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Show la every way. too, the days are get-- tUg longer and longer.'' v:: ' Scene of New York Insane Asylum Holocaust than on When two lire cheaper they fee) that way. I News Note: From' All Part of - Europe ia yetting no better and no better every day In every way. ! j s ! tin: An economic expert Is any ware earner who keeps four small tout In j Earls doctor nays appendicitis cornea Xou can take from you r choice. mouth-breathin- View of the Interior of the Manhattan atute hospital for tha Insane on Wards imund, New York, Juat after tho great fire In which 22 Inmates and three attendants lut their lives. CURLEY TOBACCO HEAD Beauties, but Scorn Film Careers A domestic science course will teach girl to cook almost all the things la a at Washington European diplomat ' weda a typist. Perhaps because he thinks ha cun dlctat to her. There are a lot of flreelda pipes that ahonld have smoke consnmera other than members of the family. EEassaaEEEEBsa J. C. Stone,, president of the Hurley associTobacco Grower ation, Is the actual head of an organization of more than 78,000 farmers These four beauties from the state of Oklahoma won a beauty contest end In the states of Kentucky, ludlunu, Ohio, West .Virginia, Tennessee and were sent to Lot Ahgeles on a trip. All four glrlt were offered contracts by moMissouri. Under his direction grow- tion picture compunles but declined and returned home. ers sold during tha past yenr pounds of tobacco. Mr. Stone was born at Richmond, Ky, In 1878. was educated at Central university, and entered tha tobacco business In would enjoy their fur The new-ricnlture much more If they could fee free to leave the price tag on. h rhllosophy la the cheerful art of remembering that you thought things were Rolng to smash a year ago. , Both Are Retiring From Congress 1S07. Ts assart ersapt ssrrUt and salrk rstams tf HERES A PERILOUS JOB METHODS trsstimnL Wrltt A Dr. G. 8. Alrrv. 04 Jail Bids KODAKS "VKI.VKTONR" FtnUVilnf FrofrosHMoil sml Amute- -r SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. Caistns Cits. m So, Main Kt. ij ITUS t! STORED. AND REPAIRED Far Shop, 41 E. Bdwy. ! BUSINESS COLLECES 'I Canfsrsnsa vlalt-- rs will (wl at horns satins at tha Ksarn CafHsria. Mala and tnd So. Twe Katra Tsmpla ColTss Flaw Babp Cklsha Farm rslssd. ka.ky llttls follows, A gardsa soods. Vogolsr Sssd Cw . I I CRATES --- All kinds Parry Clip. Butler A Erg Casas. Bra. klva A Hoary Cams. Baby Chirk Crslra. Quota tlsns an Salt Lata Baa 4 Lkr. Ca. fata Powdrn, Crraras tta. Hair poods man Mall erdrra glran aprrlal attrnllow Baaty Shoppe, 40) Clift Bldp. factored. Marinall PORTABLE BUILDINGS RUBBER I Chick re Coooeeiri WrtU for prices. Bowara Bldg.Ca rar BTAMPS AND ITENCILS -j Utah-Idah- Presidents Own Police Force , car not litd . Every battery a tl ia sold dirret ta at tha prwa your dralrr wou'd pay for It ya 1 Farm rr kattrrir 41 ?t fa? Iy S'ayrirhl Starag Dattary Ca ,TT Alaia ta St, Salt ika. costumes i CstnnM for Moumei. r 1st Bosks Catalof Fraa. Salt GunnUou. s, Oreru lak, Caatmaa Cai, CT. have p4i and had three X, win reduce Infhuned, awoDa Sprains, Jelata,Sett Crnlsea, Biitlii; Btili BoU.PUEril,hilt,r1 Flstwla aid sofeseulddy UteciH ssttlsi sr.4 posltlvs antiseptic srmlctd. fusss Plesssnt tc Sms Mt buster M rsroov tha hair, n4 Taa can work the hors ILS0 par hot tl delivered kt, BmRT A free. " V W. F. TOCKC, $10 ftwplt SL, SfriafttU, lot American Plan in Mexico. Although there 'seems to be a good detnund for German-mad- e pianos ia Mexico (doubtless because of the lower price), no country can compete with the United States In the sale of player-pianosince the United States Is the only country In which this Instrument has been developed to a state of perfection. s, Theres plenty of room at the but Its slippery. top, Short lire mnke merry undertaker. A MAN WHO BECAME FAMOUS Doctor R. V, Pierce, whose picture appears aboveu was not only a successful physician, but also a profound student of the medicinal qualities of Natures remedies, roots and herbs, and by close observation of the methods used by the Indians, he discovered their great remedial qualities, especially for weaknesses of women, tnd after careful preparation succeeded In giving to the world a remedy which has been used by women with the best results for half a century. Dr. Fierce' Favorite Prescription Is still In great demand, while many other so called "cure-alls- " have come and gone. The reason fot its phenomenal success t because of Its absolute purity, and Dr. Pierces high standing aa an honored citizen of Buffalo Is a guarantee of all that Is claimed for the Favorite Pre111 scription as a regulator for the peculiar to women. Send 10c for trial pkg. to Dr. pierce Invnllds Hotel. BntrsH N. V. Grippe Physicians advise keeping the bowels open aa a safeguard against Grippe ar Influenza. When you are constipated, sjo enough of Natures lubricating liquid is pro- of et duced in the bowel ta keep tho food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe NoJol because it acta Eke this nsturrJ lubricant and thus secures regular bowel movements by Nature's ewa method lubrication. The Gunnison Valley an addl-tion- a ton for beeta on the 1922 sliding scale contract, to Intimation. With Uiia according the growers have received payment $7 a toa. NJI "All J at arise. Try It t4r. 1 ti-u- e Might CrtraefuT gome Tim. I see joa aUajra carry t . tire, remarked Brown. YeV o uf(thW1 Clnriiuiu j' 'AUjeftCA-WO- T' ALAXAnvg ij nveid K,ulu ,dT igu.ititf la awhnmltig." 1 a Iskrifsst 44 a r Unlln going iajv.ne. blue wUh U as4IHs The Unkind Critic, in for atMetlr,- r marked I bin, emgetic girl "'1 Think M,'h"rt'1S4! Plf W ,enn, jf either aoor niHiltl be heooming." Itu, Tm Ills Flrtt Thought. No hmgrr a Mrs. Kewlvweu The priori who f Washington i pait ot the MetivjiolirjTi M.lne ms tried us was murdered last night. guanllans f tllf lTfsIi'f-t-t- . Ms facil'y and ifl ylaal residence, now uinler i'i' Hr! Newlywed I suppose people control of the Vhlte Iloue. are shown here hi tteir brand new umf.n. wQl ssy now tha I am the one who Major O. M. lltldluger. White IIoue a'de in charge of tha forte. 1 lr i. r, Cd 11 tar, front rov boSes of st- 22 SoSSS?'-23- 4 Lydia E. Pinkhams Com pound ia an excellent pectant mothers and should be take Curing the entire period. It has een. erM effect to strengthen and tone up th entire reproductive system, so that it may work in every respect effectually as nature intends. Adair. 50 cent -- Mfn-trsl- board-fe- Sncar comjiany have paid ! them I was recommend the Vegetable Compound ever emce Ogden. Appointment of a receiver for the Qaarantee Mortgage company, U sought In a suit tied. s-- n id Is company Sixty million rtanger 1 nrrit rne n. I spruce and Douglaa fir saw Umber is available on the Wolf cree. report torest Na-k- . Sugar Prom . , 1 Lydia EL Pink hams pound and I took six Magna. Andrew Dallas and William Kataautus of Magna are charged with violating the anticlgaret law in complaint Issued by County Attorney Moreton. 1 1 o ranging for the growing of suar beeta near Mills and has slnecf up several hundred acre there. Close to Dtath. Burled alive for five hours In n mine at Blaenguru, Gtaniorpmshlre, Wales, s collier wa saved after n gallant badtra and Chl'drre'i sppelsltat - Mrs. Dr. ffghT by the rescue pJtrty. The victim Marion Krltlnp, D C. 14 So. Main, rm 01, was travelling along a mine roadway Sts. 1 to I P. M. Across t ww Z. C. M. L with his horse and tram when an 1m-BICYCLES AND ACCESSORIES mense fall of rock occurred, aluba of to SO tona encircling him. The httrada Eay paymta. Cat- - 20 horse was killed and the tram splint-aiog free. rTrT' Novelty A 8 port Goo Co. ered, hut the man, although felled I ROOKS AND SHORT STORIES the ground, waa protected bv the shelving of the slabs of rocks and rods of Iron from the shattered tram. Iteseue efforts wrre started at once, TRADE SCHOOLS and the mens skill In timbering was . Molar Bahkp ColtogoQnaliry aa Bnrfarr I amtt work. 114 aprnt Street. Salt Lake City. shown to such purpose that some of " j them crawled between the rock spares STORAGE BATTERIES and made their comrade's position less Wy pay tha drnlar 44 pry rmC III V.rv kaU r painful, pending his removal. He was' Wry for Ford, liupmotule. Chevrolet. Bulrk a . 424 buy ana for Hotrod, Rea, Studrhak. , brought out, not seriously Injured, but v. Pnifr, Oakland. ate. 124 hum Buffering fioui shock. oa for Dodira ar Franklin. If ia Baals and Fat Tar Mad,, fend fo samolaa. rWaa. ala. Salt Lak SUmp Co. tt Waat Bdwy. 1 42ic. n forty-eight- tender are shown chopping Ice from one of the buoys In New York hnriior. After a severe stretch of cold weather Ice covers these buoys and If not cleaned off add so much extra weight that the buoys sink so low In the water that steamship cuptuin have dlfliculty In picking them up. nearing the Ice away Is a dangerous Job. BLAUTT HINTS Out Balldlnpy - Members of ilie crew of a lighthouse rnoat CARACrg Any Itl told Huntington. Mrs. Lydia Shaw has replaced A. M. Truman who has been postmaster for the past five yeurs. St George. Sheriff Goff has returned with Frank C. Kelsey who was taken to Salt Lake on s writ of habeas corpus. Kelsey is being held on u charge of murder. forty-eigh- aba eblsk food AND YECETABLR J I would never be wll ing rapidly. The president hns Washington. nominated Annie Palmer postmaster at Farm.ngtnn. Mt. Pleasant During the past week t After yeurg In congress, -- Uncle Joe" Cannon retires March S. 5400 fat lambs, averaging eighty-seveHep. Vincent M. Brennan ef Michigan, tha buby" member of the house, also pounds, have been shipped from retires then after one term. The veteran member was telling his voung col- Mount Pleasant league that be did the wise thing In not seeking to Imitate hi ear Delta.--Th- e Delta branch of the record, wheu the photographer arrived on the scene. BAHT CHICKS FRUIT BOXES The doctor thought I would not Oglen. Construction work on the Weber college gymnasium ia progress- pool of 2500 fleeces for .CAFETERIA at - Y emal. The Fanners Sheep association affiliated with the Uinta County Farm bureau has sold their vool L. D. 8. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Moot at EtrWWnrr. An tammvrclal kransksa. Catalog frsa. M N. Mala SL, Bail Laks Cltp. kiosks sootk Ogden. A total of $3,500 was raised In Ogden and Weber county dur. Ing the recent Boy Scout drive. It la announced. Salt Iotke Ciy. A petition for the receivership of the Consolidated Wagon and Machine company has been filed In the federal district court. Cssfwssss Vistrra bring In ptar Pars for Its Raw Fan TsansA toodsling sn4 Storsrs. Caap Farmington. The farm bureau locals at Syracuse and West ioint have organized for their "clean homes, clean town" campaign to be conducted at each place. Brigham City. At a meeting of the City Manager C. O. Itoskelley submitted plans for proposed remodeling of the city hall, to provide additional working space tor the city offleera and employees. Ogden. A meeting of business men of this city Is to be called for the purpose of giving financial assistance to the Provo Chamber of Commerce la its efforts to pay for lund deeded the steel plant. Wad Us Yawr Films t Coalville. The Summit County Poultry association was organized here with Lawrence Wright pi fed 120,-000.0- Salt Lake City Firms Blood Slatnesls Leaner-vou- s breakdown aM Midvale. Dan Radovlch was sentenced by Justice of the Peace Silas Brown to pay a fine of $20 on a charge of selling ' clgarets. process ef keeping your mouth shut and saying It with glowera. tor appoiatoMat 1 Month At a recent meeting the city council decided to grade and surface Depot street Teums have been engaged and the work;' Is pro gressing rapidly j A modest man always feels a little cheated If yon dont notice his modesty and praise him for It. i distribution. Kaysvllle. Miss Ells Itoblnson of Clinton won the eighth annual Mar. Ua E. Barnes declamation contest at the Davis county high sthooL ller subject was "The Crime Wave." From .this distance It looks aa If tha French have decided to make Gr many lost the war after all. t ns art voting In Saxony than men. Now we cun sl( back and tee how Saxony does It. A Chicago hotel that costa $12,000, 000 probably nevrr will sell more than one sandwich for 5 cents. It rrovo. Chief of Police Wren Wll-giannounces that the 1923 tlcvcle number plates are now ready for dent More women ( 149. man doesn't care for. ABRAMS RLRCTRONtC j ft?5?rryachiW t The tome I yras traubS ' full sewer system for the city, was thAlowest bidder for the construe, tlon of the sewer system in district Europe la lying on Ita back and MM kdof Ogden. The Security Bridge com. pasy, which is building the main ouD seeds an alarm clock to wake It out ef ita nightmare. Iks seemed that I bad ness o that I weak. c, chapel The only Inflated thing that ia always Accepted at Its face value la a compliment. sUs nyour medicinefit n7T77777T77n777 h y ts tfcsss HlNtlNMia tau mmi. .tv LuU Indianapolis, Indiana. to teii you juat what induced anniversary Draper. Twenty-fiftof Old Folks and Ucmeccmtng" day was celebraTbd at Draier at the ward Another eternal triangle con atria tn boneheod. a fast car, and an enter-fencward. A policy of passive resistance Compound Logan. Burglars entered the Owl Illi.ird hall and obtained aNout $250 worth of cash and checks and a gold watch, according to TUlie Olsen, pro- -, prietor. ' ? A writer dwells on where the bee remain in winter while ever) body else doesn't care. , Salt Lake City. Henry McBride, miner of Iaris City, died of heart failure at the municipal swimming IooL wSSwutftlJJS 1 shoes , COMPLHEW.RECK. UTA ! London women dine better than wen. Well, the turn probably pay the j I NERVOUS WOMAN nr 'U 19 SZ, dr,r,nS a spare neck. Ecauirer. u-- ." IJMMZlk EYES I you DV. awssvTrgp. ' EYIt Ill.V raUsL imwtf ojsnouKC Looks j 25f at a3 druzxlxta. |