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Show Department rove SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1923. AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1923. 7 -, , , , r .. ,. i-. .. . . . . . r - ..... . - ' & i JUliE 20III; III The executive cojnmittee met Monday night with several of the strawberry growers and definitely decided that June 20th would be the date for Strawberry Day a Every committee is working their hardest to get each detail de-tail in readiness for the big affair, r The program committee las outlined an exceptional program and if everything, goes u planned taw ww othh iaw moment from tayllgM Mil mldnUht hmi naw feataru wui ot Drongu ! m thit If anroo to looking for a ttil dy of morrymaktogi Tldef Inf feasted with toe moet delldoue ttrtwberrlet Ttr. grown, Pleasant Gnre will be the place on that date. Wc want to make It bom 'com. fee affair. w wtoft eTerrone wooia Irop a card or letter to their ont of town friend and relatlres and tell them that Pleasant Oror to going to entertain 20.000 people on Straw berrr Day. and we would Ilk them to he among the crowd. Five hundred cases of berries were ijTn away last year, and we expect to doable that number this year The committee Is receiving WQUlr- n In regards to concessions, and anyone who contemplates running any kind of a booth should pick 'out their location wrlf. jyA.lv; t ' i o . Boy Scouts Spent Uncomfortable Night Members of Troop CO of Boy 8couts f Salt Lake stopped over night in Pleasant Grove park enroute to Prove-to Prove-to conduct grare side ceremonies for thetr recent Bcoatm aster, Emmet D. Claft. who Is burled in the . Provo eemetery. Tho night was a eold and ' rainy on and the boys .were hardly prepared for such weather. On little lit-tle scout" cam up ' to the postofflce the next morning with wt feet and shivering with cold. Ths 'postmaster sHowed the little) fellow to warm him-Hlf him-Hlf by tb fire, The night of their arrival they were m high spirits as boys of that age eu be People residing near the park .knew of their arrival. J i; The class of American Literature, ander ths direction of Prot H. S. Merrill of the B. T. U completed its course Thursday. Th class has been In progress throughout th year.- - .if. : The following out of town people, former residents of this city, were seen at the cemetery Decoration day: Dr. and Mrs. CP. Westphal, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vaughn, Mr. and Mrs Jones of Magna; Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Atwood, Mrs. Caddis Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stewart, Martha tt Wadley, Mr. and Mrs. Anton An-ton y Hecker, Mr - and MnHElvln West Mr. and Mrs. Erkkson, all at 8alt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jepp-son Jepp-son of Payson, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Halli-day, Halli-day, Mr.! and Mrs. Hunter, Mr. ,nd Mrs. H. a Rasmussen of American Fork; Mrs. Frank Beers. Vsrnal; Mrs. Betha Larson Adams' of Layton. DOLLAIts'lN YOUB POCKET,' : HEN You can save on your clothes and get up-to-date merchandise ; e':::, :.;;: '-'I Uen'i Straw Hats Just int45 and up. See Windows. ' LADIES Fin thread silk hosiery reduced to $1.45 and House .Dresses .Dres-ses for $1.65! ' ' .':.""J. y . " ' ''--'' ROYAL CLOTHDIO STORE American Fork C Bsbmssn, Kgr. roa your w &r.t . . ;4V4:. . .;jMtj19l 11148 3!f,J.tK-' m . . . . . . 1 1 - wwmn t rft fiA - ifS" ittltflt ,uIia U, ' Jte m .Siai n)im iwtt-,-, -it BE STRAWBERRY DAY Jii APPOINTED SOT. Mr. David Gourley, who hag bees our high school principal for tha past four years, and who has helped to place our high school among the leading lead-ing schools of the state, Is (eavtng us to become ths Superintendent of th Alpine School District He has the highest esteem of the entire town, both as a teacher and a cittoen and we arc glad to se the school board recognize his worth and appoint him to this position. Mr. Gourley has been very .active In school work and in town Improve ments. He Is a booster tor any com mnnlty. - - Ws realise he will now hav to di vide his energies among the various schools of ths district and ws know also It will put forth the best effort in bis new position, and we hope fur ther that whoever to appointed to fill his placs in the school here will be Just such a worker for the uchool and a booster for the town as Mr. Gour ley has been. ' ' '. . o " - , ' " ' r.'; ; . Miss Hazel Keetch entertained the Senior M. L' A. girls at a PPer flower flow-er party Monday. All made different kinds of flowers during the erenlng. Lunch was served. "." i Mrs. Emma Cragun and children, Mrs. Ella Phillips and little daughter and Mrs. Zma,Paul and baby came from SmUhfleld Tuesday evening to aceomnany Mr. and Mrs. Edmund to Sprtajl; to Itlon day. , Mr and Mrs. Robert HcOmie, who have spent the . past five years in Pannii where Mr. McOmie U em ployed in the schools, are moving to Pleasant Grove for a few weekf visit during vacation. They expect1 to re turn to Payson the coming winter. eBMSBSsasw Mrs. F. 8. Humphries entertained at dinner for her husband's birthday Sunday. Thoe present wore:' Mr. and Mrs. Prank Humphles aao' family fam-ily and Mr. P. C. Adamson of American Amer-ican Pork; Mrs. J. T. Powell and childen of Uhl, and Miss Ines .Humphries. .Hum-phries. Covers were laid for 10. . Dr. and Mrs. O.. E Grua and children chil-dren left Thursday by automobfle for eastern potato. They will probably go as far as Denver by car and con- tlnue the Journey by train. Ths "doc tor expect to toie a snor pai-graduats pai-graduats course whils his family Ha. Its wlih relatives and friends., v Miss Blanch Clark entertained the( Seniors of the Pleasant -Grove high TMtif nlht The boys and girls I were entertained at a-plctnre ihow j first which featured Miss Clara Kim-ball Kim-ball Young In The Worldly Madonna.' ! After ths.ahowJhe young people j danced and played games at ths W. E. Clark home. They aiso.enjoyeu radio concert from Los Angeles. A dainty lunch was serrod. and a good time reported by all. ' ii i Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Huchel and children, chil-dren, Florence and Paul, left Sunday .trkt for-Parkersrille, 111 , to attend ihUm wedding of therdocior's! rBta. " They expect to stop off at Chicago and rlM with Frank Framp- ton, one of the graduates nrora ..1 .aii. ttinr. this spring. : The doctor expects to return home by he 18th ot June to get ready for Strawberry Straw-berry Day, as he is head of ths . decoration decor-ation committee.. . --V, ; JltiiR l,KH - . DAVID GOURLEY -crr IT" -t " a 1L L A; Conjoint v - t Meeting Sunday W&X ( Tollowlng ar some of the numbers which have bee arranged for ths program pro-gram to be rendered 8unday night in the Third ward M. L A. conjoint meeting: " Violin selection, Alfred 8wensos Solo, Ruby Radmall. ' - Reading. Vlda FugaL' - ' Paso sslsctlos. Ladle Wright Talk, Mrs. 3. L. Warnick. , , -The meeting begins at o'clock. An lnYitatlon is extended to aQ. Mrs. Hannah Parker of Vernal to ths guest of Mrs. Martha Woolley: Pleasant Gr.ove Locals Robert Loader left tor California Monday for an indefinite visit. -v Dr. and Mrs. Linebaugh spent Mem. orlal day at Moroni. Mrs. Genevieve Ellsworth spent Memorial day at Payson.' - Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Ellsworth of Payson, were Pleasant Grove visitors Sunday. ' ;:; ; The cast of ths play "Miss Hobbs," enjoyed a trip to Saratoga Tuesday night ' , Miss Myrtle Anderson, who has been teaching: school at Fairfield ths past term, returned home-Monday. Mrs. Eleanor Hayes of Provo, is visiting vis-iting this week with her daughter and husband,'' Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Johnson John-son aid family. ; Mrs. Florence Dlckersoa MoOowsn of Salt Lake Is visiting at the homo of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. '.. A. Dlckersoa. ' " X Mrs. John F. Clark returned home Monday after spending three weeks in the L. D, 8. hospital where she un derwent an operation tor cancer of the' breast 8h to steadily improving In health. John B. Miller and wife returned home to Manila Monday after a five day trip to Bryce's canyon and return, two days of which was spent In the canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Miller's daugh ter Lecta, was married early last week, and she and her husband stayed stay-ed home and tended the farm while the father and mother took the honey-1 moon trip- This to the latest way of j doing things good for the Old folks. The following Pleasant Grove peo ple attended the M. L A, speating contest of the three stakes, Nebo. Wasatch Wa-satch and . Alpine, held in the Provo Third ward meeting house Sunday night: Mrs. Lavlna FugaL Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Johnson, vlda Fngal, Al fred Nelson, Ethel BhoelL Harold Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nelson. Mr. Elroy Nelson received second place In the contest : WHEN ONCE umpanogos YOU WILL ALWAYS USE IT f" " v '.V-;:'; ;':',,lsant oeovb mills '5:: Phoned' v"v; ::fi-f xC 'r-H BICYCLE RACES I STRAWBESRY DAY Bring in your bicycle and let us see that it is in condition for the Big Rac es, i There are 15 valuable valu-able prizes to be given to the winners. You can win one if your bUEe is in the race. We will adjust it ';":. toe' ."V-; :; v; o. Ji-li Keaiaat Oroye Sons and Daughters of : Woneers Will Meet - The Sons and Daughters of ths Pio. neers wni hold their meeting on Thursday, June Tth, at S p. m. In ths tabernacle. The following program will be rendered:' ' ? V . . f History of Pleasant Grove Meeting Houses by Mary Gleason.' ' f Relief Society Work In Pioneer Days by Eliza Banks, i - v Graves on th Pioneer Trail to Utah by Mre. Clara Bullock. In addition to this, a number of musical selections will be given. Everybody Ev-erybody is invited. . .. H ft Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dial and children chil-dren spent Memorial day with relatives rela-tives at Shelley, Idaho. Mr Mary E. Kennah and daughter daugh-ter Helen of Heber, visited relatives and friends here Sunday. ,MIbs Pearl Beszant, while attempting attempt-ing to get, In a buggy Sunday, slipped hurting her left side. She has been confined to her home since. Mr. J. F. Clark and daughter. Max-toe, Max-toe, and Mrs. 0. E. Qrua motored to Salt Lake Monday and brought Mrs. J. P. Clark back from ths L D. S. hospital,' where the had undergone an operation. . ..... essesHBssssss v Among ths out of town people who attended the funeral of Mrs. Isabella Phillips Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lockhart, Mr. and Mra. George Madsen, Eileen Wright all of Provo and Mrs. Boardman of Wallsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Neils Swenson enter, talned at dinner Sunday night cowers were laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Peterson, Mr. and. Mrs. Glenn Mathews, Mr and Mrs. H. C- Robertson and Mr. and Mrs Geo. Peay. . , . ' ''Rise Verda Hair and Sterling Haws of Vernal, well known here, were married In the Salt Lake temple on Wednesday. Miss Lela Wlllett accom-panted accom-panted them to Salt Lake. They will return to Vernal soon where they will make their borne. The Relief Societies of the three wards of Pleasant Grove, Lindon 1st ward and Manila are making arrange ments to serve three cafeteria lun cheons on Strawberry day. Every thing rood to being planned. Watch tor further developments for lunch eon en Strawberry day. June toth. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Theobold. Mr. m di.i,.wi vr. I nr. uu an, au nd .Mrs. Tim Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Root. Walher ana ismuy; Mr. and Mra. Isaac Canham spent 8unday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richards, the occasion being Mr. Richards Mr-thday. Mr-thday. YOU TEY j.i'-V- PICNICERS! ; Get your picnic supplies and luhch goods, at : - Th. l; glare go. We have the largest and most complete line of : 1 V. Pickles, Saratoga Chips, ,..- , . .! ; . Bread, Butter, . Cakes, Canned Meats, Pork and ;;Beanv: Olives,'' ' Flour Matwpar Plates, Nap- YOUNG MOTHER CALLED BY DEATH Mrs. IsabeUa WUson Phillips, youngest daughter of Mr7 and Mrs. Spfers Wilson, died here Sunday mor ning. She was born and raised in Pleasant Grove, educated in1 the' pub lic schools here and. was well known and loved by all who knew her. She was it years of age, andJhree years ago was married to Mr. Roy Phillips of American Fork. Of this union. one eon was born. M!rs. FhllHps contracted the "flu", and tt to thought Brighfs disease was a result of this Illness. She had been 111 tor some time. She was taken to the L D. 8. hospital and . remained there four weeks : for treatment but as shs did not seem to improve rery fast she begged to come home to her mother. Mrs. Phil-1. llps. was at her old home here for a monm previous 10 ner aeain BeslcVts her husband and small son her parents and ths following broth ers and sisters survive: Mrs. Margaret Mar-garet W. BhoelL Mrs. Nettle W., Wad- ley, Mrs. May W. Cartoon, of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove; Geo Wilson and Mrs. Irene W. Peay of Garfield; Dan Wil son of Babbitt Min.; Tom Wilson of Santaquln; Mrs. Ethel W. Lawaoo and Angus Wilson ot Casper, Wyoming; Roy Wilson of Long Beach, Cat. ,. Members of the entire family were home tor the funeral which was held Thursday afternoon at S o'clock In the tabernacle hers, with Bp, M. 8. Christiansen presiding. ;. ' ;i : A Quartette, "Some Time Well Understand," Un-derstand," was given by Clarence Hilton. Vlda FugaL ., Ruby Radmal? and Niels Fugal. Prayer Ole Anderson. Ander-son. Song, girls' chorus, "Sister Thou Wast Mild and Lovely." Other musical mus-ical numbers were: Solo, Velms Ras. mussen; - violin solo, "End of a Perfect Per-fect Day," Alfred Swensoau The speakers were Jos, Hilton, Sanford Weeks, J. H Walker, Niels Fugal and Bishop Christiansen, v . Benediction was by R. DlWsdley, and the grave was dedicatee) by, Bishop Bis-hop B. D. Olpln. 4 . , Miss Annie Kirk vas a Farmlngton visitor .Thursday. Blanch Johnson was the guest of Miss Lola- Wniet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Thorns, and family were Payson visitors on De coration day.'"; ': '-.'' : , Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Thornton ' o( Salt Lake, spent Saturday and Sunday Sun-day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. E.- Cobbley. Albert Peck and wife ot Provo were !drtTto Joa tie road la a Ford ear sirucK by a high, powered car and tipped over. Outside of miner injur ies, neither was badly hurt Mrs. Wm. GUlmaa entertained at a children's party Sunday, in honor jot her f year old daughter. Donna. There were 11 guests present Game were played and a dainty lunch was served.-- Mr. and.Mrs.Byron Adamson entertained en-tertained at dinner oa Memorial day for jthe following guests: Mr. and Mrs A. O. Dons of Provo; Mr. and Mrs! J, M. Walker of American Fork! and Mr. and Mrs. U B. 'Adamson ot this city.. . , P0 SALE One I passenger Chevrolet touring car, body and one fly shuttle loom for . weaving. FOR BEST 1 front rooms, clothes closet bath room, electric lights, furnished fur-nished or unfurnished. - v HILIAB XIL803 Pleasant Oreve MOaKS5hOsKa A TIRE HADE 33 xSVi The RECK WIT HOU LOSS OF LIFE A rear mix up of cars oecured on ths state road near the home of T. H. Gleason Tuesday night . A truck going north was followed by a Ford sedan, Th sedan tried" to pass ths truck snd was met by a Ford touring ear with the result that both collided col-lided and the touring car was turned upside down. The front wheels and steering gear ot the sedan were brok. en and it was knocked straight across ths pavement No one was seriously Injured. . While the two Fords were righting themselves, a Gardner car drove up near the sedan and nearly stopped, but the lights from a Nash car eonv inK from Eureka blinded the driver .4 ths sedan being In ths way, these two cars collided also, breaking both ' cars and bruising" ths occupants ot both ears.'.,--u ' -;,'V.;C': None of the cars were in shape to r continue their traveling, and Pleasant Grove garage men were sent for. Wheels and extras for the Fords were furnished, but the large car owners had to send to Bait Lake for extras.,, Mr. Chris Christiansen and party," consisting ot two women and fonr children, remained", at the . 51om home over atgbtv . Though it wag an. expensive accident acci-dent in the line of ' " one was seriously Injured.' . ' Primary Conference First - Ward Last Sunday Primary conference was held last f Sunday to the First ward. Following i are the numbers which , con'stituUd . the program: - Song, "Welcore -Sunshrne.1: .' t "Prayer, Ray Fsntoa.', - Song by Boys Grade,: "Welcome to AH." V---,; ;; ' . Sacrament' - - ' 11 Talk on Primary work, by Pres. Mrs. R. O.' Page. - , -' 1 Exercise. "Beginning of Mormon- , ism," by Fifth Grade. ' ' ' Kindergarten exerdees.''-Song. exerdees.''-Song. Sea Gull Girls, (Seal Gull v Plsdge.) -; --.iSrf ' -x-ik , f Third Grade, , Memory Gems. - ng, "Uttle Frisxy CaterpllUr" by Second Grade. . Remarks, SUke Board Members, Mrs, M. E. Bets ant and Miss Chlpman. Second Grade, Cricket and Sea Gull v Exercise. Remarks.' Bp., B. D. Olpin ' , . ,. Song, "Thy Word to Like a Garden" Prayer, Charles Harper. -'- -v - - - i ; Mrs. T. Hi Gleason was a Salt , Lake visitor on Decoration Day. '. Mrs. Amelia : Burnham. who . has, . spent the past winter as housekeeper of the school for boys at Ogden, returned re-turned home tost week. Mrs. Burn- ham and her family expect to spend the' summer' here at their old home. . IT'S ABOUT TTMB TO take that canyon trip Before you start--"' " v STOCK UP at ' ARROWHEAD , . ;Y SERVIC3 BTATI0:( Day and Night Service1 Gas; Oils, Tires, Tubes : and Accessories' . . ,-. ..; . ' -:r. - Also a good supply of ; lunch goods and confections. confec-tions. V. BY GOODYEAR, a .......... - ' !ti tiitrf.tit uni$Mm .Spoons, mdeaSidJcCe ti to. juaiy s l h im v iri'J np Wrft .jiilf8 --M. lui""il. IHtN |