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Show PRESS niLASSSCUTED TELEGRAPHIC , SERVICE LEATHER 'FORECAST Snot in Northern Part oowwwvwww -- .umofVir UTAH Tharadny, WVWWWWWVWAMM OGDEN CITY. UTAH, THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 2, 1905. VOL n. NO. 33 PRICE FIVE CENTS C CALIFORNIA i LEGISLATURE SCANDAL PARTY OF THIRTEEN CZARS GIFT Bribing SAators Is With Felony And May Confess, Agent of Alleged Chargtd Russian Officers Says Enemy Snips Among British Filling Vessel Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 1 As an outcome of bribery scandal In the slate hgiidature, Joseph 8. Jordan, the alnatara leged agent of the accused was this afternoon charged with felThe specific charge is iht he ony. obtained I1.C30 from George N. Tick-eno- r that he on the representation would influence the action and vote of Senator Bunker, Frenrh, Wright and Eumondmin the Investigation of building and loan socitiea. The proceeding against Jordan was liisihuied at the instigation of District Attorney county who Seymour of Sacramento unexpectedly entered the case, and his appearance in the matter i said to have caused considerable agitation among the men under suspicion. There are rumors that Jordan had made a contention to Seymour or intends doing no. It has been repraaent-e- d to the prisoner that he i to be mad the scapegoat of the scandal and tint tlie legislators under suspicion will declare he was merely a bunco operator working with their' names as his Not be Pulled up to Avoid Engine and Every Woman in Heavy Bobsled Could it is Killed or Injured. that tomorrow he it considered. Horaeltovlll. N. TH Feb. train on the Pittabnrg, Shaw-mand Northern railroad tonight crashed into n sleight containing thirteen women, killing eeven of them the outright and ao seriously Injuring Mled remaining six that three of them after being removed to the hospital. Of the other four, two are in a serious condition. The accident occurred nesr ut would ask to Itave The following bills were passed: Paris, Donation to Families of Dead Brings Back Confidence o hi-e- em-pra- cap-ila- l. DENIES CHARGES OF BARD Tit-titn- y Taars-koe-Be- lo lct-ersbu- rg al STATEHOOD BILL STILL MITCHELL ACCUSED OF support-n,e'- ,r t stands and the E many top!y to Mr. Dillingham, ,,at Vermont had Interest in Land Fraud Cases Again Raised to Fever Heat by Bribery and Subornation of Perjury Charges, Mr. retro-fnrad- and quoted figures to show that Portland, Ore., Feb. 1. Interest In on them a though they were lawful there bud been a faUing off la the the land fraud cases was again raised and bonafidc applications and claims. siue and number of farms in . that to fever heat by the announcement that The Indictment state that the JUnlted tbe Federal Grand Jury hau late today blatea government was direcuv interMr. Dillingham coii- - indicted United Stales Senator John ested in these latter and that the serthat replied this bribvices were to be performed by Mr. COnulldallon 01 II. Mitchell on another charge of ery and had also indicted State Sena- Mitchell while a senator from this tor George C. Brownwrll, one of the state. The indictment then makes the ll0M bilIt were frn'ram r foremost republican "nth am supported the passed, politicians and charges that in consideration of the propo-'f',T ,bp consolidation of the four lawyers in this state on- charges of service Kribs . gave Mitchell two into two states. He con- - subornation of perury. checks for 5500 each on a Rnwburg, , Tbe indictment against Mr. Mitchell Ore. bank on February 13, 1503; two l,nd,li0 in T1 Arisons an.l , wrn not ,uch as to Jus-i- ir allege that while a senator from this checks on the same hank on June 14, state to the Federal congress he ac- 1802, for $1,000 each; one check on statehood. Mr. Dilllng-ha-- aid different occasions (September 20, 1902 for 8500; one check that with Arisons and New cepted on seven I "' ',,'l,lt-there would be sums of money aggregating 54,200 from on January 4, 1904, for 8500 and one a tlmberland dealer, turned Freder- check on October 8, 1904. Ameri-CU- n 167 The indictment Senator against Bed of ick R. Krlbs, for services rendered in, Brownell involves the same district In ,f ,uph need it is alleged, inducing congressman uaii!ier"ta,i enlertalncd from such a Binger Hermann then commissioner of which the forged applications for- sura fh Mexicans. Mr. the general land office at Washington veys were made upon which ex- Surt0 Mr expedite, make special and approve veyor General Henry Meldrua was 'nfiliam, said to hat .'h P,5r,nf of Arizona and New certain application for public lands, convicted last year. v Pfl,e 1,11 !"t Progress , rapidly end recommend the issuing of patents as thTv dona under the to the lands. QUARANTINE BILL. i Mat Senator The Indictment againct. He said FO'cmment. .fra.0fthat Brownell ;wdl,'S to the Statistical ,b-- Brownell charges that Mr. Washington, Feb. 1. The house comfann" in Ver caused Fred Sievers and John How- mittee on agriculture today authorised n.n.VLUe field state, had ro- - land to swear falsely that certain on a bill, directing a favorable notes in connection with the survey of the secretaryreport to a quarantine declare public lands in Eastern Oregon were In any state or territory when he shall r. niHaghuB aaid the farm prod-t- o true. determine the fact that cattle or other 1900 were of . Specifically, the indictment against live stock are affected with contag-io- u waa Kribs 111 th mineral Mitchell that recltea 6enator and disease. The bill prohibits transof Ari..,.. Adrait-d,.r'- h' engaged in the business of procuring portation companies from exporting applic- cattle from, quarantined section tru. Mr. Teller said the uid aiding persona in making exIn the of land tracts to vJu indicated a ation' purchase under, specific cept' regulation, thin atalv. in district land situation, Itoseburg m ihe aecetary, to be provided by ,,n8ham replied that thla end also aiding them to secure the A of a fine and Imprisonment penalty sta in, statefalse means of land by alleged 0,1 Ofiures suppll-VeJnifl la provided. O'o'ogical survey, and aa to ments that they were not applying for he , into the them on speculation. IT IS COLD IN KANSAS. and practically had After going on to say that the serlen on "T, fMonor,lnal Hermann as states. The' vices of Congressman to the number of Kansas. Feb. 1. A special farms, he commissioner of the general land of- to Wirhita, the from Ashland, in western Kaple apIn the to too were vonsoli-1having 1 necessary n? fice. fall of sleet torms Into larger ones plication expedited and having the Kansas, cays two day ite he sHrtbuted to patents issued the Indictment saya that haa Just ended. Mercury la falling. ,Val1 ln ih sstoe of farm Frederick R. Krlbs contracted for the Cattle being fed are all right, but those on tbe open range are shrinking badlr. service! of John H. Mitchell and A. dlre had meant no re-- l H. Tanner, law partner and agreed Mist has beep thick. People from report the i'iiUKham'n state, but to pav them for service rendered In the strip (Oklahoma) a l re?0 Hr to reirottnwslon to part by Mr. Mitchell appearing before Cimarron river crossing very danger,ii:,rre1 ous, many narrow escapes being recommunities were and persuading Binger Hermann, , of the general land office to ported. wp" petpared for self Wirhita Is experiencing its coldest, M toose of the eart. vJ iecul, expedite and approve tonight, the mercury being 10 forat'.rrrU,r "Ported the the applications and claims and os-- weather below aero. of potest put and gave nnt.ti e th, SSlK- 7 W m ? l ? tXland ,fr frfar JIw - svsasr great-cultur- thi.uct fr b8d - T S"t'1toi.d S TTi North St com-lisrf- on DIVORCE SEQUEL TO ELOPEMENT Dorthy Ruaaall, Daughter of Lillian Seeks Release From Brutal and Laxy Husband Chicago, Feb. 1. Ilie runaway marriage of Ullian Hnsacll'a daughter, Dnrothy, haa ended in the divorce In a petition filed in court here court today. Abbot L Einstein, tlie husband, 1 charged with being extravagant, Isay and brutal. "He refuse to work and I am compelled to support him, la one complaint of the petitioner. Failing to get money from his wife, it i declared worth of her dia Einstein took monds and silent tha proceeds In gamn bling. Six wrek after marriage la alleged to have beaten hi lie Is alleged to young wife severely, have attacked her many other time. Twice, It is declared, he threatened her revolver in (llpuirs about with money. At Battle of Hun River Were Repeated Horrors of Winter Campaign of 1812. Earthworks Were Impregnable Russian Headquarters Huai Mountain, Feb. 1. Ilia five days battle ou tha Hun river haa yielded no result, both sides practically maintaining their former posit tun though it ia true that at a heavy cost tlie Russians succeeded ln driving the Japanese nut of their advanced positions and repelling their flanking column. The Russian cavalry proved extremely effloieat. There is again a lull in the campaign and it la possible that military operations will be suspended until the end of February. Russian Headquarter, Hums Mountain, Feb. 1. Tbe five days combat whioh will go down In history as th batil of tha Him river was fought in a seemingly uaeuding plain which la broken only by southern Amethyst mountains around Yantai, tha solitary eminence of which la th Uaoyaug tower of bloody memory. The bright glare of the sun reflected from a daixHng expense of enow was painful to. tha eyre, and it was with difficulty that one could follow here and there ! black atraaka marking tha Russian columns of wavering skirmish lines dashing against what resembled dull gray rocks, but which In reality were the villages of LidlaUmn and lanlepu and tha extensive namlet of Bandepas, buttoned by Chinese defense and by the Jaimnese info writable furtresea Exposed to tha intense cold of a Manchurian winter, the mound of earth had become like granite, aud as Impenetrable as the steel sides uf a modern lmtilcahtp. For five days Russian soldier hurled themselves against the defenses and field artillery pounded them until the frosty air reverberated with the thunder of cannon, the din of Inmdlng sheila and tha Tattle of musketry, but neither sled pointed shell ;mr nickel bullets availed against (he frozen earth- Kln-strt- cun-vert- ed work The gunuers actually wept with despair at the impotence of tha attack. Mortar batteries cams up a gallop In the hopeof demolishing t be fortifications. Night and day the stream uf shells were but it poured against tha earth-work- s, had vary little effect. The men eermej VOTER CONFUTES THE EVIDENCE OF EXPERT T, two senators for contending amendments and the right or the four to admitted aa so Tl?hl? 1. continued Its work today, ldeut. Elli. of the battleship Alexander III., gave cite tmatantial evidence of a tnrpwio boat among the British trawlers, in the North Ken. He iiaid he first sew a torpedo boat two mllee off, steaming swiftly toward the squadron on a roaree to intercept the flagehtp. Aa th torpedo boat advanced, erareltllgbta made her plainly Ybtibla. and a heavy cannonade waa opened on her. 11m torpedo biait, witness added, waa evidently damaged, drew off to starboard and dlaappesred. Unit. Srhremtcheako. torpedo officer of the Russian battleship Borodono, gave similar trail mu ay to seeing two torpedo boats. He said: "On waa on tha port side and was 15 cable lengths away. I could not have been mistaken being a torpedo officer. I distinguished its long rakish form. My ioug familiarity with torpedo boats made mo taka a careful look at the attacking craft. It was painted a dark roior, bad two fcinokrnlar.ka and was of the general type of torpedo boots, usually attached to squadrons." The lieutenant also described tho torpedo boat which he said he had seen to starboard. She waa about the asm sine and general appwrauce as the boat flret em. Both torpedo boats withdrew and a terrific fire resulted. a. DISCUSSED Dillingham Fh. OF ATTACK Had Raiu lands to the OklaFavorable reaulix are expected to Granting homa Agricultural College. Amending follow the audience given by Emperor the land laws so as to permit settlers Nicholas at Tarkoe-Selto twenty-tw- o on the public lands to make trsnsfrs workmen repreamting tbe leadfor public uaes before completing tit In. establishment of 81. ing Industrial In addition to paternal Amending existing law so as to rePetersburg. admonitions betowd upon the workquire captalna of passenger vessels to Information the age supply men, 825,000 haa regarding given by the Arkport. emperor, waapruH and dowager The sleigh was one of three carrying and sex of immigrants, in accordance for the relief of the families of a party from tho Unlversalist church with the requirements of the secretary of commerce and labor. thoaa who were killed ur badly woundof this city. Tim maned in the affair of Jn. 22. Establishing a light and fog signal THE DEAD: station at Point Cabrillo, Cal. have made ufacturers of 8L Peter-bur- g Mrs. Mary Gillette. of the committee The investigation At 4:35 p. m. the Senate went Into roncMsion to the sftlkcra aud conMrs. Charles Thomas. executive aeeeiou and adjourned five renate returned it cssioii tills after- tributed to the relief fond. Mrs. Eugene Shaw. noon number heard of witnesses a and minutes later. Tha situation in Pnknd and other of Mrs. Joseph Hallette. whose testimony was corroborative of the provinces continues strained, and Mrs. C. C. Graves that already given. strike are reported from Irkutaa and CRY SHAME ON MINISTER. Mis. Bert Moore. aveeral other Siberian towns. Tbe re Mrs Ruth Patchen. tiremaat of Prince Svtatopolk-MlrahSocialists An Italian Parliament Aak Mrs. Chotei. from the ministry of tha interior ha Mrs. Fred Green. Why Russia Did Not Receive been accomplished in such a way a to Resolution!. Mrs. E. Bough ton. Indicate that tbe emperor Is satisfied THE INJURED: to be rid of a minuter of the prince i. Mrs. E. R. Rowley. Rome, Feb. 1. Foreign Minister The foreavowed liberal tendencies. Mrs. Bond. replying in the chamber of depucast tliat Mr. Bouligau will be named Mrs. Wallace Clark. ties to an interpellation of the Socialfor minister of the interior la conMrs. Coata and Mrs. Fred Green liei ists, who wished to know If the govCatholics Care for Indiana With strued as indicating a recognition of ernment felt It to be its duty to inter- Says at the Mercy hospital late tonight Own Money Leaving No Motive Grand Duke Sergiu' predominating Members of the ladies Aid society of pret to the government of the Emperor for Charge. influence with his nephew, the emthe Universally church went to a farm of Russia the sentiments of indignation house nesr Arkport to spend tne after- and horror which prevailed throughout peror. noon. It was near dark when they Italy at the slaughter at St. Petersburg, Ioa Angeles, (a!., Feb. 1. Right tarted on the return trip to the city. Jan. 28, said he declined to make any Rev. Thoms W. Conat.y, bishop of this St. PeUrsburg, Feb. 2. 32:40 a. m Tbe occupant! of the leading alelgb reply. This reused uproarious protests Roman Catliolie a.occse, entered Personal assurance of hla Intention to today saw the train approaching at they from the extreme left and Signor Rtso-lat- l. an emphatic denial to the charges made ameliorate tha condition and move tha neared the Shawmut crossing. The Socialist, cried: "Shame! You yesterday by Senator Bard, that tbs pauses m far aa they are economic driver urged hi horses ahead, and th also refused to forward to the governCatholic church had endeavored to in- which led to the recent sink:, warn desleigh passed over the tracks in ment of the Emperor of Russia a pe- fluence the aeuatur'a action la the mat- livered by Emiieror Nicholas yesterday 11 the safety. The women in the first sleigh tition signed by over 100 deputies, ter of distribution of Indian funds by to workingmen representing WtlO thea at temped to warn those in the praying for lbs release of Maxim Gor- the promise of political supiiort. lHlng me following of the danger, and they sky. "The charges are absurd, said tha at Ids invitation journeyed to did succeed in directing their attention To this the minister answered: 'T bishop. "In the first and were received in audience place they canto the rapidly approaching train. The felt thut I represented the opinion of not to till district because we in the hail of tbe Alexander palace apply driver pulled up his horse, but be the majority of the chamber and of the do not receive any residence. government funda where he had hla winter could not check the heavy bobsled people. with Thl interview, face to foe for use in the schools. We take rare quickly enough and when it rams to a This rallM forth further and louder of our Indiana wltb our own money. tlielr "Little Father, In whom their stsndsilll the box of the sleigh was protests from the extreme left, who re- The Catholic church docs nothing that faith baa not lien shaken by th events directly scross the railroad track. Tha ferred to the ministers as "defenders is not open and above board and the of th bloody (Sunday of January 22, pilot of the engine struck tha sleigh of the Russian emperor. statement that a representative of a! haa hud a far greater and more reassurwith great force, reducing it to ephnters Catholic aaeociation promised to carry' ing effect than nny number of procla- ls and hurling the women In all directWashington, Feb. 1. It is announced certain district for Senator Bard is' mation by ministers and governor-generaionand the workmen of St. Every woman on the sled was that Frederick I. Alien, commissioner consideration of a continuation of fav- killed or injured. now generally inclined to are in be will continued contract ss, of is that orable intents, ridiculously Tha train was stopped and the dead the promises of Governor-Generoffice. accept absurd. nd Injured were brought to Hornclls-vill- e, Trepoff and Finance MInMer at. their fie value. Th gift by the Imperial family of f25.(KHI to aid the families of the victims of the conflict on Jan. 22, also baa had an excellent effect, and as the news slowly permeate the tailoring classes of Kuw-siIt la expected that it will make them content to wait for the promised reforms. Like a wave caused by the falling of torh Montana Speaks la Oppoap a atone, the strike movement, however, tion to Measure Against Billing la spreading over the great aea of Rusham and Wler. sian Industrial life; and whne SL Petersburg and Moscow, where tlie troubles began are now placid, the workWashington. Feb. 1. Messrs. Clark I men of Poland and other provinces are Mont.), Dillingham and Teller today not yet calm, and the ripple haa reachdiscussion of the Joint ed to far-o- ff Irkutsk and other Siberian stehood bill, Mr. n TORPEDO IMPOTENCE BOAT WITH TRAWLERS lUe're,y J J0 er Tnl agrlrul-sunroiirtaU- nn town. Emperor Nicholas adopted the traditional fatherly tone ln his talk with the workmen yesterday He chided them for allowing tbemeelves to be misled Info engaging In a movement imperilling the Internal order of Russia and aiding the foreign foe, and for attempting to demand by force what n otherwise would be willing to do voluntarily. Tbs workmen received the royal asurauces of reform with cheers and after a lunch at the Imperial table returned to St. Petersburg In the beat of humor to report to their fellows, us enjoined, 11m words of his majesty. No attempt was made by them to prewhich already are sent tlielr sufficiently evident. The action of the St. Petersburg manufacturer in placing themselves ln the hands of the government in the matter of the adjustment of the main points of the dlspiiiSh for the Urns they have been on strike, and promising to grant the men pay not as a matter of right but a a favor, and tbeir contribution to aid of the sufferers among the families of tlielr workmen are expected to add to the prevailing good feeling. The current gossip to the effect that M. Bouligan. former governor of Mo cow, will turreed Prince Svlatopolk-Mirak- y In the ministry of the Interior le another straw tending to confirm the snrmiaa that Grand Duke Sergius 1 the dominant influence ln theYlrand The appointment of Ducal faction. Gen. Trepoff to the governor generalship of Bt. Petersburg, who was Sergius nominee, narrowed the power of the minister uf the Interior, and. It is believed, precipitated Prince resignation: end that those who are liosted should pick another Moscow man and a friend of Grand Duke Sergiu to receive this .portfolio, indicates a growing appreciation of the influence of the emperors uncle. Adams Opens Case by Showing That Ballots Qassed as Spurious by Peabody Handwriting Judges are Genuine. -1 Denver, Feb. 1. There waa a dramacomtic scene this afternoon in the mittee room where the gubernatorial contest is being heard, when Fred Hummel, who was Democratic committeeman ln precinct 11, ward 7. a residence from a district, identified Ids ballot which an bunch of seventy or eighty fraudulent, expert had reported was number of his Mr Hummell gave the ballot and wrote the word 'Democratic" as he bad written i in Ihe election booth. "Ijpik over these ballots and pick out yonra." said Attorney Ward for he contestant. Mr. Hummell began scanto turn over the ballot rapidly was tense and situation Die cadi. ning althe committeemen and spectator most held their breath aa the large ballots were turned. poster-lik- e Tbte is my ballot. said Mr. Hummel straightening up. The ballot was turned and on the reverse aide was found the numiier which corre ponded to that In the pool bock. were ou tne Several other witnesees from the stand, but. a the bullets voted were not which in they precincts cross- in the room, they were But exsniined. of Governl.Hisy marked the opening or Adams' contest ami the supreme the hearing is court chamber whe held was crowded. Before the vltnesa were examtnc.i tndav there was a long discussion of the the matter of procedure in opening reals or tin- bsUcre. It was finally to be agreed that ihe ballots alleged be turned fraudulent ballots shouldwhom ahould over to "('pinrtw bad of and DOVE DESCENDS. be appointed bv the Democrats half bT the Heptiblicana will work in groups The Santiago ile Chile, Feb. J. The ratiand of two. one from ea-- h party, under the fication uf the treaiv of pem-by the comfriendship between Chile and Bolivia eve of a wHtrtnr appointed aca- 1 at iiire.jiiei.t Chile Ions and mittee and repra between settles ali quod ex, the neighboring republics, with the 7t-ti,,f the commiton pis1!1 ception of Peru. precinct 31. tee a number of residems of included In idenrifled U.h'is 7. 1. Feb. President ward Washington. declared to b IJiOsh of list which a th hill signed Roosevelt today si transfers the 'administration of the lent bv Exjiert examination, tin federal forest reserve from the Interior cat b'r them, were to wnte required witnesses of thepe to the Svlafo-polk-Mirs- ky - e sf-i- os department agricultural, for comparison with words spiicaring Wm Hummel), Democratic in ballots. Judge of this precinct testified that hn assl.tcd about fifteen person to pre-pa- re their ballots and that about 25 in all rere aided by election officials. He Identified ballot of two persona he assist elwhu were present aa witnesses, but failed to separate any others from the bunch declare,) fraudulent br the expert. In the precinct in question the expci t reported 3 ballol written in similar handwriting. The ballot openers reported on considerable work assigned them aud tlie chairman turned the unsealed ballota over to the sergeant-at-arm- s, cautioning him to kerp close watch upon them. TO CURTAIL EXECUTIVE lOWER. Denver. Feb. 1. Curtailment of the posers ot the governor of this stale fa the demand of lS.t.s members of or-- 1 gantaed labor, embodied in a petition imm the Denver Trade and Labor assemblies presented to the assembly Under the construction of the today. supreme court on the question of habeas corpus. says the petition, "no indifferent to hunger and cold, wliicli latter was of Arctic Intensity. Their fingers, hands and feet were bin umbel; while stinging enow and dust, blinded them. The slightest wound caused blood no excruciating pain . sooner exuded from lacerated flesh than it began to freeze. The wounded could not lie left rxpourd, and If they did not receive attention within an hour they died. Tha auigcons, their assistants and name were almost powerless in the bandaging of wounds, fur they were obliged to wear leather g Wires nr mittens In order to resist tha cold. The men seemed to be living again the h or rots of the winter campaign of 1813 Van against the Turk Everything that could lie done waa dime; but man waa nov.erirs in the face of nature, whioh heaped tortures upon tbe troop and defeated the well thought out plan of the commander. MAY BE STILL FIGHTING Bt. Petersburg. Peb. 1. From the reports of the general ataff, It la not dear yet whether tha fighting ou the Hun river ia ended. Tbe Rusal an a continue the bombardment of Saadepaa aad apparently a strong force of Rumiana U between Bandepas and Bhakaepn to check tha J spa nee who seem to be trying to use thnlr former turning movement aoroee tbe Hun river. Nothing further has been heard of ihe Russian movement against tha Japanese right. . The Holy synod has ordered the offer Ing np of prayers to aava Russia from Internal discord. , , FOREIGN SHIPPERS TRIUMPH Grusvennr Makes Caustic Comment On Our WrnknMS On Sea ami Its Potential Coiwequenoes. , Washington. Feb. 3. la reporting to the house today the bill agreed on by the Merchant Marin commission, with favorable recommendations from the house committee on merchant marine Chairman Groavenor and fisheries. makes ome caustic comments on the He condition of Americas dripping. says that foreign shipping competitor are successful rivals. They are triumphant enemies, triumphing over tha disaster that ha com to American enterprise and rejoicing in the otter inability of tbe American people to wlanlv expend their own money. Again he saye: This hill has stirred the aiuggleh blood in our foreign comto petitors, and they eee In it dangerour tlielr supremacy. Acknowledging triumphant rivalry In all branches of buHtoms and commerce with the exception of this one, England uaa gloated over onr weakness in this behalf. Comment ia made on the hundred million dollars naval bill with the that "No narion waa ever ea in time f wnr dominant on the that was not strong on tha aea in time or peace In Its merchant marine. The conclusion of the reiKirt Fays: "Wo applaud the splendid echiev-meand yei wit of Japan on the her mere haul marine Japan would have been powerless to have delivered the overwhelming blow that she ha her adversary. England la upon mighty in her wnr navy becauau she is might r in her merchant marine. Russia presents a singular contrast and Russia ia weak In her niHrchant marine. If war should come today w havs not ten ships in nur merchant marine tit to be taken over by the government for wai purposes and we could not sailors one half man with efficient the baltlenhipa, cruisers, torpedo boats, etc., of our splendid navy. , "The merchant marine ia a handmaiden of the war navy and no nation ever achieved greatness i one direction which was not strong in the other. on nl se ut FIND NEW PASSES. Vancouver, B. C.. Feb. 1. Flv- - new pssses through tlie Rocky mountains in northern British Columbia have been discovered by a party of Grand Trunk engineers who have Just returned to Vancouver from a year's trip through the North. Yellow head wa formerly considered to be the best of man iq safe." With the petition ia presented the draft of two const! tutional amendments. One of these makes It Imperathe pus through tbe mountains, and tive for the governor to call a special only four In all were known to exist. section of the legislature within 49 Now several other have been discoverhours after calling out the militia ed including the following: Smoke and submit his action to It for approval river. North Smoke river, Tore opine. nd that the legislature shall remain Two Red Deer passes. Wapiti aud Tine in session white martial law ln in river. force. The second amendment proFAVORABLE ACTION FROBABLB vides that tha privileges of the writ of habeas corpus shall never be suspended except. In rase of invasion, insurrection Washington, Feb. 1. Senator Cullom snd rebellion, and then only by the of Illinois, chairman of the committee It also declare that the on foreign relations had a conference legislature. military shall always be siilwnrvient to with the president today, regarding The treatiev. arbitration the civil autluM'iiic. pending senator expressed the belief that favorable action on Ihe treaties at this sesDEMAND FAIR ILAV. sion was probable. Denier, F"b .1- .- A call has been Washington . Fcl). 1. Representaniade by labor organizations of this uf Liberty tive Murrh of Illinois 1 very ill here eity for mas meeting with pneumonia. Hi family ho been sent for. (Continued ou Page 8.J |