Show T Pioneer Woman Celebrating S B Birthday day Recalls Hardships of Trek Across Prairies People nowadays owa dont don't know anything about traveling Take it from someone who knows She is Mrs Mary S S. S Sleater Utah pioneer of 1856 who observed her birthday Friday Smiling and alert Mrs Sleater recalled events of the trip across the plains when she was 7 years old We arrived here in December of 1856 after a really terrible trip she said We came through Parleys Parley's canyon canyon can can- yon in the deep snow and believe me we were nearly frozen when we arrived Our oxen had starved to death because they could find no food through the snow and we were stuck there in the canyon until teams were sent out to our aid from Salt Lake City S They did not send enough teams from the city eity to take all the wagons wagons wagons wag wag- ons in so some had to stay there therein in the canyon for several days until the animals could make a return trip Those of us who stayed for the second trip were rationed a biscuit a day until the biscuits gave out then we ceased to eat There were 1 one or two of the oxen left but they were so thin there was no meat on them The men in the party killed them i S 5 S JA UI- UI i iS S I MARY lAity S. S SLEATER She recalls perilous journey r one night and we boiled the bones bone for or soup the next day It was very thin soup she re recalled re- re called Forgetting for the moment he her experiences in coming here sh she talked about early days in Salt Sal Lake City My father she said worked for President Brigham Young for a number of years and I went t to school with President Youngs Young's childred childred childred chil chil- chil- chil dred in the Lion house then hi his homeI home I attended the first and the last las performances given in the old Salt Sal Lake theater I remember the first time When they opened that night they had no not completed putting in the seats anc and being a little too late to get what wha few seats scats there were we sat on slabs Mrs Sleater widow of Robert G G. Sleater has lived with her daughter daugh daugh- ter Mrs Elizabeth Robinson a at E East st Second South street since sine the death of her husband 23 years year ago She is the mother of seven children children chil chil- dren most of whom calI called d at Mrs Robinsons Robinson's home Friday evening t to honor her She has 27 grandchildren dren and 23 great-grandchildren great an anis and andis andis is proud of every everyone one of them |