Show October 5 IW5 Page 3 I Updated CEU Library welcomes students back by Sundi Decker staff writer The College of Eastern Utah Library which can he considered an essential facet of college life and learning has grown considerably over the past decade This growth is highly technological allowing reception of national to worldwide research information As the library system updates the students update with it and thus reach out for the help it offers in the various projects in which students find themselves immersed Apply fora library card and tour through G'ElJ's library Why should you get a library card? There is a large list of reasons but most convincing — it's free available and waiting for the wide libraries Th'cse indexes are bro- ken down into five databases: WRGAl popular Magazine— Reader's Guide to Popular Literature WlllIM Humanities and Arts WSCI ArgricultureBi-olog- y and ScienccTechnology WSOC BusincssEducation and Social Sciences and WLAW Legal Periodicals Index CEU students have access to any library in the state and the Deseret News Access is ready for student use This Deseret News Database is available during library hours and is broken down into specific fields that help lo taking Last summer brought some new changes to the overall facility Internet is available for student use on library computers as are the Wilson Indexes that give access to journals and periodicals from local and world cale research quickly The library's CD ROM collec- tion is growing constantly and over the summer new programs such as News-han- k & World’s Best Poetry Biography Genealogy Master Index and G ro- ller Multimedia Encyclopedia became available CD ROM use has been in such demand that users are limited to 20 minute sessions to work with these programs New software programs arc Body Works Lotus Chemistry Works Orbits PCGIohe and PCUSA New software programs especially for nursing students have been purchased New special areas in the CEU library address (lie needs of student life They include a quiet study room on the upper level that accommodates up to three students in need of silence and concentration The group study room another addition is made for a small group of five for joint study Access to both rooms will he given by signing in at the front desk for open time slots A Popular Fiction Section currently being organized will cater to those who love a nice session of escape reading This section however depends on donations from the public and front students as it docs not have a source of funding Full text newspaper articles from 107 newspapers can he obtained in a process Even to be considered are the services that already existed before current upgrades Iliotocopics can be made lor 10 cents a page with pci sons scarch-by-subjc- having their librarv cuds willi them Thecas) SIRS research progiam is out lor full use as are main oilier computet programs rclcicncc and aitides on microfilm guides The olleiings of CPU's lihiiv are extensive touching umn the most current methods of rcscaich Personal help would not be accessible without the staff and faculty who work to understand updating changes and in turn aid students in understanding them New employees on this year's staff include Stephanie Marra w ho replaced Vivian Lucas and Phyllis Ane There drus who will come on y is also a desperate need for students who would serve in check-i- n and check-ou- t procedures of the library "If you are interested and have a work study grant look into this oppor" tunity said Sherril Shaw head of public services Shaw rgntinds students to get their library cards now in order to use the library Once you have a card treat it similarly to a credit card If you lose your card report to library personnel immediately and they will cancel your number before it can be abused and then issue you a new one Thinking of the year before us in connection with library research capabilities broadening Shaw stated “We're excited about this year and about helping the students any way we user-fiicndl- v part-tim- work-stud- can" What more invitation do you need? Make life a little easier join up with the CEU Library System and learn about its new programs from a staff that is willing to help you out as you go “Don't take what is offered to you now for advantage reach for it and make it part of yourself" she added Open a free student checking account and get a free mug ZIONS BANK M 1‘JH Kmi r m li 11)0 m North F I) I C I'rli v UT If you urr 23 yurt of agr or olilrr an ntrnlng ilrMwll of S 1 0000 U rrutrwl " Advertise in The Eagle $3 per column inch |