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Show US ft & TIIK PAYSON CHRONICLE. PAYSON. UTAH I'ii'Jt Under -- Valcr Photos of Life-Savi- 'NEW IDEAS n" ettetme-mo- h By )r a;ar, t j proFm comes ifV esmps. from one of ulo re it seems 'M etl wilh- , delate fellow , 4Dj in. me and proper Lis. If' r. g tnue" - follower norts where at pick up a w user and right side, 's promptly r the knock-knee.so . r - , rU m Im ob u, m Chuck n H o I, Hang u , n, Tell my c.r, v u n ' )' m , I matter up I'ndge P'ayer Put p. Will n x r tVW. ji II v my L, t j j L discard not Led ,hc. ... Joined up v .th p , u. s aimy I am on! e1 111 ,r J 1 utiy. lli free i oint Mr. Sims out his brassie and golfer had Tt. whereas ji great ( kneed arty had no all m th s respect. in, e tno km es bearing continued, "you are bal-ih- e rand a d bow h , ta T Stick aw a ruy dncr Cover up i v n ns lull; Tell my locker-roou- i corrpanwis Ill be rmssa g f .r a spell, To the boys down at the olfce Say I m lea a g e n quite cold Onee again I am a doughbov Who xass sixte-fiv- e is old bv me m rescu mons'a are Vou f bfe-sa- s lon ing is shown above, photographed for the first time under water, 5oston chapter of the Hed Cross. At left, three swimmers enaet role of "victim, as staged untrained ictim grabs would-brescuer about neek; would-brraimd rrsiuer, rescuer gets panicky, fram,'(I risimr drops down on both and breaks their grips, prying both apart as shown in first ItiglitKestuer Ilexes knees for spring that will shoot both to surface. ,rs 0 e eral m , Su"nd e K'ep Em Loaded and Keep Em Flying I start. all fui ther, artisticMr. Sims then nine holes at Garden under par. poir t ally, 'tars side I can knock-knee- star case of two it per-On- e was Ruby Robert n i, who stopped Jim City, Nev., some 45 i terrific puncher espe-bi- s weight, which was One day it 1S5 pounds. isorkout with Kid McCoy, orkout Fill gave the Kid the operation McCoys keen As aliering. ed place, how Fitz d he i -- In the drawer put my golf balls Ill not need em any more, There will be no hooks or slices In my present type of war; Let my varied business interests Run along as best they can. For the third time m my lifetime Im becoming Private Mann Cor-rso- -- stood a th's stance, at least i. how was. natural of the t.ed a towel around just enough to permit part led Kid die Theyre the dogs of younger men; Age is only what you make it On the links I'm pretty fit Half the effort spent in golfing Will s lfTce to do my b,t At an army air depot somewhere tn the western part of the U. S., huge transport planes, "the flying of the army air force, ship freight on wings to foreign battle fronts. At left the loading crew is Inset: Poised for flight are these air freight planes, to any transferring freight to waiting flying box car. air field in case of an emergency call. box-ear- ac-th- was the most Hithcwsnn gfted her I ever saw. It pit A idea that being knock-- r balance tremen- in part for his counting Tou could barely get DmL of a toy balloon his Ipcd 's knees. Ha "ns, g as a - e a In s hor-e-- w niovn rr'di me also "0 , gnt T- - - ret - i ttou a on the bow- - foot I'-- s! the emres par- - d s'urt along that .lotted that straight-legge- c mm st i, i 1 HI 0 1 's 0 I d the i " ' v A ; I g t n ' ' ,n a ! F the I. the h u- 'M3- 1 " is mo n z ' I 11 1 f5- - , xss t ' A AY . r Vi f ),( y It r wood of home r g -- r 7. i Z , -- e a- e - ' -- war heroes visit Ind pendenre hall, Thiriem P.ntLh and Ameriian a rousing welcome in New York. iMw'sdilDhu, Pa. after being given Bell-l- he bill which is the the around Liberty IIhv are shown grouped tlieir heroic cause in whose performed they .wnbol of tbit frodom to Washington to visit President Roosevelt. 1 he heroes then went -j ar.d r.. r5 j,PL Stark tc rror written on their haggard, unshaven faces, these five Frenchmen, accused by the Nazis of being saboteurs, cringe pitifully on tlieir knees somewhere In Occupied France. Their fate? We leave that to your imagination. ' c Mr.cbmitt yV. inw squawkirg itance forts of army ... , , more naturally from a doing so mcK f r m Player than from one war. to start a dm e after P'rsed side at least t. 'e see to dough ;,to comforts fargely a matter of bal- l verage have in war There .g cer 6r sO which be otten from Good luck to the I lth 1 fnfte fec' than from the I A with A rates u tan L b A. the an for inside get w it does the is no outside for what Os.vr Furker. Swell Falla Flics Over U. S. oror'ij" r rr-i- aMi' West Ball Player " " ' Heinnch delivered such a greatest ball the splendid, adew MHytC.akley' ues of the uv even Heycr.c... j3"5 ' as Louis Sock- - heard woud lav Sii nce Played manded. . " m a nIy r " saSted tag about . . butt, m everything The whVe ' 8 mas--aIf he' ,H.e leveled to tie Er r oniy pven ' PX the erg.". J , bd'eaall he could jf N'az- s' rver. tOO hitter Ive rr "ho had as stur-j Wnna bet" abihty " - J the c J' wV ' j . y V' , ;y,ra,e oe. r -- 1 's s . n - j1 - IN SAN FRANCISCO m the faunM . f. 'i Hitting the Bulls F.ye. He went down in flames and I followed hirn down. For the fir't time since war began I felt satufic-t.othat Id killed someone who bad been trying to kill rr.y per j "Then I cooled off. I was a ( I pilot again I looked hr rr ore I took rr.y t ri o now, I found one I e and went to work e.n ,m h.m at 8 Ofif) feet, a fat Jar ke rs fci "I waited unt.l I v is wit1 n r. yards ar.d gave It to tarn He exn a ploded in midair ard bn re thousand pteres ar.d I was glad! Like Fighting in the Itirig. Malan has had abe.it 2Vi f.gi's F igb Each ore has bon d ing in the air ref res ta eonfr rm ta a pattern. It's like fight, ng in the Copytifhl. 194S, CUIvaM rntM Orvwon Bai n a- - H rnad, wh ti is a mistake Just then, without warning, an airplane loomed ahead and without thinking I pressed the button and three thousand bullets hit that Jerry. "I couldnt bank or slip away I I pulled the was on top of him st.ek back and just cleared him. The oil from his exploding plane covered rr.y face and half filled rny cockpit e r b e- " 7- , Igl "Well, if yoj'ie a fattier ye,u II I followed know taw I felt that Je rry airj lane I le t the' Spitte r out, even though my machine was only half warmed up I was full eiut and f ' h a Why, Mr B a than gLtt.d "sf'' Setter st ss we" some tin P over and I e h c I m- .- a. the Walter Hagen ' A .A s j cott ' Q-- s '.r 5 I Is 0. 1 camps ran to tt i S t and hopped in was r IT m a in, note. I ica'ii t was m a pan third ing tins tin ' ic Ha ar y of those bombs tut my I t v e ings !l rr n e - r ,t; t -'i when bombs fall Only foul-- , stick ir chins up to pe t tut. I lay in the elite with rny ground crew, and the mote r of rnv Spilt, r was warming uti all by It i If A Jiny bomber flew so low I could see' its mark- er K. We perfect at 'dessert' Box lunches are issuer and more healthful when you include oranges. They're delicious and die best way to he sure ot your yitamin Cl Few foods have much. It's easily lost in cooking. Yet needed daily, since you do not non it. Oranges also have vitamins A, Hi and G, calcium, and other minerais Those stamped Sunkist are the finest from 14,500 growers. Ideal for juice and recipes. Thiy ktrp! "It was a moonlight night A bomb dropped on the' an field I ran and fell into a dite h to away from bomb fi agmenix We take c ovtl orangoi Eaiy-to-pa- ow n j Vj- the war m Uill d .. e i t is (1 m . - ' r - Interrupted Day Dream. a writer who ran describe in words the sound of a bomb It screams through the air and then it lands, and the sound is like nothing on earth. Thi re were a lot of bombs. They landed over in the direction of my cottage! The boys "I ran to my Spitfire turned the motor over. Id never done any actual night fighting What of it There were Jerries up there, and for tin- - moment I was on my Ive never met ge-- cr c r r .. ne s c : ; r whc.e - " s c . .c- c c I ! aftc r Fi '' v ... C u-- n I J ' i. h P P. T Plead for Lives l0 IIIK ON A ! 1' 1' tty the bugle! hand at war; Axis partners! . . . is calling "lore! blow KKI t S i Pic-- to b u'nrally Miek-ki.ee- PI I F. Dc..r M' serv.ee r - on and Symbol of Their Purpose War Heroes LFWOI so it's Johnny I'm a real old Tee up all those Private Minn an, ,t ucti r "P V joined up to fight the Spaniards Back in eighteen n.netv-- e ght; I was m the last world fracas, And I r.ever join up late; This b.g war completely dwarfs c m Now the main bout makes its bid; In those others I was merely A prel.mmary kid! the point that .ng ah-ex Morr.son T.i'C n inward roll of If tit i, ot lett foot on cso t. ''st.rg. - r ;reat football s I rim Stance Prow 1 You short one hoop. a 's Tag-er- Wagner was as tj'rel VSM&E) have five more years to travel Ere Im three score years and ten; But my feet feel only thirty I getting the effect, claimed as a result he rich harder puncher lat on: 1 mx: t around, but tthe knock-knee- d e te added leverage. Kid, "that did the 7OMl'N tod. is .in' rut t1 i' f.py ,to disiov c r a w at time' sum t ( VtNV Feature Through speaxl arrange of tl r cove tings The glow age' meat with Collier Wtekly) mg Oiielit.il iul; ed the t'nliiimi mansion i i ,i id to be nupoitoc A DOI.111 !M ALAN, a South Afn-- J during the Revolution, and the cm n thoi in the lhituh air f.uio, booki d ini' made finni ole Is the gi ate st liglit.uv pilot this war or pel haps any war lias pioduced t loth mg be a..' i to i bi i lope d Tin n, us now, .i loll boidcri He has more than hit vutoi.es over Get man anplines to his eiedit, nnd mound a How ei mol it vse.o popu he is the idol if the liAF. Every- lnr. Till' posn s Wile lie siqtu ei ac entiling to milivnhn.l taste bu' body calls him "I he Sailor" Ills clivemiss m the air consists Si loll patterns Went the IiHiiuls Cl lus o poneiits. neighboi.s who timed the pultt nu of alw ay s output Helens the way he does it, m his! on the buil.it) or canvas mg foun datum. Today wax cinyon is gen own words You w il m up theie and going into erally used lor tracing. "When What dots find it easy to nmke a cut out put a fight, I say to myself that guy think I m going to do tern by lust lulmg pope r into one What is the routine thing, the ordi- inch squares and the n copying tin nary thing" Tin n I answer that and curves in the ski tell. try something else. NOTE' If yuu wish to make a scro "In air waifaie, youve got to pattern he luie to clip tills diagram am think. You cant lit your emotions lave It as It Is not tn any of the hnnkicti rule you or you'll get killed very which Mis Spe.us has picpari'd for read ers; however. Hook S contains two deslgnl quickly dli actions for making original da Sometimes you cant help it. A and aliens. To get a copy, send your order to few months ago I was loafing uroutul our an field. 1 was king of the world MRS. RUT II WYETH SPEARS That's I was passing out cigars Drawer 10 New ork Bedford Hilts right youve guessed it! Id been married a year and I'd just become Enclose 10 cents for Book S. a fattier, it was a boy. Name Hie christening was act for the Address next week, and Winston Churchill was going to he my hoys godfather. None of the thrills you get tn the air are anything compared to the kick you get when the nurse comes and says: Its a boy! Of course, only the fathers of boys will understand this. And then the man I admire above all others was to be my boys godfather! "It was a nice night and my wife and boy were in a cott.ige only a few miles from the airfield. I looked over that way and could only think that Id have to leave soon to attend the christening I was sitting there making plans I was wondering whether Id make him a sailor or a pilot. I've been both and like both trades Or maybe jaMilics A member of parliament and then, who knows, a cabinet minister, and c "I U ow in golf, j he aid. "that it pro- vides a more com- for,"blt' st:ince and I "11.1m it as j .Hows you to much mora on at Kiee f ,, , Jurntin luyiohh . d ? Cjx i !i:: t'u or i l...,. , -1-- he art-t- SPEARS ,,!1"iniuv rtue.Hv h of u e ti turmoil of planets as to which tMe tn com- - H- i- of dst RUTH WYETH . t rerman plane ever to fly in the U. S. took Tl asurv department .. ,i, ade a joint army force and tn A.r ( part m the Tbe itinerary indudid 18 cities. Included in tbe ,,ur to h"L was tho, dfJWT, over F rgland. o p) pi me plane. famous fighter British spitfire, bnj, ( a'jt a Je F alla, the nations No. 1 Scottle, owned by President Roosevelt, did his share tn the national scrap rub- ber salvage campaign by rounding up balls, rubber bones and other gadgets dear to tbe heart of a pup, and donated them to tbe drive. ring: A left jab; a r.pbt rrox, your right hand held h.gh the xe are fundamentals oj learn. But you can t learn how ta guard aga.rst the unexpected blow In a.r fight. ng, pilots must learn the fundamentals of attack and defense, but then a frht starts ar.d It never g( es according ta plan A good flier constantly thinks at new stunts Ike-wis- Superb accommodations, fine cuisine, and distinctive serviceawait todays travelers at this citys largest, best located hotel. 1000 ROOMS MOM $4 SINGH 1000 IATHS J6 DOU1LI tst&lhL |