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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1928. 21 ADVERSE WEATHER HAMPERS BIG TIME FOOTBALL WORKOUTS Navin Makes No Statement TIGER FOR BOSS QUITS HQ EASTERN WORKOUTS DIFFICULT CHE Regarding Successor; Harris Popularly Slated. DETROIT, Oct. 17 (T. George Mortarty, manager of the Detroit baseball club of the American league, resigned tonight at the expiration of his contract with the team. The resignation was contained In a letter to Frank Navin. president of the club, sent by Moriarty from his home in Woodstock. 111. Beyond stating that the resignation had been accepted. Mr. Navin refused to comment He declined to state tf he had signed a new manager or had one under consideration. In the two seasons that he piloted the club the Tigers finished in fourth and sixth places respectively. While the caliber of the team's playing roster was blamed in some circles for the poor showing, the view was said to have been held by the owners that Moriarty was in a measure responsible, and It was decided to replace him. Stanley Harris, former manager of the Washington Americans visited Detroit last week, ostensibly for a conference with Navin. and following" tns visit it was rumored that he would pilot the club next year. Navin Queried tonight. President said he had no statement to make on the subject, at this tun-- . It was also reported the club was negotiating with Donie Bush, manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates, but this likewise could not be two-ye- I Stanford Battle to ents Take 8pul MOSCOW. to The Trlbuuf. Idaho. - University of where evening for San Francisco, they will meet the Stanford eleven Friday afternoon in the opening Coast conference game for the Idaho eleven. The game will dedicate the Di Kezar stadium. Idaho was able to garner its first victory of the season from Whitman last Saturday by two touchdowns. but Charles Erb, head mentor of the Vandals, used a number of new men in this contest, as in the other two nonconference tilts, and has a better idea of the ability of the Idaho squad. Owens, sophomore halfback, who was rated well on the frosh squad last season, got In the second quar-- I ter against Whitman and In a few minutes made himself known to the Idaho fans. He was able to get through the Whitman line timeOXafter Time ior gooa gams iii spite nli light weight It looks as if he had won a permanent place In the Vandal 5ckfield to alternate with the heavier backs. Kirkpatrick. veteran center, was kept out of ths contest last week, with Carlson, sophomore, taking his place. Kirkpatrick had some slight injuries and Coach Erb wants him in the best of condition for the Stanford contest Carlson played a good game for his first varsity appearance. Practically every Idaho player will be in condition to enter the coming contest and San Francisco fans can expect to see one of the heaviest teams in the country in action. The Vandals are not only heavy, but fast and Stanford is expected to feel the effects of this power. Last week the Vandals were able to make some good gains via the passing route, but at times were weak in breaking up passing attacks of the Whitman eleven. They will be drilled in both of these divisions during the little time 16ft before the game. The Idaho offense showed much improvement over that displayed in the Gonzaga contest a week ago, but more improvement in both offense and defense will be needed to down the Stanford eleven, from reports received here. To date the Vandals have shown little except straight football, having kept everything possible under cover. EE MEET free-for-a- Jumpers Feature Laurel Program Weissmuller Sets New Swim Mark in Japan nny TOKYO, Oct. 17 Weissmuller of Chicago set what was claimed to be a record for a fifty meter pool today when he swam 150 in one minute, twenty-yards free style six seconds durand three-fifting the international exhibitions in the Tamagawa pool. Eric Rademacher in the 300 meter breast stroke covered the distance in and four minutes forty-on- e seconds, for what was claimed to be a world record. Weissmuller holds the American record for the 150 yards free style over a long course at one minute San-for- W.-Joh- one-ha- two-fift- twenty-seve- onds. n Oppon- SwHat Might Be Called Soft - Heed, and NEW YORK. Oct. 17 iP). seasonably hot weather soared heavily on eastern football teams today, but In most cases it did not keep the coaches from giving their men heavy workouts. Chick Meehan, insisting on speed, fifty New York university players lost 100 pounds in their workout. Dartmouth and Army yielded to the heat, cutting down their workouts, but their opponents of Saturday were hard at it. Columbia, although it has not beaten Dartmouth for twenty-eigyears, is developing a strong attack. Crimson Varsity Slow In Analyzing Army Plays. Harvard's attempt to analyze Army formations wasn't good enough for Coach Arnold Horween, who had to step in and explain the plays the ineligible team was using before the varsity could stop them. Yale had Its first real scrimmage since the Elis. played their first game ten days ago. With the whole squad back in uniform again, Mai Stevens sent his men through a carefully the supervised workout against freshmen with everything but passing taboo. Stevens does not Intend to take any chances on having any four-fift- hs sec- Peterson Is neither fast nor clever. If the fight goes over five rounds Peter- son will have surprised many. Rene Devos and Joe Anderson will meet in the Garden December 14. Eddie Kane, manager of Sammy Mandell. arrived here today and announced Mandell would fight nobody before December. Tony Canzoneri will make his first appearance as an champion against Gaston Charles at the Broadway arena October 26. ht DOAKTOWN. N B Oct. 17 (jPi Roughing it de luxe is the lot of the group of major who league baseball players are making a hunting trip into the New Brunswick woods near here. Fresh milk is provided by a cow driven into the camp and a radio has been in stalled to keep the hunters In touch with the outside world. Illini, Indiana Baseball Stars Conduct School fense; rig-le- VALUABLE RACER DESTROYED. NEW YORK, Oct. 17 VP). Lyci-da- s, most promising of James Butler's has been destroyed. The winner of the East View stakes at Empire in July and the Grab Bag handicap at Saratoga, broke a leg in a trial gallop at Empire City yesterday. Lycidas, by Valcain-Hagglby Star Shoot, was valued at $30,000 e, m2 This Coupon Admits One Lady to Reserved Seat at Wrestling Show. DERN vs. PAPIANO October 18, 19128 Verne McCnllongh, Promoter Casey Berger Iowa Art Evans vs. Al Newman McCullough's Arena KO SfilllBIIII PSPIATO 9TH SOUTH AND MAIN- RrtrrialiMt at Tfc Mini IS t tut blU. Po Wmlrk 1411 Papular Prim llipMi StM. Farqart il.M. Nnuilu II ft Brnft tit. IE rar lad falling 50.000 short of Another Injury Rain has CHICAGO. Oct. 17 stalked out like a nightmare for Big Ten coaches who are attempting to get their elevens on edge for Important football contests Saturday. In virtually every conference training camp It has rained every afternoon this week, and, while all of the coaches have refused to let up on training or scrimmage, few were satisfied they knew exactly what was neeaeo or wnerc ineir teams were weak. Today was no exception At Wisconsin, a heavy rain fell and the varsity elevens looked sluggish saddening "Gloomy Olen" Thlstleth-waitwho believes the Badgers have a tough assignment in Saturday's game against Purdue. But he sent the varsity through a stilt scrimmage with the "B" eleven anyway. Zuppke Stresses Defense At 11111)1 Grid Camp. Coach Bob Zuppke's Illini worked on a field which resembled a quag mire Defense was stressed by Zuppke, who has heard and believes stories of Indiana's strong forward e, wall. Indiana's hopes were bolstered today, despite the mud. when Paul Balay, veteran halfback, who has been out with an Injured leg since the Oklahoma game, returned to practice. He may see action against Illinois. Coach Pat Page also was strengthening his defense. . Minnesota continued to take things easy In preparation for the invasion of Chicago's crippled squad. A capacity crowd of 58.000 was expected at the homecoming game against Coach Stage's men. Another Injury Darkens Hopes at Chicago. To make matters worse at Chicago, another Injury was reported today when Wayne Cassle of Terre Haute. Ind., a guard and one of the best kickers on the team, failed to engage In scrimmage because of a broken arch. So serious Is Coach Stagg's situation that he may shift Straus from center to tackle. Michigan scrimmaged in the rain for the first time in six years today In preparation for the Ohio State game. The second team used Ohio State plays against the varsity, but failed to get far. ss?i Inside Golf JBt There are In golf as played in this country three general types of swing. These are the Carnoustie swing, the St. Andrews swing and what might be jailed the Ameri can swing, which is such a mixture of the C a r n o u s tie and the St. Andrews plus a little originality from this side of the Atlantic that it becomes a swing all its own. Mac the best of Smith, -- nit , .,11 mac smith the Mme ttme the HALF best exponent of BkACK he Carnoustie swing All golfers would make better golf progress by adopting the Carnoustie swing. The chief characteristic of this swing is Its slowness, almost laziness. It starts easily and gently, with the clubhead being taken from the ball, bat the chief point of its slowness it In starting back toward the ball. The Carnoustie swine is a swing absolutely devoid of effort. Mac Smith even uses It in putting pausing, the putter at the end of the back stroke before It swings forward That same principle applies to all other swings in his bag. Begin with the Carnoustie swing, stick to It and your golf will Improve. way ALSO- Nebraska Although last year's record gate, Milwaukee for the third successive year led the league' with attendance, with De- Emphasize ON y CHESTER H Oolf't OuUtkndlno Tiachtr LADIES FREE! vs. into the early season attend- - J ILsas Canadian Tigerweight Champion. Frank Miller anfce Player to Return Here Bill Smith. Calgary Buffaloes forward, who used to play with the local Caledonian soccer team, is expected to arrive in Salt Lake from Canada Friday, according to Walter Bruce, secretary of the Calgary Buffaloes club. Smith is expected to Join his old club here. . LOS ANGELES, Oct. 17 iPi has taken Its place as one of the fine arts In academic science. A school, whose faculty will be composed of men who have won more or less fame in the realm of baseball, past and present, has been organized here for the purpose of instructing young players in the national pastime. Rookies of the diamond will come under the personal supervision of such men as Frank Pop Dillon, first base veteran of many years in both major leagues; Jess Orndorff. former Boston catcher, and Johnnie and now star of Bassler. the Hollywood Pacific Coast league club s catching corps. The course to be given by the baseball school will be an intensive one, devote exclusively to teaching the youngsters the fine points of the game and what to do In various situations that are likely to arise. The course will run for three months, December to March, and negotiations are being completed for use of W y field here, as the training site. The school, its organizers said, has been started for the purpose of eliminating the haphazard system of developing players In existence today. Clubs sending players to the school will be assessed for the training, but promising youngsters picked up by the school's faculty on sand lots and elsewhere will be given their baseball tuition without charge. DERN vs. PAPIANO -- Sparkman, chief deputy game warden, decjared here today on his re- - Appears at Chicago. For Youngsters LEO B with 1.683.863 last year. The decrease In attendance, however, was not due to any lack of interest during July, August and Septo President tember, according Thomas J. Hickey. "The closing three months were the ber.t in th" history of the league." said Mr. Hickey. "The decrease was due to extremely bad weather that one go back on the injured list for the Brown game. At Princeton the first string players had a light drill. Pennsylvania and Penn State each went through a last hard drill in preparation for their battle Saturday. Navy Points for Dnke; Syracuse Leave for Lincoln. The Navy, hoping to break into the scoring column against Duke, drilled on defense and a forward passing attack to help out ths running backs. Syracuse began the movement toward Saturday's battlegrounds tonight when the Orange squad embarked for Lincoln, where it will try to wipe out last year's 21 to 0 de feat at the hands of Nebraska. 18, For World's Tiger weight Championship World's Tigerweight Champion. In Gem State Virtually Gone RAIN PLAYS HAVOC WITH BIG TEN DRILLS AT EVERY CAMP Event Big Wrestling 8:30 TONIGHT, OCT. IRA of i. For Big Timers -Un- Idaho football warriors left Tuesday PITTSBURGH, Pa., Oct. 17 P). Barney Drey fuss, owner of the Pittsburgh National league club, tonight IMJBROOKLYN reiterated a denial of reports that Donie Bush might not return as manager of the Pirates for the 1923 season. It had been reported that Decisive Bur.h was being considered as a Paolina Must Gain prospect for the managership at DeHo if Would Victory troit, where George Morlarity resigned as pilot of the Tigers. Stay in Race. Dreyfuss said Bush recently had Pittsto to a return desire expressed burgh next year and that he did not By JACK FARRELL brieve he was dickering in Detroit. NEW YORK, Oct. 17. If Paulino The Pirate owner said there was little or no doubt that Donie would lead Uzcuoun, the heavyweight, hopes to ll scramble the Buccaneers again in the next remain in the flas race. for Gene Tunney's vacated world's heavyweight title, he must score a decisive victory over Big Boy Peterson when they meet for ten rounds tomorrow night at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. While the Basque woodchopper The NEW YORK. Oct. 17 MP). has proved himself a fair to middling Jumpers were the chief attraction at heavyweight since he came to these Laurel today, with the $10,000 added shores two ago. thus far he has Governor Cole steeplechase handicap shown no years likelihood of stampeding d as the feature event. Rudolf, a contenders, n his last Stud Farm entry, ridden by A. the field ofabout a year ago, he was here, Pikor, rprir.:; a surprise bv winning fight He was Risko. the race by a margin of eicht lensths beaten by Johnny by George Godfrey on the over the Greentree stable's Jolly outpointed coast Pacific and given plenty of Rosier, a heavilv played favorite. by European nobodies he met Eider finished third. Rudolf paid trouble his recent barnstorming trip The during S20.80 for a S2 mutuel ticket. lf miles abroad. race was two and Peterson never was a serious threat. over sixteen fences and had a net True, he whipped Rudy Wagner and value to the winner of $8650. . Rudolf took an early lead, with Otto Von Porat, who fights Uzcudun month, but he has beaten Phidias running head and head with here next him until the fourth fence. There nobody of any real consequence. He Rudolf began to draw away and held took on little Jimmy Byrne in one ofy the Tunney-Heenehfs opposition safe. Jolly Roger, the preliminaries tosummer at the fight last carrving 168 pounds, was under until the last half mile, but Yankee stadium and the best he could was unable to Improve his position get was a draw. If Paulino wants to convince the Thracian. racing to a certain third still there he must place, lost his rider twenty yards skeptics that he Is from the finish when the saddle knock Peterson out. and this writer believes he will. A good boxer with ilinrwi Raclwr on Long Island came to an a blinding left jab and a fairly good end with the Occanus handicap as sting in his right. Peterson is not the big event at Jamaica. It was overburdened with staying qualities. won bv Marshall Field's futurity win- He is a good front runner but he will ner. High Strung, making his first have to be more than that to stand up appearance since the futurity. High under Uzcudun 's body attack, to say nothing of the woodchopper's left Strung dashed ahead at the start and hook. won easily by a length and a half. Paulino doubtless will set a sizzling Chatford was second and Comstock-rr- v third. pace for a big boy from the start. No to Yield Powerful Idaho Eleven. ar Bush Expected To Stay on Job ! Dartmouth Army, High Temperature; George Moriarty, who has, a$ expected for soma time, real Detroit signed American's pilot. turn from a tour of the eastern pari the state. Rising of the water level In Amer lean Palls reservoir has cleared adja cent sloughs, which it was believed were poisoning the duoks. He said 10 Inches of snow had fallen 17 CHICAGO. Oct. Hp). Despite In the Henry's Lake section and that the hectic American association pennant race In which five teams rehunting and fishing were excellent. Two large cutthroat trout were taker! mained in the thick of the fight from below the dam there recently, until the closing weeks of the camBOISE. Oct. 17 Duck disease paign, the number of fans passing has virtually disappeared from the one of them weighing 30 pounds, ho said. through the turnstiles was 136.000 American Palls country, where It was 1 less than in 1927. The official figreported to be killing hundreds of the Former Caledonian Soccer ures for the 1928 season show an several' weeks ago, Turner J. birds of 1.547.009. as compared UNSEASONAL HEAT WAVE MAKES A. A. Attendance Duck Malady Shows Decrease GEORGE MORIARTY QUITS POST VANDALS LEAVE AS DETROIT CLUB'S MANAGER IBS DEB.V I Copyright. John P. Dille Co.) The vast scope of The Tribune Wants Includes nearly every avenue of tisjijUP otfHftr jitrtrV-- 1 Twenty cents that does the work of thirty At 3 for twenty eents White Owls mild, mellow , delightful. represent the best Investment a smoker can make. With their rare flavor sealed In by the foil wrapper they come factory fresh to you. Try them today for twenty eents enjoy the same smoking pleasure for whieh you now pay thirty. White Owl 3r20c OVER TWO SOLD |