Show ANES CANES NO LONGER IN STYLE dad dudes and dd ehm 11 for phelip canes are not aa as much in now as they were a couple of ago explained dealer they havel simply gone out of fashion temporarily and as a great reat proportion od uh cams canes were used by those who carried carr leil them not because they needed them but mccause it was the proper tune to do there ie Is a temporary dull dulleen resi in the cane market the busin st v ill III pick up again though and I 1 thin it wilt bo be in the direction of light canes the dude era which Is 1 about going out of existence unfortunately lately for cano cane manufacturers turned fi in on canes it took the form of tion in kize oze end and weight and finally brought into existence eili tence a cane that wae was ridiculous in size then the got in their fine work and they increase it in eire slie tenfold the comedians com edlane on the stage took it up where the caricaturists left it off and carried a cane almost aa as big as a pump stick ridicule did the reat rest and for a while the cane will be leis less active the dude era started the eclipse of the cane the fellow who follows the dude does not wear a cane became because he ie is go so different and nd hag has nee essa rily to do different things of course there Is 1 no lot up in the nicer grades of cane canek which are carried by gentlemen because they ilive alway always carried them and who do not propose to allow the dude or his successor to interfere with their habits or deserts the fancy ca umbrella umbrellas have alo supplanted the cane with roan man t r on an account of the double purpose for they can be used it will be i atleed that the hundreds hun dreda of very young men who carried canes a couple of at yeara years ago never carry any now many of them gave up the cane be calise it was not in it any more but the great majority got out of the habit the moment they began riding fio vio wheel beet it ie Is wonderful hoy many change changes in things the bicycle has brought about washington star |