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Show STANDARD WAPA asks rate increase, local bills will go up April 26, 1979 Amy looks on with intense concentration as Karen Brown, parent advisor, makes an adjustment to one of Amy's hearing aids. Mrs. Brown checks the fit and effectiveness of the aids on her weekly visits to the Nicholas FIX IT RIGHT home. Language Continued from page deficiency ahould act quickly. They 1 may telephone Mrs. Brown at or Mrs. Linda Crosier at or 722-210- la 788-241- too long, the child can really develop some bad habits," the said. During the weekly home viaita, the parent advisor instructs parents about the care, function and maintenance of the hearing mechanism; teaches parents to teach the child to use the hearing he has to gain skills, through the use of items and activities in the home; and asaists the parents in developing communication skills. In the Roosevelt area, parents who suspect that a child has a hearing 722-461- 1. Deaf Continued from page la tremendous educational tool because it motivates deaf people to improve their . language skills for their own understanding and for that of their friends and relatives who can now communicate with them, Sanderson explained. The TTY machine at the telephone e number and is funpMiy has a manned 24 hours a day. toll-fre- The Western Area Power Admlnh-tratio- n (WAPA) has announced that it has initiated procedures for a 88 percent increase to 72 preference customers, including Mom l Electric Association. WAPA is the federal ageney responsible for marketing power generated by the Colorado River Storage Project, which includes Flaming Gorge Dam. Robert L. McPhail, WAPA administrator, said that rates must be as low as possible but must be high enough to repay the government's investment with interest A power repayment study made for fiscal year 1977 shows that the existing power rate for the CRSP is insufficient to pay the costs assigned to the power function within allowable time periods, he said. The proposed rate hike will increase the monthly capacity charge from $1.84 to $1.98 per kilowatt and the energy charge from 8.4 to 4.5 mlll per kilowatt hour, and will go into effect with the beginning of the January, 1980, billing period. McPhail said the ultimate effect of the increase on the residential customer would be about 8 percent MerQl Millett, general manager for Mom Lake Electric, aaid when the increase is put into effect it will have to be pasted m to consumers. He estimated that the effect m Uintah Basin residential power bills could be ' as high as 15 percent WAPA provides about 85 percent of the power transmitted to Mom Lake customers. To make matters worse for local power customers, Utah Power and Light which supplies the remaining 65 percent of Mom Lake's power, has filed for a 21 percent rate increase which could go into effect at any time. Public information forums, at which WAPA will outline the reaaons for the rate increaae and answer questions concerning them, will be held in Salt Lake City April 25 and Denver April 26. A public comment forum will be held in Salt Lake City June 26. IhiM Fish Bradley Sylvon Tomlinson . . son of Mr. and Ms. Harry E. Tomlinson, Roosevelt, has been called to serve a two-yemission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da. ar y California Saints Sacramento Mission. His farewell testimonial will be held at 1:15 p.m. Sunday, April 29, in Roosevelt seventh ward, followed by an open house at 5:30 p.m. He will enter the Missionary Training Center May 10. ! Chet Button, Vernal, and lisHenderson announce the ter Susan Famulary, Tacarrival of their neweet oma, Wash., wu held at granddaughter, born to the Terry Baatian home in Vernal April 14 tor Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hend17. The their mother, Fern B. erson April baby Thoae preox. 8 and lbs. 7 Obcrhaneley. weighed will be named Tessa LeL sent for the occasion were her mother, FranMrs. Veda Townsend is at home after ces Money, Spanish having surgery at Holy Fork; Fern's sister Fawn Cross hospital in Salt Cathorpe and daughter LakeL .Pat, Salt Lake; Allen Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brinkerhoff, wife Mary Stewart were in Orem and son. Salt Lake; Bill Thursday where they Loos, wife Franeea Ann attended funeral services and sons, Logan; Lyle for her unele, Eldon and Beatrice Anderson, Case. Vernal; Mr. and Mrs. e Mrs. Fern Peterson Anthony Famulary and her sister, Mr. and Taeoma, Mrs. Dwain Bowman, Wash.; Bo Oberhansly, $4r. and Mrs. comment period. For further information, contact A1 Gabiola, area manager. Western Area Power Administration, Salt Lake City the I S07-SS- 7I Interested persons may submit written comments to the WAPA at any time during the consultation and in fleolfl lapoint naaJaJJ Received tee Late for Last Week's Paper. e Mr. and Mrs. Shaw Hackford, Vallejo, Calif., have been visiting relatives and friends in the Lapoint area. e David Jenkins was in the Duchesne County hospital for a few days. Ha has been released and is home now. e Ricky Hackford, who is attending school at Brigham Young University, earns out to the wedding reception of his later Cathy. A friend, Coalville, spent Easter BYU; Bonnie OberhansGeorge Funk, came with weekend at Pieeance ly, Roosevelt; Sherwood him. Creek, Colorado. The Butterfield, wife GwenMr. and Mrs. Doyle Bowmans returned home dolyn, and three daughClark's wedding recepters, Harriman, Utah; Sunday, tion waa held in the Visiting at the home Bobby Sather, wife SanWhiterocka gym the past of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd dra and three daughters, weekend. There waa a Broad bead Easter weeks and grandchildvery large crowd in end was his mother .Mrs. ren were also present. ' ' attendance. Mrs. Clark Lila Butterfield, Salt Mrs. V.E. Penfield will be remembered as Lake. to Salt was on her way Cathy Hackford. They e Mrs. Ethel Kolb was Lake when she had a were married at the guest at the home of her slight strokq, affecting home of Cathys parents, Mr. and Mrs. one arm and her speech. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Glade Davis last week. She ia at home resting. Hackford, by Justice of Mrs. Kolb is e Zola Spencer anstaying in the Peace Richard Perry. Heber at the home of her nounces the birth of her e Mr. and Mrs. Reed daughter, Mr. and Mrs. eleventh Rasmussen went to Og- Gordon Johnson. born to Mr. and den and Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Mrs. Ken Hall, Bremervisiting with their family Henrie left Friday, April ton, Wash., April 10. He over the Easter holiday. 20, for Vale, Ore., where weighed ten Iba. and will Mrs. Ann Winn their eon, Gerald, was be named Justin. went to Lyman, Wya, to sustained e Tom Peterson and the new be with her daughter and Bishop in his Ward. The three daughters. Salt ace the new granddaughHenries plan on a three-wee- k Lake, spent the past ter. Kay Winn and Mr. vacation. They will weekend with his grandand Mrs. Golden Winn, also visit their daughter, parents, Mr. and Mrs. went up Sunday to bring Mr. and Mrs. Whit- Victor Horrocka. Jay her back. o Thoae attending the and family, in Porting s Mr. and Mr a. Max bull sale in Centerville land, Oreg. Hartle and family, Riche ola Spencer, accom- .Saturday, April 21, were field, spent the Easter by her daughter Theron Horrocka, his son panied weekend with their par- Geraldine and husband, Blaine, and grandson ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Powefi, Vernal, Cary Horrocka; Melvin Kenneth Hartle. He also and son Robert, Orem, Bingham; and Richard . visited hie brother. went to Redding, Calif. Cornaby'. Blaine had the Mr. and Mrs. Kusel April 18. They highest gainer of Black Friday, pent Sunday with Mrs.' spent Easter with a son. Angus, and Richard the Kuael's parents, Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Verlund K. highest gainer of Polled Mrs. Preston Matthews. and family, re- Hereford that were Spencer e Mr. and Mrs. Matthome the followRichard and tested. turning hew Mansfield received Blaine each received a Friday. word of a new baby hoy inge A surprise birthday plaque. born to Mr. and Mrs. party hotted by Sally Kim Mansfield, and a new baby girl born to their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nance. They visited in Salt Lake over the Eaater vacations and helped with the new arrivals. s Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Oliver and son, went to Grace and MaynAngus went to Lake Green Salt ard River, Wya, to holiLake, Agnew, Powell this Easter and Helen visit of Dennis were Dallas guests and met their daughday ter and family, Mr. and and Arda Ames during Brady for a couple of Mrs. Drew Goodrich, and the Easter weekend. The days. Mr. and Mrs. Larry their aim and family, Mr. ladies are sisters. .Steve and Lori Maxfield and family, and Mrs. Nyle Angus. Mrs. Banjo Morin Amen have a baby girl, Richfield, spent the born April 14 at the weekend with his father, visiand daughter-in-lated in Lapoint during the Duchesne County hoapit-a- L Lester Maxfield, and her She weighed 6 lbs. 14 parents, Mr. and Mrs. week. e Bishop Hartle marr- os. Grandparents are Mr. Bernard Dastrup. Linda Daniels is ied Mark Deardorff and and Mrs. Leo Ames and in the University Mrs. .back and Mr. Kelly Delores Clerico Saturday hospital again. Sprouse; night are Mr., and Mrs. Mrs. Erma Salmon visited in Lapoint She Dallas Ames and Mrs. will be remembered as Helen Sprouse.. e Family members visErma Caldwell, daughter of Ashel CaldwelL She iting at the home of Mr. visited at the home of and Mrs. William BrothGolden Winn and Mr. erson for the Easter and Mrs. Laurence Cald- weekend . were Karon MS-11and Kim Cartretti and. welL e Mr. and Mrs. Reed family, Genna Vee and Hartle are the parents of Art Candland and family, a new baby girL Grand- all Salt Lake. On Saturparents are Mr. and Mrs. day Jack and Karen Kenneth Hartle, Lapoint Brotherson and family, e Mr. and Mrs. Lon and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sam and Nancy Rush-- , Farnsworth, Bishop and forth and family, Orem, Mrs. Cecil Hillquest Whiterocka. Hanberg, and e The Gold and Green came to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moon Dale and Betty Reay attended the Silver BeaBall waa held Friday night at the Lapoint of British Columbia are ver Banquet at Provo Ward ehapeL The hall hero visiting Florence Saturday evening. Lon was beautifully decorat- Jessep and families and wu presented the Silver ed with apodal lighting. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reay Beaver award for his There waa a large crowd and families. loyal support in the e Ray Roberts, Lehi, and a very nice floor scouting program. ia visiting with his son ahow waa enjoyed. e Mrs. Della Liddell and family, Bishop and and Mrs. Vernetts MeyMrs. Dee Roberts. er, Salt Lake, visited e Shirley Ames, Wil- with relatives in this ma Nokes, Betty and area the weekduring Enwgyllp Don't be a fold by Bruee Goodrich and end. They also attended and Myra Mitchel the being foolish. A careful Lynn wedding reception funeral services for Mr. attended driver should be able to and Mrs. Stephen for a nephew, Wade Mortonaen at Myton Friget at least 80 percent better mileage than an Kohler, In North Salt day evening. Lake Tuesday. He was e Mr. and Mrs. Michaverage driver, and 50. the eon of their sister, ael. percent better mileage Leger and family,' than a poor one. You can BerKe. Bountiful, have moved to e Judith McDonald, save $150 to $800 per Bridgeland. Texas, is a guest Tyler, e Mr. and Mrs, Ward year. of Diana Roberts for two Johnson, Provo, were weeks. The McDonalds Energy Tip overnight guests Tues-- . Have your ear tuned have lived in Altamont day of the Vere Neil-aon'-s. regularly. A poorly tun- and the girla became His Mrs. ed ear could use aa much good friends. She will be Johnson ofmother, was Provo, as 8 to 9 percent more going home April 23. buried at the Roosevelt Ames d drove to Shirley gasoline than a Memorial Park Tuesday one. The tune-u- p will Salt Lake Friday to great-grandchil- d, u ' Altaraont Arcadia Watch your free garden grow. We'll help your money grow Get three free seed packets. Choose from marigolds, petunias, bachelor buttons, wiidflowers, radishes, carrots, lettuce or cucumbers at any American Savings office this forget-me-not- tOO. Earn the highest interest allowable on savings Insured by F.S.L.I.C., an agency of the federal government. s, Open one of Vwae hlgh-Mwe- Nagular Passbook Account Win a Weed Eater. Over a hundred SO Pay-15- 00 frtnkmm S Month Money Maifcot CortNtcato 1 Year- -f 1,000 minimum 30 Month 11,000 minimum 11,000 minimum 4 minimum 5 Yr-S1,0- 00 S 11000 minimum Weed Eaters to be given away this week only. Complete the entry blank below and deposit it in any of American Savings' branch offices. ' Yf Yr savings 5.25 5.75 5.30 5.02 5 50 0.72 0.00 7.70 0.00 WO. S 75 7.50 7.75 0.00 fifn f . 033 fI YMd i in actual Interact aamad. Mti daily compoundIha ing, N Via original da account lor mate month! Early anthdramal ara auhtact a to auOalantHl marcel i Paavo 310 North Umaaiahy manga, Tdaphana- 37MCOS Oram 74 a Ead 1300 South, M Iha Umaamhr MaB. Tdaphana: t Oadar ON 0 i Pi la a S Ead Man Band. Tdaphana 111 r Iphaidl 11 Ead 404 North. Tdaphana 400443a litWVd Cantor End. Tdaphana 34431 f NaiaavaH 17 Eaum TOO Ead. Tdaphana. 7334404 t Vann 134 Wad Mam 3MM. 0 r 31M TaNahana 733 31131 Sadia 313 Waahmlon Oadaaatd. Tdaphana 31434 3 Hatnmda head. Tdaphana Hatwaan Oadaaard. Tdaphana' 314000 Uaan 33 North Mam End. Ti 'Jr Jr i ah mm Oaact. Talahaaa S314E00 duacr IHuca 2157 Hgimnd Orica. TiUphnn, I31471S' UN uaa mrn PaaNdN 144 Paaaid Dm 3314734 IfM near! Need. Tdcanana 47.441 Ora.nr Inr WBM MOO acuUi. TUaphona r RuuOi Oaaiar 1073 E Fart Union OaiOanard. Walden Oadanar!. Tdaphana ajl4770 otfmaua 37 Ham 404 damrtaaa M Ead Siam Hoad. Tdaphana: Sauudlut 3oui 1314713 kad, Tdaphana' Part, Tataprion TM THE I've picked up my three free seed packets and I'd like my name entered In the Weed Eater drawing. Questions must be answered correctly to qualify: 1. American Savings pays .25 higher Interest on passbook accounts and savings certificates than any commercial bank. True False 2. Savings deposited at American Savings are Insured up to $40,000 per account by an agency of True False Federal Government. f I L f rthe Address City Zip. .State. .Telephone . msTfcan . weD-tun-e- pay for itself in gasoline savings and ear keep a doctor appointment. Arda Oliver and her daughter-in-law- , Ramie with short graveside services. |