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Show EVE NIK G DESERET . NEWS. " GEORGE Q. CANNOHJ rrtdaj. ; :itmv April TRUE POLICY WITH INDIANS. Tns Daily Gazette, published at Helena, Montana, has, what tt considers, reliable Information respecting attacks of In-- , diarts upon a road party and miner's camp in the Mclnlly bf DLtmoad City. These attacks, the editor thinks, prove conclusively that hostile savages, bent on basin cm, are hovering around' the mining camp and prospecting parties. He asks the question: ,If thcseprowllog vagabonds can with Impunity, steal borsesi and fight miners In sight of DIa mond City and New York Gulch, what hinders them from doing the same n the suburbs of Helena?" And then advisee the arming and properly mounting of one hundred experienced mountaineers and soldiers ai oooe, and push Into the e and haunts of the Indian to lesson murderers, anil administer ft them that they- will remember for some time, lie thinks tt useless far the citizens to wait for Territorial organizations and counseii, If they wish to act prompt ly and with effect. Alluding to the statements mado lei Montana and through the 'yest gensr-allabout the laeOicleacy of regular soldiers in keeping order among the Indians, he says the soldiers stationed In Montana have a good Cportuolty now to clear themselves, and their fellow soldiers .else where, from such aspersions, and he believes they will do It. The editor evidently lias his own views of the manner io which the Indians shoutd be treated, and has anjdea that the policy of the Government Is not the best that might be 'adopted. It differs so much from that of the people, he says, that it must b abandoned.. Ho writes his 1 . horse-thiev- t ' - y, views as follows: ; , t , ' "Indians; who respect to solemn treaties norpaypo to private personal rights, have no right to expect Immunity from those whom they insult. The Interests of Montana, and In fact the whole Union, demand a different policy toward the Bloux. Crows and Blaeltfeot from that sufffftel by Congress said tbs CouakU!oa. We want peace, and must have Keren at the expense of catacombs or savages, we want lands with to enteri into this business . s ourselves. I have been pleading Tor families a. by Jl ir warus. neart ana nanat in tneir aiuerem i iii tnr vears and vesrs. uuanno Tim Thla la "Tf lean vean id ws.1lauies -- I i xau win .Ian .1 lis kite, rv .A B. Clavsoa & JSTECajpeJ T t t omer eptucs ivcrjr jmi, ua.u 6" " J Lesgees & the lead in this ana every business ia x be can which year at faithfully, pursohig-ththey of home industrynave x t mo "uo aaea sisiera " Ave , JJ,, ujr emrdoved. SATURDAY EVEIIHIG, i tnei--- cj ;, ,7 In every making the people more and more able Zit? I araln ask thetosisters APRIL 25, V do so. and get to perform worka,of benevolence and .... : to more make themselves to be and mercy, your women of good understanding uuiuiui lauio iu i.cr itviu;. counsel iruui Acu auu la-uJgflYg and tnen get iUDcaom or uoa is and let vourfasnions ine upward ana so will become and continue and until its onward, proceed from yourselves, v acauainvcu. wim I It is . for us to look to the welfare since I knew that my mother was Ever i de. mn T have loved the sex. and of the Kingdom of God: for it alone The man who will sustain us. build us up and save First Appearance of Mrs. GEO. B. VVALDRO chastity. llghtlniheir ' tries to . aisnonor us now and Hereafter, and prepare 'i oringr. and abuses,' or does us to enjoy a blessed eternity. .May WUl be sex is a female fool, noon the Vttf. celebrated Indian the presented, nnt Know luabuia uiuwct uuu uia oiom God bless you. Amen,,-.- , sattoDal Prams, in a acis, enuiieu were women. Women are more ready f tn An and love the risht than men are; TItOUT RAISING. nrl ifthev could have a little guidance. nri were encouraged tocarry out the OF THE Through the kindness of "Dr. Bern- instincts of tneir naiure, tney wouia ei hisel we have been furnished with the fart a revolution for good in any com JJjn MARKS . horridle orntAOB on X uoy- ,- t One of ths matronj. atfthe Orphan BJIIOJIAU YOUNG J in Cumberland street,; Brook- BytherrrUht Asjlura, AV: "nbemaclc, afternoon, April with lyn, baa bee q arresUd, charged on a horrible boy outrage committingor ten year age, as a puouameni iux REPORTED Br O. D. WATT. misbehaviour. 8be poured kerosene over bU person, and men set ere to The Items of instruction which have him. burnlnr blm ao badly that a surgi been laid before us by Elders George A. cal operation bad to be performed. and George Q. Cannon are very Smith " " ROD BERT IX "WALL. BTHrCT. - Important io us, tney are subjects which It is geneIt vii discovered, veaterdav. by TanIn wehavedweituponforyears. us we comthat known! among rally ner & Co., 50 Wall street, that $33,000 to raise cotton menced some years ago bonii belonging to the firm bad mys- Lin our the southern poztlon of Territory, teriously disappeared, the police bare to Is al mat known io It and not as have macninery bee a notified, bat yet they been introduced into has It manufacture learned who committed the robbery. "All , this has been done this SOMCTIIINQ1 MORS AfcOUT DICKENS' to country the encourage people to become POOR RSXATIONS, am I ready to acknowledge (Saints are the best Boston. 3. The English correspon- that the latter-da- y dent of the Advert'uer states that the people, ana the most willing people to ldow of Dickens' brother. Is In Eog do tight that I know anything about. land In feeble health, and has every aid But when we take Into particular and needed from Cb&s. Dickens. close consideration their acts, and compare them With the teachings they aro we think and say constantly xecelvlng, ronxaaw. that they are very far from taking all the RESIGNATION OF MBiUJERS. counsel given them of the Lord through His servants. But were they to be counLondon.-22- . and Peto Morton 6lr to go to the gold bate resigned their seled, for tnstanco, JLareneOl!phant would .obey with them of mines, many seals in Parliament. to be counseled iiey.were alacrity BtSMA ROC WITIIDKAWS THE FEDERAL to chew orsmoke tobacco, many would IST BILL. lift up both hands for. this, and shout Berlin. Bismarck has wlthdrawD, forjov? .it tbo lister, many of them. from the North German Parliament, were counseieu io continue me useoi the Federalist bill introduced by the tea and coffee they would sit up all night government, on account of the amend to bless you. Wlien we are counseled ments to the bill by the opposition to do that which pleases us then are we when I ; -- KABVAKZ IltPROVINCl. willing to obey .counsel. ; Yet we have .whence from consider tlh pit Madrid. It is announced that the been taken, and the rock from whence Prime Minister, Xanraex, It better this we have been hewn, I can ssy, praise evening. to the Latter-daSaints. Again, when we consider the VICTORIOUS. REBELS immensity of knowand understanding wisdom and ledge New York. Mail advices from Lsgua, nurtilnlnvttn tht, ttilncm of this life. March to state that the 22d, Venezuela, of the to learulug this world, rebels are In the entire possess Ion of the pertaining which Iswllhlnour that Bollpertalnlng.to provinces of Barcelona, OraguaJ for the use and profit and ready reach, r varandCarribona. ri care of ourselves, and gard to taking our and consider then EDITORIAL SUMMARY slothfulnetL we rosy look upon ourIn February last Mr. John Massacre, selves witlrshame-facednes- s because of of Harrison township, Hudson county, the smallness of our attainments in the of so; many great advantages. X. Y. was .bitten by dog In his pos midst reformation Is needed In A thorough session. No particular notice was taken regard to our eating and drinking, and of the wound and it was almost forget- - on this point I will freely express mytenr On the 4th lnst., however Mr. M. self, and shall be glad if the people will believe and obey. If the people wc attacked by spasms, ;whlch con hear, to receive the true knowwere tinning for two days, be caned in a ledge witling from heaven in regard to their physician who at once pronounced the diet they would; cease eating swine's disease to be hydrophobia. The nsual flesh. I know this" aa well as Moses without putting It in a remedies 'were administered but with knew code commandments. of I tell no good e fleet, the spasms becoming you that it is the will ofWhen the' Lord to more' frequent, and the unfortunate cease eatluir swiue's lleh, very likely man's sufferings so Intense tbat be bad some one will tell you tbat it Is the will.Lord, to stop eating beef andjnutto be bound down in bed with ropes. of the and tliat it as toe will of ton, He lingered on until thejnornlngof the the Lord another to stop eating fowl and fish, . . ;Q-:- ,..,-fi-.t.ndi- a great deal I quicker than men fblTowingi munity ai!comnllsh it. . Men have been At Richland, on the Rome" and JlbbenaJnosav .n to bear rule and to Watertown Railroad, an , individual HloodT Nathan. earth on the placed Nick of the Voods. I r 6. B. WALDROt. lead In every good work, and If they whose general appearance and manner The Avenzer. own y our , in . would do their duty D.lnaM bbnroe. I f;. I of life reminds us or the quaint eharacUIUU vua i or or tue ana er tnen Waters, J oi is lioone uaniei eovernment, mrouguuui. spirit ivemucy, .. I m m A w i sBieiai,.icJu.y v . . . 11 .A I la Mr tticnsru nrn.x.toy world, tney woniu Biup vr aJijs aausuvwMuuuveugiigeu Mr. J M Uanl.e so many jn raising trout. Nine months ago he Col. Tom Bruce.. the Mormons" marrying nave li ItrKenzic Mr some- commenced .by impounding in tne Bit: Tom Bruce. 1MMr Tavduie wives, and the ladles would would largest and deepest of a line of , uau a Young Tom Bruce-- .. Mr J E and them to they protect body -- Master KndgarGaw:-.);- . Little Tom Btuce. not need to flee to tho "Mormon" El- - dozen boxes, graduated in size, and Abet Doe. Mr K llUrowtlu'i ri era' for nrotection. But outside of this seDarated bv cr ratines, throucrh which Koland Forrester MrJCGtalnim Fenuamoie are destroying the sex, the water of a brook was maderto course First Emigrant.Blak Vulture)... Mr.Mr they community A M.rriiii. WenoiiEa(the( ml nine all tbev can and then they its way, a few trout caught from the Piaokrsbaw Mr J B JOtli Indian boast of their villainy. Shall I ssy tbat neighboring streams, lie then built a Tianetka(Indl.in)..... ...... .Mr 11 Matthews J will low. rouch house, about, 1015 feet in Nebem atalah (Indian). ... the women are .MrN Gra G. B. WAUItOX Utrhteil and nerfeetlv tlirht. to Telle Doe sav thev are weak: I will say tbat it is wll Aciaius Inaa Edith Forrester .. .....Ml&s in AVint.r n, trorm In their nature to confide In, and look to 1 nl.if IM 11 1U VA MUJS SU UVi Mrs oi i uaws.ii! Mrs Brnce. thus the sterner sex for guidance, and Mls Llzzfe Ii;it? Summer, and laid out the bottom in Phcebe Brnee-...Miss ForeniHt liable to be led astray gravel beds of diflerent degrees of fine Nellie Bruce..... tbey are the more Kmlvr rants, Indians, Settlers Ac and ruined. It is the decree of the Al ness, protected at the sides by boards or tnese lean upon four lncnes liigu. uver4n.wrr tbree To conclude with the laughable Farce of mignty upon tnemio - T W ntnri lias tia nhlllpH h ,A Ik.i. es, natural protector and the depth ofacmipTe-rjf-inchin an privilege as their SJt CRASHER . tv. -- llh KufcA ind dishonor. Mr D McKenz'f. Benjamin Blowhard... wish tho whole people of the United through a screen at one end and depart- - Sam I Mr P Margttts Slasher. pain Htatea could bear, me now. I would sav lnc: in tne same manner at tne otner: Christopher Craslier....... J C Oratmin ....l.Mr J S Lindsay .. to them, let every man in the land over yet both openings were arranged so as Lieut. Brown............. . ..,Mr R Matthews . to exclude the Winter's cold and Sum- - John eighteen years of age take a wife, and mers ..Mrs M O Clawsmi Dinah Blowhard . heat. At thespawningseason the Rcsa. Miss Alexander then go to work with your hands andcultivate the earth, or labor at some me- eggs were gatbered from tne large tan OPEN at 7J4 o'cloclr. Performance chanlcal business, or some honest trade- first mentioned," and spread upon the- DOOBS Commences alpunctually at 8. finest for and of here to nrovldean honest living the. gravel beds, your selves and those who depend upon you lowed quietly to remain during the few ---e --for their subsistence; observing temper- - days necessary for hatching. The egg p--w T?77Pi T Is seems a about like size of and and the then truth and i dEJLli pea, virtue; auce, w -- -u loving Jj would tne women oe careu ior; ue nour-pean, witu tue zneresb. ujau ished. 'honored and bleat, becoming speck lnthecenterThls honorable mothers of a race or men and grows, and assumes the form of tne in- AT' women, farther advanced in physical rant fish, which soon bursts its sack an moves a life of the and in fath their than mental water, and perfection .thing ers. This would create a revolution in incipient beauty. The sack adheres to our'country, and would produce results the young trout,- - furnishing nourish that would be of incalculable good. If ment, to develop its strength until at and they would do this, the Elders of this length it is enabled to roam at will,leav Church would not be under tne necessi-t- v and Its food forbeditself.sand-anGradually shallow of of takin so many wives. Will they ing the quiet do this? JSo. they will not: and there water that saw its birth, the little fellow are many who will, continue to ruin seeks the shining pebbles, and finally IN A " to-aa- 1 "ntJ??atSsS; tfi .ufrZyt . a M VBL aw a. I a- 1 - JTRI-.ir.ds:- i i I Ev-iUi- s . shert-slebte- d? :....-..3I- V V rs. AAA V . I I mus - I Lrfihim A 1 I I- .um .,Af I SLASHER I I --- .1 1 sl , id '. NIC - It,-aUd- ? Abd-el-Kad- er. IMIIS.6;W1III - ah6rt-comlng- s, t - -- y - . bewildered so that they know not how , ut US nave mem, we mluated to t , , . by death., -, mostitake thsm. Our , fruSJ and e?xo7 The Seef uiSIc?t?; , to whlptberourdertnr. rflieywualdbe thieving prow- - Three Moorish emigrants, agrlcultur- I.U by profession, and named reapec- - . ISed m?n.erwhiShsVd It, ana n.i meat, and is quite .Mahomet and is as good ;as wild, treat them well as long as they behave tlvely lii nntiiM Vrom mf mi. A o ntT' : i red man refn. jfi, i f. . - -.-- . i i .- -- : iuuihj I j self-sustaini- ng ---I- ia . tne virtue oi woman wuii money anu event, wuicu nuaiiues iiim, in tne minu thus the lords of creation of his guardian, for a transfer to the deception, Knd to another, smallestof the tanks outside, in the full m one proceed ofihe heavens. At intervals of a boasting of their victories, leaving ruin, light tears ad death in their Pathway; and few weeks the young trout are taken out with adepnet and promoted from what hava thmv connuered? A tioor. 'Yi one And woman. tank to another, till at last he weak, confiding, loving one ont of which he is fit to be reaches crushed and and broken what have they to taken tickle the palate of an epicure. of One of tbe.airest gems destroyedC of all God's creation. O maul for shame. To guard against the fury of the flood or If the men of the city of New York the frenzy of the famished, each of these alone bad done for the last twenty years boxes or tanks is provided with a cover as the men of this community have Which can be locked at pleasure. The done, from two to four 'hundred thou rew tnat in the outset were fished from sand females from sixteen years of age the brooks have multiplied till now and upwards, whose dishonor and ruin their numbers can be counted bv mil are mercifully covered in tne grave.- lions. Among them are Borne speci would now be in life and health, mov- mens that are wonderful curiosities; in Ing in tbe circles of happy homes,- their way; one with two heads and one body; another with two bodies and but prayed for; respected, loved and hon- one tail. This last specimen darts gaily ored. Now, ladles, go to and organize your-- about,22with the heads at an angle of selves into industrial societies, and get about degrees from a direct line, the your husbands to produce you, some tan maaing a steady lateral movement- straw, and commence bonnet and hat- land all without the slightest apparent xi every wara wouia commatting, mence and continue this and other in- - uimcuity. The trout aro all fed once a day, the dustrial pursuits, it would not be long young ones onloDDered milk and hard- before the females of the wards of our boiled eggs grated fine, and the older have tores in their ones on raw beef and liver, by turns, Territory would wards, and means sufficient to send and chopped to the consistency of minced- get the articles which tbey need, tbat meat for pies. Those of the ripest age, cannot yet do manuiacturea nere ana i wno nave learned to trust their faithful Which they may want to distribute. attendant, will come at his call and WOUJliU wtU IfCClV Iccll ITOm DI9 IineerB. 11 11 UU U1U BBY1UK lU.v Hfl ppn. throw out of the window with a spoon erally gratifies their appetites so long as as fast as a man can throw into the door they continue to shoot out of their ele ment and turn their somersaults beneath with a shovel; but a(good house-keepwill be saving and economical, and bis friendly hand. teach her children, to be good house- lAVsw r n V . r-- a a Aawaaaaw aavs. ouiii-ir- u .inemsetves.' Larbs, recently lauded at New York Miaaaawaw But? we can eat fish; and I ask meat. They found employment at . the Labor the people 2f this community. Who hin There can be no doubt about the 1 ders you from raising fowl for their of the advice to arm and prop- Kxchange. hinders from cultivatWho you eggs? erly mount a body f men, ready for Edwin Booth Is fruit oft a new every: thea ing variety that will building any emergency In settlements exposed ire In Cew York at the cornerof flourish dliTerent In. the parts of this laoaded with twenty- to Indian foes. Concert of actlen, enerbeen a day There has not Territory? BL and Sixth Avenue. IUIength through the whole winter tbat I have third gy and promptness among settlers on the on Twenty-thirstreet will be ISo feet; not had freh peaches, and plenty of frontiers go a long way towards preserv- Its os feet. The breadth on Sixth apples and strawberries. Who hinders depth FULL ASSORTMENT ing their lives, homes and property from Avenue any person in uiis community Trom ttS feet an will be addition with their attacks. But, at we have repeat having lbee dilierent IsKinds or food in al entrance besides entrance 'main the as healthy a families? Fish their In this Territory, the best edly proved can we on stoves food as ISo Twenty-thir- d street. or if eat, we' OF except vege time to exercise these excellent qualitables and will and with them In furnaces be used limit, will tbe building, become a very wholesome diet. What ties Is before the Indians bare made steam the ap hinders us from surrounding ourselves pipes' being only heating their demonstrations. Under such cir75 be wide feet will The stage paratus. with an abundance , of those various cumstances, as under ruany others, "an 5 deep; the aoditorum C8 feet by I articles of .food .which .will promote and ounce of preventive Is better than a longevity? If It Is The --3rd street entrance will be health and produce . pound of curie! It has rarely been the 66. is It anything. ornamented. The1 architecture other worm, wnicu winneglect; or, in . case that Indians have made any attack richly will be In the style of Jhe French Ren purposo befter, the want of knowing TO BE upon individuals or settlements, or com- - aissance. how s IXn the main tbe certtro,"over rnltted any depredations upon stock in We can not say there are loafers on our oe a ugure or cnax mere to entrance is this Territory, when the, people have streets; still, there are persons In our , oeen in a state oi vigilant preparation. speare. community. who seem to have no other U to be the The completed aim lu existence, than to pass away their building by Their most successful raids and attacks close . t time to no tfurpose or use to themselves of the preaen year. j have been mado when the settlers have or the community. They have nothing been living In fancied security, or In a if.' to do. and think that they cannot, ap state of Incomplete" preparation. The It It understood that the Indian ply 'themselves to 'anything .that will Commissioners have arranged to visit enefit themselves and their families. neglect of tho precautions which orWALKER BRO' rslf A An Vk W4 eve ry- u.w some time In Miy, la order to I when they might with great pronrietv f.c.c'.Ta Attrl Bridger w.r? vi0 .dl31-2airard-ndo dinary prudence would suggest has re- make a treaty with mat is I " put iu tneir cnarge. thing . engaged in lay ing out ashakee and his to go into aetau nere: i see too not wisn rr.n. sulted In the loss of many precious Uvea band for the It. and and planting laying ing possession of Wind Itlver datlon to make themselves and their much: I know, too much: of. the waste and much valuable property,' and these i Ituonera are, to be ."sent out families comfortable. It Is true we have and neglect of our females to feel satis ! successes have emboldened the Indians --Valley, Keirf ls f 'tSrlniv In Tmltftna tliv tts-- s taken a great share of this' people from ed; with them, is this any mere so and prolonged dlfllcuitlcs. Unceasing Lnno!ftt with the female portion of bur commun manufacturing districts, where the ity' SALE AT BRIGHTON NURSERY, 16th than am bng the males? No; not at be should to exercised j.WAHU, 1 Block West of Union Sqnard. vigilance adguard (erMinut .having received private tbe neglect, tbe idleness, tbe ' the, earth; but all, butand -- t ces to against surprbes and attaeks from , , ihtanVc tbe extravagance of men in waste, 11, eahi t:an it after soon, hey If.theyw mon. TheeHsssii!fcaia.v .! our community, are ridiculous. They iO. B. WALLACE, Proprietor. they get here. Let your minds be at are constantly lives any more than white men do, nottaught better; they know be Mr. J. Outwater, an employe of the home, aud directed yourattentlon yet, in instances, the withstanding their prtdatory habits, by Erie Railroad Company, has been as io that wnicu Uiq Ltora nas given you better;reckleis is Waste in by "me to a for tnl indulged honor Instead yourself. glory attacking people who are prepared to de- tonlshing the members of the Board of of ho whol tZ being, like the foot which Solomon 1 feud themselves and their property. Education aod some of the leading cltl wrote 1 K uau uevoiOL an ira wuo auu u2ueiui,,wo?lllhle,lTn about whoee eyes are in the ends our ANNOUNCE OF THE DEPARTURE be will time of the in that way that TliU method of maintain Ing peace fs the Issue of City .bis display of his of the earth Consider that you are at Jrsyt to us. our to and greatest' to safest and least tpenslve, and obviates wotiderrul po'ers in raeotal arithmetic. ome, and strive make your homes common advantage cause, continually bettering coui&irtableand delightful: let the neceslty of laying, "catacombs of In the fandrnnar "arithmetic rule nf jf pirlt which you enioy our condition, and becoming more and yourself savs ges. more competent to do good. and In quesUoiis in InLcteat, It Is said abound therein. : One, Two and Three years old from the.bud. j ' to have What U) reason tlut pur brcih ren that he gave answera which attoutshed tried I get this continually 'II. t NoTlca. Bishop E.iward Honter r, all present. The sum of a doz-- n Hues. hot progrHs faster In their Imprc people to pursue a course that will make ay. men Is? a measure care of la for the them great it PJ3 Alt Tit EES a to se all the Bishop-- , Counselors of eight or nine. figures each, was told takings . But this is not all want leaders. of the tjbe snd halt thslrpootrthe:iamej, .FOR; EAST, and leading farmers of this county, and by blm almost Instantly; while In mul- nether so. Generally It is for lack" of bund, tne ignorant rrom where jr.1 iiiung no opportunity many from the adjacent counties as lt tl pi I cation n he, at a glance,, fob) the Judgment and wisdom, tact and talent. tbey nave of observing One an! Two years old irora -.-the bod, worked III or under- - on caaccmvtniectry ba prrent. atarneet- - product of a multiplicand and multl- nuunry4 anu pruuence. Iu our me their own stock. 1...-.; u Where he will remain for some length of time OM c... .nd four fl4ur lot tot. h.U ,t iJUreftb.o, 10a.m orv Mooday also told the sum of the whole number the casein nreat meaenreV and we can bringing them togethnr from the four Also to attend to tid PEACXI TREES, baslnese will L att-tol of prod ue la of m lou strioitr.of. fixtures ay. a- - Is thecjiishon so are the member, ouartera of tbe world: and makln? of wbl- e- r will artl CHEAP- - for UlU-- T, PRO- 75 etc. - Mr. Outwater does of bis ward.:ItlsthedUtyf the BIsh- - them ah Intelllkent; IMriftv and self-- DUCE, STOCK, WOOD. LtJMB such as to takeacourso to. make their lives, sustaining people. This Is a work that - J Bit, -- C ' ops to not a be but V ;;.tP5lal'th'fVir mathematician, profess COCVIMIOSION PURCHASING gtwnim characters, doings and savings, fit ex- - is wortbytbo attention of the Saints, !r$l ; can a. he Involves that i.ii...'ii ;.L' N. B. IIo! for a LIVE FENCE! I have HO says do'any thing amples in all things to the people of We have gathered thousands together NEY LQCUHT3 ready ror.transplantlog, whichno more than the first four rules In their wards.? Some of our Bishops have from many nations. By the aid of tbe .) . (WARD NCI one, of the. best hedees, grow fast and 'si- AHU .IT fsMiow: employed In made no improvements for eighteen I Almighty wehave raised them out of make arithmellIIel I'.i't never Sprout from the roots, which I will asked, the Bishops to psnnry and miserable dependence, and AX. o adJusUng the freight .bills of the Erie years, on reasonable ow n now terms, ) muo rye, 10 maro straw ror hst have to become raoBiiLc Picrc.T r nm osoroia Hoi I road, and can do as much work as ana rxrnnets. t ' pc?t:on-uiefii- l so. tb them done have dS0m haveasked them toxlo Uie samo ithiDg selves tvxsTiTtrrio.v.; ... . was formerly done by six clerks. and their Citizens. good neighbors, at; a t lit New York. ST. Attest JJ!oaon has this spring. that, the :s!sters of their anu, .. u .J we are laitniui eainis. x.trust, received a destuih from Mr. Soeed, wards have straw to manufacture. still continuing our labors In tratherin Wer will eotiitnne, to reeelT Order beginning to be If the may have not time to do thla. the poor. from. .foreign landi,, and 'the l!ihor Bcretary of tb Demnoratid Committee.- Female suOragela?,IsBritain. recent A ot have ndt tae ground, get some of the people are doing marvels in contribut strongjy,Ti gttatcd iucI .a,....uv,..1whffh .uiea Ui .,1 . . the . . Oon,n a r 11 . number of the Aberdeen Jlcratd states Drcuiren io ao it who have time, and ing tneir meaus ror mu. purpose; and Al thin? entOK the mult, excent ground, and let there be an acre of rye it is still com in c.. and wo hone to be i In Its favor hss been In sown ACEinERY thata vn UERCEADDISE . ADD petition such frauds aA,wtll to to our nable still a m each k and then t t for rtot ward, ala tU grvw enlarge operations . e pcuuoa - M sry tO'gitlher.lt'i r.Ui.-.be palbie, nod tur.thst rrasoa such circuiauonin tu.t city. , ,...; t,i j ,j At the Signpfjhe seasonl Lthei'veUveranceor ithe poor and downr, J.7(M e are byWileat that nauon.-"Wf an wprnea can troouen 9lVtJ?t competent as in btrfJay stfawas good ajniaoi lfX1ct9d. ,'Theds.,r.cz hesj OtsJ v- .01 wis ju:nasirta i ' law and In fact to carry ou a business? ryr.df prepcriypreparpd.-- , ..Gather the continue to receive and send mi ana un prrriL'' rumxx:n hotici:: Temple" Klreet Wit lake City, large msjority. oon urae nets and to admlnUter an estate, etc.; and that uw,uu tilJuly.; your hats, t. ';-- th'J 11 4i rat' on hand rtuns.PUtol- - and am wear tbeoi when you come to this Now,' slaters, will you' commence to HAS always Bale for on aUrX: :OKtf , KLrCTTO OOVKHKOR Or their admission to: the prlVliega of the and Reasonahlfl Term. tabernacle: and make hatsoryohr hus- pay aucnuonr to tne on tue shortest Dotlei ' - . or silk. pa redone f OEDUOIA. X'll porchases delivered' at the'TCR&ir-rtJ- r raising In woald be fraachlia with the and Good suns A bands Brlharmony of taiwearv.andr Saddles for tfuppTy snd are. of' numbers There Oeo. (iordon has been elected Goversisters your 'our 'In, of the' It ATLROAD or Freighted throngti alvir on hand. brothers and.your.slstcra your daugh- community who could pay 'attention to aies rtetlr executed. ' nor of GeorvU by a sarprUiagly larre principles of the representative system ters as be HUSKIKSON'H PlllT.U WHIIMon ttsy (i desired.1 hr,H and and us your see mothers, let 13 all beneficial on etTecls Its done aa.4 to t..'i this industry, and teach the. children v""- i" , the Premises. Uepalra counties which - have aajOTicy, iht the sisters and ail our b rath ren aod ail gather to leaves the and feed tbe PredaeeTtake'n. would Ux and nbtbaicaded mulberry Stek largest nei-r- o have Exehstet any all by possibility our children .Wearing bats ard bonnets the t worms msjoritlt wiso rjl those sisters ix gone Dsmocratic. v.t tbe f dangerous political conseque'nees." of material produced and manufactured whose hands;Iare not tied with, large dl2S:lyUlfhest 22arket Price ! allowed .uvu dI31:Gw A' i i : cor-reetne- ws - i : d -- I our-ow- n Sflsl-V-IS- STAPLE GOODS! J B e i I I b er I WT fr at V af w f-- ..- a w I v -- ft Vi sm sJrtu. I tIm-JR'save- the -- rl M,-- 6 O ITE S il S fnTiw'Ml fMW lt . CROMMIPERRIS, '"'(' I"'--- i 5 " . , -- i 1 .1 de-si- lf-eustaining,., "In THE J&i'h -- ? - - - w Tjid.. . - mm a lViFAZ, -- dd C- -x k d wajEjoi-jtDe-workJ.-an- - i -- - ," ... " I ,. 1 f .... . -- - ,1-fm- ve K-""2- A-le- . tbi -- ht wc-l&-yln . - - . s s , ; . -- W A . a i ru of dl-poss- - i- s -i a -- s-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tr ys 1 iI b-rt- oo . TA? . s a . a, AMli-LOCKSMlT- H, - trjthrerr ... pi H i . a m m -- 1 a . M ft ti a, .' ; ls. tlt. a- ... s 1 ) T- fr : , . , - W H-rne- Ks, It-pn- tni ' BrR-ln,wh- la-ill- Ue A ' , . s . ; s. , - - frj I?erris. |