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Show THE PAGE FOUR Local and Social Do Your week. Christmas Shopping Early & yes, Mrs Lena. Livingson and son Max of Ft. Oreen were the guests on Sunday at the home of her Bister, Mrs. Wm. Jackson. ( it is WE Hftve To oe Tax YOU Mangelson and IS READY FOR BACK 1 i ;fj& y 25 AND IT IS YOURS in turtutr PeVAtTer FOR THE ASKING PAYiv? OSFlXE JAM. BY r -- v- Mr. and Mrs. James W. Vltk-er- s were business visitors in Salt Lake City on Saturday. POSITIVELY NO CALENDARS GIVEN TO CHILDREN Mis Donna Garbett. a teacher in the Levan schools spent the week end Mr. at the home of her parents, and Mrs. A. L. Garbett. NEPHI DRUG CO Lafe Sperry who is employed at Dunkiey, Colorado, Is visiting In Nephl with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beagley and family of Richfield, are the guests of relatives in Nephl this week. Save Trips A New Coal Commission at Work Miss Wanda Petty, a teacher on the Ogden schools. Miss LaVeve Petty who is teaching at Heber City and Cleo Petty, a student at the Utah State Agricultural coll ege, are spending their Thanksgiving vacation at the home of their mother, Mrs. I. M. Petty. to the Stores telephone in M PAID- - AND Wf Mrs. y, ::c 1936 CALENDAR TAES ALL BEPFMPnox P. P. Chrisriso i and Mrs. Wanda Burrld e were in Moroni on Monday atteiulin,' the funeral of Mrs. Heber lors THANK- FUL FOR.- - Friday and Saturday. Mr. YOUR wfll.mother; A REAL GOOD) FEEUNG. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey Here visitors lnSalt Lake City on We have a beautiful assortment of useful gifts for Christmas. Gifts whLh are permanent are the best gifts. A SMALL PAYMENT WILL HOLD ANY GIFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Ord Something To Be Thankful For Henry Adams of Rexburg. Idaho Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Orme this Mrs. IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE NEHII. UTAH . TIMES-NEWS- GLEN WORTH I NGTON ON QUINTET ALL-STA- R LEGALS y Basketball BRIG HAM CITY fans will be enthused to learn that Norm Watkins, local business man, PROBATA AND GUARDIANSHIP is sponsoring an unusually prom- iOTIF5 Co.bjli the county clerk r respective r'rx-.-- j for further ising basketball team for the com 4 i information. season. ing 4 t Every member or this team has yt Miss Mildred Sperry, accompanied been an outstanding performer in a a costs T CONTRACTORS NOTICE TO by Miss Dorothy Sanford of Og- this line of sport in high school STATE OF UTAH den, came to Nephl on Tnursaay and play. Look ov OFFICE OF STATE ROAD COMmorning to visit at the home of er the lineup. Floyd Mullet, a MISSION, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Bperry's parents, Mr. and former B. Y. TJ. all conference November 23, 1935. Mrs. George A. Sperry Jr. Miss star, now basketball coach at the Sealed bids will be received by I Sperry and Miss Sanford are teach- Davis hlprh; forward; Conley Watts the State Road Commission of ' ., i w?Hf; former U. S. A. C. all conference Shirley Temple, petite movie star, wears a big dimpled smile, caused ers in the Ogden public schools. Lake Salt State Utah, Capitol, City. now at South star, re Cache; coaching a she which letter by Utah, at 2 o'clock p. m. Monday center. Glen "Zeus" Worthington, December ceived from President 9th, 1935. and at that U. A. S. All former C. conference time publicly opened for construct Roosevelt, appointing her now star Davis at coaching high; ion of a earth road in Juab his special nii'.ssoncer to deguard. Jay Whitman, former B. County graded the same being U. S. liver his autographed phoY. U. all chosen on American Mrs. Nealo Armstrong of Brig-ha- m team, now coaching North Cache; Works Program Highway Project tograph to Dill Robinson, WPMH 70-No. WPH City is here visiting at the colored dancer, who apWayne Mallet, former B. fc WPH 17C between Nephi and home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. guard, Y. U. star now basketball coach pears with her in a current and Levan siding Revision. Wm. Warwood. at the B. E. H. S.; utility men. Levan release. The President also The length of road to be conEarl Ferguson. TJ. of U. all con- structed included a personally Is 10.341 or Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prancom ference athletic coach at miles and theimproved signed photograph for principal items of announce the birth of a son on B. E. H.center, irT'nTifiirtii Y. B. Mark S.; Bailiff, as folwork are apporximately Shirley. Monday, November 25. U. all American high school play- lows: Should the Guflfey coal act not be knocked out by the Supreme court, er, now coach at Weber; George 65,500 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Exthese men, members of the new coal commission, will have In their bands Bishop and Mrs. E. P. Peterson Bishop, U. S. A C. star, now at cavation. took Mrs. Peterson's mother, Mrs. the B. E. H. S. the. welfare of many thousands of miners. Seated, left to right, are The attention of bidders is dir- Walter H. Maloney, Christiansen . to Moroni Monday Chairman C. F. Hosford and George Acret; standing team this Each will Wednesday cov to Provisions ected the Special after an extended visit in Levan. assembly and practice at the new are C. E. Smith and Percy Tetlow. or the assigning subletting school gym. Last Wednesday ering contract. The Primary officers, teachers high a large number of townspeople were to be paid The minimum wage and children took Thanksgiving on hand to see them perform on to all skilled labor cheer baskets to all members of first- scheduled game win this contract shall be employed The 75 cents per the ward over 70 years of age. be Wednesday December 4, when hour. this group will meet the The minimum wage paid to all Impressive funeral services were Intermountain A A U champions. labor employed on held Sunday afternoon In the ward In other coming contests, if pres intermediate meeting house for Nephl Marinus ent plans go thru, they will play this contract shall be 60 cents Nielsen, who died at his home in the New York Harlemites, best per hour. all xitc minimum iiiixxiiiiuiii n.n Provo last Wednesday following a colored team in the world; the Colwagen nnM jihu w ail short illness. The invocation was ored ghosts Missouri; Kansas City unskilled labor employed on this contract shall be 50 cents per offered by Alma Winters and the A. A. U. 1934-3- 5 ' I Lines; X1UU1. . V, benediction by James R. Paystrup. Stage r, tirlT,!4.- - TT Plans and specifications are The speakers, who gave words of sas; Olsen's Terrible Swedes and on file in the office of the State comfort and cheer were Ole E. other famous traveling teams. Road Commission, Salt Lake City, Olson of Provo, H. R. Francom, and at District Engineer's office Lorenzo Mangelson, Hans Anderat Cedar City, Utah, where they son and remarks by Bishop E. P. SEATTLE SYMPHONY may be reviewed by prospective Peterson. ORCHESTRA TO APPEAR selbidders. all Musical numbers were: three Specifications, proposal, bidding blanks and plans will be ections from the choir; guitar solo, furnished at Salt Lake City, on Mrs. Cora Hayward of Provo; trum pet and trombone duet, Russell PROVO interest depositing $3.00, which will be re Widespread and Elbert Gardner; vocal trio, is being evidence by the recent turned, providing contractor sub Peterson sisters of Provo. announcement of the engagement mits an acceptable bid, and returns There is no time to lose. Savings of as much Mr. Nielsen was born in Aalborg, of the Seattle Symphony Orchest the plans within seven days after Denmark, February la 1878, a son ra under the direction of Dr. Basil bids are received. Any additional -Y as 28 can be made on taxes due for 1932 and of J. C. and Bigitta Sorenson Niel Cameron for an appearance in this information may be secured at i sen. He has made his home In city on December 3, at the Utah the Office of the State Road Com prior years, if you act NOW . . . before the libEach bidder must submit Provo for the past 16 years being Stake Tabernacle. The attraction mission. "Hello Mary, eral concessions of the recent legislature expire. an employee of the Utah State is being sponsored by the Brlgham a letter from an approved surety Your Plans hospital. Young University arts and lyceum company guaranteeing to furnisn said bidder with required bond, He married Frances Wayne Tay committee. New Year's lor May 27, 1903 In the Manti Provo is the only city south of The right to reject any or all bids Temple. She, one son, J. Woodruf Salt Lake City which will be visit- is reserved. FILL THIS Nielsen of Provo and a daughter, ed by the Seattle group on then-tou- r Cash, certified check or cashier's Mrs. Francis "N. Gardner of Los of 20 cities in four western check for five per cent of the total states. More than 60 skilled mus amount of bid made payable to the Angeles survive. FUN GALORE TO: COUNTY TREASURER icians comprise this nationally State Road Commission must acc Mrs. Clair Mortensen and Reed known symphony orchestry. The CJnPany each bid as evidence of Nielsen of Satl Lake City were conductor, Dr. Cameron, is also good faith and a guarantee that ' ..County Levan visitors Sunday. They came well known in music circles, hav- if awarded the contract, the bid At Please send me a statement showing how much I can down for the funeral of Mr. Nielsen, ing directed celebrated orchestras der will execute the contract and In both England and the United give bond as required, iHE save if I pay my delinquent property taxes now. .. :: STATE ROAD COMMISSION, The ward reunion last Thursday States. I own or have an interest in the Much following property, was a complete success. By. Edward E. Howe, Chairman credit Is due the old Folks comlisted Is as follows on my 1935 tax notice. Your sister a long time makK. C. Wright, Chief Engineer mittee consisting of: Mr. and Mrs, ing her appearance. Herman O. Christensen, Mr. and Yes, but sis 'ud be a sight, i Book.. .., Page , Line.. Mrs. Andrew Poulson and Mr. and she came down without making it IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF fcalt Lake (If your 1935 tax notice i not available giv a dcrlp-tio-n Mrs. James Anderson, who were In THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST of Your property es completely possible.) City charge of arrangements. I am getting bald. How cat RICT IN AND FOR JUAB I avoid falling hair? COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH Sten n.qlHp DELUXE Description Is it true that exercise will kil I THOMAS L. FISHER, Plaintiff Yes, but It's a tough Job teachun vs. LESLIE E. BYLUND, DELILA J, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ockey and the darned things to exercise. BYLUND AND E. O. BYLUND, children Elaine and Earl returned Defendants. home Thursday from Salt Lake SHERIFF'S SALE City where they have spent the past week. Elain has received medTo be sold at sheriffs sale on ical treatment. ia itiUilnqi-the 20th day of December, A. D. 1935, at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Mrs. Dean Howard nd son Bil-l- ie front door of the Juab County visited Saturday with relatives Per Name- Court House In Nephi, Utah the at Scipio. Plate following property, to wit: of the South The South-ea- st George Howard spent Thursday Address -- east of section 21; and the and Friday visiting relatives and South-west of the North-we- st friends and looking after his InW, the West Formal of the South-ea- st terests here. of Section 22, all in township or 10 South, Range 1 East of the Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanson had Informal Salt Lake Base and Meridian, con Hear: TRACY R. WELLING as dinner guests Sunday: Mr. and tining 320 acres, together with all Mrs. George Howard, and daughters Secretary Utah Slate Farm Oureau all water rights used thereon and Saddle, Jennie and Minnie of NeTune in KSL 6:30 p. mM Sat., Nov. 30 appurtenances in any appertaining phi, Mrs. Henry Adams of Rex-bur- g, thereto. Waa Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. K. MELLOR Howard and son Billie of Mills. Sheriff of Juab County For By R. E. Winn The following people attended the Deputy Sheriff. of Miss Sarah Orme on funeral RESERVATIONS Date of first publication, Nov1. 28, Wednesday of last week: Mr. and BUT YOU CAN PUSH A PEN 1935. Mrs. Dean Howard, Mr. and Mrs Date of last publication, Dec. 19, H. M. Hanson and Joseph and CarA PENCIL MUST Bl LEAD 1935. oline Orglll. your home will save trips daily It Claud Woolley, who is attending the Brlgham Young University at Provo was a guest at the home of his aunt. Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton nad family on Thanksgiving day, but few cents day V? , ( . : Inter-collegi- From the President to Shirley ji j" Levan News 70-A-- B, A all-st- ar TAXPAYERS DELINQUENT CT NOW! SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS can be made by paying back faxes immediately! f4 i- What's For Eve?" OUT COUPON NOW New Year's Eve BXEWHOUSE hoYEL CABARET DINNER, FAVORS, NOISEMAKERS ENTERTAINMENT M. G9P. f MILLSNEWS 2T S'r" Phone 570 NOW UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSKOR |