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Show TUESDAY TIIE BOX ELDER PACE SIX N c um-d- J o urn al A Semj-Weekl- NEWS-JOURNA- sevcial weeks of actual combat I do operations in the rain and seen mean rain. I have never so much moisture in a period ot sevcial weeks befoie and it was! leally something to rerr.e i.ber. Ve have also experienced two whenl days of heavy some of our areas have acti(kntally been set afire, but then) we die getting to the point where these things are taken right day s .dong with the tegular WrlM TOEY Newspaper Successor to y THE BOX ELDER NEWS (Established 1H) and T1IE BOX ELDER JOURNAL Mr. William Long, Editor, Box Elder Bi igham City, Utah. Dear Mr. Long: For the past seven months I have been receiving the Box l Elder and I want w (U K. to say at this time, that I have At the p.csont time we aie enjoyed every copy I have re- located in Boiling Springs Iaik ceived. The unusual effect that of Wood-waid- , the home town news has on a about 6 miles outside Oklahoma. This aiea Is pei son so far away from home I read completely is really astounding. camouflaged and ' through every page and read cannot be seen from the air and every item so as not to miss any- dunng eaily spring, through the summer and in the eaily lall, it thing. I have been away from Brig- cannot be seen fiom the load. ham City neaily lu months' now This training consists of learning and dunng this period I have to live in a combat area and l rally learned a lot of new setting up enough camouflage to things and have loahed a lot piotecl youisclf fiom the air of new expel lemes. I never had We are only allowed to walk in any idea the army would be as ccitain places and have to folinteresting as it has been. I low certain roads and ate not have enjoyed every minute ot allowed to touch or deface any my time so far, but must admit ,of the natuial settings in the that there ate times w'hen Id area. This is really one part of like to be back home for a while, our training that I have really but I guess theres plenty of time enjoyed. The aiea has refunded me so much of the Box Elder for that later. When I first enteied the ser- Park in Box Elder Canyon, My job in this Service Gioup vice I was sent to Foit Warren, Wyoming, for my basic training is proving to be very intei esting and after the completion of this too. I have chaige of the issutraining I was chosen to remain ance of rations to the whom there to a'd in the special train- Service Gioup. The gioup is diing insti uetions. This woik con- vided into several companies and sisted of teaching the soldiers each company has it's own mess who had not been fortunate ball. We transport the ra'ions enough to receive an education into this camp lrom some Base how to read, write and work Quartermaster at a huge air arithmetic pioblems. Also to base and then break tnem down teach them how to follow instruc- in piopoition to the number of tions and oi dors by signs, so men in Mch company. I have1 that when they enteied their 10 men to help m wth this job lrspective jobs in this army they and it is so,neihi.,g 'hit has to would not be too handicapped bo done cviry day without fail. Most of these fellows were re- Be.ng in this clas of supply has cent citizens and aliens who had convinced me mom tna i ever aheady applied for citizenship that the army moves on its stomach papers. This woik was very and lasted aprox'mate-lWc have certairiy been treatthioe months. At the end of ed swell in the1 dilfeient towns this petiod I was transferred to no eties we have been m and Will Rogers Field and was as- bave met an a.e.nc ated with signed to a Quartermaster ComThis nas nice very people pany servicing an ar- - squadron been one of the gieat advantages and up to the pre-etime have ot the army sa tar. I gue.-,-- , if been receiving the necessary I weient in the aimy I d never training it takes to really become have been able to set1 all ot these efficient at these certain jobs. places and meet all thesr peoWe have been in several bivouac ple.. It is something that y au aie a different goirtg to be able tc look back on aieas, receiving type of warfare training in each in the future and bo mighty glad News-Journa- (Established Inc. Published by The Box Elder WILLIAM M. I)NG, Editor & General Manager Advertising Manager () G LINNARARYPublished every Tuesday and Friday afternoon at Brigham, Utah, and entered as Second Claus Matter at the post office in Brigham, Utah,1879.in January, 1009, under the art of March, 3, 1909) News-Journa- REAPER. the aircraft carsome publicity for rier reader has The newspaper average lately. almost forgot she existed in this war for the simple reason that she has been in the thick of it so constantly almost any mention ot it has been censored. Elder Old Lady, Enteriiri.se, came in The navys Subscription Rates: Anywhere In Box 25c a County $2 50 a year, $1 25 for six months, 00 Box Elder County$3 month; outside ji yeaix Subscriptions must be paid in advance. Publication offices, 44 South Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Cook (the former co. clerk) received a letter from their seagoin son mently, with the return address U. S. S. Enterprise, out of a west coast fleet I wonder what ship that is, post office. But Confusing Amusing Merlin wondered, as he picked up the and sat dowm to read. John Jones? Oh yes, he lives up there aminer on the Smithers property. You know, you It was almost as if I had Ally Oops mago up to the post office, then east to where There in the the old Johnson house burned down, then gic belt, Merlin chuckles. south. Its just across the street from paper was a big feature story about the where the cider mill used to be. Theres another one in this Enterprise. but it's weeks Time mag, about how the Enterprise That may be a little not too far out of line with the way in which and her crew have been cited by the presione citizen of Brigham might have directed dent for outstanding performance in another to a certain address, a few years Standard-Ex- far-fetche- d, ago. heard it, understand. Im Hut from the wav imagination. using my many houses in Hrigham are numbered, with .absolutely no regard for accuracy, it must be pretty accurate. One of these days, were going to discover that Brigham City has grown suddenly d little town. into a up pretty A lot of people have movel to town, who dont remember when the old cider mill stood across the street from where John Jones lives now. Its easy, and friendly, and to me it seems rather nice that a small community can exist without the necessity of regimenting its homes into anything so cold and mathematical as a street and number. Somehow, I like the idea of Will Johnson being neighbors with Herb Adams and Fred Williams, instead of just 337 south Second east. Iut Im afraid we have to face it. The former system just isnt practical any longer. Now certainly is a tough time to start enforcing the city ordinance regarding house A lot erf the numbers in the numbering. telephone book are wrong, I guess. If they arent, it's more confusing. I.ecause the actual number of a house and the number on a house arent in agreement. Its a tough time now to change. But it may be tougher later on. After the war, theres likely to be a tremendous amount of housing construction in Brigham City. Every house should be numbered correctly, even if the correct number already has been taken by someone on down the street. Its then up to the person incorrectly using that number to get the right one. You can call the city electric department, 102 as the city ordinance provides and get the correct number of your house. You can put up that number. You can notify the telephone company and the post office of that number, as your correct address. It will take only a few' minutes to do this. hy put it off until some day? Why not do it now? It looks like congress has all of the tax problems on their way to being solved; all of them except how were going to pay them! Now I never . Jack Dempsey, now a coast guard Lieut, commander, sued his wife for a divorce. She, belatedly, sued him for one. The old Manassa Mauler still beating the opposition to the punch! (Or did he?) good-size- A cold shower is quile stimulating. More stimulating to action than to thought, however. And the customary action it stimulates one to is to move out from under the cold shower. Flag week seems to he the 8th to (he Hth by command of the Commander in Chief. Everybody seemed to expect it to he the 14th to 21st. You dont suppose he had anything to do with these April showers that came in June, do you? EVENING. L THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... News-Joutna- They say censorship of war news is going During all of these different to become more stringent. But well still training periods, we have seen have Orphan Annie, the Commandos, the NANCY Gumps, Skeezix, Joe Palooka, Captain Easy, Terry and the Iirates and Smilin Jack. Any fronts that crew isnt covering for us dont amount to much anyway. of. Well. I have used up all of my Why, even on well-traine- today and will bave to letuin to my vvois, so will close with a hearty voe ol thanks for making it possible for the seivicc men to leceive the Home Town Iapet. Sinceiely Youis, S Sgt. Noel G. Johnson, Wood w aid, Oklahoma spaie time lor ' '1 done. 1 was particularly interested in that part which said the Army, with an eve to its own problem, usually prefers to have its camps in wet communities rather than dry communities because wet communities can be ... regulated dry communities bootleggers can't. Its just more prohibition does not prohibit." 1 o llojs!-ii- iplets pay-nig- there's very little drinking Conjriftict of y nt so "You cant imagine. Judge, how much comfort Louise and I got out of reading that recent rejxirt made hy the government on drinking habits in and around Army camps. If you hadnt loaned us your copy wed still be worrying about our Jim... all because of those silly rumors goin around. Im mighty glad to hear that, John. As the rejxtrt says, no Army in American histoiyhas been so orderly, so l - LOS ANGELES Cal (UR) ci iNo. 2119 a icgisteied peuigi eed m Alcoholtt anv, Plastics, u mi itical niutci i.iK oi aie o the1 in and IIoMein belonging to the Roger Jessup daily, has pei inanentlv carved her niche i:i the bovine Hall of Fame by giving fin th to trtplet wives. The event is a taie one in tne bovine field. with their proof that type tent inulurture of simil.n of piano has a me less tNm lo per cr weight, and dor total s mao o"e made w it i of their pttvious metd -- position Total revenue foi the State of fiscal California for the RU1-1Bntish piodudion of an craft more (calculated by peiiod was S44S1211V), weight' was neai-- l than 15 per cent better than the ly doubled m 1911 The pioeuc-levious year. t.on ol heavy bombeix was' t'ebled in 1912. In Fei)uaiy,j news of 1913, Britain Thetes home-towpioduced inoie intei est to you on evey page of than four times as many heavy1 the bombers as in Eebiuaiv 1912. 1 1 Artists aie leeling pel wai medals savings an o der h.drtng piodia metal easels and metal li amis, ot n News-Journa- l. Theres fvery page ne home-tow- of the NewsL BY ERNIE BUSHMILLE YEAW! ft I ; VV The new Office of War Mobilization, established right up next the president and above all the czars and bureaus of Washington, strikes an encouraging note in its name. Now, maybe, were really gonna get to movin WVr I S GET tuE IDE V;. J ! Inflation comes when you finally succeed in establishing your income where it always has belonged, on the basis of true worth and productivity; and then everyone else (the profiteering scoundrels) takes advantage of the labor shortage and their countrys hour of adversity to force their incomes up to comparable levels ! Then everyone wants more of the good Something Worthwhile things in life and wants to do more of the And therewith in the name of the thing If Im going your probably prejudiced. to spend an evening, Id a lot rather spend it at something amusnig and entertaining than at something worthwhile. The Chamber of Commerce is presenting a moving picture, in color, and a lecture by Randall L. Jones, special representative of the general manager of the Union Pacific Railroad company, Thursday evening, Jpne 17. It will be something worthwhile. In spite of this, you really ought to attend. This lecture and program will be what in the moving picture business is known as a sneaker. No one seems to think it will he particularly good, but it turns out to be extremely good. I e never heard Randall Jones speak or seen his colored moving pictures of the West but heres why I think hell be good. Ive board quite a few of these special representatives of general managers or presidents or other high-up- s of big corporations, and the reason theyre hired as special representatives sent all over tiie country and presented before public gatherings is because they are good. As a group, these special representatives probably are among the most able, entertaining and interesting public speak- ers in the country today. The Military-Civilia- n relations committee of the Chamber of Commerce is so sure theyve got something there in securing Mr. Jones for a program, that theyre holding it in the high school auditorium. All officers and men of Rushnell are invited as guests of the committee and the Chamber of Commerce, and additional tickets will be available from Chamber of Commerce members, for civilians who would like to see and hear this program. You neednt be bashful about going after one of these tickets. There should be quite a bit of room in the high school auditorium. We'll have a few tickets here at the office, or if you hit up any member of the Chamber of Commerce they ought to be willing to furnish you with a ticket. Weve warned you now If you miss this bad things! Thats a mighty handsome Fathers Day window Paul Anderson has there, in the south display window of the Reminder Office Supply. Y'ouIl notice, behind all those attractive and useful gifts, Father is sitting reading a newspaper. And what newspaper is he reading? (In fact, why am I men-- 1 of course, tioning it?) The All of which goes to show that Father is an intelligent, discerning and human sort of a guy. Hes interested in the home town folks, the home town news. Dont you think Father is entitled to something slightly special for Fathers Dav? News-Journa- l, j WINDY AND PADDLES BY DICK MOORES OUVE GOT A GaJELL WE The State Guard boys got (heir new uni-- 1 forms last night Forest green uniforms and black shoes (that fit!) The greens are brand, moth-hanew, 100 percent virgin "ool, and heavy as Heres hoping there are no riots to quell this August oCV-EHO- al AsJO JUST VJHAT GOES OJ TMB? - D fpoLW OM COMPAklQ TQUV33 UP' vx'ERrxj'T POP. ll horse-blanket- Wv'-X'toU-- s. ! - ! program, and after hearing your friends rave about it, feel like blaming someone for not seeing that you got there well, dont blame us! President Wilsons Fourteen Points greathastened the end of World War I. Possibly our 10 points (per week) will have a similar result in World War II. ly THE PCODUCTOM Lisl 'S S5ISJ3 WELD UP BV Sip. Incidentally, at the forthcoming Peace Conference, why not make Japan proper, a mandate of Russia? The idea has really in- TJESEOROgT triguing possibilities. The expression tireless energy used to applied to the hustling, bustling, high pressure, go.getter type of men. Rut unless America takes good care of its automobiles, has them checked often and stays safely below that limit, tireless energy is going to describe countless regretful pedestrians, whose machines will have been put up for the duration. be 33-mi- le 11 fj .,i. ,r l MM fratara la .ibi MOORE Y,- is MO'j'LL 2JJ'"' non-memb- er News-Journ- IDA-AW- NOURE GOlkJG fo Gr.-- r TO BACK T . COVE OM hjoaJ i. TMEKA " AWAV, PMiLLipsy - M TOO UPSET O VJOPg Anvl CAR AROUMD. I ROE IM THE COUVJ'FN- - THt A OP TIRES Ortl PAVEASJT A |