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Show THINKS PHYSICIANS WOULD DEFEAT LAW j NEW YORK. Dec. 21.-To permit physicians to use their discretion In prescribing liquor would be to defeat the purposes of the Volstead act. Assistant As-sistant United States Attorney Clarice declared In answers to actions brought ! by Dr Samuel W. Lambert and lad-ward lad-ward and James Burke. Ltd.. makers j of Guiness stout, designed to raise additional questions as to the constitutionality consti-tutionality of certnin provisions of I the prohibition enforcement law. j Dr. Dambert's suit attacked the provision pro-vision of the law limiting the quantity of alcoholic liquor a physician may I prescribe to a patient within S giv en I time. He maintained that congreSd 'was going beyond Its constitutional , powers In directing a practicing phy-i phy-i slcian In good standing how much or , what kind of materials he should prescribe. Dr. Lambert said this jari I of the prohibition law put congress In the position of practhing m -dieln-Attorney Clarke said Dr. Lambert's L successful complaint would lead to 'giving practitioners powers to pre scribe for the sale of unlimited supplies sup-plies and make enforcement of the i Eighteenth amendment an Impossibility. |