Show IS 7IIU IOUNCII moililtlilUIJ Illi not the policy or intent of this paper la crlllclie a man or combination of men repeatedly unless the illuitlon is curl u nol merely Justify but If wand It In unmUlakable ttrmi and with force that admlti 01 no denial > Even then the purpose li to be it gentle u all things eonildtred we reasonably can Tills U I prefatory not the subject proper There It I our City Council From the Tory fact teat they me leKlilaloii and custodians who are nearest Iou of all of their clan In title broad land we ire compelled to keep an rye tingle to their dolngr with the other eye similarly rnonopolliid by their undoing In punning this line of watchfulnrit tin procedure at Ibo regular anti special rnMllDgi the tulont meet figure an an Indlipentablo Incident In fact III It the way they conduct Ihemtelvrii while Irgktallnit or pretending to legislate that eventuates the burden or bleating a locally putllo chancier 7 I by which we are confronted from 1 time to llme nd whet Ibo score shows s 0 great SO array of uumoralt rtpre il I teullnj the former clue cl work and r such a paucity of anything but ciphers 1 ttandlng for the latter all the excuse i i needed for speaking tight out and repeatedly I re-peatedly It lupplled In that ono how leg JJolwIlhitandlng ttia crlllcltni mild and severe of and the denuncl atlon occailonally vltllej upon llte City Uounull lu tplle ol the proteitatlont and remon trances of those prlnolpilly Intertited we uotu with n feeling akin to ttdntti and nut remote from wetrlnm that the 1 colons behave at badly now at ever they dId There It not iufllclent power II 11 In Kntfllih rhetorlo or ompuaili literary II 1 lit-erary methods to state the clue anymore any-more strongly or exbauitlvoly We might overlook the penchant for kin dcrgarleu i rformancra If tuch die play of legltlallre eiuaiculatlon wore not accompanied by the altogether Incompatible 1 I compatible appearance of a puglllitlo uonvenllooOutof lheeotwo chaos and I out of chaos but one Uetlnlteaud cor lain rotull eipentetoand humiliation of a people I whoie lung and patient ea euflerlnglf nothing elioibould entitle I them to better treatment TheieMton ofhutnlfhtwai Iftuoh a thing were potilblrallltleworie In tome respects than any 01 1U prvdeceuori crimination and recrimination chatter I amounting to Tmueucn ana reiultliii I In vacuity no rules of order whatever obtervetl and lie whole performance resembling a buemenl theatrical vntcrtalnuient In which the acton i had forgotten their part and l were glad of It oomtt somewhere near a dticrlf tlon of tbe doings part ol the Urn While there may be nothing irecltlly vicious In It all and the member maybe may-be all the while itruggllng 1I1Ilnt an exuberance which It I too much for them ill till a long way from what I their conillluentt etpected of Thom when they were choteii and agtlntt which welt people have the lualleu able right to enter an eiuphallo protest Qeutltincn during the few weeks of service remaining to you tuppote you undertake and If ponlblo retry out some IcEltlitlon looking tu Iho general welfare thli by advancing good mtaturte and overcoming or modifying to far at may bo tome bad ones tithe too with moll air vumilauce of decorum dignity and oUervancu of ruin M will auntie tit all properly to brttow upon you for Mice during jour oftlclal llvet tint well worn but nonu the leu I gratifying IrILuloW1I done food and faithful tervantt The uullo waflul by tbe wandering mlnttml among the vliiut Hud bloiiomi to the bowers ol hit lady fair wore dull Inilpll and wuarUomv c miurtd with the UBItrout lIIulo ray Hhlch thonu words lily t < > kou inipirt to him who b > hit ubilu acts triad UUOI ucw In I land n rtvlplo I uf Ilium And they will not Iw withheld If ever Ihu ucoutlnti < arisen when wlihout too ruuoli cl 1 a ttrlii upon tho iropri tl > t tbry cell In txlunded The Klvn dud Ha wide clrolu at tuiJtn stood rtHdy willing nuxliui t > elute thucliiplut upou awuriuy brow Htei forward glIlImonl wo oirn nil an yet all slop at unco |