Show FROG ATE CHICKEN A DAY rather than yield last captured prey he held on and was captured york pa when george kofl a pigeon hills farmer eat upon the porch of his home in the dusk ot the early summer evenings and listened to the chorus of the frogs in the neighboring pond he thought he detected an odd note in the deepest bass note ot all had he recognized it as a gluttonous bellow or more chick be would probably have saved more of bis brood 0 young fowls A chick disappeared daily and kopp attributed their loss to rats or other vermin A few evenings ago be was close enough to hear the als piping of one of them as it waa carried ott but it was growing dark and he could not trace the sound the following evening he waa on the lookout and when he heard another chick in distress he was quick enough to note a disturbance upon the edge of the pond where he was amazed to see a monster frog with a chick clasped in its mouth by one leg leap into the water i several times the struggling chick came to the surface only to be drag ged back it was slowly drowning when kopp waded in and grasped it so intent was the frog upon its prey that it retained a bulldog grip upon the fowl and permitted itself to be pulled ashore and captured |