OCR Text |
Show , EVENING DENERET fiat 61.41WWWW4ONSt.,- isapipsirupga4., - ocrouEn NEWS SATURDAY iy.ftts JI aolirl ---- LEAVES ture 717 -- o 1 ! tqen Nor share u;le Ltt:e tnite - - .4 :Z .4 ... t I a. . a night. awe; :Iirk.:1' ;- 1.1:e's law: - ' -: '''''''' -- 1- . '11Z?? .!,.;. - t1-- t ILL á 4 eti Ile iilneY ill IN.. !,trir,10.,!1!-L- 00CTOR i V .A At 2. ' t " r. 11 -- - sr.!, :2; t ;271. 4.,tr uol - - I . ", I -- g ,!r,,g mor ss . ,-,- 1,, I: ot'ts Hitho. '.. t,,:, The 9,,, ,,,, rran,is I.,.. a le I Montss-t- o I rsthe , at- - i a -- ttr ft, ,..1, A. s..,rr-r.al.,. ! T.-- s , 1 - . .,-4,- r, I dtager fe.:.re .! t.. to; f 7.1t tar-- , tiros d.th- - tio of 4 C:.11,1!.! ' '''s ' 7,.t the Nobembe of s hat must fitst tos ttirOnOlitt ed .n, of the most f.soin- lAting twst.ry at,r.es et r oritten The 1 Another b,g P,q,Loar i.i, Int ; ..m.. . .T 'Tt virb i ' I ee ., e &AA FL,I! irrAm-Ita 0Astrs,- - 0 th,ty 1v ;b.. ,,1;:2b1c allI an-- i t...rpset 21 1 I iis CCIISOTO Jarman . t !T1 Cts.:eto,tnat "anT.Ine ,41 ! r Itirt I v.. it '.or le Hotel arrt.stt Smoh - a r:turtsuat -- . , rs see N.tcolproo4testa At aro Oi t. t ' '.. 2',p ro4 142; I:4.44T 1.1,2, A r r ,TTirt,t At A a slap.11..imt I I, Itt An4 threT I '12721 4.3 13. ntiritirt Hut ispti tt. I erre sit et, thr-- ,r4 viers SI SA tf. VT-1- 4; tk Trying Hard to Decide on Wedekind s Latest Work f '. l rii.tt; raite t keset-- al I po''t sir: 2 I q.r ime.1 ;.! t-- T.1 t 2'ss s ' f: IA tte...111 '2 - s1 t ot the tiirrett4- A. - i Lk Its bat7lb tior . Itoi to, - l. ai rot k4 Ilbto I 14't P.r117!! ,K:riLt,41 A Aril ire t k 1 b taat a t ab 2111:2: I .1 s",- sr., 7 2 ri - t ' , , - A I t I. - ! ''' . ! ': rii '... .. . : ''' .' - 4 I I - 1: ' i I NVILE' , . st fps. r ' te-36., OPtitill,At retletrtaitek tor tear j4 Ibelb 4t - ;Wawa. at.41 dies lb titppe ett it 4.4 WAS. t i At.e 71, r ' :2474 AA. A r 8 it ,, A A . 'N' Ci APoLoOlk.S TO Iti:DTARD KIPLINI; -) 1To bosuns to the melancholy etraine tJ "Iranto Is-e-t yr.What nrak the Petted Ham an greenr said "Ire teelln fresher than It is." the t'olor r4ergeant soul. "What nsakes the ranks air whits. ea whits?" aaht -Tbwrs dreadIrt "that they've WIfOt to eat" the color sergeant said. ler. yuu can hear th Microbes cheer. 'Ter. therm bouncire Doctor VI.'lle And the Germs la CI going away front here. Arid 'we're cumin' back tar 'greasier than we've been ter many a year. For they're bouncin' Doctor Wiley in the mornin'' -What make, the canned good work mu 'ant?" avid "They're nein for their Joh lirm.' the (.dor trergesnt said. made that front rank man tali downr" 14i4 "What's -aaaattlitea." the Color Mergetint said. He's eat 'They Sr. bouncin Doctor Wiley. and thews arassidges of ohl ' Aro 'vermin' from their prisons where therve lingered in the cold. And they'v brought their ptomInes with cm in a manner free and bold. For they're bounein' Doctor Inky in the mornin"." HARPER'S WEEKLY. ,, 44- It,- 1 1 t t t, ' j t ' . 2 ' , 1 1, . - .4 ; ..SIS".4. irt 14 t; 1 M4g,z1. : - I . 1 IPS 10, I do not seem to kLow And you hive come. I am a father. All my thoughtA fr.ltrour To )ou. who la4t night felt the undertow-- See in the haven of my helm once more! 1:411111 - - Isawaelit ,lbs,rs obr 4,11 1 -,- ,-- I t - . - , : A4 .S.1.tr, - 16 it Alum, p.4,t Lapia,-- atr-"- 444 Lite tso rt,is ,- I Ma 41-1- &SAX. AAr.- - aril . in It e st -- &AUT. ,--o er I laL a "I a CAA kber Tu Etsvi ,,,,, 4 , 144 : . I ,LA ". A - LA Ei.ta omit 11..21, b a,a aadat g -- , 7. lee.. eo -- ,-,- : - g .404 I r ,r Litedribir o t 1115..spi '.4 4 1.I.. 5, ,,,, - 'I W t ? I ..t Of fetland hopeand 722,- t T.., 1 .... t , at, tit, . ; 4.4 6 ; to :' . -- A 1.11 , tr.s.ss-p - 1, 4; t t At 17 LI; - - t 2 2,1 A 7,4,4 I .-- 71 . a,i 'sill, VI t Ili 4t 4 4.1'i .IF - 1 :404 - A, ;t I 44, H 4 kl'. . all your picn; dumbly pray That you would ektfely come to me again. filit hut I o --- Ira , a I ot L0 1:41'-,-- t ir..ard you on your way. could riot 2.7,17 to., io 1 f - - - A ; - .; AA! .it 0 r.tt t,1,-1- , ens : - !VI ,,1 11At It lib.' a tint. hen trv rrutectag cnieht betwec r. y and Could llitte r ttr - il,.ma1,T4 4aira Z i ,.. .4 I- ih I A s V - . (..f.,-- could not terad the p4,th you went y 0 rny 1,4)cd. v. c)es of ar tip saas,- t".. pi vs r Usti L.-.i- . r, I itts Tpa. Vik ! I: TIC Rt1001) I ALBUMS. w,I4 0.'0,6.0900.4-$4C,tO-- ,-- --------- OLD , A ....44-),40-0,,- crral .-- FROM 111 191: 21 - , - .; ,. ,! ' having a Bal Tim. T .u. sac on an ..ktting of Dpring. ,,,..1.:1:;r11, .;:11.iiiiiie:4AttliiItierrth9:ri:11tru,gs.7 ,.,4rmiklit..1-1,,,n1.. ', I: xi sht. owl author Ji.1.1s. T Tryin! to Is I b t OW i. .1, 114 sail) moot) ototto PP,in 1111d'ottrs- -hi and Cast." Av. t.t on g t, the hoe; nt 1. Itm,..nnots Afts.r st E'itat.etrt," In addi- o Ir,.,4.11.411zehialt.litmitt!itt..marvtio,litht.it4otNrt,t,slytt Weal, of t.ott its:itittot.gt:;istottalmg.tt t.....1,tit 4.04,3444 (4A A1404:44.1440044404446 lt,.. there areof .tortes of the . business a n d p tlincs..u. t,,i colleve itft, 1,ernilogly on the houtd.e. att.' THE LATE JOHN T. CAINE IN THE PLAY OF P122A10. of f!,,- - arm and navy. of the 1..4 d fl"rt, in p,)1...thdtogy att.., t can - Yo u it" hd"tmll 1"1"e d'e'llve Pl"ti" a ka of AAakenittot tzpring ho mam, friends of the late John T. Caine. and old time theater goers that kow, though 5tm.r.' not 11 otti, deep plots, and stories whowe are in Bur r"wI I'm alswk a charms-to generally. will recognise him In this picture in one of his favorite parts purpose is to make you laugh. 'A 0..1' r Vt; ' derlittidian-- produt Polio meet .,,. a a. .ttr riling first one was the of Mr. Caine al'I'.011"KlY 111"" My I anK v. hat in the old doe of the $alt Lake theater. variety of interesting fiction 14,1asc's Ak"r.is )olte now charming is pen so,. clan. are: the !charming the contributors Ih managers of the theater and frequently airtmoarod in ouch plays ag Ird171'I 7in :;"rs Charles E. Van Loan. Litt enc. of Above. Another of his favorite characters was the Indian Wahnotee. in the v do A M Chisholm, Nlithsol Williants. W the lats of the an from came actor ' as tas, fame but his .,0,10 'Mittlit.; greatest Davant. Jdeics,,n hease. Charles I: t!. to on:,- apt ailing. ;m4 T play of "The Octoroon." P 4, n ow 1, rt"ttnen. o in I.,riitt of Wedo: .1.1trn eY Incluto rendition of the part of Aminadab Sleek in "The Serious Family. a Barnes. mit:dire Pattullo. Ralph Paine. Donal Hamilton Haines, and isma s IA. tA stork Ti. ir". - Alliithltbralir"ff 2, LOOM stork is Creation in which he was unexcelled. a Berton Bra:ey, The is o'er til from a utor !,; turtit. r mit tttoI tr .1thipt f,r..1 Pwa a.ittre railed The Suto.et of This t.o. tihi itognete." oplendid ItiCriting by wyeta. depicting. ituallt-- t A 11.1)iiltil r of Wedukind 60 o in h hi. lie 4 the return of the woodcutter. h:" il'. .I. LiCht till,'Y ittiEA.S leadms paint .11 :res!'ttli .4 th.114ht atta,k t hot be cruel to even the most insignificant men. .. ... it George Randolph Chester and Ralph Is (or the l'rtord no.tr.z Ti. 1...-,t, ,,rt ell of Insert life. forms 1 two ',nutter contribute I'aine compieie att 4.;, man wratur,. ,f it litliti,ter. lit BOOKS ho carries tot ,teelotte month-en- d novels to the October hap, A, - under hot ,1",, - ' ,,tt,t. ,,,, A to,11ranklutu I rattive prOteut1(111. t nUnittPr of s 1 the Vt "The Catpet From Bag, lasi. kola Popular 11,that u ,,t., tok --'' ."1"set of the t II il Regime- - con- a oia...n "r, Hots- - Harold Nlactlrath, author or The Man Magasine. The Chester novet Is ,r truth "Avers's, Jones." by Samuel taing ,et.eral .. as good as that .4.41,4 .t, IA..,.. " M. in full and Samuel color come,ly of bu.int.,4 "1",,,JI'll,t,,,1 Clis the Illustrated II I..: 1 I"t (in, Ials pInt.,c palm, business ttf life." At first me Mr. Seibel king Adams. Illustrated by t,t oh the 1111 ;ta .? aol.m t ,x ll the struggles of a Iran who IA and ,l- The Andre Castaigne. The paints Brucker Leone by ,1 IN Rig hald sttau, rainarks tho M it, art valid. obleetion I may VII.::, I NOTES religion. All disollsa4t. working his way through college. company. but a little conxideratitin mho s its company. Indianapolis. s.lo...it etog, f,itit 11n,r1 re, sin run of I.:on re',.. great-stitsmttsal "- In him 1htCI stary Mr. Macs ;rain has tleorge Pattullo narateA ii. remark- - tartt. Jones gets his nickname, r or Volum. 1,0,,I, raiment's of the imagination "Avera(e" to "Works I,I'let F.,' r:.laatzit ehuri.11 rl'iur isnd take corn- eurnames--able episode In the rart,tclre ammitimea a trifling int 'cliplsirs,1 is brand new end tatiVintio ttt!;,,,.!!!:lei have ihvir uses and important ones." from the Initials of hie :I: ,:,,,r;!11::::::, C 27, f ,palvt,t,,r,.,,g1,fier-1411Ker. In rat sheriff :117:,:o odd Ile tatirvitt nut It t,1.,. le reschin or romance. The plot built color of a bird on the wing, the Van Reyna. Ererton. Adrian 1.::aott:,,,,:1:1.:.:11,ta:,..t. iti:1r,.. Mr. "Tht-Seine' serve often argues. r alien he 10,0,11.1,2s 1! ,"- iatimt the 'hurt or it rale and holy rug. scont s, sArch for ?1,V1,' Iola tr, Charics. nd ,u. it elope of a None. a casual remark- -. as vehicles for conveying a knowledge )ears Md. rind 11,ISsoluti-Proidl1,111,01,111 un" E. Van Loan finds inaterial for a rat- - l'11"1 i';''iltiNtit'll'I"trtitril:Jvitmdlittdeelngni.)-tli'flon-s-tet'llt.t verve, to recall to mea and women of life and manners. all colored inherit with Oyes entertaitomitt and more fre- is td !Pimrstitl. "The AN INIPEREAle Ti ,m E. with startling vividnesa the days of quently lull. years of 1"'nut"," the charm of the "Arabiati Nights." tithe story of the tr io r Lg. o It. It in t he cumom on such Invulcate lemons he has 'theta Itii York V. CRY- 1110 urn"' Carr -1,,eague," Robert Atte-- r in New thole youth when they hunted birds' which otherwittotheysouk' diamonds and residence rubies that Phantom the tli t.A itcrat,ittlis to leis." tib never of t antiiit from the have . Atlas the cattrot been of had of the. tells Impeital marketinz the ! the reader. this roman( e , have entit-.ergs; PI Yeti hookey" from .hoot to .baivr ef A ue- - verg r, haht it. and etirk it in reachei the hearts of those who read Ivint makes this be.tocst ' a Iteed MeNagnY.'''''"111'"1 IFof Arillitalo, and the more grateful 11" inlustry! 11'nh go fishing and gavs elaborate ehows in them" Mr. itelbel might well have I- political boss of the tiltv awl acquit,' hunter k before ti deii Is, liiititints le Image of a saint A Hungary this, litiettuFo of :Is freshi..-- ., their fathers' hams. Anyone who haa Iluittrated his point by references to his fortune by graft. lie belleys The froMY story. "Allis..n of th, Bons." ii a i,t, titit brita,' 4411,e Her of mitt- the ti official, his tiont isit be will i,tat, annual visit tare of the inside life of the dreamt.: anti illustratoms ever had three far away incidents books. Row. for example .could the eve rears in New York is stolen Vhsorte.. hurch. lighte,i 110t Otte bat IWO Margarethe els men- - to miks an excellent loiladual Iligea-tesor"ti ; h I sr'ils run Average Jonee' Char- - th t -g la ' I by oAirgats ititsertson brought back to him knows the pleas- - I flavor of Aniericati life in the years pryer-- ficient to cause and Placed them reverently Austria. toe of t arelidliehess princess t.,1,1 lie to t.ois. of The . lilm proahtsur. yarn , squander '"'".',. st'''n''' P""n '''' "11 " Teueh ' flow a man Edmund Lelect hue taro of remlniacence., fift,iir and an image depleting St. l.:, for li. th Mexican war be in ten tries to give of Thinn and 'taxis" This is the sound. t'ii George minutia. thus returning to the city- tse "mnre'"11 liataroon'a "The 110110111111 retire" which scientific terms or plain matter-of-fa-given miiiim.aire Mg the Dragon. Hot emuggiel int t away money on Broadway hro, is the ing title ..f a giant work published at a 'Ulterior le to be published next week is a chronicle with such decided charm and what it lost to his uncle. ttot "AyerNew s is the cans., hands. itnessed the of act. his de- at end the pious wait It contains dander iirolt", theme of Edward Freliterger's amiss- Regensburg. gets up hie I , paosport to forgotten days. It makesof truth as is found in Mrs. Watts "Net. sere" Jones it. ng anti vengeance. ing New Year he to prove hint 'of mi An Cam- - t,. impeilal inghnesses on the virtu" dy.lt 0, a it and sneer yearns story. entle's oblivious to the cares reader AHamilton d"11!li'd Its at career las i the picture...rue then Burke." or the pathos of the a liar. He lives out the live years in ;''Itt ling : Osborne's!. I all knoi. n la:all lig plants. from the lii Matt's official's salary. The hap- natal'," Attiliam Mimes; 'It takes bhu back to the plums as In Clara Laughlin. volit'agtivg cletigrer utited "Just New York and ends th "orderer with- !as thew wedding carpet of the lover, storY of the "Triekv Mr. Tannellbaint" humble rhubarb to the pritteely quinine. himtime when th dollar was of not .so Foiks." Ito a mere mill allthat ,AV rug Putthotie or the humoroue marvelous black eve Mae become Archduke jos, I. v.ho is is: pin's of age, Pot his tuuch Importance as the fact that of the Yankee tie in "Jim Hands." or flying rotors so many adventuiescould reveals how a a But could hat have a did yolt mean make tip put- tneantitne 11.tbsistirg6; scientific a severiti an i,,, on, condor' gives -ventures in the poetry willows were out Air that rote the greed of the money-gette- r tn.. candle?' tieforo the by 'almost as it were achieve a person- - neW tWist to att Frank am in old thente in '1Itrat31 am M dram, th e el . n o ntina Is his rmsr- - ting Image," Is unique. t leaves buried in the ground for throe William h ,,9k-(t , in of .tliih littineur liwn! A. White's "A Certain Rich tale that has in eart,h et" a Gold itrieke, g it:. wane- Llity charitg. daughter. The arelititike liVt-- at whole days would. by some mysterious! Man. Average" Jobeg Went4 to do The official. smiled knowingly and "A work should be metseured in the authol imagination thrown about I. eitlien's yarn. "The As..ignment Alestith castle; and its an authority, to diets.) the Monotony et lite ter IlladiC of the earth. be changed to an I by results rather than ft itnei4 thing of th the sanctity by methodic rhat Failed." is the narrative of a wilI among othtr things, on l2:8,1""1. Ile rents for romance.Some ltil. e rug. t tet rape nig. edible dolicsey fit for the gods. of the nig, that the rose on a locomotive undertaken hy Tlas when the in themselves are Of no epe- New York. bizarre. lit gets it. "ail- anthers el the 'ttlati et' Healing o.her was ft.rforthe St. George and the , something Is full of pert!. or risk, of tttring eist The tin novel Dragon." significance. historical !story the two Other !weenie writers, he whose, as healing reporters. genuin Plants" admit -02 Beach, whose new novel "The fulling a 'special function in this re- nne OtalKeStS thatOf ,A hunt so run of advan- tho ual!ti,m tit teeny platitS ehich are TOLSTOY LEGEND STILL LIVES. the stueer want " of novelty. stprien appear in this issue of Neer-Do.Whas 'mit been pub- - spect. Mr. fleittel concludes. "Such a visor." a eenor readIn should novel its lure this A the lure M Chisholm, to be found daily sec- - er potollar are Charles, discredite!I in medical science; and The legend that Leo Tole 10Y is atill hiked. goes back and forth between his- book as 'A Great Treason.' by Mary M. advertisements from big game, stolen moonstones he R. Barrios maintain that the Hungarian peasantii ativ e 110; ssoen Seltzer, Charles art. to, s .al Tulin()) .. N province, the columns of newspapera. and home at Lake Hopatcong. New Jer- A. thoppus will and have for these 1,st gold Its a more mines, Adventores leap readers give out Francis of Tula . Lyrole, effective it febrifuge the very xo cents suggestio. York. !extra,t end easier." it New in "I and Kazan. lot. Kursk. and sews life in a Wily that been already much exploit1, Thep graphic imprension of revolutionary eral other governments. In Tula, e,rdittary clover. ha says. 'No do my work in New York. days "I, out of the eltytt Old rug on than many volumes of history." itiVel,ts breath. every pita reader's present the takes away wiht all the racket of elevated and REVISING N TION AL ANTHEM. according to t he peasant belief, SeHOENHERR AT WAR. cm , s hardwood floor with suggestive Tolstoy last "Average" J o nes hap a rare facelty, appearedI August, trolley. than out in the tillneas here. bilities and absolute onohantment . theinessi Friends Zane of tse-.i I Ise "The mi author of rr. a Schoenhe chooses, Austrian (trey, the at sharpen when of Karl s the t a easan can. At tie le of bark pe. the request of neighbor's dog p out where the King George of the Desert." have only just pencil or his mins) to a very tine point. Many different colored threads have- venerable Dean Hole has been revising !v hose -- Glitube mei Ileintat" aas latelY difficulties. as he did when li v.se. night sets you so erase you want to Heritage barof into the this tttnii weaving learned of a is sought eagerly in which he The reaelt la that he tragic event anthem in order liaised by Kaiser Wilhelm as the best .The commit murder. The in.- - the Itritish restional h a month his neigh- by the victims of various sho;pers. Ile tnitnititis and brilliant fabric a 'Mk' more up to date thing seen for years, is at war with tay. N'aasill Stasson.."aruns lone can't work here. I'd rather awlm figured la rapid. the action elaborate. the tci bring it just be tion to bors detective at eleveretit Pa.. Lackawagen. the fellow lives "came to Mtchael Stchukin's cat;in to arld in hartnony with the modern spirit. Ilas rbitiVe Tyrol; and has flatly refused say might becomes or Rah. There An old golden days of ;backgrountling scene IS rich in rolor.- 1The arrears. As there has improve" it materially as to let Ins plays be prssented on sey- - reeover five roubles across the lake that I go liahing with, have been much worse but for his met with since the barkin The rare iit often nothing- ,and quality N o t 0 nt is w' r' tr .ts h . I tes gon e le y sn .... to is t mg We!, tra to motley . ,e tie ZO, d SI h ukin s T v..) an I,d age.. are gr eet tillictunso: heroic efforts. The Delaware has a Sherlock Holmes. Hitt there and he and a t atiuse to st It is eOnes in dr,,p-age ithont and swift two chairs and art I ver-ptreacherous current as it lhastly or iirrtriVitiorne . but mo..t of a Tyrolean Confouild their thaCe Indian pure Siwash; for pals or ker. hitt h - !pictures. tair o. sometimes the dee....A. 'n the St a. t171 reading fascl, there. h his The ome. one e.ystery and after- Ventures. chums.- Of course, I'd rath er swim Or 111"'Pll past llthq f rtiiitrati sth.tr kr!Ivish tricks," 1,!y! ritings rock of 'I yrons valliwo- and kin thought tho:y were lost. Next daY ks us. and y(4 again ,,,.... tult not ;again Da diabottc,ny ingenious, A sh than write. h,t4 he found them in Ow nearest field. (71iillitK Lind ileimatn ols t),au But writing no a !noon two inexperieneed cantielsta were ,ttifl emPhamhtoti 11Cork Purely the tyt"st tostless of sciv- - st, that th, Ativent,tro him. and brotha capsized. Grey it's 'Such a repmipnt. younger on the stage of evc,ry considerable The trolice 'pristav relate4 that he fUllY al fola,": s teen good game good gains. s:itisbp Is 1 umor as stron.g iat,honw. wonder to me the ' police don't get er went to th e rescue and succeeded finove xonsation. t,,v n j!) 111 4inpi:P. but Tyrol. with Its Nti,1 hi4 men had met Tolstoy, who E t IIF frwo plaglw 1111.1 .1,trill, in saving One of them. The other was 'II In YPtery. The book is refreshiney fled. 'rite I taVelto SCenes :ire. hot ofov-- r. -e 1.aid n tho five It d told WI for taking money for It. roubles. is to them allowed not iliZ. IA) t f after nS, the adventurc,, tin. out of the isecond aluays ,,. un.1111ps. and perished. , orional, unimaginably declare of the quarrel was that a to Irrvi) the goods." Pyriles deal knave, in aaegIng awns carried out of stories. pi- - irug. to the conspiracy of Ow ra:4c,its. Mak, xv:J's to ceape. hotten north of detective and Olen. color, and that sort of thing. I romame the of the brisk. Nrol,,,a stage urodured Seho(nherr's tont the "priFttaN,"' called at the nearIto , 1,,,op!, oling gay clod Mr. our Lori always arimp. clever, Kilmer. nittara. on "SumJoyce as ealoom and author as of would I a look upon writing just dead Tolatoy" in a "Jo badly that it was Itohort Itiehetts. ,PTIP had thoght. hal .,....... to mirth. mer of Love- .- a book of poetno which Turn thou wit- of vodka and salt herring'. dhallh u corifinittee of inmade the desert his OW I). but Ih. any Other kind of work. start in and- the failure Lati,ly I r ea h all the BY ov,r linker & Taylor company are pub- Another variant of the Tolatoy take your dinnerpail Mono. Is my noArabia of these 'ages is hobtiv fluential eitizns begged the irat,,! Poet Kimball's Elementary English. IA.( tilts--, ' I,Pa.e. lishing. is a lexicographer and a Social-"Th- e the from Spassk In then of it O. Kimball. formerly head of .ferentiated front that of -- The tl.,rden triisbrilek to see t;laube owl legend come', 1st. His 1,r.pvincti of Kazan. Spassk Is a dls- it potons. however, are neither tiMV Mr Mlictlr;ith Norinallof beat of a few weeks ago was Y,is Allah" sehoeuliiirr Ile refused. but k hut iiii;t,tinox,eptien:it.l.. curtalnly (411;h7011111:en.tti,..1,.Stzta,troth. d,q .0enhg01017h recondite nor orthoGreek trait are anyby but almost Mr. peopled partly political Beach, "than 12m.,09. IIA nt eiudly pointokt out, N".. rth,,- - W.. t h il!k th dean his nd 1.f.n.. far liii,to r;ir';h a letter bi the papers. saygreater. said ''. America or purely lyrical ezpreasions of sentiment. Book One. 27fl pages. Rook Ti :s.: eav leiis on.- - r,i, the ulloot of a now 1!:;ee !,neurli, trio to Central hi omissi ons. ,ina that th, T yrol m ast wait until ;t 11,)X IiIIIM;ifinS and partly by Moslem thing I felt in ' orthodox are usually In ' t fitter. The buts eirpti,1 by the iflaglif'. CI,. wf V. 'Oka' f 0 4,11:LT..f the f.ilii,ii ',ut: ad- - I. ;lino to appr, '411 ,hi Panama. of i TartarS. The mood tinges. American !look company, and are given to "The Iron Woman.- - the lil sineke of tho night 'There's no use talkingit's a whole iires. the ditieirin iri ;. loll di iie York. Cincinnati and Chicago. In l.; Innithruok be COM- - an ecstatic thoator the plain it sects. 017.. novel t anEnglisb by fituridsd ..a Deland. Th27., Margaret t ,1!,,, "over-oiat- lot easier to keep warm in Alaska than ,fm..m,ing 1:,ii4n..ta'4,,t-44,4xiittoft 1tain4-4C.r ,..h,,,,,..11,4. to the it for eoe.ideratt'at ,11mit Khlimmthtltalli.: tille'iseinl meet . with much the l'sP In grnde" gold, th, ruby ,i,t P :11,Iiit i ,,Torin. lion of him nu'estv. Tolstoyan : ;4t111 it Is to keep cool in or around New nnuni41 for publication Scit. 19 by the g Mg.. same of as those tenets Mr& TWantt he the n York- alien a spell like this hits us itari,ors, been at four to eight inclusive. It is in corn:: th . cold i, ow ,,1,... ,,f 1.1. '''n-acenwatinn" the' itt :,7a turd) y in the CaucamosThe lucal for four ytars. anti it is t,,,,.r,e7,7twshtir, tont,. gloi,,,,..,:!1;th, , Its pretty tough to have to write nod( upon Ititineer t. :,,,,.1.,tr!..;nt,f....2! ,, .,2 otr;,,,, loae Tyroleanl11 have got their backs Toistoyans IN,1,.;.1,,,,;:11,.:1,.,sy,.,:i,,c.,":,.!..:.!,.... began thP lanai than her last novel. nietp,eccoirt;leiwelictImititrhne about plot' hero getting his feet frozen considorably er says that easant commissary : a bs newspap alai up tvhat The sect retorted by pre- than "The rattler entered. An,1 all of these ,,::,, ,o, ,!e Awnketting t,f Helena itichie." In practical and useful In an Alaska blizzard, when you're sofv., r''.11r rS, NVilit a long persecution. Ve,t! to Will Sch,s-rili- t bare rr It recognizes toingleti le, the skill of 1.4 .t. 44,4.4 It ht announced that that "The is merely disciplinary. dieting that Toistoy would arrive to It lit save tl.ve EPnZli,h c'44th' s ,41414 shapt ; yourself from an aggravated fact, WCWililn .. he's amked again. l 'ot e beton them in April, 1913. The leaders interests. his - fering ill itig in nut' length. as the childhis natoral 'rill 7,1,1,-,I rasa of prickly heat." n pm-- . amid th(! fonny t y were intprisioned for "inducing others r'.::: a ell as in the brcadth of it s subject ,,.. II, j;r1lAtiltolli ita tiot4i,u'h, jriirh Uhl i tis ti o!,,,,;:p, rso. onngt1 t:icitsnreleinveltohn4yri. to leave the Christian religion," al- ' A A i;tt in's Mr. Jeremiah Lynch, author of "Life and tcatm,nt. follow a the new tendentivitigh they had specifkally adhered ' h'ilil li:ATSLIi. AI,Sf.) FAVORS UNGER-of David C. Brotierocin a Senator of cY for looser foods and tivelor thetnes. ,r,:ntst'i17 t:1:i s atc:T:P to Christianity. The other peasant s in lny future plab nr:113.11r1lin::ro m:"Iirt.nn:497 P11:littit:in thlt! the Fiftieth" is a well known capitalist e Anotin r A ur;an favorite or the kal- - were so Incensed with this that they to lierety 0iir e. 44,44t cin, h Alithony !lope. whose last novel. Nirs. a of the Pacific elope. He thirty-eight- h his 1," tO celebratfd 10.170Ttlei has ninl actually did abjure thrimtlanity; they AIAGAZIN12,S members of the etenate of California lLixon Proto,ds," tam published during nit.,ttire th,14 tyr.101111F It le Indactive mla'" 11:;,1:11k:"-- , :',011'y.s Polti their merlanN. birthday by publishing a hook of aphor- - Ihecarne ...... cml free. girls and has played an important part in tho saintmr. in spite of his nutripr4,111, tit,4in,' Ind joined a Tartar village in the ,,,,1,1 I, .,,.1,:. 'With no ir din, tcd imili4alti't the establiFb"4 The vomit is led to it 1,,,:' , pronikes to th, contrary. has never it ,,, the development of Alaska. i htliTol- r, a and t, .!,,., TiLe. c..iti,.. Tlist r4lerr t!,,, vicinitY. l'hey actually grafted ti,ip Ungvr. to., I:101 te ip oar 4b4k4 , ,t,,, .,,r' Visited ,kitteri,lt since his trip nine ,,very nt.. forms and pcinelpies, on to Mohammedanism: at.1 conscious 1,1,- - bt'r , ',I1,I) ': ,, tgilVin,-msice Ftriyisrn iht-r- , ,1,1,l. cr:0's T:, ;tenr,itteir; Ilat:,.;tdia,r,ricid..:sciu01.,,t4iitir,f2:d. noised ,to T,airTtii,tt.liti,m;;;;:, n inch ag:,, in roluite4 marhis ROY Mr. Unite Metal. the author of y..iirs 111,- t ,C,,, n14. Tartars. more tolerant than Nrso ,:iit :i In his OWn wrlthor ii,,irt it: ,.,:. r, ,. aire. lie takes forreet ideation h,iw- - pli, ,,tion of them n - Cat. ar,, 44 t t'i- in- 'Katrina" and "The Wistful Years" Ciever. 1,', alit ,I,- - 0: t;o: '4:4, ith, r ',.;1 ., A 1,itter on the subject of politicians and Itmrtrian matt.. nc;:eptel the tnr.CV;iti..7 in the socicty of his :'""I .4.,,,., it lt presents tocomMilniCa1.!.has just finished his novel "Ember rr IA :Lir d tt ',4 Mos'. Ji1,1 ''"4' bri rt,'(lotrill',! tt1ts Here ate some loose stonem !Ina Weltr)rnel the. allOstates with i,,,r.it of ,i4p14,Inatt,, trogi. ,!,,,,, ,,t- tt,,,,,ot Fig :In art n London. ztiol enjoys 4t A rc111.41, ,, the 1100 Light. which The linker & Taylor friendsi 1.0,. rt, i, ,, r l'eli:,,I lort, i",o ,, ic r. 4,'; ItEItNArtD ASTON. the stotle. of tilo,1,,', 0,- tr, rn tho "Mosai( :" 1 them some 01 the titti,kn,,,,,t, Ithture. are publishing. I emii ,,,. ao l''141"'" to!. to !! company 'II' la d ince. ".1 'V ., is an agree. '' it ' 1' d't n." '' tmlitical compromise '"'" pre, ., 4 esque bits of the city hn knows so ''."1 ,.,,,), ,,,t,.14,vert -.;ool t!,,r i.i I, rfi,o, ,,, I ra. n ent for both partielS to com Prom ie neonortion three 4rost- aecouLt o: I... L,ellai; Ai:. 1,;,,,, l'i Hil!1.4",. tIrvEs CON., Divorce in NIFIYICINF: Lmiclon TilfT ,.,,,,, thoroughly. 1 11 of Freneeis 1." Mrs. I l'il Hodeann r Readers J seelety. irr4 1,,t 7, 2,1,,i 116, ti,.tot ',ffe. l'I,;:, ',,, the crrtn- - lion tr,iton4 i,,,,," o,;I"' ,,,t tt, thernmelveit. FIDENCE .1 i 1.' i Purnett's new novel ''The Secret Oar. It Is said. Is even In re common tt,t;,n 4,ml ,ty "1 1,,,li'il '' ;i I' il .,, ::'. r ,!, ,,, i!, liVCS lif Can a:Wity.11 a vo,o,,,tarv. 44., "NVIlito Inan 1 ,.: ...,"iiiir' t'wt'''s'lnI.':, It is natural, 61,i4i,,-rq ,,,,,,, t,4 Lae ,1;,,,!1,ti den. published this season, are coin- - here in this eountry. i ttt. for oar ''t, :,,i a mintistcr or a sui- ,,,..,1 .1 Ii 14(,1,t4 to ,r.., t!,,,, ,1 v....1 w.nIt Tletql. KM. Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound. , r tte ,,f 14",i,',.4141, xatiet: ,1! Iiii ill:, , ,nI. In to, th. meriting on the fart that it is quite therefore. that Anthony 11.me e rmbi ti., t .,,t,11,, ,,s ,,,,t,fti",, it tmerncts the esp ,,:i:eh r' c;tie." I emeave the , 15;on; a: riAtivme ,:ttits,evading -- innu,,n, ir,rnsitile'i t!!lorilltimTinfli. Af 1::: nnl..".,Ab- "I val'il!'1" .str to different from all her other novels: but th i" r"' t 1.4 "hi' '''''' Am, mo'r. !Iniver,111 Inst"r' I:r,tirh ' "1 't ''''''' uhich "'I'', And this "s epigram ''' only in Freneh: ,, 10. Nir, Ntax.,,ii ,t4A;,,,,, ,,iv,.., also that her latest books a:ways are the question in writing ant A certain Nroir.,, ehildrPn have ber'n gitii, ,, 1.11:.,:ii- - lir - ii.tri,:Il , NV, ,,,1:: Tnicr,.,,mr,t,t, my :nty ,(4 7,1inistre!tivr. years Protevls." --- - ..... tiiff erne tanfy .h a age ol ine ri,i!I .1,, been lo.,i, to an) (lest Atrairl...; Etralig,r ,t 11 Un 111:111s- - subj,ct to cough,' and colds. 1 used in,tritr ti,n in its um,. 1 ,, orticic tt eirti wtIher7L Tc7,atirre ,,r, 0: te few it Mcci,:w Ail, ii,11, Tar ---Ire des affairen qui lui sent (Aroma-- tjeopey's Ilonev and t7ompontid and AN APPRECIATION. The peculiar intimacy which reader Alt:1 b,111t, or c, fey so much from each other, This is tounti that It eured their coughs and ere" Ango, entie!) -"P.(tri s Nt'llite P utch." ily schoolv ex pusat,,n $ The in the house a the - ienids. so ,ii Lokalit especiaily noticeable because of the .,ni.,tin u. claim with a favorite utt- The "The keep kaiser," says public' .," !, i N the , Mir. artd which Iceriticntiy icatis to rat: 1. toincitial in the American ti,,. 11,,,i,i1 x A nvdger. -- avepptl-fl fact that all of her novel, ore or the One." Refuse substitutes.--Schratna eoPY Book clui in; i',11,,,r i,t,11 &al with one n ,.. on the market and alway4 beirg rend r.niusing results. is again exemnlitled of New y,,ik City. m.tri.,i,-;,1,lan tilNlory, Agrii- f characiel, I ,4;jw he not thintrli,thrtron Drug Co. ring anti hoped ti,e, t,.trop. Cincinnati. in a lettr receive-by Itoltnan Day, ,ompany, New York, un i the ino,t She ill lint nrIP of the eritera v. ho--int, re,ting ti.ighe laitt Jibe , the iPri ' C. ra,. 1," ' the !Chicag, h.1"1'n-Wa".11t"- r ' hovel, only. is atilt alive" an,i- ',tog !author -of "The Skipper and Oita, tho mot!, r of Nro ,...t, , or the waves tr:01"1 n" Icil w1 Till GRE AT ROO S EVELT . EllICAllf A woman writes to him: "She died lik, a soldier," Tots gory is for pupplententary l 'al read. "Little Lord Fauntlor.,y- is tin ihippe,I.uritcs tile -t't CROP OF Itt,4SIAN JOKES, fifth HUNT AND WILD ANI,WLti OP I Yrare oantenibin !Anima AC coar,o, and of works readina your feel on duty and i,1,1 noted , much read by children as It ever wig. cor;fa41ti !Ilig in toe fourth tic'i which Idll!iw,1 iii!otii hi;11 iiii4 in fact. a WSW edition will apreor thl,, loilaintad with you, feel that you are sallo,I. In its original Italian vervida ,t. her 1!0!ii! bravely defending AFRICA. 't about all that is being are Jokes flowing --JTist That 'tool and kind." NVith this Introduction it ras been very popular with children, social end p ,litii.al tradition s of the locks vere erown"d wi!il ,i d uced iii Russian literature fall, for the holiday liell"n shay pro t. in the Cm-- Loss 0 Li:miles" htut a steady, no- - i,,lit asks that he reetimmend a convent lerid, if; here adequatelv translated for ituman art.to, ta,y and 1,,on tot micribed to M. now. The Thrilling, egritinc daring and dan Du, but aiul oinlir echooleIt hat. tgoirding-echo,hrk,,,,,,, for her little daughter, !tilt ne,,t time ter American t of honored printiono4 Itonionnoli broken sale. Ifer ne'W hook. "The Incomparably eerous expinitg of hunters af big game l'Illilwatroff. itanotia'S i boY I a :t littlo lild tiovial rim ehe then of the of i,:iw iv. of them. tit'w fercidt and the all- tells of the adventurvs ttl,,v suggests that .io WILDEST AFItit!A, by Prof, Axel Ferret Garden." promises to do tit,, land green brilliant eritie of Politics and against .. S... lt as : , dreams that he is changed lat.) all- or a. later iiii, Is :Iich were tofeking to ha,- 1,.,,,,,, whi,.h eii,t,.,,,,! in t he rti,ie :thor or The Skipper and the same , rfr not e d a u!hor and traveler a a collaborate in a literary Latin repo :die. gidre o f the noonday x in. Arf )und i . . t', t4t iirPoitai:z, i:Ic The wonderful eoeitti fc ganizah illr.nowned ,ill. s !, ii.1eto ietd erick Semour, tl - she nig coii, ,Iiirro,ist;tpn'AtIpial:trihievlialktireoceriffir:t nter and I:, r f aintly. tor her e.e. t clesrlY is the to harinit the te it &Abel t ith Timts dieo supply in royaltiesshe the t.,' George Pittsburg itichly illu s. it a et' coni- b the:r and for it,ln,, ,v it hout o v e n hits inir form thPre gather ed th . r,:iir7,,;i. - v, a rather unusual article on the Ntry, allfl he to contribute his name, h has estingly nit tone en- are AmPhithoa- - :Kravings! - f VI with mon l!fc: but It wa. nO -- on,irt!inelit of rulers, so reard of '., :To; reins:into-reinark itnd play, and their Inio.: 1 neigh- - the profit' to be derived from tending fiction i ,t t an nn n a (i in of t!ful the the ir !,rit bees, for y tog ltv; glory sp'', nitilr s11,,,e,4,i iifir,N, !. T1,,. 75, T000tVd to subscribers of positor !,,tif Aft- -r exposure. and when you feel a hors nnd enemiesthe .."Att 'Apelogy (Or- Fictinti," he ruins it A.,' , t h,fI le had saertileed h ot enveloped him. In his hand thewPocet orosestvisrli the rateePillar.- and the this strtilzw!, devotee of setencP, teohi ,.,,rning on. take potey:a Honey ;the a "A lieseret Newpc, - h :' -r M,P1,a The in whorl,eve ,11,,, lived an hell Paris, her honor firld'hicallY tenderly ra merely portinyeil. lit pretty oence me It thing! !grubs-11re. It ',ears asked cheeks whether a., writs.. and end Tiir compound. , : in the 'derider r,irth looked so r,giiinq fIlloOnationg cr (laity wee 1119e a Mere wasite of time to read 'level tme no substitute. The ainuine The child who reads tho hook will not and )3, r nf that 1"m'IY Pfr,gr'r In thINTumoovite von:1111v and .,(,grrvif.nee. hor, i fingers Pamberger Eleetrte rare to Orion learn What wonderful rentur,4 fietieb.- - You did not Profit bY it, while in it :renew always,sehramm orly and The glowing red of Psi Lately Arnphithci.troff met ai a so- The 0, t,,,- - - i.'rind contains an ex-- 1 market-Plarpees are, but will neser again Co. ' It diVerted the mind from the serious Jnillikon Drugparkage hr.(' levery houron the hourIn an hour. WITII i -,, il I Irtles-on-Para- titviter 17Orfl,1,3 les sr.t, That ..t --- FI:11 yhat.110 I, o 11;:14 -- I 1,.!4 -. itk-n- ; .1...its:: I t : - e. told-stora- . kS:M1 , . Twice-a-Mon- th 14 . 1 I , lloblis-Merri- A-- Bobbc-Meiri- ll stale-entott-e- d t ' ' - y n - nir i l i . ; , , "...-".'- s yie-w- Nt - a r. N botte-settin- - ei 1 agie--whic- - ii-- an erso . i 1s4 I I I ' T N I:" o' , 1- 3- - , . gl.to,-trotter- I s- Fl re-tc- ' n I i,; , long-wall- twn:s-a:ldie-ba- f - rimtitt.:11 1 . : .i 1 ihrw-itho- nt - .1 , 1. : ;1 i,,, , : ' an Am-ric- , - , , , ,2ar,4-1,1- 0,-,,- , ' i '. . ',,, 1 4,4ton-talon- 410 I c'".''''''''';' , I' , I , ' ."...! , I H,-,- ,, , q,,,,-1,,,- , ,,, ., . :i 1 i ri, I ; ,d,..-- ,Ini,t-rpicte- S, iilw-iv- s itt : $11, t II , ' :o - - ). ,- 511,1111-1.1- i enter-It-rise- ' f os destheir .. i herd-head- y ed 1 - ' , tha tt, t 1 1,- ' regal----the- I .,- e. - i . '.' -- A.,. 't:-"- - ,,,,, -,.. : 7- - ,,,, ,.- ,,,, -- '''''''-""''' : ,- - - re i d' nt re --.- ...., |