a good horse, after all, could persecuting government, wished for Icons that they could carry about and pull a ton over the smooth icy trails a labor that would require three conceal with ease. Only Russian p sleighs and twenty dogs. lua-clo- it Pays to Read Newspapers. Frank M. RusWl, July sell of this place, had Kidney Disease so bad that ha could not walk. He tried Doctors treatment and many different remedies, but waa getting worse. He was very low. He read in a newspaper how Dodds Kidney Fills were curing cases of Kidney Trouble, Bright! Disease, and Rheumatism, and thought he would try them. He took two boxes, and now ha is quite well. He says: I can now work all day, and not feci tired. Before using Dodd'a Kidney Pills, I couldnt .walk across the Cox, Mr. Russells is the most wonderful case ever known in Chippewa County. This new remedy Dodd's Kidney Pills is making some miraculous cures in Wisconsin. WAYS CF WILD CREATURES. Easy Victim Preferred by Those Who Prey on Their Fellows. In a recently published book on fishing, W. S. Hodgson, an English sportsman, argues that when a fish of the salmon kind, or a pike, takes a real minnow impaled on a flight of hooks or a manufactured thing resembling a minnow the fish is moved less by a desire to eat than by a desire to kill. He derives this impression from the fact that a salmon or a trout, like a pike, will leave a whole shoal of minnows undisturbed, and rush at an impaled minnow, or a phantom. A critic of the book says: Fish Surely this is very and birds of prey, like human beings, are averse to unnecessary trouble, and aa It is easier to catch a wounded creature than a fresh one, a peregrine will take an Injured grouse or a pike a tethered or spinning bait when it comes in his way, not because of the instinct which leads wild animals to kill the weaker brethren, but from the natural tendency to Take the goods the gods provide you In the shape of a cheaply earned and easy meal. It may be added that old guides of northern Wisconsin hold with Mr. Hodgson that the muskel-lung- e strikes the bait ordinarily only when he feels savage and desires to kill something. Reasonable Request. At the door of a library recently opened in Scotland there is to be found this Intimation In large black type: "Readers are requested, not to se bread and jam as a boo kin ark I TWO 8TEP8 The Last One Helps the First. sick coffee drinker must take two steps to be rid of his troubles and get strong and wen again. The first step la to cut off coffee absolutely. That removes the destroying el menL The next step Is to take liquid food (and that Is Postom Food Coffee) that has in It the elements n ture requires to change the blood corpuscles from pale pink or white "t rich red, and good red blood builds good strong and healthy cells in place of the broken down cells destroyed by coffee. With well boiled Foatum Food Coffee to eblft to, both these eteps are easy and pleasant The experience of a Georgian proves how important both are. From 1873 to the year 1900 my wife and 1 had both been afflicted with tick or nervous headache and at Tmes we Buffered untold agony. We were coffee drinkers and did not know how to get away from it for the habit Is hard to quit But in 1900 I read of a case similar to ours where Postum Coffee waa ssed in place of the old coffee and a complete cure resulted, so I concluded to gee some and try 1L "The result was, after three days use of Postum In place of the coffee I never bad a symptom of the old trouble aud in five months I had gained from 145 pounds to 163 pounds. My friends asked me almost dally what wrought the change. My a ewer always is, leaving off coffee and drinking Postum In its place. We have many friends who have been benefited by Tortura. "As to whether or nut I have stated the facts truthfully I refer you to the Bank of Carrollton or any business firm in that city where I have lived for empy years and am well known." N ime given by Postum Co, Battle (Vek. MirY "There's a n,tsi.'!i. Look in er.r'i p!.. for the famous little hook. "The Road to Wellville." tit-bi- 4 od Work for Every Hour 4. floor. Snail Months No R's." The season of tbe snail In Fran re is that of the oyster In this country, tor It is In favor with connoisseurs only when the month contains the let ter "rithat Is to say, from September to April. And it is especially la the tlence, perhaps, could have proved cold mouths of winter that this equal to the task of producing the greasy, garlicky t la appreciated delicately worked and almost micro- and consumed by the natives of scopic objects that speedily became France. But there Is no absolute doss popular a lest judgment, for Instance, season, for tbs snail Is mads a perenrepresented on a background of a few nial by beiug preserved alive in its square inches but according to some hell, and so It can be bought and critics It is In these ihlugs that Itu eaten during tbe hottest mouths of slan art le seen at ita best Small nmuier. Icons are sometimes found on soldiers killed In war. Deafness Cannot Be Cured cons may represent anything from afplIctUkRU, AN Vhtf tauftnc ttRCll iba 4t AANrd pnrUs'U f lli ear. Toe re te ugly om anjt ia the figure of a saint to a historical are denisuM. sud w.ai i by vouaiiimitiitR! rcrufslfr. auwttt U ttaUnrM au hjr infianied f tire as such a Often scene, martyrdom. i ib hr a (llIN Tub. tabu la IttiUuwU jure Nmeiruiuliilev ambil cr liu they take the form of a diptych, or a frrfMl baarliuf.aiHl ll la ruiiiwlf eiwt'd, Hrar triptych, or a polyptych crowded with PM U Ur iVMH.iihl when ualma (ha luimiiuiaiiuu can br Hfctfa Ui uiikhI to ui inraial lute diminutive rrtorid or figures of saints angular will be fciwvars mIm riM or miniature scenes from the life of Ika, at ofhrtrigart omionhI tlmiiujrnl by aiarrb, which ta iMHlilug tattauMNl wxMiliitHi uf i It mucous aurfaiww. the Virgin or some other biblical pep bvfTknamwill ft Oik iluwdrwd iMIar for any UrtMtf DwfnMA From (t'tuiirl by raiarrto) tbul eanuit U cured the number of scenes socage. liatTa Caumi rure. for rlrrulare. free, If contained In these objects the peso r. . CHkNKY LO., TOW40, Os VrtAby ItniF4. ants came to call them churches, for TaIm Haii'i KauiISj I'Uia for amliaifca. there were not more pictorial repro Success of Ingenious Thief. entationa within the church Itself; such icons may be of brass or of A New York detective asserts that wired boxwood, being sometimes op if one wants anything It ran be obnamented w ith enamels. tained by asking for 1L Aa an Instance be cites n happening at the Casino theater. The ticket seller was resting during a lull In business, when a follow stuck his bead In at the window. "I've come for the clock," he said. Well," snapped the ticket man, "you don't expect me to come out and take it down for you, solely upon the point intrusted to Fresh, ain't yer? respondthem. Little or uothing la left to do you? their Judgment or discretion. It Is ed the fellow, and turned away. He a ladder and took down the merely desired to know what the law pnt up and the cases are upon some partlcu clock, a valuable timepiece, and lar point They are expected to report walked away with It He basnT returned. accurately, concisely and quickly. This miscellaneous work continues until About 70.000 elephants are killed is perhaps 6:30 o'clock, when the days Africa annually by Ivory hunters. labor downtown is at au end. Some lawyers even make use of the Origin of the Stamp. time consumed in going home. DurThe Idea of a prepaid envelope ing the summer months William Neb son Cromwell spends his nights on tbo originated In Franco, early in tire New Jersey coasL He goes down by reign of Lonla XIV., with M. de who. In 1653, established, under boat each afternoon, but a large stateroom on that vessel la equipped with royal consent, a private penny post, placing boxes at the camera of the desk and typewriter and stenographer, the reception of letters that full use may be made of the streets for in envelopes bought at offices WTapped Durto hour devoted the trip. precious for that purpose. M. rle ing the winter he will probably be established also had printed certain forms Valfyer for 7:30 dinner An at o'clock. ready office boy has gone ahead of him car of "billets" or notes, applicable to the business among habitants of rylng a green bag full of books and ordinary papers which are to be considered great towns, with blanks which were to be filled out with such special matduring the evening. World's Work. ter aa might be desired. I know a prominent New York cop poration lawyer who is out of bed at 8 o'clock In the morning and after taking exercise Is ready for breakfast at 8 o'clock. His secretary and his stenographer await bim. Dictation begins at once of the rough outline of a brief to be prepared. He follows this with dictating memoranda for his clerks, specifying certain questions of law and of fact which he desires looked into during the day. At 9 o'clock he reads and answers important letters which his secretary has sorted out for his attention. At 9:30 o'clock he Is ready for consult tlons with clients. From that time until 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon he is in continuous attendance either before courts (generally of appellate jurisdiction), at meetings of boards of directors or In consultation. At perhaps 4:30 o'clock the lawyer Is ready to receive reports from his clerks. They are required to report Yal-fye- Fowl Was a Hybrid A hybrid fowl, the offspring of a nest under a brooding hen. Now, li wild English pheasant cock and a all well regulated guinea families thi guinea hen, recently died on a farm period of incubation is four weeks, but near Palatine, N. J. A hybrid of this to the astonishment of Mr. Harris, oni of the eggs hatched in three weeks. kind, while not unknown among scienThe little chick was presented ta tific men. Is quite rare, and very few Mrs. Lizzie Smith. It early exhlbtte persons have ever seen one. The cir- Its wild parentage, and Its Instinct cumstances of its birth and life are taught it Whet interesting. quite young it showed surprising alertMr. William Harris, living near El- ness. Some of the family would try mer had a flock of guineas In the to catch it, caiefully placing the band spring of 1900. These guineas had the over It until its back waa almost range of the farm, on which was a touched; then, quick aa a flash. It was fringe of timber. Mr. Harris and his away. men noticed an English pheasant at The fowl fed and ranged with tlia times In this strip of woods, and on a other farm fowls, and when fully mafew occasions, when the guineas tured weighed seven pounds. Its apranged near the woods, the pheasant pearance waa not unlike that of a mingled with them, but ho never came chicken, except that Its legs resembled near the house. those of a turkey. It had remarkable After this flock of guineas had laid strength, and In a few minutes could a number of eggs a neighbor, Jacob scratch a hole deep enough to bury ItDuBols, bought of Mr. Harris a setting self In. It never met a snake without of eggs, which were duly placed In a giving and winning battle. Joke on Eugene Field Eugene Field was a book collector and one of his favorite jokes, according to the Philadelphia Post, was to enter a bookshop where he was not known and ask in the solemnest manner for an expurgated edition of Mrs. Hemans poems. One day in Milwaukee he was walking along the street with his friend, George Tenowlne, when the latter halted in tront of a book shop and said: Gone, the proprietor of this place is the most serious man I ever knew. He never saw a joke in his life. Wouldnt it be a good chance to try again for that exWithout a purgated Mrs. HemansT word Field entered, asked for the proprietor and then made the usual request That Is a rather scarce book, came the reply. "Are you prepared to pay a fair price for It? For Just a second Field was taken aback; rough-lookin- then he said, Certainly, certainly; I I know It's rare. The man stopped to a case, took out a cheaply bound volume and handed It to Fluid caylng: The price is 3." Field took it nervously, opened to the title page and read in correct print: "The Poems of Mrs. Felicia Hemans. 6 lected and Arranged With AU Objectionable Passages Excised by George Yenowlne, Editor of 'Isaac Watts for the Home, Tne Fireside Hannah More,' etc.,' with the usual publishers name and date at the bottom. Field glanced up at the bookseler. He stood there the very picture of sad solemnity. Ill take It. said Field, faintly, producing the money. MADE No Doubt HIS MEANING as to Form of Sinner stractions absolutely Free and Poet Beginning his sermon cne Sunday a paid, enough to prove tbe value of muscular Scotch minister said that In PaxtineToilet every congregation there were generPutins Is ta paw d hra In SlMolve In ally three kinds uf people. Some were Antiseptic WatiV WHiHHU very worthy men and women. Others and tart apertur hlliM were just middling and might be betraalalmas anlltrplki akuhoi kU IrrMatu ter tlian they were, but others were lallamcd urlacaa, and He did not Intend in hei e ae rteeiielng prep, actual decvl's. crlie. Ikn can Inn In this discourse to speak to the first M every box uekee mi re Aelbcplle Sal kind, wlio were already good Chrisa ttua luatrr tians and not greatly requiring cither mere gwe further-k- ax unci In the family and advice or censure. The secoud class ore gaud men any doc ire would be all the belter for some plain enilirptic prcpnnUna yuu ua buy. speaking, but their case was not so as uf Boston physician, noted formula The that the third class, of urgent whom he had spoken of as positive and used with great fucress as a Vaginal deevils. "To them, he said, "I mean Wah, for Leucorrhcea, Peivic Catarrh, Nasal to speak. Then, rolling up the right Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cut sleeve of his coat, and stretching out and all orene of mucus membrane. his clinched flat In front of him, he Ialorsl treatment of female Ills rsxtlneta said: "Now, you deevlls!" Invaluable. Uel ai s Vaginal Wshh we rhallunge the world to iirodiu-- its equal for Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for thnroughnoaa. ltUarrvrlationin cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which Your Reception at 8L Louis, During cause inflammation and the Fair, Free. All leading drwrfliita krep Paxtlne; prioa.EOa. box If yniindwe nut, uriul to ua fur it. ItnnT If you Intend going to the Louisiana afake a eulMtltule Ibrniaaothiag like Fax tie Purchase Exposition, St. lxiiiis, MisWrite the Free ltox of I'mllne souri, opened by President Roosevelt R.PAXT0X CO., 9 Pops Bldg., Boetoa. Hois. April 30th, 1901, It will be very murh to your advantage to correspond with Mr. E. 11. Wursley, No. 411 Dooley block. Salt Jjtke City, Utah. Mr. Worsley baa arranged to have all his parlies met at the St. i'xUls depot and escorted to their lodgings, which will be reserved In advance. Information relative to passenger tleket limits, hctel rates, stop-overrates and all other necessary InformaII Is knows fort to everyone that tion asked for will he cheerfully given gilt edged areurlllea have declined from free of charge. This will especially Twenty to bitty Dollars per (bare In Iba be of benefit to the se desiring to travel peel twelve munlhx. The market now fa ilasnaut. Wbat will bn the Best with Utah parties or In purtlus of four mevemrat? Up or dawaf Up, sure aa or five. School teachers will also you are a fuut high. Uuy now, while hear something to thoir Interests by storks are on tbs bottom. Bead for our writing shove party. book of Information ("hyateai of and Holly Mnrboi Lotion, Grilled Lion Steaks. nailed frao upua application. An explorer who has often by compulsion eaten the flesh of animals not generally luted ns human food says that grilled lion steaks are delicious, and much superior to those of the tiger; that tbo flesh of the rhinoceros, COMMISSION CO. prorcrly prepared, has all the good ' BROKERS qualities of rork; that the trunk and feet of young rdepbnnf resemble veal; Cantinuwa OuoUtunt an Nna Yaik Dacha mi Chop Cowl and thst slewed huneonstrletor Is a Uonbare Sak lake Slack m4 Mixing Bahaip splendid substitute for rabbit. d. p. walk an blob World's rnlr la-f- e a rr to-da- yi Nows the time To Buy Stocks CUMMINGS SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH luvuiniiiuiiMiiins; Reliable and World's Fuir Kruunil. on Iba suulh aida, with private sstr; direct tmni Union Station by Mnrki-- t ntrcct ear. Write fur Uratul Via Fraternal liuu.1, Su Luula, Mo. s fr e Th" world hi tno hlh ryi- uf hrown. Ami Aiiril m me Him" i y. look flown. Wi-rmy crown. i a 'iiioivi. Id alv" uu! For you Thou art my king, and T'd give all y fin for ymi And deem it Love's ii.o- -t gracious thrall f" For yfiu f.ir holo for nie no hoon so sweet. feet. thv lit not That rd. Inre in nil complete. Make love th For yuu lor you! - r yon-I.l- gla-Il- -- Few Survivors of Famous Club. Lord Avebury, wi n l:a boon elected ot: t of the British Society fir N i re of the few Hirriv-in- s hotly members of that romar-abknown as the "X" ciub, the final gath COPIES ipnatpai-l- SI.OO. Send today for cap Aim won piaMflfi d.rer.t from factory. Serfiil banfalaa la rlnntla A Mg anvUnr to yoa . Brlio at (im-WMe-llu- a, raiilogHa aid prii-oi10 i fr (iailars, Ktrlnga aud Fittings- THI McKANNON BROS. MU9IO OO. S2B3 Washington Ava. Ogdon, Utah. THE DAISY FLY KILLER SSKSKSEKS! know In dliiliwcmm. xlnapiaiwoai and pfaeaa whan jire-Fi- i HIM SrOMhiA ATM m a mi ii .?! uni Injur MrikiRE Try Ik rbr wm aiid 7 (HI will MW bt wlflHHif rlmn.IfnnC kfitRlifdHlWMMl pmiNiM for MR. MiKMIJI MIR lit A BAILEY U. SI E. Second Ceuth SONS Salt Lake CHy are headquarters for the beat quality Alfalfa Seeda: alMi tiroaa and Harden bred, Urals Ilay. ctr. lu wed IciKlneiw M years. Hall ordure given apeclul stieaiiun. Triplets Pass Triplets 80 years old celebrated their birthday recently In Hillsdale, parish of Lipliaiu, near Moncton, N. U. The three have lived In the same place all their lives. They are Richard, James and Deborah De Bow, the children of William l)e Bow. A number of relatives and frlenda waited upon the triplets and presented to them a purse of mu .uy. The triplets ire all In good health and appear to have a good chance of reaching the Four-Scor- English Parliamentary Debaters. Old members of tbe House of Com- century mark. mons are usually of opinion that the debates, compared with twenty or thirty years ago, are now more businesslike and less oratories! than they were. Some welcome the change, and, rejoicing In the greater efficiency of the House as a governing assembly, OGDENS BEST praise the conversational stylo of AND speaking now so much in vogue as less stilted than the old. Others, rePHOENIX HIGH PATENT gretting the loss in the picturesque, distressed that the House should be I MADE BY attractive as a show, condemn the new manner as more slipshod. OGDEN MILLING & ELEVATOR CS. There ta agreement that the average nember takes less trouble wl the OGDEN, UTAH. form and phrasing of his speeches. I:Imb- - Tabnlea are the beat mane. lurii.riiio a hundred irr uf uiilli-wi- R. II. OFFICER & CO., A8SAYERS AND CHEMISTS m 1;::''' : cw RELIABLE ASSAYS. I Cold LuJ .T 74 I I Unld and Mlvor...41. Gold. bJlrr.Cot1 LM pMiupt rolurua oa Olden Assay Co. nil ua plM ,7,S.;;.HSLV' Howard E. Burton, AYbLmi.V- WlXllllRH prtfWR, Mold. ailTRC, lAftd, 111 U0l4 om twAl-- NEW PENSION LAWS KJI Bk. Apply to WATIIA V lll('KPIIIU), Bid M'aalilugtua. U. ft W. N. U.. Salt Lska-N- o. W 28. 190. B lantlgjl ore mitde by the most skilled opfirfators and the best mikteriule which c e. n be purchased from Made in all slsss, for big men and little Sl(lb If your dealer cant supply you with them, we'd like to know the reason why. '(!' - Z. C. M. I.. SALT LAKE CITY, VTAII. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper v IrlHt But imirb 7jrri:i. Kh fti lime. UE J astes AU 4 v drNjriP'-i- FAILS., . U SALT I.AKIZ PHOTO 5UPPI.Y CO. yT l;it r il.T ;.7.fT il'fvj rrj Warw.ta PnutoSupi i whits ron Ca L'ultn cri.owus 1 fwiMoa. OVERALLS dn-ur- hw ita, (igld.Wfi; ZlMDrOnHr II t finldaiMR tr. Mallliif nriiiMM Run full prlu list ml OMirol a 84 Umpire work aulIkUM. Irrr vlU, Colo. Kfreiif. ItartaHWio Hti'l Iasi. MOUNTAINEER eyes are etmlnlmc In their gaw. For you- - for you I eount the days. For ynufiirpassing you My heart Ik jMin;ne for the sight. The one ni.ll only bright That Horn's r.iy .ml with love and light, fur you fur you! There le no prayer I might not pray. For ou for vuu There Is m- l.l'alit I would not stay. For yuu for you No mnttr Imw my life were turn'd. No matter wivit tulriit he the mat. For you, mv klur. 'twere all well lost. For you 'or you! Kate Thyson Msrr. dyrA (hem have Im-M.:d In I lie United htalra lx o -- liiyle year. i:'uliai Mm. hears burn, alvk beadarhr, diaalneaa, baS breath, axm I lie ml, and even a dlmideraS arUlc rrlh-vrt- l ur cured liy lllpana Tabylaa. are moujirh line a Ml irenprally irlve relief wllbln twenty mis l enough fur udtnaay uira. Thu sve-eeuccaaluiM. A II drugxltbi anil tbeui. I FLOUR thALS KM, Malk Imi To revMja,!. ALFALFA SEED PIku'h Cure fur ronMimptlun is an Infnlllblu medit-inN. W. Samdkl. for cma'lin and Ocean li rove. K, J..Fi U. IT, 1WJ0. ily KubIl Tyndall, Sir Edward Frankland and Wiilium Spnttiswoods, now all passed away, were among the original members of tbe cnierie. m amMJM iSf.L- there still. For You! ering of which was held eleven yean ago. Huxley. Herbert Spencer, Geo. PIECES. STANDARD vnujxita fNL15gLllilfJJH!i'qgTtaWlHBgIHI I'd civs tlm world, nor count the cost, For you you nil well lost. And feel trio For you for you COPIES Mg3gp5fOQO IISU US U s. pm-hlmt- ") Spoon-lailuu- Example of Russian' Honesty. A few years ago a Russian warship American Goods in Asia Minor. Articles of American manufacture was on special duty in Behring sea, which are finding a market In the guarding the seal fisheries, prevent Islands of Asia Minor are cotton fng the slaughter of the seals during goods (sheetings, gray drills, canvas the closed season. The admiral of the and calicoes), hardware (carpenters' station. In the course of an Inspection tools, locks and nails), timepieces, of the vessel, Invited any of the sailcheap jewelry, agricultural Imple- ors who had any complaint to make ments, machinery and windmills, to step forward. One of the men, as sewing machines and various novel-tit- spokesman for the whole crew, complained that the seal money promised them had not been paid. On the Imps Kant to Mothers. astonished admiral Inquiring what he Knmlnfl cm fully ntry bottle of CASTOR! A, meant. It came out s acta and nti remedy for infanta and children, commander had been that thea ship's lucr doing and mo that It tlve trade by killing tbe seals placed under his protection and sending the skins to Loudon and bad taken the crew Into partnership. He was duly la Dm For Over UO Year. Sis Kind Yon llavs Always IluagM. transferred to Siberia and probably la Presidents Who Were Soldiers. The following served In war: George Washington, revolutionary; James Monroe, revolutionary: Andrew Jackson, revolutionary and 1812; Franklin Pierce, Mexican; William Henry Harrison. 1S12; John Tyler. 1812; Zachary Taylor. 1812 and Mexican; Abraham Lincoln, Black Hawk; Andrew Johnson, civil war; B. Hayes, civil war; Rutherford James A. Garfield, civil war; Benjamin Harrison, civil war; William McKinley. civil war; Theodore Roosevelt Spanish war. is A Large Trial Box and book of Mini ter Was Preaching To. Outside Yenowlne was missing. At his office the boy said that he had just left, saying that he was going to Standing Rock, Dak., to keep an appointment with Sitting BulL For You! FREE to WOMEN PLAIN. 2 SB SOUTH AND MAIN. MALT LAKB OITV |