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Show THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER July' 24, 1964 Page Three Patsy Ekker, Darrell C. Holden engagement told this week Ekkers Ranch in West Tin-ti- c, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patsy Ekker, to Darrell C. Holden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Holden of" Pay son. HOEKXLCaiL Of interest to many ' on 90th birthday Miss Ekker is a graduate of Delta High School and is pres- ently enrolled in college cor- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ekker of Matron honored Eurek-an- s The family of Mrs. Matilda Brady honored her last Saturday at a birthday celebration held in Payson Park. It was' her 90 th birthday anniversary, and 39 direct- descendants were present to extend birthday greetings.' The day was spent in happy visiting and a family which made the day perfect for Mrs. Brady. A picnic luncheon, complete with a lovely birthday ' cake was to served Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rostrom, Mr. and Mrs. David Rostrom and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren and family, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Pett, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Brady and Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Brady and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brady and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pett and children, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Miller. The Reporter joins with her many friends in extending birhday greetings on her 90th birthday. ' respondence courses at Utah State University. Mr. Holden is a graduate of Payson High School and has served four years in the U. S. Navy. He is presently employed with the Bureau of Land Management. The young couple has circled September 12 for their wedding day. They will be married in the Payson LDS Fourth Ward Church. - get-togeth- er, is the announcement of the birth of a baby boy, to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Banghart. The Uttle son arrived July 11, in Hailey, Idaho. He has three sisters and two brohers, which makes it even Stephen for JSrevitieA the Bangharts, three girls and. three boys. Ed Tuckett left last week for The Bangharts . made their Denver, Colo., after visiting home in Eureka for several here with his parents, Mr. and years, before moving to Hail--eMrs. A. E. Tuckett, and with two months ago. 'his sister and family, the Brennan Hannifins. Mr. and Mrs. Mont Brown are announcing the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. Gary Foulger baby girl, bom Monday in the and small son, Frankie, of Salt Payson Hospital. The little Lake City, spent the weekend miss weighed 8 pounds, three here with her parents, Mr. and ounces. Mrs. Brown is the Mrs. James McNeil. former Rosalie McNeil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McMrs. Bernice Tiffany of ProNeil of Eureka, and he great vo, has ben visiting in Mamgrandmother is Mrs. Marie moth with Mrs. Minnie Wahl-berand in Eureka with Mr. Berry. and Mrs.. James Toone and her mother, Mrs. Marie Berry and other family members. - y, Harold Chatwin were her sister and her 'husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ludlow of Spanish Fork; and her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Bradford and two children of Lake Shore. g, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Toone of LD.8. Church services were conducted by Max Garbett The music was by Mayme Wirthlin at the organ and Faye Ryan, chorister. Opening prayer was by Don Franks. Talks were given by Dale Jones of Santa-quia member of the stake home missionaries; Evelyn Kirk of Goshen, and Justin Lamb of Santaquin representing the high council; song by the members of Course 6 in the Sunday School. They were accompanied by Susan Sanderson with Faye Ryan conducting. Benediction was given by Roanna Hansen. LDS Sunday n, Methodist Church Sunday morning services at the Methodist Church will be conducted by Vem and Vola Nevers. The services will be at 11 a.m. Sunday School will be at 10 a.m. . Santaquin-Tinti- c Stake There were from 80 to 100 girls and leaders who attended the girls camp at Camp in Santaquin Canyon last week. All reports are that it was the most wonderful camp ever held, with foods galore, a volleyball tournament between girls in the dorms, hike, crafts, evening programs, films on two evenings, and MIA - held on Tuesday evening. The closing of MIA for the month of August will be ob-- served with a fine program held in the various wards on Ko-HoLo- New! Fred Johnson is confined to the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City, where he is undergoing a series of tests. His, many friends are wishing him a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Erickson of Mammoth were in Lehi last Sunday where they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erickson. Later in the day they spent a few hours with July 28. The Beehive classes are preparing a skit which they have entitled, Lets Campro-mis- e not compromise. Followthe play the ward members ing will enjoy an evening of dancing and refreshments. All over 13 are urged to attend. Isabel Draper and Clara Clark are directing the play and executives of the MIA are in charge of refreshments and dancing. Mrs. Norman Milne and two daughters of Denver, Colo., are spending a vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bird. Mrs. Bird and daughter, Marene met them at Ogden on Thursday. They remained over night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Michelsen and drove to Lagoon the next day where they met Mr. and Mrs. Don and family of Richfield. They enjoyed the day at the popular resort and returned to Eureka on Friday night Ju-land- Joannie Rae Gillespie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George, Gillespie, underwent surgery on her foot last Friday at a Payson hospital. The little girl suffered a bad cut when she stepped on a piece of glass and the deep wound required skin grafting. Friends of the Gillespie family will be happy to learn that she is recuperating nicely at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Flet- cher and family of Salt Lake, j hr rheumatism. Because WOlle anu nivuvus burning. Painless, ascolorless directed, Compound W, used removes common warts safely, effectively, leaves no ugly scars. STANBACK contains several medically-a- c and prescribed ingredients for fast relief, you can take STANBACK with confidence. Satisfaction guaranteed! SmA Test STANBACK 54 gainst any newStainliss Stuil Blades Don Underwood is confined Pauline Gilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gilson is recuperating at her., home here following a tonsilectomy per- les, was in town last week for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Florence Gillespie. to the Payson Hospital, where he is being treated for stomach ulcers. Friends are wishing him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Ander- son returned last week from a vacation trip to Galva, Iowa, where they visited with their mothers, Mrs.' Anna Anderson, and Mrs. Seina WcJlara. Mr. end Mrs. Frank preparation youve aver used 10 25 69 98 Bow- man and family of Tooele, were here, on Sunday. Mr. Bowman conducted services at the Methodist Church. Dinner guests on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WMIEID)? Ce-les- tia formed duriing the week at the Payson Hospital. Her friends are pleased to learn that she is much improved, and are wishing he? continued improvement David Hyde, son of Mrs. Margaret Hyde, returned home on Monday after a three-wee- k vacation trip spent in Pocatello, Idaho, with relatives and friends. Mrs. Hyde and another son, Richard, met him in Salt Lake, where they all visited with Mrs. Hydes daughter, Miss JaNette Hyde, who is employed in the city. WECMMJI Change-of-Llfo- ? Over mind Got welcome relief fose FROM gives you FAST relief from pains of headache, neuralgia, neuritis, and minor pains of arthritis, Doctors wara picking or scratchat warts may cause bleeding, With ld Clarence Jones of Los Ange- spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Snell and other family members. . your with speefaf woman's medidno do take a special woman's medicine Lydia E. Pinkham STANBACK ing turn dial fromlto9for tha axact four-year-o- er Six members of the LDS Eureka Ward, made a trip to the Manti Temple on Tuesday of this week. Those making the trip were Rachel Long, Ruth Potts, LaRue Fox, Thompson, Georgia Laird and Roanna Hansen. HEADACHE PAIN You setting that matches your skin and baard their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lunt. RELIEF Amazing Compound Dissolves Common warts Away Without Cutting or Burning Adjustable Razor Patsy Ekker of West Tintlc has circled September 12 for her wedding date with Darrell C. Holden of Payson, Utah. YOU CAN GET Gillette and were in Payson on Saturday, where they combined business and pleasure. spending several days here and in Mammoth. They were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Toone in Mammoth. They came to Utah for funeral services for Mrs. Toones father, Earl F. Spencer. Other guests at the Toone home in Mammoth were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lester and family of Evanston, Wyo. They returned home on Sunday. Eastwood family and Mrs. Dave Jasper, 'Reno, Nevada, returned home last Saturday after Tom Mrs. Don , t dread those seemingly endless years of misery and Vegetable Compound devel- oped by a woman specially to help women by relieving such discomfort, of sudden hot functionally caused female flushes, waves of weakness and irritability. There is a special womans medicine which can relieve those heat waves, weakness, nervousness, so you 'can enjoy life again. So that you can once more be an affectionate wife and mother. If you are going through the change, dont despair. Do as countless thousands of women distress, In doctors' tests woman after woman found that Pinkhams Compound gave dramatic help to all this without costly shots. is soothed, hot Irritability flashes So subside. dont sit and brood and feel unable to help Srarself. Yon can fee 1 better, Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound today. The gentle m ediclne with the gentle name LYDIA E PINKHAM |