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Show jff census returns, most of which are now in, show a larjte increase in Ike population of the Colony. TELEGRAPH NOTICE. NAT SMALL AND GEORGE DYMOCK. their pe mount or legal representative and all otheri whom it n;T concern: FOREIGN. You are hereby notified that we bare performed tVe Iklior aud nittde tke improvemeuta on the JenPanama, 13. The wealthy families of Lima are ex- nie Ledge Mine, iu Lucin Mitring District, Box Eli'er countr. Territory of Utah, required ly law. cited over the failure of Julian Seasac-ondicuthereof with you, and j our probeing the unfortunate speculator, to portion, there in now dne on account thereof, from whom they entrusted their ot you, raid Nat Small, $107.33, and from yon, with each money out security. Hi8 liabilities are over saiil George Dymock, $128.78, for lubor improve ments ou raid Jennie Leage nine. $2,500,600, not d Therefore you are further notified that if at the covered by assets. expiration of one hundred and eighty days from this notice, you fail or refuse to eon Ui Chili has been bitten by forged drafts the date of naid nta vour proportion, yoor several interests sold to the Valparaiso bank to the u said mine will hecorne our property, pursuant amount of 82,000, by an American, A. to Fee. 5 f the Act of Congress, approved May 10th, 1872, entitled, an act to promote the dcvelopuieut G. Wendell, son of Dr. Wendell, of New of the mining resources uf the Tnited iitHte.i Rail-roa- d t.it Against a Big Swindling in Central America. York. Rome, !3. is stated in diplomatic circles that England has offered her services in ad- Riot in It justing the differences between Brazil and the Argentine Republic. AMERICAN. supposing Kelly, of Oregon, the after that post office bills notice Cave would ask the Le of tboutdbe disposed to provide for bill the consider to kSeuate the construction of the Poitland, Dalles line. i Salt Lake ofrailroad and telagraph notice he that Vt., gave r;jmnds. would object to it. Laughter. The House committee on Territories have ngrced to report a bill defining the qualifications of delegates from TerritoT 25 years ries; that a delegate must be ef ggc, a citizen or resident in the Terto represent, ritory which ho is chosen no that md further person guilty of bigbe allowed to n shall or polygamy amy to-da- to-da- delegation addressed in behalf of the overflowed of their State. The subject of raining funds was referred to the managers of the Chamber of Commerce. ISinghampton, N. Y., 13. Wm. McDougall, a member of the Canadian Par'iament, was arrested here on a charge of perjury, in a lumto-da- to-d- ber suit. Pittsburgh, 13. The Chinese at Beaver Falls levolted against their superintendent at "chuck" because he refused to distribute rice to them. Tbey attacked him with knives and pistols, and were quieted by the police who knocked down a number, and with the assistance of citizens arrested twelve of the ringleaders. Albany, 13. A flood in Prattville, Green county, has carried away houses and barns and caused the death of one person. New Orleans, 13. ts. llruK clrllcdii'iiieM Gents' and Boy's Heady Made Clothing, IN GREAT VARIETY. CELEBRATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, ltain, and Whitewater Wagons WOOLEN MILLS' OGDEN, -A- AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Farming JJnj-gie- Are new in ruuniHg order and turning out Z. C. VACONS r a33-l- ESTEY ORGAN. STRAYED OR STOLEN CIROM THE RANGE NEAR RICHMOND, ONE THE MADB AXi PWtEST-TOXKSTRLMENT UANUITACTUEED. BEST heavy with foal, no brand, do white. I will pay ar or informa J25.1H) for the recovery of aaid :ll leaa o it immcuiaictj. tion teal V. WM. VlSHKR, liicuoiond, Cache Co., Utah. WAGONS, IV- - CIIAMPIOX. WOODS, EXCELSIOU and WOllMt XOWEKS, Dropper or Self Rukcrs. Agent for Northern Utah, JOHN FOWLER, - OGDEN. Termt Eaty, Rates Reasonable. Wood's Mowers Orders by letter promptly attended to. SELF RAKE REAPERS Instructions given bj the quarter. I. M. C. o oueht to bww. nh IT IB W JMtf at y the London post otSoe authorities and tamers built especially for the Transpacific line are running, it is expected prove as successful," us a mail route, U has for V passengers. 1 nM mmtm ftnrt ex Wl Y tfl make money, is to proeur territory too Introduce the latent umivU inTenuon iium family, a by Try one, every whera, who baa full iied Sawing machine with Table and Treadle lor only $10 that does the aame work a a Machine Vom wuuld pay SSO for, rapid, amooth and firm, . .in,m tha rloth will tear before i. tli nMtchrti rip apert. Kipht new attaehmenU w .i for all wurk and the improved Butten Uu onlv need lUow tliem oni Anr i wwration to el'l in ry Uoutt t hey wter. $30 nH imwarda rleartd daily by eruart atenti. No '(.!-anr nfTarl at anv Inr.h tirlce R5.000 aold last year. 3B0,(i00 Knniihee we them. liemand increasiug every day wnere iney become ma. kaowu. Minister, jnatfwi, iawyere. atn iwfVwt themrjians free to flrit applfcwtts. If there in Kiuhta W nlu-write for lL or liuv a ..." i. .. ti - rr-,!rr a mlitlnn. there ie nmn r 1 CB1DI 1W U all paru of better or o cheap. Macaw tbacimntrv on rn.wi In tieement boiriBmiii''500 aaved in every wraijij, 19-- tf TIIRESniXG MACHINES and NLLKY RAKES. Tb r.Uhrit.d Til OM AN RMOOTIII'i IIARROVT. varraated in make the . 9 the test cultivator for gran, grain, corn r potatyai, t uiTea'ed. Our Wl rruii can have a Harrow ou trial. Theae Department will also fir. tnformaUon and recta ordera for TURBINE WHUKI.S, HACU1NES, CR18T and SAW MILLS, or other article not umially k.ft in tock. TIIATCIIEn, DARK AIII WHITE, ork-....- l. GHOOER COXFECTIOXER Y. et ..in. w4-t- W. H. HOOPER Superinfendent. FROM TIIK Agent fer PateBt AlutniBous Build ing 1 aprr. IV JIOWE OUT 1 1 SEWING MACHINE. Bzrr is tiik vtqrld: rr.n f kct kd rpiiB X fcy he JurenUir of the SewiDg il'lnrn-- , tlfcUTINO SALT LAKE CITT, SLIAb 1IUWE, Juu. COULD NOT DO Hides, Furs and Pelts Bought. BETTER Au HOXESTMACHIXE and not subject lo FITS. THAN TO POINTS 0F"lUPER!0RITY! CALL A AD EXAMINE Oppeeite farden trot., WatchmJir, EOUA3T. CACHE COTOTY. iia-t- f Simplicity and Perfrclion of Mechanism DINWOOMY'S Durability will last a Range of Work without IraiMenKe Stock SU5IMEK IIEItD. a 1'aralM. Perfection of Stitch and Tension. find rtf finmitinn I'ia OF ? t n ir AQENT, 00 DO. PEOPLE AND Ml T AO ENT, LOGAN. SOtf . t k J. F. REED. A Bed anil to be MOflKN ..... Exhibition, which 'lose! recently, was in some features the jst successful ever held here. The anoaier part minipi"-i- . luifrvpri Co., ttmal t no3T.itT 3. Mutu-10provme.t in the stock exhibition os torn: y New York. .'. ,9rJ narked. From Nrw Zo aland. A dead-lochas nTTrTVDTrpC! employment a VotR tolen in the Colonial Legislature on f he II U XX xXeJ wntunen or travlrg. .Thowork conKeniiil, h'mortile,' and Vion cf the Educational Mil. ' The i. )irtya the hwtt naythiDf ever ""P "Durham" hat ben" wrecked on Urn-irKTiIi. tilee and romnlf outfit kUj Island. - Th iflnT snd trew nuiiehfir- wy to l'apeie. a ditnc 4 WW, A Cr., Ttl anuTCiSute St, CbJcvi;,. ovr I J Oil w. ,(j miiea, jn an open boat. The 1 I. !M. -- s4G-lr- 11 r II. HOGPER, Superintendent. NOTICE. Z. 7, Harness and Trimmings. California a41-t- Mtwers, Improved despatch from Portland, this even- sum on. ing, announces that the entire Dento Self R<e Keaper with Mowing At era'ic Sia'e ticket has been elected. In the Seuaie there are eleven tachment, $200.00. Republicans, fiitie Democrats, and ten Independents. In the House, sixteen W. n. HOOPER, Supt. a Republican, tenty-twDemocrats, and twenty-tw- o City, by Que. The Sidney Herald of May 9tk says, Toe rival mail established by this colo-Ddoes not compare so unfavorably uh the delivery of our mails here, per lacific Ocean steamer, though the time f transmission between Kagland and Sau Francisco what exceeds invariably Implements. to Order on Short Xotlec. Vi TERMS CASH! Iron to-da- s uifsr WOOD'S Independents. Jack Rrauoan, a rough of this city, m shot and y mortally wounded w Virginia liotts. LSO,- Wi ii eh ester and Democrat Light Spring Wagons, y A inter-Colouiu.- Ae., ie.. Stoves and Tinware, .Vol ions. ! and Concord Harness bird was laboriously fly FIIIST-CLA8- 8 CXOTII, a near tigerish-loo- k the ground, ing M HICH WILL BE ing cat spied aud gave it chase. The bird flew as best it could, but the cat's mm no EXCHANGED FOR WOOL ihuuiSm. it, sift, stealthy steps gained upon A 11 TT?na at reatiOnablc ratei. nf Pmdunn VnmarAnA in a r.TT VnXnt n C,n,fcf V. and the fate of the poor hrd seemed scaled. But its terrified cries brought All Orders Sent to M. THATCHER, Logan, will Receive relief, and just as the cat pounced Wool Wanted Immediately. in seized half and it her mouth, Prompt Attention. upon f A. RAXDA1.L. a dozen old robins lit on her back with such fury that, dropping her W. prey, she incontinently turned tail and flew across the yard, the relent less robins pursuing her and filling the air with their cries. Not till the "I"! TE, THE UNDERSIGNED, II ATK THIS DAY Y cat took refuge in an adjoining buildl7 uutuar conoeot, tfiBiolVBd partnerliip. 00chase ing did the robins give up the Logan City, Utah. 1874. and return to the vounc bird. The April ih, BRANCIIES OF OUR WAGON HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & WE and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, OGDEN, latter was unhirt, and the noise o eo tb&t the peoplt f the Nurtlictn the contest having drawn to the spot IUATE THIS DAY BOUGHT THE BUSINESS Counties can purclwae without coming to Salt LakcCiljr. formerly kn.wn ai yarn t or thirty other robins, it fcmith. and will receive twenty-fiv- e money and pay ait lia & MACHINERY of (aid firm, from N'o. Tth IWA to April WE GUARANTEE completed its day's practice under bility M. H. VAItNES. Sth. 1874. Logan Wry. Rupptied t. tbeee point M being the beet, after much itu.ly and experience, and know tLat Pun kiM-ample protection, and amid a clatter April 8tb,187 can rely on ttua Tesomniendati.n. in 6eldom heard bird of tongues ing northern dimes. 40-l- m treasure. The 3IAC11INE half-fledge-d San Francisco, 13. The Pacific Mail steamer "Japan" At LOGAN, OGDFN or SALT tailed at noon for Yokohama and LAKE CHI. Hong Kong, carrying fifteen cabin passengers, two hundred and eighteen We h a full irapply f the above machine! teerage passenger?, five hundred and and will cloae them oat at tne tciiowing price forty Dnscf freight, and $425,000 in to-da- Cala.sswarc, y A robiu had built a nest under the north stoop of the court house at Genesee, ti. 1., and a few days ago her brood of young robins made their first attempt to fly. As one poor, to-da- y, le-ve- Crockery, WANTED. ' The Levee convention met delegates being present from all the overflowed districts in Louisiana A committee was appointed to visit Washington and solicit aid in rebuilding the Lucin Mining District. Bated at Ogdeu City, Juuc 3d, 1874. to-da- present any Territory in Congress. St. l'aul, 13. The hearing was commenced yesterday against the St. Paul and Pacific railroad company ou the application for a receiver, it being claimed the road is insoh ent, the and the managers have diverted The funds from their proper channels. directors deny all the material allega tions and it is believed a receiv r will The Dutch bondnot be appointed. holders are the instigators of this suit. The respondents Bay if this hostile attitude is persisted in the road and all parties interested will suffer. Savannah, 13. The steamer "Hover" grounded off Five persons Doboy on the 7th inst. were drowuei and the rest made a raft and were rescued after four days. The Louisiana y the citizens Hoot aiiul Shoos, lints and. Caps, HM, .10 UK OKO. W. STILHS. CARDING RETAIL AND Dry Goods, iilroeeries, liar fl ware, The American pilgrims assured Cardinal Berrimio that ou their return they will advocate the organization of a reguJOHN CARDONj lar pilgrimage to Rome. The pilgrims purchased an immense number of photographs of the Pope. MOUND FORT, - Xear Ojden. Berlin, 13. Von Baron Der Ileydt, formerly MinII ae hi Machine with new Tarda, and ister of War, is dead. m now prepared t Paris, 13. The measures adopted by the Govern ment to prevent a repetition of CARDWOOLON SHARES the scenes of yesterday and Thursday at (Kvkry Sixth Pound) the W estern depot on the occasion of the departure of the deputies' train, proved or at the rate of nine cents a pound. effectual. 40 it General De In the Assembly, Cassey, Minister of War, introduced a bill modifying the regulations for the WOOL mobilization of the army in case of the out war. a of breaking The large fire last night, was not in the Northern railway depot, but was in the THE r.XCLESIOlt lumber yards adjacent. Washington. 13. has passed the House bill The Senate of War to asthe Secretary authorize ,o of expensea incurred certain the amount of Oregon and California tv the States Indian hostilities in in Philadelphia, 13. WHOLESALE one-thir- Saint Crois Sentenced. lfCJ and 1873. In the Senate c. m. i. e, Company. Chinese Branch, Logan TO T WILL TARE STOCK TO HT.H1 DURING tlte tlwuasr, on lilHtkMuitL'a Ir ork Kaug, at the following rate: L Horses per Head Horned Stock Sheen ' Keil'iced rate for rp May fk, Second rie nimiher, , from $3.00 FURNITURE! ; 2.50 Ttf ain Street to' 50 nomnwl from wst Coop. Clock. Firrt drive ' half-bloc-k F.lAi HAMMOND. sDttw - ,: !: Tahc-v- p. nd Rtamine our Style, and PrU ti at T. W. JONES', Tailor, . ' ThiX'i doo-- irvra 7C. M. I., Ogilni. SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., ' ' Ato, at tie SL7 i 1 , ; ; . . Call .. I bisboi" wrsrfi corral ouden - . v!-- WALL P1PLK and LEATHERS. JTanaycntrnf. Adjustable Jlffid. Self Adjust in y auct ElfkTu dl-- i'tailnel. door west of Z, C..,M titjr. ' icnt. Room", a few I., Sal Lkke " |