Show October 5 IW5 Page 5 Andy's Disk Review Happening Books by Andy Johnson staff writer by Lynn Lance staff writer Thai students generally have more monetary trouble Ilian disease-ridde- n rodents is no secret We need money and neal we il bad An group lias offered called Project PEOPLE us the next best thing: coupons The I 995- - edition of I Inppcnings a hook containing discount coupons from literally hundreds of stores is currently available lorSlValthcCKl I Health And Wellness Center Sponsored by Project PEOPLE the volas a fund-raisume will more than pay for itself if used properly You cun purchase I lappenings Jensen's Country Lanes Video Spectrum and Video Vern's Il you're not looking lor savings or are interested in something more Project PLOPLL is involved in life issues on and off campus Many of the Project PEOPLE members have been through a national training program called National Certi lied IVer two seperate editions the Salt Lake or the Provo In Castle Country you will save at Price City’s Desert Wave arise” Holbrook said Their about aw is areness on to purpose bring need d campus issues If you are interested in joining Project PEOPLE or just participating in a few of their discussions contact the student-relate- Educator Training sponsored by BACCHUS" Terry Holbrook direc-tor- lealth And WellnessCenter Just show up at a meeting the I lealtli And Wellness Center Meetings are on Tuesdays at 3:30 pm in the Health And Wellness Center at Burtenshaw 9 For more information contact Rachel of er in acute cases such as ileprcssion: to be a good listener and then to icier that student to other souices should the said The students of Project PEOPLE are concerned with the mental health and of others They “are trained to intervene in well-bein- g I Armstrong orTerry I lolbrook at extension 5377 "Out of Print" featured at Gallery East in Oct of Prim" a traveling exhibition will be exhibited at the College of East- a professional exchange that rose to a level ol respect seldom accomplished ern Utah's Gallery liasl from Ocl I 27 Creating a collaborative suite of prints that represents a variety ol Utah artists the environment of stress and anxiety of resolving the diflicult creative “Out -- was the idea of master primers Wayne Kimball Todd Frye and Doug llinies This suite ol prints was created with the interest in providing an opportunity lor in problems Because of this project the artists involved now see themselves among their community of artists with a heightened sense of camaraderie Through the medium of prinimaking this project highlights the diverse visions of Utah artists The Gallery hours are X:3() a m to 5 pm Monday through Friday Ev ening and Saturday showings can he ai ranged bv contacting Gallerv East (37-212- 0 ext 5297 students to observe prolessional artists lonfronimg and solving creative problems The prolessional ailisls involved have mastered other media but in many cases had never attempted prinimaking Each artist woikalcollaboraiivcly with the master printers in the art studios at Brigham Young University The interaction between the artist and printer was It is another year and that means mure Eagle music reviews Because this is new year I decided to start this year off to a different tune The tune of R&B and M People Now I know what you’are saying “M People I have never heard of M People before” Well 1 hope you haven't We are intelligent human beings and if you have heard il before you already formed your opinion about it then this column wouldn't be necessary M People's first album Elegant Slumming produced three big hits You might remember some of them including: "Movin On Up” “One Night in Heaven” or “Excited” If you don't that's okay most people won't Even though they were big hits they remained strictly underground because of their dance dub appeal Epic M People's record labeL wanted to change thaL Millions of dollars a new contract thrir own record label and new band members were all invested into the groups new album On Bizarre Fruit their second album it really shows The album is like listening to a musical rollercoaster ride One minute you want to be doing aerobics the next minute you want to sit and think On some songs like “Open Your Heart” and “Sight For Sore Eyes" the band's dance club roots really show On songs like “Sugar Town" the group sounds more like an early '80s soul group but on the other extreme “Walk Away” and "Search for the Hero” could have couples cuddling by the Are with tracks two and seven repeating for hours Epic's goal was to make Bizarre Fruit a Top 40 hit 'with something for everybody The group added eight more members and five more instruments Now the thump that made M People popular in the summer of '94 has been either replaced or added to with moving vocals saxophones pianos or samplers Bizarre Fruit debuted on the Australian charts at number one Six months later half way around the world in the United Kingdom Bizarre Fruit debuted at number 13 By the end of August M People surpassed Michael Jackson's History to land at number three of the Eurochart Top 100 In early September M People debuted in the United States at 31 on the Billboard Top 100 and on the R&B charts at number nine The US success of Bizarre Fruit has a long way to go to match its overseas reputation even though the album rocks I believe the lack of US exposure is largely due to M People being a strictly club dance house music-typ- e and underground group Of their first album that is true of Bizarre Fruit it is not Unlike most CDs every song on this one is good In mutter of fact Epic was so pleased with their round they approved a summertime tour and if you think they sound good on CD catch them in tour gy next year If you're into the R&B sound of Crystal Waters Janet Jackson or Whitney I lousion then Bizarre Fruit is a must for your collection Next edition: a look at the modem rock scene in Salt Lake a review Poetry and their new album te Brought to you by ASCEU 6HH&&? Video Verns 1 2 3 14 Homecoming 16 Sun Hunger Banquet Ten Most Wanted Pulp Fiction Outbreak The Quick and 23-2- David Letterman Week 7 31 5 Kiss of Death Dumb and BlorPARADE 1 0l Preference Ball 14 Warren MilierSki Film 17 Friday Night Jazz 29 FallJazz Concert 7 Coffea HGus! Dumber 6 7 8 9 A Goofy Movie Man of the House Major Payne ia 30'Movle'NigiiP 10 Heavyweights Yiwll find ihnc vidrot and mere December Video Verm located in the Crcckvicw Shopping Center next to City Market (801)637-755- 5 Halloween Dance November the Dead 4 1 One of the art pieces featured in the "Out of Print" series showing In Gallery East until Oct 27 of Agnes Christmas Dance 5 Coffee House I |