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Show Eagles Observe Mother's Day FAGER HEADS BINGHAM AERIE AE-RIE Bingham Canyon Lodge, Fraternal Fratern-al Order of Eagles held their annual an-nual election of offices at their meeting Monday night The meeting meet-ing was one of the most netbuslas-tic netbuslas-tic and largely attended held in the camp recently. Mr. Charles Fager of Highland Boy, was elected Worthy President, to serve for the ensuing year. He succeeds Past Worty President, Burt Hocking, who has Just com-. com-. pleted his third consecutive term in this office. It Is noteworthy that during the three years Mr. Hocking Hock-ing has occupied this office the! Lodge has seen its most phenomenal phenom-enal growth. The membership has increased and the enthusiasm of the organization has not waned under un-der his leadership. Mr. Fager is a young man, who has taken an active interest in the work of the Order and his election comes ns a Just recognition of his activities, The following officers will guide the destiny of the Lodge for the following year ; Charles, Fager, Worthy President ; Clive SIddoway, Worthy Vice President ; C. L. Countryman, Secretary; Burt Hocking, Past Worthy President nnd Treasurer, George Christopher-son, Christopher-son, Chaplain; Hurb Gust, Conductor; Conduc-tor; Matt Pazell, Inside Gnrad; Sidney Pragaskts, Trustee. On next Monday night, the Iodge will comiiMMiiorHte Mother's Day with a public program to which everyone ev-eryone is invited. The Honorable Parley P. Jensen of Salt Lake City, will deliver the etiology to the to the Mothers and every mother present pres-ent will lie presented with a carnation. |