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Show PAROWAN TIMES. PAROWAN. UTAH SEWING WOMAN'S WORLD car and carting them over, even the house is on the next block. Much can be done before the actual moving, and though, at first, this seems like an enormous job. It's well on the way to completion by the time youve made a list of what can be done, and know how it should be done. You'll undoubtedly call In a mov- - ljll handkerchi,!. then the ',! and the two the wide-eye- d pass safe. If Moving day Is comparative ly simple for this young home maker who has a reputable warehouseman parking her and glassware. Here she observes the mover carefully packing several plates In a stack with protective layers of shredded paper between earb plate. The stack is then wrapped in tissue paper and placed on edge In a soft bed of shredded paper in the bottom of the barrel which baa been tipped so the plates lay back. re FER Kerp Household Goods Properly Organised Get our pot and pans together before moving since they all go into excelsior barrels paddcl Toasters. Irons and waffle ironi should be covered and placed in the bottom of boxes or barrels with protection to keep them from mov ing about loosely. You dont want them dented or marred. Wrap silverware in tissue paper carefully, be It flatware or serving silver. These, too, are placed In barrels. All barrels and boxes should be numbered. Keep a listing of what goes under each number so you can extract from the right barrel when you want a certain Item. This avoids plowing Into barrels or boxes you aren't ready to unpack. ITS, no monotony In the solid colors this season, especially when two tones of color and several harmond t ising or contrasting colors are used to such good effect. The sketch of the model here shows how the basically simple lines of a classic gabardine becomes dramatic with the play of color. In thl case, two tones of gray are used, with silver pins highlighting the whole effect. Another popular combination Is d two shades of rich, brown. gold-tinte- Some Husbands Like Dreary Jobs Glove "ISN'T LIFE HARD enough and X confusing enough, without hav a few months ago he cut out a Ing to do the work you hate?" asks picture of a whaling boat being Linda Curtis, from Albany. 'My life tossed about in the ocean, and it Neat House Dress is full of excitement and interest, makes my heart ache-- for him. It ESIGNED to flattering the she goes on, and I see to it that isnt fair that a man should be tied our four children have a wonderfiJ down by a dependent wife and four larger figure is this neat house time. Cut my husband, patient and husky kids, when, at heart, hes dress. Cut on simple wrap-aroun- d lines, it ties softly at one side, is pood and everything that Is satis- a boy longing for adventure." factory, plods along day after day, It doesnt seem to me this Is a trimmed with bold ric rac. and year after year in the dullest problem at all, Linda. Martin is imaginable business selling men Pattern No. 3178 Is a sew-rltdoing what millions of men have suits. pattern for alzes 38. 38. 40. 42. 44, to do. Reporting at the office, put- 48, 48, 50 and 52. Size 38. 5 j yards of "You see, weve always been ting in eight hours with time out poor, hardworking people, and if for lunch, on rather drab and The Fall and Winter FASHION s 64 pages of helpful Martin ever had any dreams of routine work. If Martin in his heart sewing Information home for sewers designs. Starting out for himself and break- didnt like this work, didnt find it Ideas for gifts to makespecial free pattern ing away from the rut he is in, he's satisfying, believe me he would printed Inside the book. 25 cents. never been free to realize them. have worked his way out of it long "The children are mixed twins ago, and into something that gave of 7, girl 5, baby 3, and they keep his and THE READERS COURTROOM D e d con-tain- energy imagination more scope. The truth is that he is a quiet, fine unimaginative, man, who quite possibly likes his work. Many a man would Infinitely prefer selling other men their overcoats, recommending the cheviot,, discussing the tweed, than handling four lively children for 14 hours out of the 24. You are born with a joyous, courageous, generous nature. It speaks through every word of your letter. Most women want to take; you are that rare woman who wants to give. If Martin works hard eight hours a day; you work twice as hard nearly twice as long. Go on your glorious way, Linda, and dont worry about Martin. As long a3 you all love him, and his dinner is good and hot, he'll be all special dates pOR EXTRA striking frock for juniors that fits like a glove, has diagonal lines accented with big novelty buttons If you prefer, three quarter sleeves are also provided. e e troubls to Pkfcn. tod r. i e soothe and heal r te Earned bronchial mucosii to TeU your of Creonmlaoo r- - '1 demanding you mua Ife&T quickly allays the coig-t- o ' a bottle have your money Pattern No. 189S Is a sew-rlt- e ed pattern In sizes 11, 12. 13, 14.perforat18 and 18. Size 12, 4Vk yards of 35 or SEWING 830 leatb CREOMULSI! CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Wells 81. Chloaie 7. 11L C!IAI1V Enclose 25 cents In coins for e.tcb pattern desired. Pattern Size No. .n- Name Addreso - . of LIFE?: .. Are you going ttroufl a, Uonal middle tge' pmoc to women for your fascinating Needlecraft Book-to- day I Illustrations of your favorite needle-hobie-s the choicest designs and the most concise patterne available. Beginner easy designs, and Ideas worthy of an expert's attention. A free needlework pattern printed In the book. v Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. P. O. Bex 6740, Chicago 80, III. or O. Box HU, Old Chelsea 6UUoa, New Terk 11. N. T. Encloae 20 cento for pattern. A boy got mad at the girl next door, and gave her a couple of slaps. The little girls father, who happened to see the incident, rushed up in fury. He not only shoved the boy away from the baby but gave him a severe whipping as well. Later a A very pretty blonde suffered a knee injury in a bus accident, and sued the bus company for damages. At the trial, her lawyer put her on the witness stand and asked her to exhibit her knee to the jury. The companys to a P. lielp Them Ueaav the! of Harmful Bod; V Your kidneys irt eoeitutfy waate matter from the blot w kidneys sometimes fagotto not act aa Katurs No. Name Address dot imparities that, U and spat poison the system body machinery. Symptoms oaf bs ucpt 4 persistent headache, statu getting op nights, the eyes a feeling of 4 sad s anxiety and lots ol pep or Other signs of kidney order are sometimes tout 4 V too frequent urination. There should bsoodoobitutf ti POPS BIGGER right MORE TENDER ANDNOHUUS treatment AMERICA'S FAVORITE Baldpafe Keys is maer tbsswpj Doan' t PtlU. Docn't haw bssi 4 new friends for mors tM wn' I They have a natioa-Are recommended h7F,MlJf Ait ito country over. j JOtlYy Jirie ESTES PARK, COL. There are nearly 12,000 of those keys to Bald-pat- e now. e attorney immediately protested that, because of the witness unusual beauty, such an exhibition . . with a big bug . . " would "unduly influence the jury my watch to be mended and pick on her behalf." However, the court up my made-ove- r hat, and go home overruled this objection and al- for lunch and and quiet naps, lowed the jury to see the girls mending at my dining-roowindow knee. until the scholars come shouting and weeping home at 3. Then we all have tea, and perhaps go over If Your Cab Driver is Reckless, to the park for another hour of Should You Speak Up? games and gossip, and it is all so After working late at the office, interesting. But Mart comes quieta businessman called a cab to take ly in during the supper scramble and takes his paper and turns on him home. On the way a gale sprang up. The wind was so fierce his radio, and looks on at our riots. I try, the letter goes on, to that branches, trees, and even tele damage suit was tiled in the boy's phone poles came bring him into everything. I sugdown crashing name against the baby's father Heedless ot gest he take Butchy-butcupstairs, danger, the cabbie or and the court ruled that the man carry the twins off for a country even slow down. The didnt was indeed liable The judge said Sunday if I am kept home by one was frightened, but "There was great provocation, but of Madeleines bad times with her to "sit t ght and say nothno justification." He explained that ' ears, but he seems too tired way the father had a right to protect aingcurvePretty soon the cab rounded deep down in, too tired to rouse and smacked right into a his child against attack, but had himself to much interest in it. Hell no right to take revenge for mis ask me what beach shall I take chief already done. them to? What'll I do when we get there? Could You Collect Disability Make His Life Fun If Well Enough Can you suggest," finishes this To Visit the Doctor? generous-heartesome way wife, m which I can shake the best man A bank clerk took out some disin the world out of his groove, and ability insurance, payable if he make life as much fun for him as should be "strictly confined to his for me? The children I can house always by sickness. Some time handle; they are obedient helpful later he contracted an eye disease angels, all four, and are all promisthat forced him to quit work. He ing to take jobs someday and help had to stay in the house at all fallen tree. The passenger was Mother and Dad and 1 believe they for times, except occasional trips thrown against the front seat and will- But Mart is 44 now; he is 11 with his wife to the doctor's office suffered a dislocated shoulder years older than I am. and if he The insurance company refused to Later he sued the cab company for goes plugging on much longer he'll pay him anything, on the ground damages, saying that the driver be too old to make a dash he that was not "strictly confined should have been more anycareful But where. to his house." However, when the the court denied his claim on the "Should we pull up and go to matter was taken to court, the tn ground that the passenger was South surance company was ordered to equally at fault The judge said Would America and take a chance? pay up. The Judge figured that, il that, when the you advise my taking a Job danger is obvious, a man couldnt do any more than the passenger should have enough (I'm almost a professional photog go to the doctor' office, be was a rapher) and sending him away? gumption to tell the driver to slow ThJ other night he was Pretty !ck fellow. me down! an article on the South reading Seaa. and h n 38 piii. make you suffer from ba ! feel so nernow, highjtna Then do try Ljdie e Vegetable Compound to a symptoms Pint hum Crz also ba whet Docton a. mschlo tonic effecti LYDIA E. PiNKKAM'S Collection Highlights Rocky Mountain Hostel Will Bernard, LL.- B- If youve ever been a tourist in Colorados Rocky M o u n t a 1 n national park you surely have seen the keyroom at Baldpate Inn. It has keys from all parts of the world large keys, small keys, keys of strange shapes and bizarre histories. The Inn Is a modest log building just off the South St. Vrain Canyon road, about 10 miles from Estes Park village and an easy two hour drive from Denver. The west wing of the inn is pretty well given over to the key collection. Keys hang from the round log rafters and cover the pine walls. Visitors are encouraged to add keys to the collection, tagged with their names and the date. Gordon Mace. Baldpates proprietor, who is getting a bit thin on top himself, talks about the keys with as much sparkle in his friendly blue eye as he must have shown the day he and his brothers started the collection. "Yes, close to 12,000 keys now, he said, but they dont come in as fast as they used to. People who know about the collection wait until they get something really special before they send it along." Mace has devoted one whole section of walls to keys sent to him from cities on the war fronts by Americans in the armed services who once visited Baldpate. There Is a key from the Imperial hotel at Tokyo in this batch and tiny one reputed to open a drawer of Hitlers desk. A chaplain in New Zealand wrote Mace he was sending him "the most important key in New Zealand. It was an opener for a C ration tin. The pilot of a bomber based , lexas wrote Mace he would drop him a key by parachute the next time be flew Into Colorado. On the designated day he swooped low over Lake Estea. down the valley from Baldoate. and let fly. bid. for Coughs, Chest Ci lds,ln Classics for the Living Room Lure Tourists Spare the Rod, Stay Out of Court May You Spank The Neighbor's Child? J 3-N- There' much-use- h -- By SHARP SHOr KATHLEEN NORRIS self responsible for any breakage which might occur. Fees are determined by the hours worked. The heaviest dishes should be parked at the bottom of tie barrel and lighter ones on top to cut down on breakage. Plates should never be placed flat, but rather stood on Avoid break age during moving edge to resist breakage if the barrel Is dropped. Professional movers er. or a warehouseman, as they are the barrel to get the sometimes named, for the Job. For usually tip proper pack. your own safety and peace of mind, select one who Is reputable. If fur Glassware Needs niture or other good are to be Careful Packing stored, the reputable dealer Invites If possible, never pack the glass inspection of his quarters. After all, ware in the same barrel as the youre going to trust him with the dishes. If you do not have enough family possessions! glassware for a separate barrel, it me busy and happy and laughing Heres the Routine and scolding all day long. My life For Moving Day has variety enough in it, and I try Your rugs and carpets will be to share that variety with Mart on moved first. After this come the week ends and during his brief dinnerware, glassware, silverware, summer vacations. We have eight pots and pans. Unless youve made weeks in a mountain cabin; he has two. arrangements for having lunch, and possibly dinner out, better be preSame Old Round pared with a thermos of hot coffee "Were always picnicking and and sandwiches, along with paper having weeny roasts and treasure plates and cups for the noontime hunts; his life is the same old meal You many not want to tear round. Office at 9, stock arranging, yourself away from the packing doors open at 10, fussy men and long enough to get a snack outside of home, and this Is an excellent fussy women criticizing, lunch sandwich at the drugstore next door, Idea for the meal since you dont four more hours of it, and home on have to rely on your household and cut down confusion, too. crowded bus. equipment You may plan to pack the dishes may be packed in the same barrel "Every day with him is the same. yourself, or have the mover do it with the dishes, but special pre- Every hour with me is different. for you. If you do it yourself, the cautions must be taken against The twins hang over me dictating what they want packed for lunch; materials may be provided for you: breakage. shredded paper, barrels and tissue Protective excelsior bedding is Madeleine leaves me with a big hug at the nursery school door, paper. If the mover takes care of needed for each piece. Each piece Butchy-butcand I do the marketithe entire operation, he makes him of glassware is wrapped in tissue ng, and stop to gossip, and leave f Junior Style Rates Applause paper. Fragile atemware need spe cul tissue paper wrapping to protect the shank When wrapped, professionally barrels with dishes and glassware s'low no free space for the dishes to move since a slight move might shatter several pieces. If not the who e barrel. The pack la tight and Makc a Safe Move MRS. X recently moved most of her best chin broken beyond repair. When Mr, (t gjve up her home several year lo, the furniture which she had he re stored was found useless a covered It, and it had to be given away. Mr. S., on the other hand, bad dinner In her new home the lame day she moved. Moving doesn't occur too often for any of u, but when It does, it should be a smart move as well as a safe one. The Job of moving is actually a very scientific one. When you follow the rules you'll have a minimum of distress and confusion. It's a big Job to move household goods from one house to another, or from one town to another. It' not a matter of piling things Into the yHFN Cp An author got im 8ndu continued hh1 Slim Home Style for Matrons Moving Need Not Cause Confusion, Care By Ertta Haley CIRCLE PATTERNS the living pUTmood room in a party with these stunning chair decorations! Easy to make from the simple charts. filet-croch- et Thoroughbred luxury for your chairs and sofa! Easy crochet Pattern 7196; charts, directions. ADDRESS Heres cent in coin. YOUR NAME and PATTERN NUMBER good news! Send 15 cents more TALKING- - IT OVER vwvw KEPT MY FAVORITE RECIPES TOO ALLyoUPOlSSPjJ (A SSKKSfrf THEN STIR SO.;. Get 3 packages at a time. Keep it ready to use whenever you want it. 3 times as many women . "TiEisciraiirs wisr . I ? |